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News archive

As the name suggests, these are older articles of FilmSoc news - just in case you missed them.

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EGM Results - October 2024

Congratulations to our new exec members for three positions, who were elected at the EGM on Wednesday 16th October 2024!

  • Publicity Officer
    Eleanor Armstrong & Holly Beaumont
  • IT Officer
    Vova Volkov
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Martha Gibbs & Zak O'Brien

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:11:02 +0100

Exec Meeting - Sunday 20th October - 4pm

There will be an Exec Meeting on Sunday 20th October at 4pm in FAB 3.32.


1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Exec Updates

3. Welcome Week Roundup

4. Term 2 Deadlines

5. Sub-officer election: Welfare



Freya Clinton

Last updated Sun, 13 Oct 2024 12:27:32 +0100


Hi everyone, and welcome to Warwick Student Cinema!

We're a student-run, professional quality cinema that shows films up to 6 days a week during term time. With one of the best sound systems in the region, cheap tickets and a wide variety of films on schedule, we humbly consider ourselves one of the best places in the world. We even show films in 35mm and 70mm!

You can come to any of our many shows throughout the year — from old classics to recent blockbusters, we're sure we'll have something for you. You can even join our close-knit crew, by joining Front of House, Marketing, Publicity, Projection or the IT team!

We try to make everyone happy and feel welcome, so feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, and be sure to check out our schedule. You can find us in L3, a lecture theatre in the Chemistry building on central campus.

We love you already, and we really hope you'll love us.

The WSC Exec Team

Last updated Tue, 16 May 2023 00:17:03 +0100

Want free films for yourself and a guest?

Yes, that's right! Get involved with Warwick Student Cinema and you and a guest can come to as many of our standard screenings as you want for free.

What's the catch? There is a minimum commitment but it isn't much; a few reviews every term or stewarding once a fortnight, for example. Beyond that, there are plenty of opportunities if you're interested but it is really up to you.

What can I do then? Well, that's entirely up to you but we like to think there is something for everyone, be it stewarding films, training as a projectionist, helping to design our new website, or writing a film review for our booklet. Have a browse around the Get Involved section of our website, send us an email at info@warwick.film or just say hello to one of the front-of-house staff before or after a screening to find out more about the different roles.

Why should I do it? Persuade me! The simple answer is that we need you. The society cannot function without the volunteers who help keep everything running smoothly, so that our audience can come and see the film knowing they will have a great time.

But, what's in it for me? Aside from the free films, you will be part of a society that will develop your transferable skills and increase your attractiveness to employers. And that's not forgetting our regular socials.

So, what do I do next? Your best bet is to send an email to info@warwick.film or just say hello before a screening and we'll tell you how best to proceed from there.

The WSC Exec

Last updated Mon, 25 Feb 2019 15:43:35 +0000

By-election Candidates and Voting Info (old)

Exec by-election time is here! Read on for instructions on how to exercise your democratic rights online OR in-person at the EGM.

Teams link to join EGM remotely

Our candidates for this by-election are as follows:

1. Martha Gibbs & Zak O’Brien
2. Joe Hodgkinson

1. Holly Beaumont & Eleanor Armstrong
2. Joe Hodgkinson
3. Alicja Klimczak

1. Benjamin Dzah & Oscar Topliss
2. Victoria Krushovska
3. Volodymyr (Vova) Volkov

Anyone who's been a WSC member since the 2nd of October is eligible to vote in our elections. If you can, please come and cast your vote in-person at our EGM at 5pm on Wednesday 16th October in L3, where each candidate will give a speech and take questions from the audience. We'll explain everything else you need to know on the day!

If you can't come, you can cast your vote online. Online voting is open from now until 5pm on Wednesday 16th (the beginning of the EGM). The rest of this email is instructions on online voting, so if this doesn't apply to you, you're free to go!

Still here? We're using Single Transferrable Vote, which means you need to rank the options for each position. Included in the list is RON (Re-Open Nominations, to be used when you believe the remaining candidates are unfit for the position) and NFP (No Further Preference, to be used when you don't really care about the rest).

For example, suppose candidates A, B and C are running for a role. You think A is great, B is fine, and C isn't right for the job. Then you'd rank them:
1. Candidate A
2. Candidate B
3. RON.

You can read more about each candidate here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/119RpgYhvhx_yEHFmgtdmPxEkJEKAuRJAI6cYiBtv7SY/edit?usp=sharing

To vote online, email returningofficer@warwick.film with your completed ballot, student ID and full name. Votes received after the deadline will not be counted!

If you have any questions, just drop me an email at returningofficer@warwick.film and I'll do my best to help!

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Wed, 16 Oct 2024 21:54:50 +0100

Exec Meeting - Saturday 21st September - 4pm (old)

There will be an Exec Meeting on Saturday 21st June at 4pm.


1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Exec Updates/Plans for the Term

3. Welcome Week Prep

a. Socs Fair

. b. Popcorn

. c. Filling shows

. d. Getting involved meeting

4. By-election

5. AOBs


Freya Clinton

Last updated Sat, 21 Sep 2024 21:48:30 +0100

Exec Handover Meeting - Wednesday 13th March 4pm - H2.03 (old)

There will be an Exec handover meeting on Wednesday 13th March at 4pm in Humanities H2.03.


1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Exec Updates

3. Handover Progress

4. Unfilled Roles: Co-opting and Byelections

5. Sub-officer Elections

6. Term 3 Schedule and Publicity Progress

7. Pub pricing vote


9. AOBs

10.Outgoing Exec Appreciation

Freya Clinton

Last updated Sun, 17 Mar 2024 12:42:54 +0000

Election Results 2024 (old)

Congratulations to the new exec, who were elected at the AGM on Wednesday 28th February 2024!

  • President
    Daniel Kallin
  • Vice-President
    Freya Clinton
  • Treasurer
    Eric Liu
  • Films Officer
    Marnie McCrudden
  • Chief Projectionist
    James Patt
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Muhammad Hashir
  • Marketing Officer
    Dallon Costello & Siddharth Nair
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Tomas Caldon
The positions of Publicity Officer, IT Officer and Technical Officer are unfilled. Keep an eye out for by-election information in future!

Olivia Lancastle

Last updated Sun, 05 May 2024 14:33:49 +0100

2024 AGM and Elections - Candidates and Voting (old)

Exec elections time is here! Read on for instructions on how to exercise your democratic rights online OR at the AGM! So much choice :)

Our candidates for this year's election are as follows:

  • President
    Ethan Graham
    Daniel Kallin
    James Patt
  • Vice-President
    Freya Clinton
  • Treasurer
    Emrys Machnicki
    Eric Liu
  • Films Officer
    Julian Brooke & Dallon Costello
    Marnie McCrudden
  • Chief Projectionist
    Eric Liu
    James Patt
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Muhammad Hashir
  • Publicity Officer
    No Candidates
  • Technical Officer
    No Candidates
  • IT Officer
    No Candidates
  • Marketing Officer
    Dallon Costello & Siddharth Nair
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Tomas Caldon
    Zak O'Brien

Anyone who's been a WSC member since the 14th of February is eligible to vote in our elections. If you can, please come and cast your vote in-person at our AGM at 6:30pm on Wednesday 28th February in L3, where each candidate will give a speech and take questions from the audience. We'll explain everything else you need to know on the day!

If you can't come, you can cast your vote online. Online voting is open from now until 6:30pm on Weds 28th (the beginning of the AGM). The rest of this email is instructions on online voting, so if this doesn't apply to you, you're free to go!

Still here? We're using Single Transferrable Vote, which means you need to rank the options for each position. Included in the list is RON (Re-Open Nominations, to be used when you believe the remaining candidates are unfit for the position) and NFP (No Further Preference, to be used when you don't really care about the rest).

For example, suppose candidates A, B and C are running for a role. You think A is great, B is fine, and C isn't right for the job. Then you'd rank them:

  1. Candidate A,
  2. Candidate B,
  3. RON.

You can read more about each candidate here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IoHBMsmzfphJ9Pzxc7INhyUOrdDNWVeCnD1D2ZukJKA/edit?usp=sharing

To vote, email returningofficer@warwick.film with your completed ballot, student ID and full name. Votes received after the deadline will not be counted!

Olivia Lancastle

Last updated Sat, 02 Mar 2024 01:01:27 +0000

Exec Meeting - Sunday 25th March, 4pm - H0.03 (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Sunday 25th February at 4pm in H0.03. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

An agenda will follow shortly.

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Tue, 27 Feb 2024 18:01:07 +0000

WSC Exec Elections and AGM (old)

It's that time of the year again -- elections are coming up, and nominations for WSC exec positions are open! Here's everything you need to know about running for exec and/or coming along to exercise your democratic rights and vote :)

Nominations for exec roles are now OPEN, and will close on Friday 23rd at 5pm. The positions up for election are:

  1. President,
  2. Vice-President,
  3. Treasurer,
  4. Films Officer,
  5. Chief Projectionist,
  6. Chief Duty Manager,
  7. Publicity Officer,
  8. Marketing Officer,
  9. IT Officer,
  10. Technical Officer,
  11. Events and Socials Coordinator.

Only qualified projectionists/duty managers can hold the roles of Chief Projectionist/Duty Manager respectively, and only qualified 35mm projectionists can hold the role of Technical Officer. All other roles require no qualifications -- just enthusiasm!

To nominate yourself, please email returningofficer@warwick.film with:

  1. Your full name and student ID,
  2. The positions(s) you want to run for,
  3. If multiple positions, your order of preference,
  4. A short paragraph about why you'd be GREAT at the position, to be included alongside your name for online voters.

If you're running jointly with another person, please include their name in your email too. All joint nominations must be of a higher preference to all individual ones.

All candidates will be invited to give a 3 minute speech at the AGM, followed by questions from the audience. As usual, make sure your speech and blurb follow the election rules: No discussing other society members (named or otherwise), and no using confidential information from previous exec/crew roles to gain an unfair advantage!

The AGM and Elections will be held on Wednesday 28th February (week 8) at 6:30pm in L3. The meeting will include reports from the President and Treasurer, followed immediately by elections, speeches and voting. All WSC members can attend, and anyone who has held membership for at least 2 weeks pre-elections can vote.

We will also have online voting for anyone who can't attend -- this will be open from Saturday 24th until Wednesday 28th at 6:30pm, and more details will be sent out with the candidate lists.

If you have any questions about a particular exec role, you can contact the current role-holders, whose email addresses can be found at https://warwick.film/info/executive.

Best of luck to anybody running for election!

Olivia Lancastle

Last updated Sun, 25 Feb 2024 17:39:16 +0000

Exec Meeting - Saturday 27th January, 4pm - FAB2.32 (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Saturday 27th January at 4pm in FAB2.32. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec updates
3. Elections
4. Term One Reflection

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Mon, 29 Jan 2024 15:02:16 +0000

Exec Meeting - Saturday 2nd December, 3pm - FAB2.32 (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Saturday 2nd December at 3pm in FAB2.32. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec updates
3. Schedule and publicity updates

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Sat, 02 Dec 2023 19:34:52 +0000

Exec Meeting - Sunday 19th November, 3pm - FAB5.01 (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Sunday 19th November at 3pm in FAB5.01. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec updates
3. Schedule and publicity updates

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Fri, 24 Nov 2023 12:12:29 +0000

Exec Meeting - Sunday 5th November, 2pm - FAB5.01 (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Sunday 5th November at 2pm in FAB5.01. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec updates
3. Schedule updates
4. 35mm/70mm continued
5. Hidden Figures collab

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Tue, 07 Nov 2023 17:34:14 +0000

Exec Meeting - Saturday 21st October, 2pm - H0.03 (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Saturday 21st October at 2pm in H0.03. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec updates
3. Schedule progress
4. Reliance on old people
5. Digi signage
6. Another Getting Involved meeting

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Sun, 29 Oct 2023 10:31:57 +0000

Exec Meeting - Sunday 8th October, 2pm - FAB 5.01 (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Sunday 8th October at 2pm in FAB 5.01. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec updates
3. WW round up
4. Non-crew socials
5. Schedule/publicity deadlines for T2
6. More clothing orders
7. SU grant
8. Reunion
10. AOBS

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Thu, 12 Oct 2023 08:43:54 +0100

Getting Involved Meeting, Sunday 1st October, 3pm (old)

Come to L3 on Sunday at 15:00 for our Getting Involved meeting, where you can learn about our different teams, how to join them and get free films for helping out at the cinema.

We will show you around our office and projection box. Free pizza will also be provided!

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Wed, 04 Oct 2023 23:07:18 +0100

Exec Meeting - Tuesday 29th August, 2pm - Teams (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Tuesday 29th August at 2pm on Microsoft Teams. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

Click here for the Teams link

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec Updates
    a. Pitch pot funding
    b. Instagram advertising
    c. Term passes
    d. Schedule
    e. IT
3. Welcome Week
4. Publicity + Spending vote
5. Finalise reunion plans + budget
7. AOBs

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Mon, 04 Sep 2023 14:10:03 +0100

Exec Meeting - Tuesday 25th July, 2pm, Teams (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Tuesday 25th July at 2pm on Microsoft Teams. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

Click here for the Teams link

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec Updates
3. Schedule vote
4. IT situation
5. Reunion plans
6. Welcome Week
8. AOBs

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Fri, 11 Aug 2023 18:02:20 +0100

Exec Meeting - Monday 19th June, 4pm, FAB2.32 (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Monday 19th June at 4pm in FAB2.32. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec Updates
3. Sponsorship
4. Committees doc ratification
5. The great sunday/monday debate
6. Membership pricing/benefits
7. Proj box supervision
8. 50th Anniversary
10. AOBs

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Thu, 22 Jun 2023 16:41:46 +0100

Exec Meeting, Thursday 8th June - 1pm, FAB2.32 (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Thursday 8th June at 1pm in FAB2.32. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec updates
3. Lifetime crew
4. 70mm spring
5. Committees/Roles & Responsibilities document ratification
6. ICO Screening Days
7. Term 1 Schedule
    a. Deadlines
8. Membership pricing/benefits
9. 50th anniversary ideas
11. AOBs

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Wed, 14 Jun 2023 19:22:15 +0100

Exec Meeting 29th April 3pm (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Saturday 29th April at 3pm in H0.66. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec updates
    a. Blog updates
3. Equipment purchases
4. Kids ticket pricing
5. Welcome Week timetable
6. Film Hub Midlands Film Camp
7. Committees Document
    a. Crew status
    b. 35mm team

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Mon, 01 May 2023 12:12:30 +0100

Exec Meeting - 5th April 11am (old)

There will be an Exec meeting on Wednesday 5th April at 11am on Microsoft Teams. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

Click here for the Teams link

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec updates
3. Term 3 prep:
    a. film booking
    b. publicity
    c. ticketing on SU website
    d. collabs
4. Potential external collabs:
    a. Warwick film festival
    b. Residential team
5. Public DM/Proj Slack channels
6. 50th anniversary
8. AOBs

Daniel Kallin

Last updated Wed, 05 Apr 2023 18:16:54 +0100

Election Results (old)

Hi all! Just a quick announcement to congratulate and welcome in the new exec following the elections on 08/03/23!

President: Olivia Lancastle

Vice-President: Daniel Kallin

Treasurer: Ethan Dougall

Films Officers: Zain Mothupi & Dillan Patel

Chief Projectionist: Eric Liu

Chief Duty Manager: James Patt

Publicity Officer: Sophie Cooper

Marketing Officer: Jay Patel

IT Officers: Adam Skrzymowski and Josh Heng

Technical Officer: Alex Pointon

Events and Socials Coordinator: Tomas Caldon

Please join me in wishing all the new exec the best of luck for the oncoming year!

Sueda Oktay

Last updated Wed, 29 Mar 2023 12:51:49 +0100

Voting By Proxy and AGM Documents (old)

Hi there, WSC Membership!

If you hadn't seen from the insane amount of emails you've been getting from us, it's elections time at WSC. Which is super exciting, but it also means it's your time to vote. If at all possible, please vote in person at the elections THIS WEDNESDAY, 8th MARCH at 4pm in L3. Important: You must have been a member for 2 weeks prior to the election on Wednesday 8th March in order to cast a valid vote. Therefore if you were not a member before the 22nd February 2023, you will not be able to vote in this election. Sorry!

There is a Teams link for those who will not be able to attend in person - and you'll still be able to vote on the day!


HOWEVER!! All is not lost to those who cannot vote on the day. If you cannot vote on the day, you can send me your votes by proxy anytime between NOW and Wednesday 8th March (4pm deadline). Please only vote by proxy if you cannot attend the elections on the day. See the bottom of this email to explore how to vote by proxy. On the day, candidates will each give a 2 minute speech on the role before being able to have 5 minutes of questioning from you, the members! So it's really worth turning up if you can.

Lastly, there are some documents that have been emailed to all for you to peruse at your leisure before the AGM. (If you haven't recieved them, email returningofficer@warwick.film). We will be voting on a brand spanking new EDITED version of our constitution at the AGM (hold your excitement) so please, have a look at those documents in advance of the meeting so you've got an idea of what we'll be voting on! :)

The rest of this message will detail how to vote by proxy, so if that isn't for you, feel free to close this email now.

...Still here? Okay. We'll be using a Single Transferable Vote system, which means you will need to rank your choices from most preferable to least. Your email ballot must include your name and student ID at the beginning, as membership will be checked for the vote to be valid. Following this, you should state the name of each role and list the candidates underneath in preference order, including RON (re-open nominations) as an option. If you don't have an opinion on some of the given candidates for a role, you can use NFP to indicate 'no further preference' after the ones listed. For example:

Role: President

Percival Tucker - 1st

Harrison Ford - 2nd

Re-Open Nominations - 3rd


Repeat this format for each role you want to vote for - you will have to write your ballots in this style in order for them to be counted as valid votes. If you do not write them in this fashion, they will be discounted.

If you need the document with all of the candidates on, check your emails (i've sent one round!) or email returningofficer@warwick.film . Some have provided a little statement by which you can get an idea of the candidate - like I mentioned previously, they'll be giving full speeches and answering questions at the elections on Wednesday, so I really do encourage you to come if you can.

If you have any further questions, or would like anything further elaborated on, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Sueda Oktay

Last updated Sat, 11 Mar 2023 12:23:51 +0000

WSC Exec Meeting -- 25th November (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 25th November at 3pm in B2.03. All WSC members are welcome to attend!

Agenda TBC

Olivia Lancastle

Last updated Sat, 26 Nov 2022 14:15:27 +0000

WSC Exec Meeting - 20th June (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Monday 20th June at 5pm in FAB 1.13 (Faculty of Arts). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Team Updates
3. Previous Meeting Updates
4. Broken Equipment
5. Plans for next year
6. Exec Polos
7. Lifetime Crew
9. AOBs

Olivia Lancastle

Last updated Thu, 23 Jun 2022 20:40:58 +0100

Exec Meeting (14/05/22) (old)

There will be an Exec Meeting on Saturday 14th May at 2pm in B2.03 (science concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Team Updates
3. Unfilled Exec Roles
4. Keys
5. Publicity for New Films
6. Open Days
7. Welcome Week Plans
9. AOBs

Olivia Lancastle

Last updated Mon, 16 May 2022 10:06:55 +0100

12/03/2022 Exec Meeting (old)

There will be an Exec Meeting on Saturday 12th March at 4pm in WT0.02 (Westwood). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Exec Procedure
3. Handover Progress
4. Updates from Different Teams
5. By-Election discussion
6. Term 3 Programming/Schedule and Publicity
7. Upcoming Events and Socials
8. TADONM (Time and Date of Next Meeting)
9. AOBs
10. Outgoing Exec Appreciation

Olivia Lancastle

Last updated Tue, 15 Mar 2022 17:34:30 +0000

Exec Election Results 2022 (old)

Congratulations to the new exec, who were elected at the AGM on Wednesday 2nd March 2022. I wish them all the best for the year ahead.

  • President
    Max King
  • Vice-President
    Olivia Lancastle
  • Treasurer
    Alex Pointon
  • Films Officer
    Samuel Chee & Zain Mothupi
  • Chief Projectionist
    Ethan Graham
  • Technical Officer
    No Clear Winner
  • IT Officer
    Adam Skrzymowski
  • Marketing Officer
    Ethan Dougall & Sophie Emeny
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Sophie Cooper

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Mon, 16 May 2022 10:07:20 +0100

AGM and Elections 2022 — Candidates (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's exec elections, to be held at our AGM on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 at 4pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 on Wednesday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact returningofficer@warwick.film

  • President
    Samuel Chee
    Max King
  • Vice-President
    Olivia Lancastle
  • Treasurer
    Alex Pointon
  • Films Officer
    Samuel Chee & Zain Mothupi
  • Chief Projectionist
    Ethan Graham
  • Chief Duty Manager
    No Candidates
  • Publicity Officer
    No Candidates
  • Technical Officer
    Lachlan Jack
    Sueda Oktay
    Adam Skrzymowski
    Anna Taylor
  • IT Officer
    Adam Skrzymowski
  • Marketing Officer
    Ethan Dougall & Sophie Emeny
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Sophie Cooper

Best of luck to all the candidates. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Wed, 02 Mar 2022 19:26:04 +0000

AGM and Elections 2022 (old)

Have your say

Warwick Student Cinema's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 at 4pm in L3.

The meeting will comprise reports from the President and Treasurer, and elections for all positions on the exec. I will be the Returning Officer for the elections.

The exec positions are as follows:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Films Officer
  • Chief Projectionist
  • Chief Duty Manager
  • Publicity Officer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • IT Officer
  • Events and Socials Coordinator

You can read about the roles and responsibilities of the positions here. If you are considering running for a position, it is worth speaking to the incumbent about the work involved.

Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film). You may run for as many positions as you wish, but you will need to state an order of preference in your email.

Nominations are open and will close at 12:00 Noon on Tuesday 1st March 2022

Your email should contain:

  • Your name and university number
  • The position(s) you wish to run for (and your order of preference for those positions)

Please note: to run for Chief Projectionist, you must be a WSC Qualified Projectionist; to run for Technical Officer, you must be a WSC Qualified 35mm Projectionist; to run for Chief Duty Manager, you must be a WSC Qualified Duty Manager.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film).

I look forward to seeing you there!

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Tue, 01 Mar 2022 12:03:10 +0000

Exec Meeting — 18th February 2022 (old)

There will be an Exec Meeting on Friday 18th January at 11am in FAB6.02 (Faculty of Arts). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Team Updates
3. Meet the Exec Planning
4. WSC Elections Planning
5. Term 3 Publicity
6. Programming and Schedule Meeting
7. Collaborations, Events and Socials
9. AOBs

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Fri, 18 Feb 2022 13:28:20 +0000

Getting Involved Meeting — 29/01/22 (old)

Come to L3 on Saturday at 15:00 for our Getting Involved meeting, where you can learn about joining different teams and getting free films for helping out at the cinema.

Free pizza will also be provided!

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Sat, 29 Jan 2022 17:12:31 +0000

Exec Meeting — 19th January 2022 (old)

There will be an Exec Meeting on Wednesday 19th January at 4pm in FAB6.02 (Faculty of Arts). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Team Updates
3. Next Getting Involved Meeting
4. Term 2 Publicity
5. Polo/Hoodie Order
6. Collaborations, Events and Socials
8. AOBs

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Fri, 28 Jan 2022 19:01:16 +0000

Exec Meeting — 12th November 2021 (old)

There will be an Exec Meeting on Friday 12th November at 3pm in R1.15 (Ramphal). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Team Updates
3. Next Getting Involved Meeting
4. Term 2 Publicity Planning
5. Publicity Officer
6. Polo/Hoodie Order
7. Collaborations, Events and Socials
9. AOBs

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Fri, 12 Nov 2021 23:36:15 +0000

Exec Meeting - 16th October 2021 (old)

There will be an Exec Meeting on Saturday 16th October at 1pm in B2.01 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Team Updates
3. Well Done on WW
4. Deadlines for Publicity/Marketing/Schedule (& TADON Programming Meeting)
5. Next Getting Involved Meeting
6. Update on Projector Situation
7. LOTR All-Nighter
8. Big Screening
9. Collaborations, Events and Socials
11. AOBs

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Sat, 16 Oct 2021 18:36:48 +0100

WSC Elections 2021 Results (old)

Congratulations to the winners of the Warwick Student Cinema Exec Elections 2021!

  • President: Alex Pointon
  • Vice-President: Callum O'Sullivan
  • Films Officer: Aryan Aneja & Josh Howard
  • Chief Projectionist: Barnaby Sproats & Max King
  • Chief Duty Manager: Sueda Oktay

The following positions remain unfilled:

  • Treasurer
  • Technical Officer
  • IT Officer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
  • Publicity Officer
We will be holding a further round of elections in Term 3 to fill these positions. All members will be sent the details by email when they are confirmed.

Matt Randell

Last updated Wed, 06 Oct 2021 19:27:52 +0100

Election 2021 Candidates (old)

Nominations for the Warwick Student Cinema Elections have now closed. Voting will take place during a Microsoft Teams meeting on Friday 16th April at 2pm UK Time. A link to this meeting has been emailed to all members. I look forward to seeing you there!

Candidates for each of the positions in the executive are listed below, in no particular order:


  • Alex Pointon
  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)


  • Sueda Oktay
  • Callum O'Sullivan
  • Elifsu Parlan
  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)


  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)

Films Officer

  • Aryan Aneja & Josh Howard (running jointly)
  • Max King
  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)

Chief Projectionist

  • Barnaby Sproats & Max King (running jointly)
  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)

Chief Duty Manager

  • Sueda Oktay
  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)

Publicity Officer

  • Sueda Oktay
  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)

Technical Officer

  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)

IT Officer

  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)

Marketing Officer

  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)

Events & Socials Co-ordinator

  • Re-Open Nominations (RON)

If you believe you have nominated yourself, but are not on the list above, contact me urgently at returningofficer@warwick.film. As some positions received no nominations, we will run another election in the future to fill these positions. Members will be informed when details are confirmed.

Matt Randell

Last updated Sun, 18 Apr 2021 16:45:02 +0100

Elections 2021 (old)

Have your say

Warwick Student Cinema's Elections will be held on Friday 16th April 2021 at 2pm over Teams. Matt Randell will be the returning officer for the elections.

The exec positions are as follows:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Films Officer
  • Chief Projectionist
  • Chief Duty Manager
  • Publicity Officer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • IT Officer
  • Events and Socials Coordinator

You can read about the roles and responsibilities of the positions here. If you are considering running for a position, it is worth speaking to the incumbent about the work involved.

Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film). You may run for as many positions as you wish, but you will need to state an order of preference in your email.

Nominations are open and will close at 2pm on Wednesday 14th April 2021

Your email should contain:

  • Your name and university number
  • The position(s) you wish to run for (and your order of preference for those positions)

Please note: to run for Chief Projectionist, you must be a WSC Qualified Projectionist; to run for Technical Officer, you must be a WSC Qualified 35mm Projectionist; to run for Chief Duty Manager, you must be a WSC Qualified Duty Manager.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

Votes will be sent in by email and election proceedings will be conducted over Teams, accessible on the 16th via this link.

If you have any queries, please contact the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film).

I look forward to (virtually) seeing you there!

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Sun, 18 Apr 2021 16:44:36 +0100

By-Election: Results (old)

Congratulations to:

Jordan Ilan & Sueda Oktay

who were elected to the role of Publicity Officer at an election held on Wednesday 26th February 2020.
I am proud to welcome them to the exec on behalf of WSC.

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Wed, 18 Mar 2020 13:11:26 +0000

By-Election: Candidates (old)

Please find below the nominees for WSC's By-Election, to be held today (Wednesday 26th February 2020) at 5pm in R1.15.

Ballot papers will be issued in R1.15 from 5:00pm until 5:15pm on Wednesday. If you can't make it, you must email your vote to returningofficer@warwick.film before 5:15pm on Wednesday.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer@warwick.film).

  • Publicity Officer
  • Lachlan Jack

    Jordan Ilan & Sueda Oktay

I look forward to seeing you later today.

Callum O'Sullivan

Last updated Fri, 28 Feb 2020 19:16:00 +0000

Exec Election Results 2020 (old)

Congratulations to the new exec, who were elected at the AGM on Wednesday 6 February 2019. I wish them all the best for the year ahead.

  • President
    Alex Pointon
  • Vice-President
    Callum O’Sullivan
  • Treasurer
    Ana Blanco Moreno
  • Films Officer
    Aryan Aneja and Josh Howard
  • Chief Projectionist
    Matt Randell
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Jack Spagnoli
  • IT Officer
    Toby Bailey and Harry Talbot
  • Marketing Officer
    Eliska Kalinova and Hannah Skillman
  • Events and Socials Coordinator
    Elena Salmon

Jamie Rolinski

Last updated Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:59:33 +0000

AGM and Elections (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's exec elections, to be held at our AGM on Wednesday 5th February 2020 at 5 pm in MS.02.

Ballot papers will be issued in MS.02 on Wednesday from 5:00pm to 5:30pm.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer "at" warwick.film).

  • President
    Alex Pointon
    Ali Atia
  • Vice-President
    Ali Atia
    Aryan Aneja
    Callum O'Sullivan
    Jack Spagnoli
    Jordan Ilan
    Matt Randell
  • Treasurer
    Ana Blanco Moreno
    Aryan Aneja
    Jack Spagnoli
  • Films Officer
    Aryan Aneja & Josh Howard
    Jordan Ilan
    Joseph Asaoka-Wright
    Max King
    Samantha Ellam
  • Chief Projectionist
    Matt Randell
    Max King
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Ali Atia
    Jack Spagnoli
  • Publicity Officer
    No Candidates
  • Technical Officer
    No candidates
  • IT Officer
    Harry Talbot & Toby Bailey
  • Marketing Officer
    Eliska Kalinova & Hannah Skillman
    Joseph Asaoka-Wright
    Matthew Sidney-Woollett
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Elena Salmon
    Jordan Ilan

Best of luck to all the candidates. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Jamie Rolinski

Last updated Tue, 01 Mar 2022 11:27:56 +0000

Mega Exec Meeting - 19th February 2020 (old)

We will be having our Mega Exec Meeting on Wednesday 19th February at 3pm in PS0.17 (Physical Sciences, First Floor). All WSC members are welcome to attend.


  1. Welcome & Apologies
  2. Exec Procedure
  3. Handover Progress
  4. Team Updates
  5. By-Election
  6. Bridget Jones Planning
  7. Term 3 Publicity
  8. Lifetime Crew
  9. Upcoming Events and Socials
  10. TADONM
  11. AOBs
  12. Outgoing Exec Appreciation Time
In addition to this we have a Programming Meeting after this from 5pm in L5. If you want to have a say in the upcoming schedule, come along and voice your opinion.

Jamie Rolinski

Last updated Wed, 19 Feb 2020 20:17:16 +0000

Holmes & Watson Screenings Cancelled (old)

Due to a technical issue, we will unfortunately be unable to screen Holmes & Watson on Sunday 10/03. We are currently looking into rescheduling both VICE and Holmes & Watson at a later date (we will post updates on social media, and send out emails!).
The screening of the Mystery Film on Tuesday Week 10 (Tuesday 12/03) will go ahead as planned, so come along to that!
Sorry everyone.

Antoinette Clare

Last updated Sun, 14 Apr 2019 15:02:57 +0100

Exec Meeting - 6th March 2019 (old)

There will be an Exec Meeting on Wednesday 6th March at 12pm in R2.41 (Ramphal). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Welcome to New Exec Members/Handover Progress
3. Updates from Different Teams
4. Publicity Officer and Technical Officer
5. Welfare Officer and Other Exec Sheet Roles
6. Exec Sheet
7. Supporting Documents Edit
8. The Big Screening
9. Term 3 Publicity
10.Upcoming Events and Socials

Jamie Rolinski

Last updated Sat, 09 Mar 2019 23:12:40 +0000

By-Election Results (old)

Congratulations to the following individuals who will be part of the exec of 2019-20, elected on Wednesday 27th February. I wish them all the best for the year ahead.

  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Elena Salmon
  • Marketing Officer
    Jamie Lok and Marta Meazza

Jamie Rolinski

Last updated Mon, 04 Mar 2019 15:03:04 +0000

By-Election (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for the upcoming By-Election, to be held on Wednesday 27 February 2019 at 5 pm in S0.20.

Ballot papers will be issued in S0.20 on Wednesday from 4:45pm to 5:15pm.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer "at" warwick.film).

  • Events and Socials Coordinator
    Sabina Dzhumanova and Sunaina Chohan
    Elena Salmon
  • Technical Officer
    No Candidates
  • Marketing Officer
    Matthew Smolenski
    Jamie Lok and Marta Meazza
    Ali Atia
    Niall McDaid
  • Publicity Officer
    No Candidates

Best of luck to all the candidates. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Jamie Rolinski

Last updated Tue, 15 Mar 2022 17:33:18 +0000

By-Election (old)

Have your say

A By-Election to fill the remaining Exec roles will be held on Wednesday 27th February 2019 (Wednesday Week 8) at 5pm in S0.20

Elections will take place to fill the roles left unfilled after the AGM. I will be the returning officer for the elections.

The exec positions are as follows:

  • Publicity Officer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • Events and Socials Coordinator

You can read about the roles and responsibilities of the positions here. Note the exec roles and responsibilities are being redrafted to account for the abolition of External Relations Officer. If you are considering running for a position, it is worth speaking to the incumbent about the work involved.

Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film). You may run for as many positions as you wish, but you will need to state an order of preference in your email.

Nominations are now open and will close at 5pm on Monday 25th February 2019 (Monday Week 8).

Your email should contain:

  • Your name and university number
  • The position(s) you wish to run for (and your order of preference for those positions)

Please note: to run for Technical Officer, you must be a WSC Qualified 35-mm Projectionist.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film).

I look forward to seeing you there.

Jamie Rolinski

Last updated Mon, 25 Feb 2019 17:09:25 +0000

Exec Meeting - 16 February 2019 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 16th February at 2pm in H0.03 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Exec Procedure
3. Handover Progress
4. Updates from Different Teams
5. By-Election
6. BTTF Marathon
7. Welfare Considerations
8. Sponsorship Committee and External Relations Responsibilities
9. Term 3 Publicity
10.Programming and Schedule Meeting
11.Upcoming Events and Socials
14.Outgoing Exec Appreciation Time

Jamie Rolinski

Last updated Sat, 16 Feb 2019 17:14:00 +0000

Exec Election Results 2019 (old)

Congratulations to the new exec, who were elected at the AGM on Wednesday 6 February 2019. I wish them all the best for the year ahead.

  • President
    Antoinette Clare
  • Vice-President
    Jamie Rolinski
  • Treasurer
    Divyah Suresh
  • Films Officer
    Nazish Malik
  • Chief Projectionist
    Callum O'Sullivan
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Matt Potter
  • IT Officer
    Toby Bailey and Harry Talbot

Casper Davidson

Last updated Wed, 13 Feb 2019 12:33:18 +0000

AGM and Elections (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's exec elections, to be held at our AGM on Wednesday 6 February 2019 at 4 pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 on Wednesday from 3:45pm to 4:15pm.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer "at" warwick.film).

  • President
    Antoinette Clare
    Kieran Hall and Alex Pointon
  • Vice-President
    Antoinette Clare
    Matt Potter
    Jamie Rolinski
  • Treasurer
    Antoinette Clare
    Matt Potter
    Jamie Rolinski
    Divyah Suresh
    Harry Talbot
  • Films Officer
    Nazish Malik
  • Chief Projectionist
    Callum O'Sullivan
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Antoinette Clare
    Matt Potter
    Jamie Rolinski
  • Publicity Officer
    No Candidates
  • Technical Officer
    No candidates
  • IT Officer
    Harry Talbot and Toby Bailey
  • Marketing Officer
    No Candidates
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    No candidates

Best of luck to all the candidates. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Casper Davidson

Last updated Wed, 06 Feb 2019 19:28:09 +0000

Exec Meeting - 6 February 2019 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 23rd January at 2pm in MB0.08 (Mathematical Sciences). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Updates from Different Teams
3. AGM and Elections
4. Reflections on the AllNighter
5. BTTF Marathon
6. Welfare and External Relations Changes
7. Upcoming Events and Socials
9. AOB's

Casper Davidson

Last updated Wed, 06 Feb 2019 19:28:19 +0000

AGM and Elections (old)

Have your say

Warwick Student Cinema's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th February 2019 (Wednesday week 5) at 4pm in L3.

The meeting will comprise reports from the President and Treasurer, and elections for all positions on the exec. I will be the returning officer for the elections.

The exec positions are as follows:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Films Officer
  • Chief Projectionist
  • Chief Duty Manager
  • Publicity Officer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • IT Officer
  • Events and Socials Coordinator

You can read about the roles and responsibilities of the positions here. Note the exec roles and responsibilities are being redrafted to account for the abolition of External Relations Officer. If you are considering running for a position, it is worth speaking to the incumbent about the work involved.

Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film). You may run for as many positions as you wish, but you will need to state an order of preference in your email.

Nominations are now open and will close at 4pm on Monday 4th February 2019 (Monday week 5).

Your email should contain:

  • Your name and university number
  • The position(s) you wish to run for (and your order of preference for those positions)

Please note: to run for Chief Projectionist, you must be a WSC Qualified Projectionist; to run for Technical Officer, you must be a WSC Qualified 35-mm Projectionist; to run for Chief Duty Manager, you must be a WSC Qualified Duty Manager.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film).

I look forward to seeing you there.

Casper Davidson

Last updated Mon, 04 Feb 2019 16:10:45 +0000

Exec Meeting - 23 January 2019 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 23rd January at 2pm in S0.10 (Social Sciences). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Updates from Different Teams
3. Meet the Exec and Elections
4. Welfare Constitution Amendment
5. External Relations
6. AllNighter
7. Key Agreement
8. Upcoming Events and Socials
10. AOB's

Casper Davidson

Last updated Wed, 23 Jan 2019 15:55:50 +0000

Exec Meeting - 11 January 2019 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 11th January at 4pm in MB0.08 (Mathematical Sciences). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Updates from Different Teams
3. Societies Council
4. Futures Festival
5. Welfare Constitution Amendment
6. Pub Quiz
7. AllNighter
8. Meet the Exec and Elections
9. External Relations
10. Upcoming Events and Socials
12. AOB's

Casper Davidson

Last updated Thu, 17 Jan 2019 12:09:39 +0000

Exec Meeting - 21 November 2018 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 21st November at 2pm in MB0.08 (New Mathematical Sciences!). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Updates from Different Teams
3. Publicity Table A0
4. Term 2 Schedule
5. Term 2 Publicity
6. Welfare
7. Film Studies
8. External Relations Report
9. Upcoming Events and Socials
11. AOB's

Casper Davidson

Last updated Thu, 22 Nov 2018 11:50:20 +0000

Exec Meeting - 18 October 2018 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 19th October at 4pm in R1.04 (Ramphal). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Updates from Different Teams
3. Slack
4. Harry Potter Allnighter
5. Popcorn Update
6. External Relations Report
7. Upcoming Events and Socials
8. FilmSoc Tour
9. NFT Situation
11. AOB's

Casper Davidson

Last updated Sun, 21 Oct 2018 15:58:33 +0100

Exec Meeting - 30 September 2018 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Sunday 30th September at 2pm in H0.43 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Updates from Different Teams
3. Welfare
4. Freshers Update
5. Getting Involved Meeting Pt.2
6. Harry Potter Allnighter
7. Future Publicity/Films Officer Deadlines
8. Loyalty Cards
9. NFT Situation
10. Clean Office
11. Hoodies
12. External Relations Report
13. Socials
15. AOB’s

Casper Davidson

Last updated Wed, 17 Oct 2018 15:36:21 +0100

Exec Meeting - 16 June 2018 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 16th June at 2pm in OC1.02 (Oculus). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Updates from Teams
3. Big Screening
4. Term 1 Publicity
5. Week 0 Plans
6. Sherbourne Screening
7. External Relations Report
8. Projector Situation
9. Lifetime Crew
10. Ratifications
11. Upcoming Events and Socials
13. AOBs

Casper Davidson

Last updated Mon, 18 Jun 2018 21:25:18 +0100

The Royal Wedding (old)

In light of its being cancelled on the big screen due to exams, Filmsoc will be screening the entirety of the BBC’s coverage of Saturday’s wedding in L3 (right until the nuptial goings-on are brought to a halt at 2PM by Football Focus). Please do join us and feel free to drop in and out through the event.

It'll be all hands on deck, so if you are interested in helping out at any point during the day please let Iain (chiefdm@warwick.film) know.

Kieran Hall

Last updated Sat, 19 May 2018 18:59:32 +0100

Societies Awards 2018: Nominations (old)

Hello everyone,

I'm delighted to announced that the society has been nominated for a record-breaking four awards at this year's Warwick SU Societies Awards.

We've been nominated for:

  • Best Society
  • Best Event – the Night of Wright
  • Outstanding Contribution – Ashley Davey
  • Warwick Wildcard – Nosferatu

The awards will be held on Friday 15th June - tickets are still available on the SU website.

Thank you to everybody who has been part of the society this year – that we have picked up so many nominations is a testament to your hard work and dedication!

Reece Goodall

Last updated Sat, 16 Jun 2018 10:44:06 +0100

Exec Meeting - 28 April 2018 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 28th April at 2pm in OC1.03 (Oculus). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Updates from Different Teams
3. Future Pub Runs
4. Big Screening
5. Fringe Festival
6. Society Promotion Video
7. Week 0 - Big screening Pt.2 and Schedule
8. Warwick Filmmakers Showcase
9. Sponsorship
10. Updates from Societies Council 11. Upcoming Events and Socials
13. AOBs

Casper Davidson

Last updated Sun, 29 Apr 2018 16:03:13 +0100

Election Results (old)

Congratulations to:

Hilla Hamidi

who was elected to the role of Events and Socials Coordinator at an election held on Wednesday 7th March 2018.
I welcome her to the exec on behalf of WSC.

Casper Davidson

Last updated Tue, 13 Mar 2018 17:10:24 +0000

Exec Election: Candidates (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's Events and Socials Coordinator election, to be held on Wednesday 7th March 2018 at 5pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 from 5:00pm until 5:15pm on Wednesday. If you can't make it, you must email your vote to returningofficer@warwick.film before 5:15pm on Wednesday.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer@warwick.film).

  • Events and Socials Coordinator
    Hilla Hamidi

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Casper Davidson

Last updated Thu, 08 Mar 2018 13:54:43 +0000

Exec Meeting - 7 March 2018 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 7th March at 3pm in E0.23 (Social Sciences). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Events and Socials Role
3. Welfare Officer
4. Big Screening Situation
5. Welfare Officer
6. Term 3 Publicity
7. External Relations Report
8. IT Update
9. Welcome week form
10. Upcoming Events and Socials
12. AOBs

Casper Davidson

Last updated Thu, 08 Mar 2018 13:54:58 +0000

The Shining POSTPONED (old)

Unfortunately, due to the storm that is predicted to hit the UK during the course of this evening, we have decided with a heavy heart, that it would be safer for everyone if we cancelled our Midnight screening of The Shining tonight.

We are very sorry for the inconveniences that this may cause. Keep your eye on our social media for updated times on our screenings.

Kieran Hall

Last updated Sat, 03 Mar 2018 18:06:10 +0000

Events & Socials Coordinator Election (old)

There will be an election held on Wednesday 7th March at 5pm in L3 for the following post:

- Events & Socials Coordinator

I, Casper Davidson, will be the returning officer for this election.
Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by emailing me at returningofficer@warwick.film.

Your email should contain:
- Your name and university number

Nominations are now open and will close at 5pm on Monday 5th March.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes to make a short speech for the position, and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me at returningofficer@warwick.film.

I look forward to receiving your nominations.

Casper Davidson

Last updated Mon, 05 Mar 2018 21:26:44 +0000

Exec Meeting - 21 February 2018 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 21st February at 4pm in F.25A (Millburn). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Exec Procedure
3. Handover Progress
4. Tech Officer/Events and Socials Coordinator
5. Welfare Officer
6. AllNighter
7. Term 3 Schedule and Publicity
8. Term 3 Big Screening
9. IT Update
10. Macbeth Special Screening
11. Upcoming Events and Socials
13. AOBs

Casper Davidson

Last updated Fri, 23 Feb 2018 14:31:55 +0000

Exec Election Results 2018 (old)

Congratulations to the new exec, who were elected at the AGM on Wednesday 7 February 2018. I wish them all the best for the year ahead.

  • President
    Irene Mercader
  • Vice-President
    Casper Davidson
  • Treasurer
    Taylor Wilkes
  • Films Officer
    Josh Bullin and Alice Glasgow
  • Chief Projectionist
    Kieran Hall
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Iain Walker
  • IT Officer
    Benji Levine
  • Marketing Officer
    Matt Davies
  • Publicity Officer
    Anna Solecki and Nicky Leathard
  • External Relations
    Todd Olive

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sat, 24 Feb 2018 07:15:46 +0000

AGM and Elections (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's exec elections, to be held at our AGM on Wednesday 7 February 2018 at 5 pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 on Wednesday from 4:45pm to 5:15pm.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer "at" warwick.film).

  • President
    Irene Mercader
  • Vice-President
    Casper Davidson
  • Treasurer
    Taylor Wilkes
    Todd Olive
  • Films Officer
    Josh Bullin and Alice Glasgow
  • Chief Projectionist
    Kieran Hall
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Iain Walker
  • Publicity Officer
    Anna Solecki and Nicky Leathard
    Irene Mercader
    Jessica Li
  • Technical Officer
    No candidates
  • IT Officer
    Benji Levine
  • Marketing Officer
    Matt Davies
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    No candidates
  • External Relations
    Todd Olive

Best of luck to all the candidates. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sun, 18 Feb 2018 14:24:41 +0000

AGM and Elections (old)

Have your say

Warwick Student Cinema's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 7th February 2018 (Wednesday week 5) at 5pm in L3.

The meeting will comprise reports from the President and Treasurer, and elections for all positions on the exec. I will be the returning officer for the elections.

The exec positions are as follows:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Films Officer
  • Chief Projectionist
  • Chief Duty Manager
  • Publicity Officer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • IT Officer
  • Events and Socials Coordinator
  • External Relations Officer

You can read about the roles and responsibilities of the positions here. If you are considering running for a position, it is worth speaking to the incumbent about the work involved.

Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film). You may run for as many positions as you wish, but you will need to state an order of preference in your email.

Nominations are now open and will close at 5pm on Monday 5 February 2018 (Monday week 5).

Your email should contain:

  • Your name and university number
  • The position(s) you wish to run for (and your order of preference for those positions)

Please note: to run for Chief Projectionist, you must be a WSC Qualified Projectionist; to run for Technical Officer, you must be a WSC Qualified 35-mm Projectionist; to run for Chief Duty Manager, you must be a WSC Qualified Duty Manager.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact the Returning Officer (returningofficer@warwick.film).

I look forward to seeing you there.

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Mon, 05 Feb 2018 18:18:05 +0000

Exec Meeting - 24 January 2018 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 24th January at 4pm in L4 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Meet the Exec/Elections
3. Fire Exit Safety
4. Personal Items in the Office
5. Upcoming Socials
6. TADONM/Discussion Points
7. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Wed, 31 Jan 2018 19:44:13 +0000

Exec Meeting - 10 January 2018 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 10th January at 5pm in H1.02 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Pub Quiz
3. Welfare Officer
4. Upcoming Socials
6. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Thu, 11 Jan 2018 14:06:07 +0000

Exec Meeting - 24 November 2017 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 24th November at 4pm in OC1.08 (Oculus). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Term 2 Schedule
3. Term 2 Publicity
4. Constitutional Changes
5. Upcoming Socials
7. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Tue, 28 Nov 2017 21:23:18 +0000

Exec Meeting - 10 November 2017 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 10th November at 5pm in H0.03 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Allnighter
3. Welfare Update
4. Upcoming Socials
6. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sat, 11 Nov 2017 21:53:56 +0000

Exec Meeting - 18 October 2017 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 18th October at 7pm in H3.05 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Team Progress Reports
3. Publicity
4. Allnighter
5. Upcoming Socials
7. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sat, 21 Oct 2017 22:40:06 +0100

Exec Meeting - 7 October 2017 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 7th October at 12pm in L3 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Getting Involved Meeting
3. Freshers' Update
4. Upcoming Socials
6. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Tue, 17 Oct 2017 19:26:53 +0100

Exec Meeting - 29 September 2017 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 29th September at 11am in Bar Fusion. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Pub Run/Freshers' Weekend 3. Freshers' Fortnight Update
4. Upcoming Socials
6. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sun, 01 Oct 2017 09:29:58 +0100

Exec Election: Candidates (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's External Relations Officer election, to be held on Monday 19 June 2017 at 5pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 from 4:30pm until 5:00pm on Monday.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer@warwick.film).

  • External Relations Officer
    Casper Davidson
    Irene Mercader

I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President and Returning Officer)

Last updated Wed, 21 Jun 2017 15:45:03 +0100

External Relations Officer Election (old)

There will be an election held on Monday 19th June at 5pm in L3 for the following post:

- External Relations Officer

I, Anjana Radhakrishnan, will be the returning officer for this election.
Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by emailing me at returningofficer@warwick.film.

Your email should contain:
- Your name and university number

Nominations are now open and will close at 5pm on Saturday 17th June.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes to make a short speech for the position, and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me at returningofficer@warwick.film.

I look forward to receiving your nominations.

Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President and Returning Officer)

Last updated Sun, 18 Jun 2017 11:36:33 +0100

Big Screening Polo Shirt Order (old)

This is the Big Screening polo order for this year. Please place your order online using the link. Polo Shirt Order

If you have any issues or would like to change anything email me (treasurer@warwick.film)

The deadline for submitting your order is on Friday 9th June, so get your orders in quick! (sorry for the short notice)

Polo shirts will cost £12, please hand your payment into any member of the exec, or place it in the treasurers tray by Friday 9th June if possible. If not, I will collect it form you at some point before the Big Screening. Please remember to include your embroidery selections (note that only your name will be embroidered).

Matthew Williams

Last updated Wed, 21 Jun 2017 15:45:55 +0100

Exec Meeting - 6 May 2017 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 6th May at 1pm in H0.03 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Outdoor Screening
3. Publicity
4. Socials
6. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sun, 07 May 2017 14:24:48 +0100

Exec Meeting - 4 March 2017 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 4th March at 12pm in H0.02 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Outdoor Screening
3. Term 3
4. Socials
5. External Relations Report
7. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sat, 04 Mar 2017 19:06:09 +0000

Exec Meeting - 15 February 2017 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 15th February at 4pm in OC1.02 (Oculus). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Exec Procedure
3. Technical Officer
4. Handover Progress
5. DiCaprio Allnighter
6. Big Screening
7.Sponsorship Pack - External Relations
8. Term 3 Publicity
9. Events and Socials
11. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Mon, 20 Feb 2017 19:55:19 +0000

2017 Exec Election Results (old)

Congratulations to the new exec, who were elected at the AGM on Wednesday 8 February 2017. I wish them all the best for the year ahead! :)

  • President
    Reece Goodall
  • Vice-President
    Anjana Radhakrishnan
  • Treasurer
    Matt Williams
  • Films Officer
    Matt Davies
  • Chief Projectionist
    Kieran Hall
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Caleb Gilliam-Scott
  • IT Officer
    Benji Levine
  • Marketing Officer
    Hamish Brown
  • Publicity Officer
    Chris Greenland
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Lakshmi Ajay
  • External Relations
    Richard Kirk

Jessica Carroll

Last updated Fri, 03 Mar 2017 17:02:36 +0000

AGM and Exec Elections (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's exec elections, to be held at our AGM on Wednesday 8 February 2017 at 5 pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 from 4:45pm until 5:15pm on Wednesday.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer "at" filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

  • President
    Reece Goodall
  • Vice-President
    Anjana Radhakrishnan
    Casper Davidson
  • Treasurer
    Ashley Davey
    Matt Williams
  • Films Officer
    Matthew Davies
  • Chief Projectionist
    Kieran Hall
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Caleb Gilliam-Scott
    Casper Davidson
    Phil Beckett
  • Publicity Officer
    Hazel Isler
    Chris Greenland
  • Technical Officer
    No candidates
  • IT Officer
    Benji Levine
  • Marketing Officer
    Hannah Morgan
    Hamish Brown
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Lakshmi Ajay
    Justin Chan
    Caleb Gilliam-Scott
    Richard Kirk
  • External Relations
    Richard Kirk
    Hamish Brown

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Jessica Carroll

Last updated Sat, 11 Feb 2017 13:05:14 +0000

AGM and Exec Elections (old)

Have your say

Warwick Student Cinema's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th February 2017 (Wednesday week 5) at 5pm in L3.

The meeting will comprise reports from the President and Treasurer, and elections for all positions on the exec. Jessica Carroll will be the returning officer for the elections.

The exec positions are as follows:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Films Officer
  • Chief Projectionist
  • Chief Duty Manager
  • Publicity Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • IT Officer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Events and Socials Coordinator
  • External Relations Officer

You can read about the roles and responsibilities of the positions here. If you are considering running for a position, it is worth speaking to the incumbent about the work involved.

Responsibilities for External Relations Officer are as follows:

  • Responsible for modifying and updating the sponsorship pack, and for adapting the pack to suit the requests or desires of a particular sponsor.
  • Responsible for finding sponsorship and/or the details of potential sponsors.
  • Works with the President to keep contact with current sponsors and ensure a happy relationship between the society and the sponsor.
  • Maintains a list of companies with whom we have sponsorship and the contacts within the companies, updating it as/when it is necessary.
  • Responsible for communicating the needs of a company to the Exec.
  • Oversees Exec activities relevant to the sponsorship are carried out.
  • Coordinates with the Events & Socials Coordinator to organise sponsored events.
  • Presents a weekly/biweekly roundup to the Exec discussing current sponsorship and any endeavour made to find new sponsorship.
  • Determines necessary price changes to the sponsorship pack, and presents them to Exec.
  • Holds a copy of the society’s contract with the President and the Treasurer.
  • Signs any contract pertaining to sponsorship along with the President.
  • Deals with external advertising requests for the LCD screens, and liaises with the Marketing Officer to implement them.

Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to the Returning Officer (returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk). You may run for as many positions as you wish, but you will need to state an order of preference in your email.

Nominations are now open and will close at 5pm on Monday 6 February 2017 (Monday week 5).

Your email should contain:

  • Your name and university number
  • The position(s) you wish to run for (and your order of preference for those positions)

Please note: to run for Chief Projectionist, you must be a WSC Qualified Projectionist; to run for Technical Officer, you must be a WSC Qualified 35-mm Projectionist; to run for Chief Duty Manager, you must be a WSC Qualified Duty Manager.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact the Returning Officer (returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

I look forward to seeing you there.

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sat, 11 Feb 2017 13:06:13 +0000

Exec Meeting - 14 January 2017 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 14th January at 1pm in H1.02 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Programming Meeting
3. Pub Quiz
4. Society Collaborations
5. Meet the Exec and Elections
6. DiCaprio Allnighter
7. Chief Editor and External Relations Officer
9. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sun, 15 Jan 2017 09:09:40 +0000

Exec Meeting - 30 November 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 30th November at 12pm in OC1.09 (Oculus). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Term 2 Schedule
3. Publicity
4. Free for Members Film
5. Complaints Procedure
6. Filming for Creative Digital Communications Team
8. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Mon, 05 Dec 2016 11:44:50 +0000

Upcoming Socials (old)

Hi guys - so there are a number of great socials coming up, feel free to follow the links below and we'll see you there!

Wednesday Week 9 (30th Nov) - Casual Drinks

Sunday Week 9 (4th Dec) - Birmingham Christmas Market

Wednesday Week 10 (7th Dec) - Filmsoc Christmas Meal

Michael Le Guillou

Last updated Mon, 12 Dec 2016 20:04:47 +0000

Meal & Pop - Wed 23/11/16 (old)

Hi guys, just to say make sure you come along to our next social which will be on Wed 23rd November! We will be having a meal in Bar Fusion from 6pm then circling before going into Pop to enjoy a night of Disco Dave!

Make sure you remember to buy your 'Event Only' Pop tickets soon to avoid disappointment, and add yourself as going on our Facebook event here: Pop Night Link

Michael Le Guillou

Last updated Mon, 05 Dec 2016 11:45:24 +0000

Exec Meeting - 9 November 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 9th November at 4pm in H0.03 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. All Nighter
3. Society Collaborations
5. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Thu, 10 Nov 2016 17:49:31 +0000

Election Results October 2016 (old)

Congratulations to the following individual who will be part of the exec of 2016-17, elected on Wednesday 2 October. I wish you the best for the year ahead.

  • Events and Socials Coordinator
    Michael Le Guillou

Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President and Returning Officer)

Last updated Thu, 10 Nov 2016 17:49:42 +0000

Exec Election: Candidates (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's Events and Socials Coordinator election, to be held on Wednesday 2 November 2016 at 4pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 from 3:30pm until 4:00pm on Wednesday.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

  • Events and Socials Coordinator
    Michael Le Guillou

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President and Returning Officer)

Last updated Wed, 02 Nov 2016 17:40:01 +0000

Red Hoodie Order (old)

This is a new hoodie order for this year. I've chosen to go with the standard red Clifton hoodies. Please place your order online below. If you have any issues or would like to change anything email me (treasurer@warwick.film)

The deadline for submitting orders if Friday week 9 (2/12/2016), and payment must be made by Friday week 10 (9/12/2016). Put your payment in an envelope, with your name and amount on the front and hand it into a DM at any show, or place it in the Treasurer's Tray.

You can access the ordering page here: [Online Clothing Order Page]

Image: http://i.imgur.com/YUjd5ZZ.png

Alexander Holmes

Last updated Wed, 21 Jun 2017 15:45:26 +0100

Exec Meeting - 25 October 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Tuesday 25th October at 7pm in H3.57 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Programming Meeting
3. Events & Socials Election
4. All Nighter
5. Society Collaborations
7. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sat, 29 Oct 2016 08:35:23 +0100

Exec Meeting - 8 October 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 8th October at 11am in H0.44 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Getting Involved Meeting
3. Pub Quiz
4. FilmSoc Awards
5. Sponsorship
7. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sun, 16 Oct 2016 11:45:46 +0100

Shrek Big Screening moved to L3 (old)

Hi all!

Due to the poor weather this afternoon and evening, we have unfortunately had to move tonight's screening of Shrek from the Piazza to L3 on the science concourse.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused..!

Philip Beckett

Last updated Sun, 03 Jul 2016 15:03:42 +0100

Exec Meeting - 26 June 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Sunday 26th June at 2pm in H0.05 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Arts Centre Cinema
3. Big Screening
4. Pricing
5. Sponsorship
6. Exec Handover
8. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Wed, 29 Jun 2016 09:23:26 +0100

Election Results June 2016 (old)

Congratulations to the following individuals who will be part of the exec of 2016-17, elected on Wednesday 22 June. I wish them both the best for the year ahead.

  • President
    Christopher Greenland
  • Publicity Officer
    Richard Kirk

Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President and Returning Officer)

Last updated Sat, 09 Jul 2016 10:07:06 +0100

Exec Election: Candidates (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's President and Publicity Officer elections, to be held on Wednesday 22 June 2016 at 5pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 from 4:30pm until 5:15pm on Wednesday.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

  • President
    Christopher Greenland
    Priyadarshini Kumre
  • Publicity Officer
    Juliette Armstrong
    Richard Kirk
    Priyadarshini Kumre

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President and Returning Officer)

Last updated Wed, 22 Jun 2016 22:43:33 +0100

Exec Election (old)

There will be an election held on Wednesday 22nd June at 5pm in L3 for the following posts:

- Publicity Officer

- President

I, Anjana Radhakrishnan, will be the returning officer for this election.
Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to me at returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Your email should contain:
- The role(s) you would like to run for and your order of preference

- Your name and university number

Nominations are now open and will close at 5pm on Tuesday 21st June.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech, and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me at returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

I look forward to receiving your nominations.

Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President and Returning Officer)

Last updated Tue, 21 Jun 2016 17:18:46 +0100

Big Screening Polo Order - Shrek (old)

This is the Big Screening polo order for this year. The design is linked below. Please place your order online below.

Online Clothing Ordering

If you have any issues or would like to change anything email me (treasurer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk)

Please place hand your payment into any member of the exec, or place it on the treasurers tray by Thursday 9th June if possible (though I realise this is very short notice). If not, I will collect it form you at some point before the Big Screening. Please remember to include your embroidery selections (note that only your name will be embroidered).

Alexander Holmes

Last updated Sun, 03 Jul 2016 15:03:55 +0100

Exec Meeting - 28 May 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 28th May at 3pm in H0.05 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. LOTR Limited Edition Tickets
3. Big Screening
4. Pricing
5. Sponsorship
7. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Sat, 28 May 2016 23:24:39 +0100

Exec Meeting - 1 May 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Sunday 1st May at 1pm in H0.44 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Big Screening
3. Publicity Officer
4. Pricing
5. Sponsorship
7. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Mon, 02 May 2016 08:14:40 +0100

Exec Meeting - 16 March 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 16th March at 4pm in F.25A (Millburn). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Sponsorship
3. Pricing - tickets and membership
4. Tour
6. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Fri, 18 Mar 2016 11:10:53 +0000

Exec Meeting - 5 March 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 5th March at 4pm in H1.48 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Sponsorship Pack
3. FilmSoc Film-Talk
4. FilmSoc Tour
5. Publicity for Term 3
6. Big Screening
8. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Mon, 07 Mar 2016 11:32:06 +0000

Exec Meeting - 17 February 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 17th February at 5pm in H1.48 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Technical and Publicity Officer
3. Handover Progress
4. LOTR Allnighter
5. Dude Bro Party Massacre 3
6. The Hunting Ground
7. Sponsorship Pack
8. Big Screening
10. AOB

Anjana Radhakrishnan

Last updated Fri, 19 Feb 2016 17:13:11 +0000

Exec Elections - Results 2016-17 (old)

Congratulations to the new exec, who were elected at the AGM on Wednesday 10 February 2016. I wish them all the best for the year ahead.

  • President
    Jonatan Benarroch
  • Vice-President
    Anjana Radhakrishnan
  • Treasurer
    Alex Holmes
  • Films Officer
    Jacek Kopanski
  • Chief Projectionist
    Lakshmi Ajay
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Matt Williams
  • IT Officer
    Joel Speed
  • Marketing Officer
    Hannah Freeman
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Phil Beckett
  • Chief Editor
    Dominic Lam

Reece Goodall (Returning Officer)

Last updated Wed, 02 Mar 2016 06:30:44 +0000

Exec Meeting - 10 February 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 10th February at 5pm in H1.02 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Lord of the Rings Allnighter
3. AGM/Elections
5. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Wed, 10 Feb 2016 22:39:14 +0000

AGM and Exec Elections: Candidates for 2016-17 (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's exec elections, to be held at our AGM on Wednesday 10 February 2016 at 6pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 from 5:45pm until 6:15pm on Wednesday.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer "at" filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

  • President
    Jonatan Benarroch
    Rafael Laouris
  • Vice-President
    Rafael Laouris
    Anjana Radhakrishnan
  • Treasurer
    Tobi Enaigbe
    Alex Holmes
    Jake Sommers
    Matt Williams
  • Films Officer
    Lakshmi Ajay
    Cedric Conboy
    Melissa Fletcher
    Jacek Kopanski
    Rafael Laouris
    Imogen Reeves
    Jake Sommers
  • Chief Projectionist
    Lakshmi Ajay
    Jonatan Benarroch
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Alex Holmes
    Matt Williams
  • Publicity Officer
    No candidates
  • Technical Officer
    Jonatan Benarroch
  • IT Officer
    Joel Speed
  • Marketing Officer
    Melissa Fletcher
    Fran Francis
    Hannah Freeman
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Phil Beckett
    Melissa Fletcher
  • Chief Editor
    Lakshmi Ajay
    Dominic Lam
    Tosin Sorunke

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Reece Goodall (Returning Officer)

Last updated Wed, 10 Feb 2016 22:39:48 +0000

Exec Meeting - 27 January 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 27th January at 3pm in L5 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Meet the Exec
3. Pyjama Party Allnighter
4. AGM/Elections
5. Pub Quiz
7. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Thu, 28 Jan 2016 12:58:43 +0000

AGM and Exec Elections (old)

Have your say

Warwick Student Cinema's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 10th February 2016 (Wednesday week 5) at 6pm in L3.

The meeting will comprise reports from the President and Treasurer, and elections for all positions on the exec. I, Reece Goodall, will be the returning officer for the elections.

The exec positions are as follows:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Films Officer
  • Chief Projectionist
  • Chief Duty Manager
  • Publicity Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • IT Officer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Events and Socials Coordinator
  • Chief Editor

You can read about the roles and responsibilities of the positions here. If you are considering running for a position, it is worth speaking to the incumbent about the work involved.
There will also be a meeting about the exec roles on Wednesday 27 January (Wednesday week 3) at 4pm in L5, so please do come along.

Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to me (returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk). You may run for as many positions as you wish, but you will need to state an order of preference in your email.

Nominations are now open and will close at 5pm on Monday 8 February 2016 (Monday week 5).

Your email should contain:

  • Your name and university number
  • The position(s) you wish to run for (and your order of preference for those positions)

Please note: to run for Chief Projectionist, you must be a WSC Qualified Projectionist; to run for Technical Officer, you must be a WSC Qualified 35-mm Projectionist; to run for Chief Duty Manager, you must be a WSC Qualified Duty Manager.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

I look forward to receiving your nominations.

Reece Goodall (Returning Officer)

Last updated Mon, 08 Feb 2016 17:01:31 +0000

Exec Meeting - 11 January 2016 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Monday 11th January at 4pm in Room 1 of the Rootes Learning Grid (Rootes Building). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Meet the Exec
3. Pyjama Party Allnighter
4. AGM/Elections
5. Socials
7. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Tue, 12 Jan 2016 11:27:40 +0000

Exec Meeting - 26 November 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Thursday 26th November at 4pm in the Rootes Flexigrid (Rootes Building). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Allnighter
3. Schedule
4. Publicity
5. Socials
7. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Sat, 28 Nov 2015 11:49:54 +0000

New Red Hoodie Order (old)

This is a new hoodie order for this year. I\'ve chosen to go with the standard red Clifton hoodies, though if there\'s sufficient demand for other colours then I can change it (need 11 or more of a single colour to order). Please place your order online below.

Online Clothing Ordering

If you have any issues or would like to change anything email me (treasurer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk)

Payment must be made by Friday week 9 (4/12/2015). Put your payment in an envelope, with your name and amount on the front and hand it into a DM at any show, or place it in the Treasurer\'s Tray.

Please remember to include your embroidery selections (note that only your name will be embroidered).

Giles Hutchings

Last updated Fri, 20 Nov 2015 12:45:02 +0000

Exec Meeting - 12 November 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Thursday 12th November at 4pm in the Rootes Flexigrid (Rootes Building). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Allnighter
3. RAG Charity Ball
4. PwC Opportunity Challenge
5. Sponsorship Pack
7. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Thu, 26 Nov 2015 14:38:08 +0000

Exec Meeting - 5 November 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Thursday 5th November at 4pm in the Rootes Flexigrid (Rootes Building). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Allnighter
3. Chief Editor
4. Events & Socials Coordinator
5. RaW
6. F-Rated
7. Elf Screening
8. Elections
10. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Thu, 05 Nov 2015 18:03:58 +0000

Exec Meeting - 22 October 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Thursday 22nd October at 4pm in the Rootes Flexigrid (Rootes Building). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Sponsored Event
3. Allnighter
4. Programming Meeting
6. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Fri, 23 Oct 2015 08:00:27 +0100

Exec Meeting - 5th October 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Monday 5th October at 5pm in H2.45 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome & Apologies
2. Exec Housekeeping
3. Societies Fair
4. Getting Involved Meeting
5. Pub Quiz
7. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Wed, 21 Oct 2015 21:51:30 +0100

Exec Meeting - 28th September 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Monday 28th September at 4pm in L3 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Freshers' Bag Packing
3. Publicity Run
4. Avengers Triple Screening
5. Cinema For All Awards
7. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Tue, 29 Sep 2015 23:36:19 +0100

Exec Meeting - 18th June 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Thursday 18th June at 1pm in H2.45 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Big Screening
3. Sponsorship
4. Membership
5. Autumn Schedule
6. Publicity
7. Autumn Preparation
9. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Thu, 18 Jun 2015 17:22:27 +0100

Exec Meeting - 3rd June 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 3rd June at 5pm in H0.05 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Outdoor Screening
3. Membership
4. Sponsorship
6. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Fri, 05 Jun 2015 17:45:27 +0100

Exec Meeting - 20th April 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Monday 20th April at 4pm, in H2.45 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Outdoor Screening
3. Sponsorship
4. Socs Awards
6. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:55:27 +0100

Exec Meeting - 6th March 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 6th March at 5pm, in H3.58 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Sponsorship package
3. Austerity
4. Outdoor Screening
6. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Fri, 06 Mar 2015 21:54:08 +0000

Navy Hoodie Order (old)

DEADLINE FOR ORDERS: Friday 20/03/15 & DEADLINE FOR PAYMENTS: Wednesday 25/03/15

Hello lovely people!

If you'd like to purchase a Navy Hoodie, please complete the order form online.

Online Clothing Ordering

Important: You must pay before the Wednesday following the order deadline in order to confirm your order!

If you have any questions or issues with the page feel free to email me at: treasurer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

Giles Hutchings

Last updated Fri, 26 Jun 2015 15:40:16 +0100

Exec Meeting - 13th February 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 13th February at 6pm, in H0.43 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Handover Progress
3. AllNighter
4. Sponsored Event
5. Outdoor Screening
6. Film Prices
7. Publicity/Marketing
8. Publicity for DMs
9. Time and date of next meeting
10. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Sat, 14 Feb 2015 12:26:37 +0000

Election Results 2015-16 (old)

Congratulations to the new exec, who were elected at the AGM on Wednesday 5 February. I wish them all the best for the year ahead.

  • President
    Lorraine Li
  • Vice-President
    Reece Goodall
  • Treasurer
    Giles Hutchings
  • Films Officer
    Jonatan Benarroch
  • Chief Projectionist
    Phil Beckett
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Anjana Radhakrishnan
  • Publicity Officer
    Emma Smith
  • Technical Officer
    Alex Pointon
  • IT Officer
    Joel Speed
  • Marketing Officer
    Richard Kirk
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Joe Lacey
  • Chief Editor
    Allie Wyant

Jorja Ellison

Last updated Thu, 05 Mar 2015 12:19:26 +0000

AGM and Exec Elections: Candidates for 2015-16 (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's exec elections, to be held at our AGM on Wednesday 4 February 2015 at 4pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 from 3:30pm until 4:15pm on Wednesday.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer "at" filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

  • President
    Lorraine Li
  • Vice-President
    Reece Goodall
  • Treasurer
    Mayur Dave
    Giles Hutchings
    Faheem Kirefu
    Keyan Shah
  • Films Officer
    Jonatan Benarroch
    Jess Carroll
  • Chief Projectionist
    Phil Beckett
    Jonatan Benarroch
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Lorraine Li
    Giles Hutchings
    Anjana Radhakrishnan
  • Publicity Officer
    Mayur Dave
    Faheem Kirefu
    Emma Smith
    Anjana Radhakrishnan
  • Technical Officer
    Alex Pointon
  • IT Officer
    Joel Speed
  • Marketing Officer
    Fran Francis
    Phil Beckett
    Richard Kirk
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Joe Lacey
    Phil Beckett
  • Chief Editor
    Mayur Dave
    Allie Wyant

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Jorja Ellison (Returning Officer)

Last updated Thu, 05 Feb 2015 00:14:16 +0000

Exec Meeting - 25th January 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Sunday 25th January at 2pm, in L3 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. AllNighter; i) Films, ii) Ticket Prices, iii)Charity
3. Film Studies Update
4. Elections
5. Time and date of next meeting
6. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Sun, 25 Jan 2015 18:10:40 +0000

Exec Meeting - 7th January 2015 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Wednesday 5th January at 5pm, in H4.01 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. President/Vice-President
3. Re-branding
4. Banner
5. Film Studies Resolution
6. Schedule
7. Elections: i) AGM, ii) Meet the exec meeting, iii) Quorum
8. Time and date of next meeting
9. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Wed, 07 Jan 2015 21:29:32 +0000

Exec Meeting - 4th December 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Thursday 4th December at 5pm in H0.05 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Publicity Quantites
3. Refreshers' Fair
4. Film Studies Update
5. AGM
6. Time and date of next meeting
7. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Fri, 05 Dec 2014 01:25:34 +0000

Hoodie Order (old)

DEADLINE FOR ORDERS: Wednesday 21/11/14 & DEADLINE FOR PAYMENTS: Thursday 04/12/14

Hello lovely people!

If you would like to purchase either our RED hoodie or our new NAVY hoodie, please fill in the online form.

Online Clothing Ordering

Important: You must pay before the Thursday following the order deadline (end of day on Thursday 04/12/14), to a Duty Manager at a show, in order to confirm your order!

If you have any questions or issues with the page feel free to email me at: treasurer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

Allison Wyant

Last updated Wed, 07 Jan 2015 23:45:42 +0000

Interstellar Social (old)

Trip to Manchester to See INTERSTELLAR in IMAX, and visit the Christmas Market

Sign Up Here!

Alex Pointon

Last updated Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:49:21 +0000

Navy Hoodie Order (old)

DEADLINE FOR ORDERS: Wednesday 21/11/14 & DEADLINE FOR PAYMENTS: Friday 23/11/14

Hello lovely people!

If you would like to purchase our new NAVY hoodie, please fill in the online form.

Online Clothing Ordering

Important: You must pay before the Friday following the order deadline (end of day on Friday 23/11/14), to a Duty Manager at a show, in order to confirm your order!

If you have any questions or issues with the page feel free to email me at: treasurer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

Allison Wyant

Last updated Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:55:34 +0000

Exec Meeting - 7th November 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 7th November at 5pm in H2.46 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Sponsored Event - Food/Drink/Raffle
3. AllNighter - Ticketing/Tuck Shop/Quiz/Prizes/Running Order/Dinner Before/Breakfast After
4. Tech Update
5. IT Update
6. Hoodies
7. Time and date of next meeting
8. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Sun, 09 Nov 2014 14:23:48 +0000

Exec Meeting - 24th October 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 24th October at 5pm in H2.46 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. InDesign
3. Programming Meeting
4. Warwick Filmmakers' Showcase
5. Film Studies
6. Lifetime Crew
7. Time and date of next meeting
8. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:08:49 +0000

Exec Meeting - 3rd October 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 3rd October at 5pm in B2.03 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Film Studies Society
3. Pub Quiz
4. Getting Involved Meeting
5. Socials
6. Interstellar
7. Time and date of next meeting
8. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Sun, 05 Oct 2014 00:47:46 +0100

Exec Meeting - 26th September 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Friday 26th September at 3pm in L3 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Tech Report
3. Finance Report
4. Freshers Fair
5. Publicity Run
6. Socs Fair
7. Getting Involved Meeting
8. Priorities for the year
9. Charity for the year
10. Time and date of next meeting
11. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:11:17 +0100

Exec Election Results (old)

Congratulations to:

Jordan Flynn

who was elected to the role of Publicity Officer at an election held on Wednesday 18th June 2014.
I welcome her to the exec on behalf of WSC.

Reece Goodall

Last updated Thu, 25 Sep 2014 22:26:35 +0100

Exec Election Candidates (old)

In the election of Publicity Officer, the election of which is to held on Wednesday 18th June at 4pm in L3, the candidate is as follows:

- Jordan Flynn

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 from 3:30pm until 4:00pm on Wednesday. Please bring your university card to the election.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me at returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Reece Goodall

Last updated Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:24:48 +0100

Exec Meeting - 16th June 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Monday 16th June at 4pm in H0.56 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Outdoor Screening: (i)Preparation, (ii)Running Order, (iii)Publicity Run
3. Publicity Elections
4. CP500
5. Sponsorship
6. Time and date of next meeting
7. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Tue, 17 Jun 2014 18:18:40 +0100

Outdoor Screening Polos (old)

DEADLINE FOR ORDERS: Monday 09/06/14 & DEADLINE FOR PAYMENTS: Wednesday 11/06/14

Hello lovely people!

If you'd like to purchase WSC Clothing for the Outdoor Screening of Despicable Me, please complete the order form online.

Online Clothing Ordering

Important: You must pay before the Wednesday following the order deadline in order to confirm your order!

If you have any questions or issues with the page feel free to email me at: treasurer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

Allison Wyant

Last updated Tue, 17 Jun 2014 20:54:52 +0100

Exec Meeting - 17th May 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Saturday 17th May at 3pm in B2.03 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.


  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. Changes to quorum
  3. Outdoor Screening
  4. WSC Rebrand
  5. Tills
  6. New Vacuum Cleaner
  7. Time and date of next meeting
  8. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Sun, 18 May 2014 22:37:11 +0100

Exec Election - Results (old)

Congratulations to:

Rachel Keighley

who was elected to the role of Chief Duty Manager at an election held on Thursday 8th April 2014.
I welcome her to the exec on behalf of WSC.

Reece Goodall (Returning Officer)

Last updated Thu, 15 May 2014 17:29:25 +0100

Exec Elections - Candidates (old)

In the election of Chief Duty Manager, the election of which is to held on Thursday 8th May at 6pm in B2.02, the candidates are as follows:

-Jordan Flynn

-Rachel Keighley

-Lorraine Li

Ballot papers will be issued in B2.02 from 5:45pm until 6:15pm on Thursday. Please bring your university card to the election.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me at returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Reece Goodall

Last updated Thu, 08 May 2014 20:20:09 +0100

Exec Election (old)

Dear all,
There will be an election held on Thursday 8th May at 6pm in B2.02 for the following post:

- Chief Duty Manager

Please note that you must be a WSC qualified Duty Manager to run for this position.

I, Reece Goodall, will be the returning officer for this election.
Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to me at returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Your email should contain:
- Your name and university number

Nominations are now open and will close at 6pm on Wednesday 7th May 2014.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me at returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.
I look forward to receiving your nominations.

Kind regards,

Reece Goodall (Vice-President and Returning Officer)

Last updated Wed, 07 May 2014 18:03:06 +0100

Exec Meeting - 1st May 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Thursday 1st May at 4pm in H0.05 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Publicity Run
3. Lifetime Crew
4. Outdoor Screening: (i)Update, (ii)Budget, (iii)Advertising/Marketing, (iv)Clothing
5. Office/Proj Box Lights
6. Pearl & Dean Line
7. Societies Awards
8. FilmSoc Awards
9. Programming Meeting
11. DM/Proj Ratifications
12. Chief DM Elections
13. Time and date of next meeting
14. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Thu, 01 May 2014 19:13:26 +0100

Exec Meeting: 9th March 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on Sunday 9th March at 3pm in H0.05 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome/Apologies
2. Publicity (i) Temporary/Permanent replacement for Publicity Officer (ii) Publicity Quantities for Term 3
3. Sponsorship
4. Outdoor Screening
5. Keys
6. Additional Wolf of Wall Street screening
7. Lifetime crew status
8. Time and date of next meeting
9. AOB

Reece Goodall

Last updated Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:42:23 +0000

Clothing Order (old)

DEADLINE FOR ORDERS: Wednesday 04/11/14 & DEADLINE FOR PAYMENTS: Friday 06/11/14

Hello lovely people!

If you'd like to purchase WSC Clothing this term, please complete the order form online. You'll have the option of our EXCITING NEW HOODIE!

If you're a newly qualified projectionist or duty manager remember you are entitled to a free polo.

Online Clothing Ordering

Important: You must pay before the Friday following the order deadline (end of day on Friday 06/11/14), to a Duty Manager at a show, in order to confirm your order!

If you have any questions or issues with the page feel free to email me at: treasurer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

Allison Wyant

Last updated Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:33:20 +0000

Exec Meeting: 19th February 2014 (old)

There will be a joint exec meeting this Wednesday (19th Feb) at 5pm in S0.52 (Social Sciences). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Night of Nolan: (i) Food/Drink; (ii) Charity on the night; (iii) Quiz/prizes
3. Handover Progress
4. Update on unfilled exec positions
5. Outdoor screening
6. Potential members' free event
7. Keys
8. Conditions for Collaborations
9. Communication: (i) Email/Phone contact details on website; (ii) Mailing Lists; (iii) Forums Accounts; (iv) Charity discussion
10. Tablet/Tills
11. Tech Purchases
12. Marketing Rates for Charities
13. DM/Proj ratifications
14. Clothing Order
15. Time and Date of next meeting
16. AOB

Reece Goodall (Vice-President Elect)

Last updated Wed, 19 Feb 2014 19:53:06 +0000

A Night of Nolan Publicity Run (old)

We will be having a publicity run to advertise the Nolan AllNighter on Sunday, 16th at 11.30am. All this will involve is handing out A5 flyers across the student accommodation on campus in small groups. If you would like to help out, come along to L3 at 11.30 to pick up some flyers.

This should be a really quick pub run and we plan to go to Varsity for lunch once we are done. As always, any help would be much appreciated.

It would be great to see as many of you there as possible!

Alina Haddad, Publicity Officer

Alina Haddad

Last updated Tue, 15 Mar 2022 17:33:55 +0000

Exec meeting: 7 February 2014 (old)

There will be a joint exec meeting this Friday (7th Feb) at 7pm in H0.02 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome, Apologies, and Introduction
2. Unfilled exec positions
3. Publicity quantities for Summer Term
4. Sponsored Event: (a) Food & drink purchase; (b) Running order; (c) Prizes
5. Night of Nolan: (a) Publicity & Marketing; (b) Running order; (c) Prizes; (d) Staff refreshments
6. 'Audience Choice' film
7. Spring Term scheduling: The Hobbit
8. Summer Term scheduling: Members' Free Events
9. Outdoor Screening
10. Terms and conditions for collaborations
11. Digital trailers
12. Internal advertising (LCD screens)
13. Time and date of next meeting
14. Any other business

James McLachlan (Vice-President)

Last updated Sun, 09 Feb 2014 00:36:08 +0000

Election Results: Exec 2014-15 (old)

Congratulations to the new exec, who were elected at the AGM on Wednesday 5 February. I wish them all the best for the year ahead.

  • President
    Oliver Brown
  • Vice-President
    Reece Goodall
  • Treasurer
    Allie Wyant
  • Films Officer
    Jess Carroll
  • Chief Projectionist
    Charlie Roberson
  • Technical Officer
    Alex Pointon
  • IT Officer
    Thomas Purchas
  • Marketing Officer
    Richard Kirk
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Bonita Chung
  • Chief Editor
    Chloë Pugh

James McLachlan (Returning Officer)

Last updated Sat, 22 Feb 2014 01:51:20 +0000

AGM and Exec Elections: Candidates for 2014-15 (old)

Have your say

Please find below the nominees for WSC's exec elections, to be held at our AGM on Wednesday 5 February 2014 at 6pm in L3.

Ballot papers will be issued in L3 from 5.30pm until 6.15pm on Wednesday.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer "at" filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

  • President
    Oliver Brown
  • Vice-President
    Motunrayo Adeeyo
    Reece Goodall
    Charlie Roberson
  • Treasurer
    Bonita Chung
    Giles Hutchings
    Faheem Kirefu
    Keyan Shah
    David Vilalta
    Allie Wyant
  • Films Officer
    Motunrayo Adeeyo
    Jonatan Benarroch
    Jess Carroll
    Freya Jackson
    Charlie Roberson
  • Chief Projectionist
    Phil Beckett
    Reece Goodall
    Charlie Roberson
    Allie Wyant
  • Chief Duty Manager
    Richard Kirk
  • Publicity Officer
    No candidates
  • Technical Officer
    Sam Kidman
    Alex Pointon
  • IT Officer
    Thomas Purchas
  • Marketing Officer
    Motunrayo Adeeyo
    Phil Beckett
    Richard Kirk
  • Events & Socials Coordinator
    Bonita Chung
    Freya Jackson
  • Chief Editor
    Chloë Pugh

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

James McLachlan (Returning Officer)

Last updated Thu, 06 Feb 2014 02:06:29 +0000

Frozen replaces American Hustle (old)

We regret that we are unable to show American Hustle until the summer term, but we have booked Disney's Frozen as a replacement.

James McLachlan

Last updated Sat, 08 Mar 2014 13:39:10 +0000

AGM and Exec Elections (old)

Have your say

Warwick Student Cinema's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 5 February 2014 (Week 5) at 6pm in L3.

The meeting will comprise reports from the President and Treasurer, and elections for all positions on the exec. I, James McLachlan, will be the returning officer for the elections.

The exec positions are as follows:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Films Officer
  • Chief Projectionist
  • Chief Duty Manager
  • Publicity Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • IT Officer
  • Marketing Officer
  • Events and Socials Coordinator (new position)
  • Chief Editor (new position)

You can read about the roles and responsibilities of the positions here. If you are considering running for a position, it is worth speaking to the incumbent about the work involved.
If you would like to know more about the new position of Events and Socials Coordinator, please email me (returningofficer "at" filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).
And if you would like to know more about the new position of Chief Editor, please email the Publicity Officer, Alina Haddad (publicityofficer "at" filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election. If you wish to run, you may nominate yourself by email to me (returningofficer "at" filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk). You may run for as many positions as you wish, but you will need to state an order of preference in your email.

Nominations are now open and will close at 6pm on Monday 3 February 2014.

Your email should contain:

  • Your name and university number
  • The position(s) you wish to run for (and your order of preference for those positions)

Please note: to run for Chief Projectionist, you must be a WSC Qualified Projectionist; to run for Technical Officer, you must be a WSC Qualified 35-mm Projectionist; to run for Chief Duty Manager, you must be a WSC Qualified Duty Manager.

Voting will be by single transferable vote, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have five minutes per position to make a short speech and take questions.

If you have any queries, please contact me (returningofficer "at" filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

I look forward to receiving your nominations.

James McLachlan (Vice-President and Returning Officer)

Last updated Tue, 04 Feb 2014 00:37:40 +0000

Exec meeting: 10 January 2014 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on 10 January 2014 (Friday, Week 1) at 5pm in S0.28 (Social Sciences). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and apologies
2. Lord of the Rings AllNighter: (a) Timings; (b) Ticket sales; (c) Publicity/marketing
3. General Meeting Week 3
4. Movie Pub Quiz: (a) Technical; (b) Prizes; (c) Publicity/marketing
5. New tills
6. "Audience Choice" film
7. Collaborations
8. Projection training
9. New HDD for Columbia
10. Lifetime Crew nominations
11. Sponsored Event theme
12. Summer Term schedule
13. Time and date of next meeting
14. Any other business

James McLachlan

Last updated Sat, 11 Jan 2014 02:01:06 +0000

Exec meeting: 5 December 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 5 December 2013 (Thursday, Week 10) at 7pm in Bar Fusion. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Movie Pub Quiz: (a) Set-up; (b) Ticket prices and sales; (c) Prizes
3. Lord of the Rings AllNighter: ticket prices and sales
4. General Meeting in Week 3
5. WSC social media accounts
6. Qualification ratifications
7. Time and date of next meeting
8. Any other business

James McLachlan (Vice-President)

Last updated Thu, 05 Dec 2013 21:14:46 +0000

Exec meeting: 24 November 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 24 November 2013 (Sunday, Week 9) at 4pm in H1.02 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Saturday double screening times

3. Members' Free Films

4. KPMG Sponsored Event

5. Movie Pub Quiz

6. General Meeting (redefining Exec Roles)

7. Charity Collection at Love Actually

8. Time and Date of Next Meeting

9. AOB

James McLachlan

Last updated Sun, 24 Nov 2013 18:32:14 +0000

The AllNighter - SOLD OUT online, LIMITED tickets on the door! (old)

The AllNighter is now SOLD OUT online! There will be a VERY limited number of tickets on sale on the door, on a first-come-first served basis... our tills will be open from 6:30pm.

Hope those of you who did get tickets have an awesome night! :D

Kat Sroga (President)

Last updated Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:09:38 +0000

Exec meeting: 6 November 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 6 November 2013 (Wednesday, Week 6) at 5pm in H4.02 (Humanities). All WSC members are welcome to attend.


1. Welcome and Apologies
2. AllNighter Planning
(a) Schedule
(b) Quiz/Raffle
(c) Prizes
(d) Publicity
(e) Marketing
(f) Dinner and breakfast
(g) Refreshments stall
(h) Other
3. Loyalty Cards
4. Spring Term Movie Pub Quiz
5. Time and Date of Next Meeting
6. Any other business

James McLachlan

Last updated Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:37:30 +0000

Exec meeting: 30 October 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 30 October 2013 (Wednesday, Week 5) at 4pm in B2.01 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and apologies
2. Review of Sponsored Event
3. Spring Term publicity quantities
4. Clothing order
5. Discussion of requirements of projectionists and duty managers
6. Screening times for double showings (Saturday and Sunday)
7. Collaborations for Spring Term
8. Purchase of hard drives for Doremi server
9. AllNighter: (a) Ticket prices and online ticketing; (b) Running order, intervals, prizes; (c) Stall
10. Spring Term Movie Pub Quiz
11. Time and date of next meeting
12. Any other business

James McLachlan

Last updated Wed, 30 Oct 2013 22:48:58 +0000

Avengers Assemble replaces Thor (old)

We regret that we are unable to show Thor on Tuesday (22nd October). But don't despair: we have arranged a screening of the mighty Avengers Assemble as a replacement!

James McLachlan

Last updated Tue, 22 Oct 2013 20:13:00 +0100

Programming Meeting (old)

There will be a Programming Meeting on Wednesday 16th October, at 6pm in L3. Come along to help us choose next term's films, then join us for some food and drink in Varsity!

Katherine Sroga (President)

Last updated Thu, 17 Oct 2013 10:55:24 +0100

Exec meeting: 13 October 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 13 October 2013 (Sunday, Week 3) at 4pm in B2.03 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and apologies
2. 'Getting Involved' review
3. Movie Pub Quiz review
4. KPMG Sponsored Event for Autumn 2013
5. Clothing order
6. Restructuring of Exec roles
7. Time and Date of Next Meeting
8. AOB

James McLachlan (Vice-President)

Last updated Sun, 13 Oct 2013 23:43:20 +0100

TONIGHT: Extra screening of The Great Gatsby (old)

After a sell-out late screening of The Great Gatsby on Sunday, there will be an additional screening tonight at 21:30. Tickets will be on sale from 21:10.

James McLachlan

Last updated Mon, 07 Oct 2013 23:49:24 +0100

Election result (old)

Congratulations to Liam McNamara, who was elected Chief Duty Manager at the election held on 2nd October 2013.

James McLachlan (Returning Officer)

Last updated Sun, 06 Oct 2013 22:33:12 +0100

Exec meeting: 2nd October 2013 (old)

There will be an exec meeting on 2nd October 2013 (Wednesday, Week 1) at 7:00 pm in B2.03 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Societies Fair: review of Wednesday and rota for Thursday
3. 'Getting Involved' Meeting
4. Office cleanliness
5. Curiositea Cinema Club update
6. Movie Pub Quiz
7. Digital shows and digital trainees
8. Loyalty cards
9. Society social offers
10. Film times and days
11. New Exec positions
12. Time and date of next meeting
13. AOB

James McLachlan

Last updated Wed, 02 Oct 2013 23:15:24 +0100

WSC: Your Award-Winning Student Cinema (old)

We are delighted to have won Best Student Cinema at the BFFS Film Society of the Year Awards held at BFI Southbank on 22nd September.

James McLachlan

Last updated Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:11:48 +0100

Notice of election (old)

There will be an election for the exec position of Chief Duty Manager on 2nd October (Wednesday, Week 1) at 6:00 pm in L3.

I, James McLachlan, will be the returning officer for the election.

One nomination was received:

  • Liam McNamara

Voting will be by the single transferable vote method, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. The candidate will have five minutes in which he can make a short speech and questions can be taken.

James McLachlan

Last updated Wed, 02 Oct 2013 23:15:15 +0100

Exec meeting: 20 June 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 20 June 2013 (Thursday, Week 9) at 7:00 pm in B2.01 on the Science Concourse. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and apologies
2. Outdoor screening
3. Ticket prices for 2013-14
4. Saturday and Sunday screening times for Autumn 2013
5. Autumn term publicity and marketing
6. 'Getting Involved' meeting
7. Autumn term socials (specifically, 'Getting Involved' socials)
8. Movie Pub Quiz in "Freshers Fortnight"
9. Autumn term Sponsored Event
10. Trailers for films pages on website
11. Collaborations with other societies
12. Potential partnership with The Boar
13. Communication with other societies
14. Secondary sponsorship
15. WSC re-branding
16. Purchase of new roller banners
17. Future clothing designs
18. Organisation over summer vacation
19. Communication with Crew
20. BFFS Awards
21. Qualification ratifications
22. Time and date of next meeting
23. AOB

James McLachlan (Vice-President)

Last updated Fri, 21 Jun 2013 17:19:04 +0100

Exec meeting: 13 May 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 13 May 2013 (Monday, Week 4) at 7.00 pm in B2.01 (Science Concourse). All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Outdoor Screening: (a) clothing (to include polo shirts subsidy); (b) technical; (c) publicity
3. Sponsorship for 2013-14
4. Autumn 2013 schedule: Friday and Saturday screenings
5. "Free films for members" promotion for 2013-14
6. Ticketing policy (specifically, for externals)
7. Prospective collaborations for 2013-14
9. AOB

James McLachlan (Vice-President)

Last updated Tue, 14 May 2013 01:47:49 +0100

Survey Winner! (old)

Thanks to those of you who filled in a survey at one of our screenings last term, we really appreciated receiving your feedback. The winner of a Five Film Pass was drawn last night, and the winner is... Alex Dinsdale! We hope that he enjoys using his free films this term, and that everybody comes along to some of the fantastic films we have over the next nine weeks!

Kat Sroga (President)

Last updated Tue, 18 Jun 2013 11:18:58 +0100

Exec meeting: 30 April 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 30 April 2013 (Tuesday, Week 2) at 6.00 pm in B2.01 (Science Concourse).
All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and apologies for absence
2. Air conditioning report
3. Financial report: (a) Spring 2013; (b) Outdoor Screening budget
4. Outdoor Screening: (a) technical; (b) planning; (c) publicity; (d) clothing
5. Movie Pub Quiz
6. Sponsorship for 2013-14
7. Sunday screening times for Autumn 2013
8. Prospective collaborations for Autumn 2013
9. Publicity for Autumn 2013
10. Use of campus "big screen"
11. Societies Awards submissions
12. Sharing information with other student cinemas
13. AOB

James McLachlan (Vice-President)

Last updated Wed, 01 May 2013 16:30:40 +0100

A Look Ahead to Summer Term 2013 (old)

With the Easter holidays well and truly underway, we can turn our attention to the Summer Term schedule. With over 30 films to keep you away from your studies, you can be sure that your film desires will be as catered-for as ever over the coming 10 weeks!

If you don't believe us, check out Summer 2013's What's On trailer, now available on our YouTube channel!

Samuel Kidman (Marketing Officer)

Last updated Tue, 23 Apr 2013 20:25:44 +0100

The Master: SHOWING TONIGHT (old)

We regret that we were unable to show The Master on Sunday, but it will be shown TONIGHT (Wednesday 6 March) at 7:30 pm.

James McLachlan (Vice-President)

Last updated Thu, 07 Mar 2013 10:32:14 +0000

Exec meeting: 14 March 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 14 March 2013 (Thursday, Week 10) at 6.15 pm in S0.08. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Technical team purchases, to include air conditioning
3. Term 3 pub quiz planning
4. Sponsorship for 2013-14
5. Sunday screening times poll
6. Term 3 publicity run
7. 'Lifetime crew' status
8. Time and date of next meeting
9. AOB

James McLachlan (Vice-President)

Last updated Tue, 11 Jun 2013 10:20:02 +0100

Exec meeting: 26th February 2013 (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on 26th February 2013 (Tuesday, Week 8) at 6.10 pm in S0.28. All WSC members are welcome to attend.

1. Welcome and apologies
2. AllNighter review: (a) running time; (b) financial report
3. Sponsorcraft ("crowdfunding") update
4. Technical team purchases, to include air conditioning
5. Term 3 pub quiz planning
6. Outdoor Screening, to include film choice
7. Collaboration with Offbeat
8. Sponsorship for 2013-14
9. "Getting Involved" 2013-14
10. Advertising cost review
11. Exec card access to L3
12. Time and date of next meeting
13. Any Other Business

James McLachlan (Vice-President)

Last updated Tue, 26 Feb 2013 20:43:15 +0000

Exec Election Results (old)

Ballot box

Hi Everybody,

Firstly, apologies for the lateness of this update!

Secondly, (and most importantly!)congratulations to the following successful candidates at WSC's Exec Elections, held at our AGM on Wednesday 6th February in L3!

I would also like to thank all those who ran and I hope that those who were unsuccessful will continue to contribute to the society moving forward.

  • President

    Kat Sroga
  • Vice-President

    James McLachlan
  • Treasurer

    Catherine Allkins
  • Films Officer

    Harry Austin
  • Chief Projectionist

    Georgina Rawson
  • Chief Duty Manager

    Natalie Teutsch
  • Publicity Officer

    Alina Haddad
  • Technical Officer

    Alex Pointon
  • IT Officer

    Thomas Purchas

  • Marketing Officer

    Sam Kidman

I wish the new Exec all the best for the future year and look forward to the completion of the handover at The AllNighter, next Friday, in Week 7!

Jorja Ellison

Last updated Fri, 22 Feb 2013 23:52:05 +0000

Exec meeting: 12th February 2013 (old)

The meeting of the outgoing exec and the exec elect will be held on 12th February 2013 (Tuesday, Week 6) at 6:10 pm in S0.08. All members of WSC are welcome to attend.

0. Welcome and apologies for absence
1. Introduction to exec meetings
2. Handover progress
3. Finance update
4. Sunday screening times
5. Outdoor screening: (a) budget; (b) outgoing Technical Officer's briefing; (c) film shortlist
6. Sponsorcraft (company for "crowdfunding" projects)
7. AllNighter: (a) crew food; (b) running order; (c) prizes
8. Technical team purchases: (a) speaker covers; (b) new masking; (c) air conditioning
9. Survey discussion
10. Summer programme update: (a) bookings progress; (b) film formats; (c) free films for members; (d) pub quiz
11. Future of 35-mm film at WSC
12. Office access for Chief Editor
13. Summer term publicity quantities
14. Qualification ratifications
15. Time and date of next meeting
16. Any other business

James McLachlan (Vice-President elect)

Last updated Wed, 13 Feb 2013 00:09:52 +0000

06/02/13 AGM: WSC Exec Final Nominations List! (old)

Have your say

Dear all,

Please find below (listed by position and in alphabetical order) the nominees for WSC's Exec Elections, held at our AGM on Wednesday 6th February (Week 5) at 6pm in L3.

Ballot papers shall be issued from 5.15pm until 6pm and proxy voting is not permitted.

Voting will be by the single transferable vote method, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have up to three minutes to give a speech and up to a further five minutes in which questions will be taken.

Any queries, please contact me on returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

  • President
    Katherine Sroga
  • Vice-President
    James McLachlan
  • Treasurer
    Catherine Allkins
  • Films Officer

    Harry Austin
    Thomas Freeman
  • Chief Projectionist

    Georgina Rawson
  • Chief Duty Manager

    Natalie Teutsch
  • Publicity Officer

    Alina Haddad
  • Technical Officer

    Alex Pointon
  • IT Officer

    Thomas Purchas

  • Marketing Officer

    Sam Kidman

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

Jorja Ellison

Last updated Tue, 04 Feb 2014 00:57:17 +0000

Exec Meeting January 15th 2013 (old)

Hi All,

There will be an Exec Meeting on the 15th of January (Tuesday Week 2), at 6:15pm in H0.56 (tbc).

So far the Agenda looks to be like as follows:

- Welcome and apologies for absence
- Digital projector maintenance contract renewal
- Tech purchases
- Speaker cover - grilles, carpet etc
- New masking
- Pliers, hammer, other tools
- Bradford social
- Air conditioning
- Autumn 2012 financial update
- Pub quiz
- Sponsored event
- Sunday screening times
- Lowering advertising cost
- Outdoor screening
- Time and date of next meeting

As usual, any member of Warwick Student Cinema is welcome to attend!

Hope you're having a great day!

Jorja Ellison

Last updated Mon, 21 Jan 2013 13:56:19 +0000

Spring programme confirmed (old)

It is my pleasure to announce the confirmation of the film programme for the spring term. Following on from last year's Oscar Tuesdays, the same day of the week will be devoted to winners of the Academy Award for Best Picture, culminating with The Godfather and The Godfather: Part II, considered by many to be the pinnacle of American cinema. The term will not be short of this year's awards season and festival favourites either, from Amour to Argo and The Master to Silver Linings Playbook.

Before the UK release of Hitchcock on 8th February, Week 4 brings an Alfred Hitchcock mini-season, with screenings of Rebecca (Best Picture 1940), Rear Window (sponsored by KPMG) and Psycho (at midnight).

The AllNighter will feature two Sam Mendes films: the sensational Skyfall and American Beauty, itself a Best Picture winner. The lineup is completed by Seven Psychopaths (from In Bruges director Martin McDonagh), ParaNorman (from the makers of Coraline) and the first Bond, Sean Connery, in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. These, and a mystery film!

The programme ends in style with two highly anticipated films of much-loved novels. Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey gets three screenings, and Ang Lee's Life of Pi is the final Sunday double screening.

James McLachlan (Films Officer)

Last updated Tue, 26 Feb 2013 20:47:01 +0000

Exec Meeting Tuesday 27th November (old)

The Exec will be meeting on Tuesday 27th November at 6:15pm in S1.66. All members are welcome to attend!

The agenda is being formulated at the moment - check back for more info.

If you have a point you would like the Exec to discuss, please email me at president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

See you there,

Fergus Cooper - President

Last updated Thu, 29 Nov 2012 00:48:20 +0000

AllNighter - THIS FRIDAY (old)

Autumn Term AllNighter 2012

FRIDAY WEEK 7 (16th Nov) - doors open 7.30pm

Buy Online

The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets are on sale before all films the week and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!

More Info...

Can you go AllNight?

Fergus Cooper

Last updated Mon, 19 Nov 2012 10:47:10 +0000

AllNighter Publicity Run (old)


There will be a Publicity Run for the AllNighter on Sunday 11th November.

We're meeting in L3 at 2pm, and then heading off in groups to distribute publicity all over campus.

It's a great way to get to know the WSC Crew, and if that's not enough for you, you'll get two free films for helping out (if you don't already have crew status, that is)!

It would be great to see some of you guys there!

Any help would be really appreciated; although these Publicity Runs don't tend to take as long as our termly ones, the more hands we have, the quicker it is!

Hope to see you at our screenings soon!

Jorja Ellison - Vice President

Last updated Mon, 12 Nov 2012 01:49:49 +0000

Agenda for Exec Meeting on 1/11/12 (old)

We now have an agenda for Thursday's Meeting, which is as follows:

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence

2. The future of 'Ask The Exec' meetings

3. Complimentary Tickets

4. Old Key Forms

5. Lifetime Crew Status

6. The AllNighter

7. Spring Schedule, including the Sponsored event, Member's Benefits and Collaborations

8. Publicity Quantities

9. Clothing Order

10. Potential Purchases

11. Time and Date of Next Meeting

12. Any Other Business

The meeting will be held at 8:00pm in R0.12. Again, all members are welcome to attend!

Jorja Ellison - Vice President

Jorja Ellison

Last updated Fri, 02 Nov 2012 10:43:28 +0000

Exec Meeting - 1st November (old)

The Exec will be meeting on Thursday 1st November at 8:00pm in R0.12. All members are welcome to attend!

The agenda is being formulated at the moment - check back for more info.

If you have a point you would like the Exec to discuss, please email Fergus at president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

We hope the meeting will be as brief as last time!

Jorja - Vice President

Last updated Fri, 02 Nov 2012 10:43:32 +0000



Feeling hungry today? Fancy FREE PIZZA?

Perhaps thirsty? How about FREE ALCOHOL or SOFT DRINK?

Some entertainment? FREE FILM and RAFFLE WITH PRIZES!

Thanks to our sponsors, KPMG, you can come and have a great evening for no money at all! There's a free screening of Batman Begins, to kick-off our Batman Season, followed by a raffle, with DVD prizes, free pizza and beer, wine and soft drink! Come along tonight, tickets are first come, first served, and there'll be a KPMG representative there too if you have any careers questions.

Georgia Ellison

Last updated Fri, 02 Nov 2012 12:11:00 +0000

Election Results - 10/10/12 (old)

Congratulations to the following candidates for being elected:

  • Fergus Cooper
  • Georgia (Jorja) Ellison
Publicity Officer
  • Katherine Sroga
Marketing Officer
  • Samuel Kidman

Edward McCutcheon

Last updated Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:27:33 +0100

By-Election Nominations (old)

Elections for the vacant exec positions listed below will commence at 5:30pm in L3 on Wednesday 10th October 2012. Ballot papers will be dispensed from 5:15pm, and no further papers will be dispensed upon the first candidate starting their speech at 5:30pm.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact me - returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

  • Fergus Cooper
  • Timothy Green
  • Matthew Wilkinson
  • Georgia (Jorja) Ellison
  • Matthew Wilkinson
Publicity Officer
  • Katherine Sroga
Marketing Officer
  • Robin James Kerrison
  • Samuel Kidman

Edward McCutcheon

Last updated Wed, 10 Oct 2012 18:37:32 +0100

Exec Meeting 14th October (old)

The Exec will be meeting on Sunday 14th October at 2:00pm in H0.43. As always, members and crew are welcome to attend!

Please visit the forums if you wish to see the agenda.

If you have a point you would like the Exec to discuss, either mention it on the forum or email the President at president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

We hope the meeting will be as brief as last time!

Timothy Green

Last updated Sun, 14 Oct 2012 16:19:00 +0100

Pub Quiz (old)

13/10/2012 in The Mighty Duck

Do you know your Aliens from your Predators, and your Untouchables from your Incredibles? Can you recite all the rules of Fight Club or the whole script of Pulp Fiction? Maybe you just have red on you? Whether you're a Black Swan or a Dark Knight, you'll be sure to love Warwick Student Cinema's first ever film-themed pub quiz on Saturday, Week 2 in the Mighty Duck in the SU. So gather your Fellowship and head on up for what is sure to be a fun, star-studded night of movie quotes, film trivia, drinking, and of course, prizes!

Prizes for the winning teams include a multitude of DVDs, food and drink, and free WSC film tickets.

Price of entry is £2 per person for non-WSC-members, or £1 for our members and crew, and tickets will be sold on the door only. The event starts at 19:30 and is expected to go on until approximately 22:00.

Join the event on Facebook!

Scott Griffiths

Last updated Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:25:59 +0100

By-Elections - 10th October 2012 (old)

Have your say

Elections will be held for vacant positions on the WSC Executive due to resignations over the summer on Wednesday 10th October 2012 in L3, with speeches starting promptly at 5:30pm. I (Edward McCutcheon, Treasurer 2012-13) will be the Returning Officer at this election.

The following roles are open for election:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Publicity Officer
  • Marketing Officer

Candidates who wish to find out more about the post should look on the Executive page or contact me for a suggestion of someone to speak to. To run for a role, candidates should nominate themselves by sending an email to returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk, stating their name, position(s) they wish to run for, any preference if running for multiple positions and their university number. All candidates must be Full Members of Warwick Student Cinema, and those who are successful will be elected into post until the AGM in Term 2. Nominations close on Tuesday 9th October at 5pm.

All members are welcome to attend the election, and full members are entitled to vote, which will be conducted by the single transferable vote method. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which they can make a short speech and questions can be taken. Ballot Papers will be dispensed from 5:15pm, and no further papers will be dispensed once the first speech has started after 5:30pm.

If you have any queries, please contact me: returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Edward McCutcheon - Treasurer

Last updated Tue, 09 Oct 2012 19:56:38 +0100

Warwick Student Cinema presents Autumn Term 2012 (old)

Whether you’re interested in getting more involved with the society by joining our fabulous crew or just in it for the multitude of films at student prices, Warwick Student Cinema has a great line-up that caters for every palate: blockbusters, comedies, classics, dramas, horrors, rom-coms and foreign films – our Autumn term schedule has it all.

We’ve got a lot of interesting events planned this term. We’re holding our first movie pub quiz on Saturday of week 2 – so come to the Mighty Duck if you’ve no other plans. Our flagship event The AllNighter (six films in one night) will be headlined on Friday of week 7 by the acclaimed comedy Ted and Pixar’s latest, Brave – see our publicity for further details.

Christopher Nolan's Batman Season kicks off on Tuesday Week 4 with our ever-popular Sponsored Screening; we’ll be putting on a free showing of Batman Begins with complimentary food and drink provided for all attendees, courtesy of KPMG. The season will end on a high note with four screenings of the majestic The Dark Knight Rises across the Friday and Sunday.

We’ve got four Midnight Frights, horror films starting at midnight on Saturday evening, and three free films for members (Safe, Tales of the Night and Arthur Christmas) spread around the term.

The connoisseurs of cinema amongst you may be intrigued by our Saturday week 8 showing of Terminator 2: Judgement Day in 70mm. We are indeed one of the few cinemas in the country that still regularly show 70mm film.

So find us at the Freshers or Societies Fairs and grab a poster, then come along to enjoy one of the many films with us this term. Don’t forget that our first two films of term (21 Jump Street and Battleship) are free to attend!

We wish you the best in your upcoming year.

The WSC Exec

Last updated Wed, 05 Dec 2012 13:47:40 +0000

Pre-Term Exec Meeting (old)

The first Exec meeting of the academic year shall be before the start of term on Thursday 27th September. For further details please visit the forums.

Members are welcome to attend.

Timothy Green - Vice President

Last updated Sat, 29 Sep 2012 22:49:12 +0100

Getting Involved Meeting and Free Pizza (old)

Are you interested in getting involved with Warwick Student Cinema? Want to know about the different opportunities that we offer? Want to know about the benefits and commitments of joining our crew? Want to be rewarded for your curiosity with free pizza?

At the start of the autumn term the cinema holds a "Getting Involved" meeting where all of your questions, and more, will be answered. The team heads of Projection, Front of House, Publicity, Marketing and IT will give details about what their teams do, and what you could do for them. Most of the Exec and other crew members will be on hand to answer any questions that you have, as well as giving you tours of the projection suite. And yes, there will be free pizza for all attendees!

The meeting will be held on Saturday 6th October (week 1) from 4:00 pm in L3. It will last only about an hour so we hope it won’t intrude on any of your evening plans.

So come along, bring your friends, hear about the society, get a tour of our projection suite and then grab some complimentary pizza on your way out.

Until then feel free to visit our Getting Involved page for more details, email the exec (info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk) if you have any burning questions, or visit our stall at both the Freshers and Societies Fairs in week 1.

The WSC Exec

Last updated Sat, 06 Oct 2012 20:11:10 +0100

Autumn 2012 at Warwick Student Cinema (old)

You can see the film programme for the autumn term here.

James McLachlan (Films Officer)

Last updated Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:30:15 +0100

Outdoor Screening - Free!! (old)


How to Train Your Dragon

The Projector has been collected, the film made-up, the bookings all made - come and enjoy a Free Screening of How to Train Your Dragon on TOCIL FIELD from 10pm!

Join us on Facebook! »»FB    Facebook Event

WSC Exec

Last updated Thu, 28 Jun 2012 12:53:49 +0100

Exec Meeting 31st May (old)

The Exec will be meeting on Thursday 31st May at 3:00pm in H3.56. As always, members are encouraged to attend!

Please visit the forums if you wish to see the agenda.

If you have a point you would like the Exec to discuss, either mention it on the forum or email the President at president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

We hope the meeting will be as brief as last time!

Timothy Green

Last updated Thu, 31 May 2012 20:43:44 +0100

Iron Sky — cancelled (old)

Owing to its limited release in cinemas, we have had to cancel Iron Sky (formerly scheduled for Saturday 23 June in Week 9). We had hoped that the distributor, Revolver Entertainment, would make the film available for the autumn term, but they have no intention to do so. We apologise to all who were planning to see the film at WSC.

James McLachlan — Films Officer

Last updated Sun, 01 Jul 2012 16:56:56 +0100

Programming Meeting (old)

Our summer film programme may just be under way, but it is time to produce a schedule for Autumn 2012. The programming meeting to decide this schedule will be held on Wednesday 16 May (Week 4) at 7:00 pm in L3.

A draft schedule is available here.

The meeting is open to all members and will last no longer than one hour. If you would like to contribute, please come along.

James McLachlan — Films Officer

Last updated Wed, 16 May 2012 22:55:39 +0100

Exec Meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will be held next Thursday 3rd May (Week 2) at 5:00pm in H3.45. All members are welcome to attend.

Please visit the forums if you wish to see the agenda.

If you have a point you would like the Exec to discuss, either mention it on the forum or email the President at president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Hope to see you there :P

Timothy Green — Vice-President

Last updated Fri, 04 May 2012 00:33:12 +0100

Welcome to Summer Term! (old)

It's Summer! 10 weeks of sun, 10 weeks of warmth and 10 weeks of freedom from lectures. To try distract you from those minor, little exam things you've got going on, we've got another fantastic line-up for you and I'm not just saying that because I'm President - we've got The Artist, The Woman In Black, A Dangerous Method, The Hunger Games amongst many others. If you still don't believe me, check out the Summer 2012 schedule!

Outdoor Screening

Summer Term does mean something else of course - The Outdoor Screening! We're going to be showing the amazing How to Train Your Dragon on 27th June on Tocil field. Don't worry, we will be plugging this superb event nearer the time, but keep a space in your diary!

Anyway, welcome to back to uni, welcome back to WSC and welcome to Summer Term!

Michael Lee — President

Last updated Tue, 26 Jun 2012 21:30:32 +0100

Suggest films for Autumn 2012 (old)

What films would you like Warwick Student Cinema to show in the first term of the next academic year?

The suggestions page for Autumn 2012 will be open until 8 May. There will then be a programming meeting in the third or fourth week of the summer term to decide the schedule officially. See what has been suggested so far here.

James McLachlan — Films Officer

Last updated Wed, 09 May 2012 01:21:36 +0100

Big Screening Polo Order (old)

DEADLINE FOR ORDERS: Sunday 14/06/15 & DEADLINE FOR PAYMENTS: Wednesday 17/06/15

Hello Everyone! It is that time of year again to order your very own Big Screening Polo!

Please place your order online below. If you have any issues or would like to change anything email me (treasurer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk)

Online Clothing Ordering

Payment must be made by the following Wednesday (17/06/2015). Put your payment in an envelope, with your name and amount on the front and hand it into a DM at any show.

Please remember to include your embroidery selections (Note that only your name will be embroidered).

The polo sizes are as follows, S, M, L, XL, XXL

*** Orders need to be placed by Sunday (14th), please submit your selection before then, money must be received by Wednesday 17th ***

Allison Wyant

Last updated Fri, 26 Jun 2015 15:39:58 +0100

Exec Meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will be held next Monday (27th February) at 7:15pm in H0.01 All members are welcome to attend.

Please visit the forums if you wish to see the agenda.

If you have a point you would like the Exec to discuss, please email the President at president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

That is all.

Timothy Green

Last updated Fri, 04 May 2012 00:34:27 +0100

Exec Meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will be held this Sunday (19th February) at 2:00pm in B2.03. All members are welcome to attend.

If you have a point you would like the Exec to discuss, please email the President at president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

That is all.

Timothy Green

Last updated Sun, 19 Feb 2012 23:46:25 +0000

The AllNighter - Friday Week 7! (old)

FRIDAY WEEK 7 (24th Feb) - doors open 7.30pm

Buy Online
until 6pm Friday 24th or online ticket allocation is exhausted

Join the event on Facebook!

The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7 and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!

More Info...

Can you go AllNight?

Edward McCutcheon

Last updated Fri, 04 May 2012 00:34:18 +0100

Summer 2012 schedule confirmed (old)

You can see the schedule for next term here. As usual for the summer term, there is a reduced number of films, with repeat screenings on Mondays and a midweek break during the main exam period.

James McLachlan — Films Officer

Last updated Fri, 20 Apr 2012 23:28:28 +0100

Exec Election Results (old)

Ballot box

Dear all,

Congratulations to the following successful candidates at WSC's Exec Elections, held at our AGM on Wednesday 8th February in L3.

I would like to thank all those who ran - the quality of candidates was really high for all of the positions and I hope that those who were unsuccessful will continue to contribute to the society moving forward. They all conducted themselves well and I am extremely grateful to all who attended for the manner in which the elections took place.

  • President

    Michael Lee
  • Vice-President

    Timothy Green
  • Treasurer

    Edward McCutcheon
  • Films Officer

    James McLachlan
  • Chief Projectionist

    Enrik Nako
  • Chief Duty Manager

    Harry Austin
  • Publicity Officer

    Clarissa Gillingham
  • Technical Officer

    Robert Maas
  • IT Officer

    Richard Townsend

  • Marketing Officer

    Scott Griffiths

I wish the new Exec all the best in the future and look forward to the completion of the handover at The AllNighter in Week 7.

Robert Gardner - Returning Officer

Last updated Tue, 21 Feb 2012 03:26:46 +0000

AllNighter Spring 2012 (old)

FRIDAY WEEK 7 (24th Feb) - doors open 7.30pm

The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7 and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


Tintin TitleTintin pic

The location of the mysterious treasure of The Unicorn was thought to have sunken with the ship itself. But when the plucky reporter Tintin (Bell) purchases a model of the ship at a market, he and his faithful companion Snowy are soon swept up in a race against time to locate the treasure before the sinister Mr Sakharine (Craig). Accompanied by Captain Haddock (Serkis), the helpful, but slightly drunken sea captain, the heroes attempt to collect all of the clues, and avoid the murderous clutches of Sakharine in an action-packed animated screen spectacular with all the heart of Hergé’s original creation.

Boasting the beautiful artistry of Peter Jackson’s famous Weta workshop, Tintin is a film filled with fantastic detailed landscapes and an utterly immersive setting. Not only is this film visually stunning, but it also highly entertaining, no surprise given the collective talents of both Pegg, who plays Inspector Thompson, and Serkis, who does a hysterical job of bringing the character Captain Haddock to the screens in all his drunken glory. With all the appeal of excellent special effects and an extremely talented cast, Spielberg’s direction is the icing on the cake; the script has exactly the right amount of laughs, action and heart-warming moments to convey the well-loved characters believably and still be considered a ‘must-see’ film. If dramatic mysteries with a dash of humour are for you, then go and see Tintin!

Aimée Crickmore

Ghostbusters titleGhostbusters pic

When a quartet of parapsychology professors run out of funding for their department, they set up shop in an old firehouse as a ghost extermination business known as ‘The Ghostbusters’. With the help of their very own ghost bustin’ proton guns, they set out to rid New York of ghostly menaces, but it is not long before they face the ultimate challenge; a Sumerian god known as Gozer the Gozerian.

The most expensive comedy of its time, Ghostbusters raked in money hand over fist, and it’s not hard to see why. The combination of sci-fi and comedy has become somewhat of a tradition, with films such as Galaxyquest, Spaceballs and Paul following in its wake. One particular reason behind the success of this cult classic is the living-legend Bill Murray, who appeared as himself in the recent ZomCom Zombieland, and after Ghostbusters went on to star in films such as Osmosis Jones, Groundhog Day and Space Jam. Ghostbusters itself is a genre defining film which took audiences by storm, with a side-splitting script and great special effects, most notably the Stay Puft man, not to mention a ridiculously catchy theme song. This cult classic remains fresh and funny to date, and is a highlight of cinema – Bustin’ makes you feel good, after all!

Aimée Crickmore

Three Musketeers titleThree Musketeers pic

In the 17th Century, after an outrageous betrayal by the Lady de Winter (Milla Jojovich), the three French Musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, have all but lost faith in everything. That is, until they meet the young and hot-headed D’Artagnan, who has always seen them as his idols. Once more rising to their status, they set off to undo a major conspiracy against the king of France, orchestrated by Milady, the Cardinal Richelieu (Christoph Waltz), and the infamous Duke of Buckingham (Orlando Bloom).

Though inspired by Dumas’ masterpiece, director Paul Anderson openly chooses to toss historical accuracy out of the window, and does so with gusto. The results are a surreal and enticing fresco of the 17th century, where the legends of the time are dragged into a new reality with whiz-bang action sequences and gigantic flying war ships. A classic adventure in shiny new clothes, The Three Musketeers is a pleasant surprise.

Charles Noirot

The Mystery Film picThe Mystery title

Shrouded in the clouds of a smoke machine and locked deep in the WSC vaults, not to be unveiled until the time is just right (halfway through the night, naturally!), The Mystery Film is the biggest secret on campus.

Will it be action? Comedy? Erotic thriller?! There’s only one way to find out!

Click here to see The Mystery Films of AllNighters past!

Puss In Boots PicturePuss In Boots Title

It was back in 2004 when we were first introduced to Dreamworks’ swashbuckling, Spanish-talking, sword-wielding feline. Now, seven years later, Puss in Boots is finally the protagonist of his own film. Dreamworks once again show their individuality by avoiding becoming Pixar-copycats, and ploughing ahead with their own unashamedly entertaining and bombastic style. Chris Miller returns to the helm as director (Shrek, Shrek 2 and Shrek the Third), with a lot more vigour than he left it, and the Shrek universe is once again beautifully rendered and instantly recognisable. Highly energetic, beautifully animated and wonderfully endearing, Puss in Boots is a return to form for the franchise that very few will be able to resist.

Clarissa Gillingham

Airplane! titleAirplane! pic

What can only be described as the Magnum Opus of the alliance of directors that brought us Hot Shots, the Naked Gun series and several of the Scary Movies and the late great Leslie Nielsen, Airplane! is known as one of the pre-eminently quoted comedy movies of all time. Filled with endless gags both subtle and brash, from physically realised metaphors to rubber inflatable co-pilots, this film holds nothing back in the laugh out loud comedy department.

Airplane! is one of those ageless comedies that continues to stand the test of time. So hilarious this film will literally make you want to experience a plane crash first hand! Surely you can’t be serious? ‘I am serious and stop calling me Shirley’.

Timothy Green

Can you go AllNight?

WSC Exec

Last updated Mon, 19 Mar 2012 23:09:26 +0000

AGM Election Nominations - Final List (old)

Have your say

Dear all,

Please find below (listed by position and in alphabetical order) the nominees for WSC's Exec Elections, held at our AGM on Wednesday 8th February (Week 5) at 6pm in L3.

Ballot papers shall be issued from 5.45pm until 6.30pm and proxy voting is not permitted.

Voting will be by the single transferable vote method, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. Each candidate will have up to three minutes to give a speech and up to a further five minutes in which questions will be taken.

Any queries, please contact me on returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

  • President

    Michael Lee
    Matthew Wilkinson
  • Vice-President

    Timothy Green
  • Treasurer

    Edward McCutcheon
    James Soffe
  • Films Officer

    Tom Freeman
    James McLachlan
  • Chief Projectionist

    Enrik Nako
  • Chief Duty Manager

    Harry Austin
    Fergus Cooper
  • Publicity Officer

    Clarissa Gillingham
    Georgie Rawson
  • Technical Officer

    Robert Maas
  • IT Officer

    Richard Townsend
    Matthew Wilkinson

  • Marketing Officer

    Scott Griffiths

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Robert Gardner

Last updated Wed, 08 Feb 2012 23:23:12 +0000

'The Lion King' replaces 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' (old)

Unfortunately we've not received a copy of We Need to Talk About Kevin to project tonight. We tried our best (a copy was despatched to us at 11am on special same-day courier!) but it seems to have got lost somewhere...!

On a brighter note, we are going to show The Lion King again tonight to replace it - if you missed out on the great atmosphere yesterday, here's another opportunity to enjoy it (or come again)! Tickets from 7:30pm.

Edward McCutcheon

Last updated Tue, 31 Jan 2012 10:56:42 +0000

Programming Meeting (old)

Programming meeting

Hey filmfans,

It is approaching the time when the conglomeration of our film taste is expressed in terms of a summer schedule.

Next Wednesday, 1st February, the programming meeting to decide this schedule will commence at 5:00pm in L3 (on the Science Concourse). This will go on until we finish, or midnight, whichever comes first.

I'll bring a draft to remind everyone on what has been suggested so far, but feel free to suggest more at the time.

This is open to all members, so if you would like to contribute, please come along!

Thank you, and I hope to see you there,

Olie - Films Officer

Last updated Wed, 01 Feb 2012 21:39:40 +0000

The Lion King - Change of Projection Format (old)

Due to a clerical error on our The Lion King booking, tonight's screenings will be projected from a 35mm film print rather than on our Digital Cinema equipment.

Never fear, it will still be the same high quality you expect from us!

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Tue, 31 Jan 2012 21:49:43 +0000

FREE KPMG SPONSORED EVENT: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! (old)


Feeling hungry? Fancy FREE PIZZA?
Perhaps thirsty? How about FREE ALCOHOL or SOFT DRINK?
Some entertainment? FREE FILM and QUIZ WITH PRIZES!

Thanks to our sponsors, KPMG, you can come and have a great evening for no money at all! There's a free screening of the martial arts epic, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, followed by a free quiz, DVD boxset prizes, free pizza and beer, wine and soft drink. (Oh, and Fortune Cookies too!)

Come along, tickets are first come, first served, and there'll be a KPMG representative there on the night too if you have any careers questions.

“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon tells the story of Li Mu Bai, a warrior tired of his life of battles and deaths who decides to give up his legendary sword; Yu Shu Lien, the woman who loves him and whom he loves; Xiao Long, a young girl about to be married off but who yearns for the life of a warrior; and many other characters. With its blend of gravity-defying fights and quiet conversations in conservative ancient China, it's a wholly different world than that you see in your usual cinematic experience. ”
from WSC's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Review

See you on Tuesday 31st Jan (Wk4), tickets from 7:10pm.

Edward McCutcheon

Last updated Tue, 31 Jan 2012 21:49:30 +0000

Elections (old)

Have your say

Dear all,

I have been asked to act as the Returning Officer for WSC's Exec Elections, held at our AGM on Wednesday 8th February (Week 5) at 6pm in L3. Any Full Member of WSC is entitled to run for election and a recent change means that you may nominate yourself.

The Exec consists of ten roles, listed below, about which you can read a bit more here. If you are considering running, it is also worth chatting to the current officeholder to get some more information about the day-to-day tasks involved in the role.

  • President

  • Vice-President

  • Treasurer

  • Films Officer

  • Chief Projectionist

  • Chief Duty Manager

  • Publicity Officer

  • Technical Officer

  • IT Officer

  • Marketing Officer

For most of the roles, no experience is necessary, except for Chief Projectionist and Technical Officer, for which you need to be a WSC Qualified Projectionist; and Chief Duty Manager, for which you need to be a WSC Qualified Duty Manager. It is possible to run for more than one position, but you will need to state an order of preference with your nominations.

I (Robert Gardner) will be the returning officer for the election, so all nominations must be sent to me at returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk by 6pm on Friday 3rd February (Week 4). Your email must contain:

  • Your Name
  • The position(s) you wish to run for (and your order of preference for these)
  • Your University Number

Voting will be by the single transferable vote method, with all Full Members of WSC eligible to vote. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which they can make a short speech and questions can be taken.

Any queries, please contact me on returningofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

I hope to hear from you soon,

Robert Gardner (Returning Officer)

Last updated Fri, 03 Feb 2012 18:05:25 +0000

Summer Term Film Suggestions Are Now Open! (old)

Want to influence our schedule for next term? Voting for next term's films are now open! You can vote for as many films as you want, as well as suggest films which aren't listed. Visit the page here.

The programming meeting, where we make the final decisions on what films are being shown and when, will take place on Wednesday, Week 4 in L3. Decisions are made by those who turn up! The meeting is open to all members.

A selection of film posters of films currently on the voting list

Scott Griffiths

Last updated Sun, 19 Feb 2012 23:48:01 +0000

Meetings Notification - Exec, AGM, Elections (old)

Exec Meeting
The next Exec meeting is currently scheduled for Thursday 19th January (Wk2), at 6:10pm, in L4. If you'd like something discussed, please email me, and as always, all members are welcome.

Annual General Meeting & Elections
The 2011/12 WSC AGM will be held on Wednesday 8th February (Wk5) at 6pm in L3.
Nominations will open for all positions on the 2012/13 Executive on Monday 23rd January, and will close before the AGM.

Running for Exec positions will now not require nominations, but candidates to submit themselves for the post in advance. Nominations close 6pm Friday Week 4.

The next Exec Meeting will be Monday 30th January (Week 4) at 7pm in a room to be confirmed. If you'd like something discussed, please email me, and as always, all members are welcome. The next Exec meeting is likely to be the Joint Exec meeting, post AGM.

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Sun, 19 Feb 2012 23:50:09 +0000

Welcome Back - Spring 2012! (old)

If you thought we had a good line-up for you last term, we have an even better one for you in our Spring Schedule!

The Crew have been working hard to organise an exciting film programme, plus special events, promotions and programme notes (the booklet/online!). Our Technical Team spent a week improving our picture quality over the holidays as we continue to invest in full professional cinema equipment.

Whether you fancy the big blockbusters - Tinker Tailor, Contagion and In Time spring to mind, comedy (Johnny English?) or animation (The Lion King!), it's all on the big screen in L3 this term, plus:

Oscar Tuesdays Oscar Tuesdays - £1.50 for WSC Members
Join us as we watch an Oscar winning film each week, having won the same number of Oscars as that week of term! With 1 Oscar, we kick off with 2001: A Space Odyssey, all the way to 10 for Gone with the Wind! Our £1 off promotion has moved to Oscar Tuesdays for this term. Read More...
KPMG Event FREE KPMG SPONSORED EVENT: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Feel like a free evening, with free food, free film and free entertainment? Our sponsors, KPMG, are putting on an event for you guys, and will be there on the night to answer your Graduate Recruitment questions! Tickets are first come first served, with over 100 people turned away last term as we ran out of space! Tuesday, 31st Jan (Wk4), 7:30pm.
Members Free Films Free Films for WSC Members!
New for 2011/12, we are offering our members the opportunity to watch three films a term on us! We hope they'll broaden your film watching horizons - this term, it's Warrior (Week 2), A Separation (Week 4) & Wuthering Heights (Week 8). Read More...
Week 7 brings WSC's flagship event: The AllNighter! We'll be screening TinTin, Ghostbusters, The Three Musketeers, The Mystery Film, Puss in Boots and Airplane! Plus there'll be great prizes up for grab in a 13-hour long event! Special ticket prices apply. Read More...

Have a fabulous term & see you at a show soon!

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Tue, 31 Jan 2012 21:50:04 +0000

Treasurer Elections: Nominations Closed (old)

Have your say

Hi all,

The deadline for nominations has now passed for election to the Exec position of Treasurer. One nomination was received:

  • Michael Lee

The election will take place this coming Wednesday (30th November) at 5:30pm in L3.

All student members are welcome to come and vote. Those hoping to vote will have their memberships checked by the returning officer (myself). Memberships will not be checked after 5:45pm, at which time Michael will have about five minutes in which to give a short talk and answer any questions.

Voting will then proceed by the single transferable vote method.

See you there,

Fergus Cooper

Last updated Wed, 30 Nov 2011 20:34:50 +0000

Treasurer Elections (old)

Have your say

Hi all,

Owing to the recent resignation of our treasurer, elections will be held to fill the vacant position.

I shall be the returning officer for the election, which will take place on Wednesday 30th November at 5:30pm in L3. To run for this position, you must be a full member of WSC. Nominations are now open, and will close on Sunday 27th November at midnight after which time I shall announce the candidates.

Anyone wishing to run should email me (vice-president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk) with their name, university number, and the name and university number of another full member of WSC who wishes to nominate them.

All the best,

Fergus Cooper - Vice President

Last updated Tue, 29 Nov 2011 12:26:39 +0000

Did You Go AllNight? - Autumn 2011 (old)

It's the day after the ALLNIGHTER: Autumn 2011, and I've finally got around to being productive!

We had a great evening, with a busy auditorium, excited crew, Christmas decorations up already in the office(!), and prizes to give away!

After some Cowboys battled a bunch of Aliens, the audience participation picked up! Marty McFly went Back to the Future, with a cheer and round of applause at the history changing punch, plus more applause at the end.

The Quiz educated the audience, who apparently didn't know how much a High School Musical sofabed cost - nor how much all of the night's films grossed in cinemas (before knowing what the Mystery was)! Rango followed before...

The Mystery Film  The Mystery Film

The Princess Bride was screened as our Mystery Film - inconceivable!

Mean Girls and The Prestige rounded off the night, when anyone who stayed awake had the opportunity to pick up free film posters. Thanks to all who donated to RAG and Children in Need in exchange for a poster!

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Wed, 30 Nov 2011 20:34:56 +0000

The AllNighter - Friday Week 7! (old)

Tonight, Doors Open 7:30pm!
Online Ticket Sales until 3pm,
Stall in SU Atrium until 4pm,
Remaining Tickets on the Door

The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes), creating an atmosphere second to none!

We're showing six films, back-to-back:

  • Cowboys and Aliens
  • Back to the Future
  • Rango
  • Our Mystery Film
  • Mean Girls
  • The Prestige

Buy Online
until 3pm Friday 18th or online ticket allocation is exhausted

Join the event on Facebook!

Between films, we'll also be having a quiz and a raffle. The top prize is a brand new Blu-Ray player with a handful of blu-ray films! Other prizes include an Amazon Kindle, plenty of DVD box-sets, and WSC five-film passes.

Tickets will be on sale at these places:

  • Online at the SU website here, all through weeks 6 and 7
  • Before all of our regular shows during week 7 - click here to see our schedule
  • In the SU atrium from 11am to 4pm on Thursday and Friday of week 7
  • And before the event itself!
Our AllNighters are very popular and often sell out, so make sure you get your tickets early!

Ticket Price
WSC Member £8.50
Uni. Member £12
External Guest £14

Can you go AllNight?

Scott Griffiths

Last updated Sat, 19 Nov 2011 18:24:42 +0000

Exec Meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will be held this Thursday (3rd November) at 6:15pm in H0.56. All members are welcome to attend.

If you have a point you would like the Exec to discuss, please email president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Have a jolly good week :)

Fergus Cooper - Vice President

Last updated Sun, 06 Nov 2011 17:26:01 +0000

Spring 2012 Schedule Now Online! (old)

Thanks to a successful programming meeting, we now have a provisional schedule for Spring 2012. You lucky film fans!

To see the new schedule, click here!

Movie Poster Montage

Oliver Bell

Last updated Sun, 01 Jan 2012 23:52:05 +0000

Constitution Meeting - 26/10/11 (old)

The re-arranged Constitution Meeting with the Democracy Sabbatical Officer is today at 6pm in H0.56.

The re-arranged meeting was also cancelled as the Democracy Sabbatical Officer was unable to attend due to an SU Emergency. Another date will be arranged soon.

All members are welcome to attend.

Edward McCutcheon

Last updated Wed, 30 Nov 2011 20:35:24 +0000

Armadillo Cancelled (old)

[ Metropolis ] Unfortunately, we've had to cancel our digital screening of Armadillo on Thursday night, due to our distributor being unable to supply the film. Instead, we will be re-showing Fritz Lang's classic German silent sci-fi film, Metropolis. The Foreign Thursdays discount for members still applies, of course!

Click here for more information on Metropolis!

Scott Griffiths

Last updated Fri, 21 Oct 2011 01:19:09 +0100

KPMG Sponsored Event - The Butterfly Effect (old)

Warwick Student Cinema and KPMG proudly present a FREE screening of the cult-classic time-bending drama film, THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT! The film will be followed by a quiz with prizes, plus FREE drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and FREE pizza for all attendees! This event is open to all Warwick students and staff - you don't need to be a member of WSC!

Find the event on Facebook here!


Prizes for the quiz are:

  • £20 of Amazon vouchers
  • £20 of Tesco vouchers
  • 5-Film passes or AllNighter Tickets for WSC

Here's a trailer for the film:

And here's a review by Nick Grills:

Evan Treborn is having a rough childhood. Like his "crazy" father, Evan suffers from blackouts where he cannot remember certain moments from his life. One minute he's eating cereal at the table, but the next he's standing up grasping a kitchen knife, which he cannot remember picking up. He has some messed up friends as well; Tommy, who's prone to violence; Kayley, who gets abused; and Lenny, who's depressed.

At the age of 20 Evan begins to reread his childhood diaries and finds a way to access his repressed memories, but he cannot believe what they contain. Asking Kayleigh about what happened stirs up her own issues and causes her suicide. In Evan's mourning he accesses more of his memories and discovers that when he remembers them - he actually relives them, and so has the power to change them. By altering his past and that of his friends, Evan tries to create a better future, but every action has a reaction, not always the one he intended.

The Butterfly Effect is an intriguing thriller littered with touching moments of friendship and self-sacrifice. Interest is easily held throughout the film by the ever-changing situation of the protagonists. Evan's blackouts provide moments of sudden drama, as he often wakes up to dangerous situations without knowing how he got there.

This film has its unpleasant moments; it deals with some horrific events from the childhoods of the protagonists. Some moments are quite shocking, not because they are graphic but because they are implicitly upsetting, for example when Evan's dog is burnt.

If you have ever watched Punk'd you might be put off by the thought of Ashton Kutcher as a serious actor, but there's no need as his acting is surprisingly good. Amy Smart also gives a believable and emotive performance, as do all the actors in general.

This film is a well-paced original story, told cleverly and achieves a level of drama and emotion not seen in many thrillers. It will shock you, amuse you and most of all make you think. The Butterfly Effect is well worth seeing.

KPMG proudly sponsor Warwick Student Cinema

At KPMG, the people make the place. And what's that place like exactly? In short, it's one where everyone feels valued, and hard work is recognised and rewarded.

What's more, our firm is growing. Since a number of European firms merged to form KPMG Europe LLP, we've become the largest fully-integrated accountancy firm in, offering Audit, Tax and Advisory services to everyone from oil companies to music gurus.

But it’s not just what KPMG does that's important. It's the way that we do it. The values don’t just live on a wall. They’re a way of life, underpinning the way we work with clients and with each other.

So what can you look forward to at KPMG? Exposure to clients from day one. Working on challenging projects. And if you're studying for a professional qualification, there's a fantastic support network that includes a mentor and generous study leave.

Despite the focus on qualifications, it's not all work and no play. Whether it's joining societies and sports teams or enjoying volunteering days, free lunches and secondment opportunities, KPMG is a fantastic place to start your career.

To stand out from the crowd, graduates need to apply early. Head straight for www.kpmg.co.uk/careers

See you there!

Scott Griffiths

Last updated Mon, 04 Feb 2013 18:27:33 +0000

Constitution Meeting Postponed (old)

The planned Constitution meeting for this Thursday has been postponed due to lack of availability of Exec Members and the Democracy Sabbatical Officer.

We'll let you know when the replacement meeting is scheduled for!

Edward McCutcheon

Last updated Mon, 24 Oct 2011 16:32:06 +0100

Constitution Meeting - 20/10/2011 (old)

We will be having a meeting to review the proposed new constitution on Thursday 20th October 2011 at 5pm, in B2.04/5 on the science concourse, where we will be joined by the Democracy Sabbatical Officer. All members are welcome to attend!

Fergus Cooper

Last updated Mon, 17 Oct 2011 21:53:54 +0100

Tech Officer Election: Nominations closed (old)

Have your say

Hi all,

The deadline for nominations has now passed for election to the Exec position of Technical Officer. One nomination was received:

  • Robert Maas

The election will take place this coming Wednesday (12th October) at 5:30pm in L3.

All student members are welcome to come and vote. Those hoping to vote will have their memberships checked by the returning officer (myself). Memberships will not be checked after 5:45pm, at which time Rob will have about five minutes in which to give a short talk and answer any questions.

Voting will then proceed by the single transferable vote method.

See you there,

Fergus Cooper, Vice President

Last updated Wed, 12 Oct 2011 20:01:46 +0100

Film Suggestions Are OPEN! (old)

Hello film fanatics!

Warwick Student Cinema wants you! We'd like to know what YOU want to see here on the big screen in the Spring Term!

Please use the polling system to vote for the films you want to see, and suggest any not already here. If you don't know what's coming up in cinema over the next term, check out www.imdb.com for info and inspiration.

If you feel passionate about a film and want to discuss it, then post it on our discussion forums.

Thanks to everyone who contributes!

Oliver Bell - Films Officer

Last updated Fri, 21 Oct 2011 05:16:40 +0100

Exec Meeting - 10/10/11 & Constitution Meeting - 20/10/11 (old)

The next Exec meeting is on Monday 10th October 2011 at 7pm in B2.03 on the science concourse. All members are welcome to attend.

Please email me (president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk) anything you'd like discussed.

We will be having a meeting to review the proposed new constitution on Thursday 20th October 2011 at 5pm, in B2.04/5 on the science concourse, where we will be joined by the Democracy Sabbatical Officer. All members are welcome to attend!

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Thu, 13 Oct 2011 09:58:21 +0100

Technical Officer Elections (old)

Have your say

Hi all,

Owing to the recent resignation of our Technical Officer, elections will be held to fill the vacant position.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alex, on behalf of WSC, for the hard work he's put in over the last year. He'll still be around as a valued member of our projection team, and we wish him all the best with his future involvement in the society.

I shall be the returning officer for the election, which will take place on Wednesday 12th October at 5:30pm in L3. To run for this position, you must be a full member of WSC and a qualified projectionist, so I shall be contacting all eligible candidates shortly. Nominations are now open, and will close on Sunday 9th October at midnight after which time I shall announce the candidates.

All the best,

Fergus Cooper - Vice President

Last updated Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:21:12 +0100

Exec Meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting is at 5:45pm on Wednesday 28th September in PS0.17a (Physical Sciences). All members are welcome to attend.

Please email me (president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk) anything you'd like to be discussed.

Edward McCutcheon

Last updated Thu, 29 Sep 2011 20:08:34 +0100

The AllNighter - Autumn 2011! (old)

FRIDAY WEEK 7 (18th Nov) - doors open 7.30pm

The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7 and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


Cowboys and Aliens TitleCowboys and Aliens pic

From the director of Iron Man comes this genre-movie-mash-up as the wild west is invaded by an army of destructive extra-terrestrials. Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford give the film a heavy dose of star power, whilst up-and-comer Olivia Wilde is ideally suited to her role as the mysterious traveller, offering more than just eye candy.

The film also boasts some spectacular special effects and successfully avoids crossing over into gimmicky territory, which is no easy feat given the bizarre premise. Fun, guiltless and full of high-octane action, Cowboys and Aliens is a sci-fi tinged western romp that answers the question that (obviously) everyone has asked at some point in their lives – who’d win in a fight between cowboys and aliens?

Luke Woellhaf

Back to the Future titleBack to the Future pic

Michael J Fox time-travelling in a souped-up Delorean? You can’t go wrong with this 80s cult classic that sees teenager Marty McFly (Fox) transported back to 1955 by eccentric scientist ‘Doc’ Emmett Brown (Christopher Lloyd). There, he gets to answer the question we’ve all pondered at some point – what were our parents really like as teenagers?

But things get complicated when Marty’s mum falls for him and he has to find a way to rekindle his parents’ high-school romance, or else be erased from time altogether. And as if this isn’t enough to deal with, the Delorean’s out of gas. Part sci-fi, part screwball comedy, this is not only a brilliant take on the classic time-travel problem of how to avoid altering the future, it’s got real heart too. Fast-paced and note-perfect, this is a film which stands the test of time.

Ellen Buckerfield

Rango titleRango pic

Littered with clever wit and western spoofery, Rango is a must-see. While much of the humour flies over the heads of children, this truly is a cartoon for adults, featuring hilarious references to other westerns, and even incorporating some slapstick. Sheltered house-pet Rango finds himself in gritty desert town, Dirt, sticking out like a sore thumb. An identity crisis of sorts, Rango recreates himself as Dirt’s last hope - the sheriff that can hopefully solve their drought problem. Storyline aside, the animation is fantastic. The textures of the desert animals and the colours of the beautiful western backdrop are just perfect for this wannabe Western animation.

Louise Formby

The Mystery Film picThe Mystery title

Shrouded in the clouds of a smoke machine and locked deep in the WSC vaults, not to be unveiled until the time is just right (halfway through the night, naturally!), The Mystery Film is the biggest secret on campus.

Will it be action? Comedy? Erotic thriller?! There’s only one way to find out!

Click here to see The Mystery Films of AllNighters past!

Mean Girls PictureMean Girls Title

Written by Saturday Night Live’s very own Tina Fey, Mean Girls sees ‘girl-world’ newbie, Cady (Lohan), jump from her home-schooled sheltered life in Africa to the political madness of high school. She quickly learns that the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ is not limited to the animal kingdom, as she is thrown into an intense battle of the cliques. First she finds grunger lesbian Janis and gay best friend Damien, who guide her through the Cool Asians, Jocks, ‘Burnouts’ and of course ‘The Plastics’.

Regina (McAdams) and her fellow ‘hotties’ are top of the social food chain, and are hated by Cady’s new-found friends. When Cady is invited to lunch with the Plastics, Janis creates a vengeful plot against them, using the new girl as her ultimate weapon. Joining ‘girl-world’ seems like a good idea, but Cady soon finds herself in the midst of the bitchiest scheme ever to hit North Shore High School. Throwing in romance and family problems along the way, Tina Fey creates a sarcastic and hilarious adventure that will leave you quoting your favourite lines for years to come.

Louise Formby

The Prestige titleThe Prestige pic

The director of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Inception presents the feud of magicians Alfred Borden (Bale) and Robert Angier (Jackman) in Victorian London, as the former stands accused of murdering the latter. The beginning of their rivalry is retraced, exploring the escalation from sabotaging each other’s acts, to death as the pair become increasingly obsessed with outdoing each other and developing the perfect trick, with mentor and trick designer Cutter (Caine) and glamorous assistant Olivia (Johansson) caught in the middle.

The Prestige contains everything we have come to expect from a Christopher Nolan film, with engrossing characters (thanks to superb performances by Bale, Jackman and Caine) and countless plot twists and turns that serve to conjure up a dark and absorbing thriller.

James Cook

Ticket Price   Running Order Length
WSC Member £8.50 1. Cowboys and Aliens 118 min
2. Back to the Future 116 min
Uni. Member £12 3. Rango 107 min
4. Mystery Film ??? min
External Guest £14 5. Mean Girls 97 min
6. The Prestige 130 min

Can you go AllNight?

Robert Gardner

Last updated Fri, 04 Nov 2011 15:42:17 +0000

Welcome to WSC: Autumn 2011 (old)

“Prepare for the return of awesomeness”

Okay, so I may have stolen that quote from Kung Fu Panda 2 (in Week 8), but nevertheless, Warwick Student Cinema is going to have another busy and exciting year! Freshers - its your chance to get to know the biggest society on campus!

Preview our Autumn schedule!

After a lot of planning, WSC had Digital Cinema facilities installed over the summer! We’ll continue showing as many films as we can in authentic 35mm print, but as distributors move over to digital, we’ll be keeping up with the times.

WSC Events

Whilst ticket prices have changed for the first time in 8 years (mainly due to the VAT rise and increasing costs), we've introduced some exclusive new members only benefits! Three films this term are completely Free for WSC Members - Attack the Block, Of Gods and Men and The Beaver. Plus, there's an additional £1 discount for members on Foreign Thursdays.

WSC Events

If you'd like to Get Involved in running a professional quality cinema, we’d love to hear from you. Our crew all get free tickets to standard screenings for themselves and a guest, plus something to write on their CV – in fields ranging from Front of House and Projection to Publicity and IT. You can meet us at our stalls at Orientation, Freshers and Societies Fairs, or chat to the Duty Manager at any of our screenings. Our Getting Involved meeting is on Saturday Week 1 at 4pm in L3 (the theatre we use) and has free pizza!

Why not try our award winning cinema? Sucker Punch and Bad Teacher are completely free on Sunday of coming up weekend and Monday Week 1, plus our Autumn screenings of Pulp Fiction are always popular!

See you at a screening soon,

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Fri, 21 Oct 2011 05:17:33 +0100

Digital Cinema (old)

After three days of hard work, and months of planning: our new Digital Cinema Projector is installed, just in time for the 35th anniversary of us showing 35mm film! With a digital cinema projector, we can show a much wider range of films including classics only being re-released digitally such as Back to the Future. Fear not film fans! We shall continue to show both 35mm and 70mm film, being one of the few cinemas left in the country that still regularly shows 70mm films.

I'd like to thank everyone who's helped out during these few days. Our new projector

Alex Ware

Last updated Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:53:05 +0100

Ticket Prices for 2011/12, and FREE films! (old)

Warwick Student Cinema is pleased to announce the ticket prices for all of our regular showings for the coming academic year:

Ticket Type Price
Member Ticket £2.50
Non-Member Ticket £3.50
External Guest £4.00
5-Film Pass (member) £10.00
5-Film Pass (non-member) £14.00
Crew Ticket Free!
Crew Guest Free!

Annual membership of WSC is £3.50 - but you must first be a member of Warwick SU's Societies Federation, which is £14 in 2011/2012 for Warwick undergraduate students (£20 non-students, £8 postgrad, £6 Erasmus). Becoming a member allows you to see your first film for free, as well as giving you a plethora of advantages such as being able to get involved behind the scenes, voting in our elections, cheaper tickets, and (new for this year!) a number of FREE films each term - see below for details!

A "non-member" is a student or staff-member of the University of Warwick who is not a member of the Warwick Student Cinema.

An external guest is someone who is neither a student nor a member of staff at the University - members and non-members may bring one external guest per screening.

5-film passes are available to both members and non-members, but at different rates, and allow you to see five films for the price of four. These are saved to our system so you don't need to worry about losing your paper pass as long as you have your University ID!

And, as always, people who regularly volunteer to help out at screenings, or do other things for us behind the scenes, will become a part of our Crew and will be allowed a free ticket for every standard showing for themselves and a friend!

FREE members' screenings!

New for this academic year, we will be putting on a number of showings each term which will be completely free for our members - non-members may still attend at normal prices, but with an offer like this, why wouldn't you be a member?!

The films will be specially-chosen by the Exec, who will aim to choose films that members might ordinarily not think to see, but which will broaden the cinematic knowledge of our members.

The free-for-members screenings in term 1 will be:
Attack the Block - Monday, Week 3
Of Gods and Men - Thursday, Week 6
The Beaver - Monday, Week 8

Posters for Attack The Block, Of Gods And Men, and The Beaver Attack the Block Of Gods and Men The Beaver

Also, don't forget that our first three screenings of next term are free for everyone! They are Sucker Punch (Sunday of arrivals weekend, 18:30 & 21:30) and Bad Teacher (Monday, Week 1, 19:30).

We look forward to seeing you after the Summer holidays!

The Exec

Last updated Sun, 18 Sep 2011 15:22:36 +0100

Outdoor Screening Success! (old)

Thanks to everyone who braved the weather to turn up to last night's Outdoor Screening of UP! Despite afternoon showers, we had relatively clear skies by 10:30pm and the movie was enjoyed by a large audience without any hitches.

While it's difficult to judge exact numbers, a quick head count suggested that 600-700 of you came to enjoy the film - which makes this year's event even bigger than last year's!

A huge thank-you to our Technical and Projection Teams, who professionally ensured that all of our equipment was set up and caused the whole event to run smoothly. Thanks also to our front-of-house staff who decorated the whole of campus with balloons and made sure the film was as enjoyable as possible for our dedicated audience. Some of our staff were on the field as early as 9am to begin preparations! And thanks, of course, to our ever-dedicated Exec for handling the management end of everything!

The biggest thanks of all must go to Andy and Tim D, who were driving around the country days before the event picking up everything we needed, getting very little sleep in the process!

And of course, we can't forget our sponsors, KPMG, who funded the event. We wouldn't be able to put on free events like these without their help!

If you want to get involved in the Outdoor Screening next year, or any of our other events and regular screenings, then come and see us at the Freshers' Fair in October, or approach any of our staff who will be happy to introduce you to the society.

Scott Griffiths

Last updated Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:52:40 +0100

Outdoor Screening Weather Update (old)

Hey all,
Just a quick update about today's weather. It has been raining briefly but it seems to have cleared up, so our Outdoor Screening will still be going ahead! The field is of course a little soggy so we suggest you bring blankets, mats, etc, to sit on.
If the weather gets worse, then we will keep you updated on the status of the show.
See you this evening!
Scott Griffiths
Marketing Officer

Scott Griffiths

Last updated Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:53:18 +0100

KPMG Outdoor Screening: Up! (old)

Up - Wednesday Week 10

It's that time of year again when Warwick Student Cinema drags itself out under a (hopefully!) starry summer sky to host its annual, public, free-for-all Outdoor Screening! This year the film is Disney Pixar's critically-acclaimed UP, and the event is kindly sponsored by KPMG.

Exams will be over, so bring a picnic, some drinks, and some friends, and relax outside to watch this colourful and hilariously entertaining family film.

Up won two Oscars - "Best Animated Feature" and "Best Original Score". It was given a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, making it the best-reviewed film of 2009.

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. They have 138,000 outstanding professionals working together to deliver value in 150 countries worldwide. If you are a graduate, newly qualified or experienced professional, they have fantastic career opportunities across Audit, Tax & Advisory. They also need professionals from backgrounds such as Marketing, Finance, HR & IT to help them succeed globally.

Help us gauge numbers...More about KPMG...More about Up...
RSVP on Facebook KPMG Careers UK WSC Review

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:52:29 +0100

WSC Week 8: Brighton Rock, Battle LA, and The Company Men (old)

Greetings all,

Its the last week of reduced schedule, with screenings of Brighton Rock, World Invasion: Battle LA and The Company Men in L3!

The Outdoor Screening, sponsored by KPMG, in Week 10 is the Pixar Classic, Up! Get the date in your diary, and RSVP + invite your friends on Facebook to help us gauge numbers.


BRIGHTON ROCK - Tonight and Tuesday, 7:30pm
Fast-paced yet undeniably atmospheric, this is an impressive take on a British classic.

WORLD INVASION: BATTLE LA - Thursday, 7:30pm
Earth comes under attack by unknown extra-terrestrial forces. As the great cities of the world begin to fall, Los Angeles becomes the sight of humanity’s last stand.

THE COMPANY MEN - Friday, 6:30 and 9:30pm
Poignant and humbling, this film is a challenging drama which enraptures its audience with a strong cast and a narrative which is easily applicable to our own modern day society.


Full schedule

Outdoor Screening on Facebook

Until next week,

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:52:04 +0100

Exec Meeting - 25/6/11 (old)

The next Exec meeting will be on Saturday Week 9 (25th June), at 8pm 8:30pm in a room to be confirmed (probably L3) L3.

Please email me anything you'd like us to discuss.

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Thu, 30 Jun 2011 16:54:44 +0100

Autumn Term 2011/2012 Schedule Confirmed! (old)

The schedule for our next season of films is now online!

The term will kick off with a free film - Sucker Punch - a crazy action-packed traipse through the mind of a girl in a mental asylum. We keep the action coming through weeks one and two with blockbusters Source Code, Limitless, and Fast and Furious Five!

Autumn Term Film Posters

The Autumn Term schedule sees the return of many modern classics - The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, and the Nightmare Before Christmas all make an appearance amongst other well-established greats.

Of course there are also regular midnight screenings including Insidious and the gloriously violent Hobo With A Shotgun.

Scott Griffiths

Last updated Sun, 18 Sep 2011 15:22:55 +0100

Exec Meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th May at 5:15pm in B2.03 on the Science Concourse.

All members are welcome, and please email me any agenda items you'd like discussed.

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Wed, 25 May 2011 14:22:16 +0100

Best Exec! (old)

Best Exec!

We are very proud to announce that WSC won Best Exec at the Students' Union Society Awards 2011!

So, a great many thanks to everyone on the Exec last year for the phenomenal amount of work they all put in.

But, it would all mean nothing without the time and dedication of every single member of crew who give up their free time to make WSC the amazing society it is.

The Film Society has been active at Warwick since 1974, so it's very nice to finally pick up our first award from the SU - hopefully the first of many!

Once again, congratulations and many thanks to all involved in WSC!

WSC Exec

Last updated Fri, 03 Jun 2011 18:56:29 +0100

Programming meeting (old)

Programming meeting

Hey filmfans,

It is approaching the time when the conglomeration of our film taste is expressed in terms of an autumn schedule.

Next Wednesday, 18th May, the programming meeting to decide this schedule will commence at 6:00pm in B2.04 (on the Science Concourse). This will go on until we finish, or midnight, whichever comes first.

I'll bring a draft to remind everyone on what has been suggested so far, but feel free to suggest more at the time.

This is open to all members, so if you would like to contribute, please come along!

Thank you, and I hope to see you there,

Olie - Films Officer

Last updated Wed, 18 May 2011 18:40:10 +0100

Exec Meeting (old)

Hi all,

The next exec meeting will take place this coming Thursday at 6pm in B2.03.

All members are welcome to attend, or alternatively, if you have a point you would like the exec to discuss, please drop me an email.

The provisional agenda is as follows:

  • Welcome and apologies for absence
  • Digital cinema progress
  • Outdoor screening
  • Financial situation
  • Sponsorship
  • L3 card access
  • New constitution
  • Time and date of next meeting
  • AOB


Fergus Cooper, Vice President

Last updated Fri, 13 May 2011 12:45:44 +0100

Election this Monday (old)

Have your say

Hello All,

The deadline for nominations has now passed for election to the Exec position of Publicity Officer. Below is the nominated candidate:

Publicity Officer

  • Louise Formby

The election will take place on Monday (9th May) at 7:30pm in L3. Those hoping to vote shall have their memberships checked by the returning officer (myself). Memberships will not be checked after 7:45pm, at which time the candidate will have five minutes in which to give a short talk and answer any questions.

All student members of the society are welcome to attend the meeting and have the right to vote.

Fergus Cooper

Last updated Mon, 09 May 2011 22:28:06 +0100

Lord of the Rings AllNighters - THIS WEEK! (old)


first-come first-served!

The Legend Begins, Continues and Ends TWICE this week in L3! A rare opportunity to see all three Lord of the Rings films, in their original theatrical release, on the big screen and in full cinema surround-sound glory!

Due to huge demand, you can catch all three films on either Friday night or Saturday night! We'll have a different quiz each night, plus prizes up for grabs including Limited Edition LOTR Memorabilia, Tesco Giftcards, DVDs and Five-Film passes.

Tickets are available at all WSC screenings in Week 2 (Love & Other Drugs onwards), plus on a stall in the SU Atrium 11am-4pm Wed-Fri. Doors open on both nights at 7:30pm when you can grab any tickets that are left. Tickets are restricted to the night they were bought for, and are first come first served - £7 Member, £10 Non-Member, £12 External Guest.

We will also be running a Snacks & Drinks stand between each film, selling products cheaper than the vending machines!

Can you go AllNight?

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Sat, 07 May 2011 21:09:56 +0100

The Lord of the Rings Allnighter (old)

FRIDAY & SATURDAY WEEK 2 (MAY 6TH & 7TH) - doors open 7.30pm

Lord of the Rings

This term's AllNighter is not one to be missed. For the first time Warwick Student Cinema will be showing all three Lord of the Rings films back-to-back. To meet the high demand for tickets we will be running the AllNighter not once but twice.

As usual there will also be a free quiz with some great prizes. Unique to this event, we will also be running a stall selling a wide range of food and drink throughout the nights.

Tickets are on sale before screenings from 1st May, at our stall in the Students' Union from 4th May and at the events themselves. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!

Ticket Price   Running Order Length
WSC Member £7 1. The Fellowship of the Ring 178 min
Uni. Member £10 2. The Two Towers 179 min
External Guest £12 3. The Return of the King 201 min

Can you go AllNight?

George Marshall

Last updated Sat, 17 Sep 2011 01:09:28 +0100

Two Lord of the Rings AllNighters! (old)

Warwick Student Cinema is proud to announce that there will not only be one, but TWO Lord of the Rings AllNighters! The first will be on Friday the 6th of May (Week 2 of Term 3), and the second will be the day after on Saturday night. Both events will start at 7:30pm, and go through to the small hours of the following day!

As always, there will be a quiz with prizes. Not all of the questions will be about Lord of the Rings so you don't have to be a massive fan to win!

Also, for the first time at an AllNighter, we will be selling snacks and drinks at low prices between films!

For those of you who haven't been to an AllNighter before, they are really something special; watching this acclaimed film series, back to back, in one night, with three-hundred other like-minded film fans is not something to be missed.

One does not simply walk into the AllNighter... tickets will be on sale throughout week two at all our showings, and at our stall in the SU atrium on Thursday and Friday. Members tickets are £7, non-members £10, and external (non-Warwick) guests are £12.

See you there!

Lord of the Rings AllNighter slide

Scott Griffiths, Marketing Officer

Last updated Sat, 30 Apr 2011 15:10:59 +0100

Exec Meeting - 17/3/11 (old)

The next Exec Meeting will be on Thursday 17th March in B2.03, at 6pm, and all members are welcome to attend.

Please email me any points you'd like discussed.

Edward McCutcheon - President

Last updated Thu, 17 Mar 2011 22:12:57 +0000

Election Results - Chief DM & Marketing Officer (old)

Hello all,

We had elections last night for the positions of Chief Duty Manager and Marketing Officer!

The positions went to:

Chief Duty Manager

  • Harry Austin

Marketing Officer

  • Scott Griffiths

Congratulations to Scott on becoming the first WSC Marketing Officer, and commiserations to Harry who shall be getting stick from us all year!

Fergus Cooper

Last updated Thu, 10 Mar 2011 18:59:14 +0000

Exec Meeting (old)

The next exec meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st March at 7:30pm in S0.28

All members are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please email me.

Fergus Cooper, Vice President

Last updated Wed, 02 Mar 2011 08:07:54 +0000

Did You Go AllNight? - Spring 2011 (old)

I'm writing this just as the final projectionist for the night is starting up Trainspotting, at the WSC Spring AllNighter!

We've had a fabulous evening, and there's still a film to go! Whilst we didn't quite sell out, the auditorium was pretty full, excited and ready for Tron: Legacy.

The Films Officer's quiz (with heavy suggestions of Legally Blonde as the Mystery Film) was followed by Despicable Me, and then the prizes to our crew who have qualified. It is never too late to get involved - check out our team pages on this site!

The Mystery Film

Fergus then handed over Presidency to myself, and the whole Exec changed over. RED, the Quiz Answers and Raffle followed, before the Mystery Film was revealed to be... Team America!

It was also our pleasure to première the WSC Term 3 Video!

We hope to see you at a show soon.

Edward McCutcheon - WSC President

Last updated Tue, 08 Mar 2011 18:10:09 +0000

Exec Positions Vacant (old)

Have your say

Following the WSC exec elections at the AGM on Monday 7th February, two positions remained vacant. So, nominations are now once again open for the posts of Chief Duty Manager and Marketing Officer!

You must be a qualified Duty Manager to run for the role of Chief Duty Manager, but any member of the society can run for Marketing Officer.

The election will take place on Monday of Week 9 (7th March) in L3 at 7:30pm.

I (Fergus Cooper) shall be the returning officer for the election so all nominations must be sent to me by 6pm, Wednesday 2nd March (Week 8). Your email must contain:

  • your name,
  • the position you want to run for,
  • university number,
  • name and university number of a nominator.

Nominations are now open. Anyone wishing to run must be a full member of the society. The nominator must also be a full member of Warwick Student Cinema, may only nominate one candidate and cannot be running for a position themselves. Current exec members may not nominate candidates.

Voting will be by the single transferable vote method. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which to give a give a short speech and answer questions.

If you have any questions about the elections or the roles, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Hope to hear from you soon,


Fergus Cooper

Last updated Tue, 08 Mar 2011 18:10:49 +0000

The AllNighter - Spring 2011 (old)

Spring Term AllNighter 2011

First-Come, First Served!

Yes, it's that time of the term again! WSC is busy preparing for the Spring AllNighter: 6 films, raffle, quiz, shorts and more! Doors open at 7:30pm on Friday week 7 - however, tickets are available at shows all week and from our stall in the SU on Thursday and Friday Week 7.

Top Prize in the Raffle is an Amazon Kindle 3G!


Find out more...

Can you go AllNight?

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Sat, 26 Feb 2011 07:14:06 +0000

Joint exec meeting (old)

The next joint exec meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th February at 7:30pm in H1.02.

All members are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please email the Presidents.

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Wed, 16 Feb 2011 03:50:46 +0000

Election results! (old)

Hello All,

The results are in for the 2011/12 exec. So, say hello to your new exec!


  • Edward McCutcheon


  • Fergus Cooper


  • Liam McNamara

Films Officer

  • Oliver Bell

Chief Projectionist

  • Timothy Green

Chief DM

    The position remains open because no nominations were received

Publicity Officer

  • Joseph Morgan

Tech Officer

  • Alex Ware

IT Officer

  • Matthew Wilkinson

Marketing Officer

  • The position remained open because the candidates were elected to their preferred positions

Congratulations to all of you and thank you to everyone who took part!

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Wed, 16 Feb 2011 11:08:08 +0000

KPMG Event: Good Bye Lenin! (old)

This Thursday, WSC, in association with KPMG, bring you a FREE SCREENING of Good Bye Lenin!! The event starts at 7:30pm, with the film screening, a brief talk from KPMG, film QUIZ with PRIZES and then FREE FOOD AND DRINKS. We've got a variety of pizzas, wine, lager, bitter, cider and juice, so something for every student's palette!

What's more, entry gives you free entry into the quiz, with prizes including £40 worth of IMAX vouchers, a variety of DVD box sets and free tickets to our screenings, including the upcoming, the ever popular, AllNighter!

“Good Bye Lenin! paints a rich and evocative portrait of a fascinating period of history, capturing the clash of different ideologies and the radical changes which transformed Eastern Europe. Rather than utterly dismissing the old regime, the characters convey a certain nostalgia for the communist ideology and the impact that it had on shaping German culture.”
from WSC's Good Bye Lenin! Review

We look forward to seeing you there!

Robert Gardner - WSC Chief Duty Manager

Last updated Fri, 11 Feb 2011 01:32:24 +0000

Summer term schedule! (old)

Spring 2011

Heya film fans,

Following the Programming Meeting yesterday, we now have our Summer Schedule online for you! You'll notice that it is stripped down as summer terms at WSC are quieter due to the exam periods, but we're sure you'll still find some films out of this great selection that you'd like to come and see on the big screen!

Please note that the schedule is still subject to booking availability, but it should be fine. Also, before I get bombarded with emails, the Lord of the Rings AllNighter features the standard cinematic versions and not the extended editions - we would have loved to screen the full cuts, but unfortunately they are not available on 35mm... sorry!


Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Fri, 13 May 2011 12:46:46 +0100

AGM and elections! (old)

Hello All,

The deadline for applications for Exec positions has passed and here are the candidates for the 2011/12 Exec (listed in alphabetical order in each role):


  • Edward McCutcheon


  • Fergus Cooper
  • Liam McNamara


  • Vanessa Kok
  • Liam McNamara

Films Officer

  • Oliver Bell
  • Shoshana Eilon

Chief Projectionist

  • Timothy Green

Chief DM

    No nominations were received

Publicity Officer

  • Joseph Morgan

Tech Officer

  • Fergus Cooper
  • Alex Ware

IT Officer

  • Matthew Wilkinson

Marketing Officer

  • Alex Ware

The elections will take part during the Warwick Student Cinema AGM which will be held this coming Monday at 7.30pm in L3. You can arrive from 7pm onwards. The candidates will have the opportunity to make a short speech and take questions from the audience.

All student members of the society are welcome to attend the meeting and have the right to vote. However, if you do wish to vote, please arrive no later than 7.45pm!

All the candidates will get an e-mail from me soon with all the details of the election.

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Sun, 20 Mar 2011 14:09:32 +0000

Exec Meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd Feb, at 7:32pm in S1.141 (Social Studies).

All members are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please email me.

Fergus Cooper

Last updated Thu, 03 Feb 2011 00:50:50 +0000

Social to Nandos & 'The Mechanic'! (old)

The Mechanic

Howdi all!

For week 4, Sophie's getting a week off from organising socials and Front of House is laying one on for you instead - we're nice like that :-)

On the menu this term - Nandos from about 7.30pm - don't worry about how to get there - we'll be catching the bus as a group from the Arts Centre at 7pm!

Our food will be followed by a trip just down the road to the Odeon, to see the 9.30pm screening of the one and only Jason Statham in the brand new (and at time of typing - unreleased) action thriller The Mechanic. For more information on the film itself, check out its website, or the relevant IMDb page.

Whether you're a steward or reviewer, a projectionist in the making, or simply a film enthusiast, you're more than welcome to attend. We'll also ensure to get everyone back to campus safe and sound, catching the last bus back, with several of the exec on board to lead the way. Simply sign-up on the socials page by midday on Monday and look forward to getting to know peeps in the society that little bit better!

Robert Gardner

Last updated Tue, 01 Feb 2011 00:11:16 +0000

AGM and elections! (old)


Hello all!

It's election time at WSC! So if you feel like meeting lots of wonderful people, influencing how the biggest society on campus is run and gaining valuable experience that will look amazing on your CV, then read on.

The Exec will consist of ten roles, listed below, including the new position of marketing officer - you can read a bit more about them here. The Marketing Officer is chiefly responsible for electronic publicity and advertising of WSC. Please also not that the position of Secretary has now changed to 'Vice President', although the responsibilities are virtually the same. If you are considering running, it's also worth chatting to the current officeholder to get some more information about the day-to-day tasks.

The exec positions up for election are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Films Officer
  • Chief Projectionist
  • Chief Duty Manager
  • Publicity Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • IT Officer
  • Marketing Officer

For most of the roles there is no experience necessary, except for Chief Duty Manager, Chief Projectionist and Tech Officer, for which you need to be a qualified Duty Manager or projectionist respectively. It is possible to run for more than one position, but you will need to state a preference as to which one would be your first choice and have a separate nominator for each position.

The election will take place in the Annual General Meeting on Monday 7th February (Week 5), which starts at 7.30pm in L3.

I (Sophie Carroll) will be the returning officer for the election, so all nominations must be sent to me at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk by 6pm Wednesday 2nd February (Week 4). Your email must contain:

  • your name,
  • the position you want to run for,
  • university number,
  • name and university number of a nominator.

Nominations are now open. Anyone wishing to run must be a full member of the society. The nominator must also be a full member of Warwick Student Cinema and may only nominate one candidate. Current Exec members may nominate a candidate, providing they are not running for any position themselves. Similarly, those running for election may not nominate others. Nominators will be contacted to confirm nominations.

Voting will be by the single transferable vote method. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which they can make a short speech and questions can be taken.

Any queries, please contact me on secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Thu, 03 Feb 2011 15:12:53 +0000

Exec Meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th January, at 7:30pm in C1.11/15 (Social Sciences).

All members are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please email the President.

Fergus Cooper

Last updated Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:45:20 +0000

Suggest Summer's Schedule! (old)

Summer 2011

Howdey filmophiles!

We may only just have started the Spring Term, but here at WSC we already need to get to work booking our Summer Term schedule. And we want YOU to let us know what films you would like to see on our silver screen! There's plenty of great movies just released or coming soon, so if you want some inspiration, check out IMDb.

To vote for a film, please head over to our Films Suggestions page now! And if you have any further input, please say your piece on our Forums where there is a draft schedule for your scrutiny. The final schedule will then be decided at the Programming Meeting on Thursday 3rd February (wk 4) at 5pm in L5. Until then, happy voting!

Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Fri, 04 Feb 2011 14:35:04 +0000

Spring has sprung (old)

Happy New Year, and welcome back to WSC!

We've got another great line up for you this Spring Term, featuring a host of themed nights... Tuesdays take you through a Century in Cinema from the 1920s to the 2010s, with many beloved classics. Another season of Foreign Thursdays delivers the best of world cinema, old and new. There are more Midnight Frights on Saturday nights to scare you senseless. KPMG's Sponsored Event this term features the brilliant Good Bye Lenin!. And who can forget our infamous AllNighter with its diabolically unknown Mystery Film?! As if all that wasn't enough, the rest of the schedule is packed with the best that Hollywood has to offer!

With so many fantastic films to choose from, we're sure we'll see you soon!

Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Sat, 05 Feb 2011 14:13:34 +0000

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! (old)


Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas

Autumn Term is over so there's really only one last thing to do and that is to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from Warwick Student Cinema!

It's been a great term for WSC, starting with yet more success at the BFFS awards then a fantastic intake of people wanting to get involved (by the way, it's never too late of you're still interested!), a huge sellout to the AllNighter and finally a double sell-out at Inception.

The Spring Schedule holds great promise, with another line-up of quality films including our 'Century of Cinema', with the likes of Casablanca, Raging Bull and the legendary Singin' in the Rain. We'll also be presenting some great events for you, including the KPMG Sponsored Event and, of course, the AllNighter, headlined this time by CGI extravaganza Tron Legacy.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Robert Gardner - WSC's Chief Duty Manager

Last updated Fri, 07 Jan 2011 00:33:27 +0000

The Sorcerer's Apprentice RESCHEDULED (old)


Due to a booking error on the part of the film distributor, tonight's screening of The Sorcerer's Apprentice has been rescheduled to THURSDAY 9th Dec.

We won't be screening a film tonight, so our next film will be Love Actually tomorrow at 7:30pm.

Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Thu, 09 Dec 2010 20:07:24 +0000

Exec Meeting (old)

The next exec meeting will take place on Wednesday 1st December at 7:00pm in S1.69

All are welcome to attend, and if you have a point you would like the exec to discuss, please email it to president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Thu, 02 Dec 2010 02:25:07 +0000

Christmas comes to WSC! (old)

We will be having our annual Christmas meal at the Burnt Post in Coventry on Monday 6 December - Week 10!

Sign up on the socials page and email the secretary with your meal choice by SUNDAY WEEK 8 AT 6PM..

The menu is available here. You need to click on the link 'two/three course seasonal menu':

Please bring your deposit of £5 (which is non-refundable) to any showing and hand it in to a DM by 9pm on Sunday Week 8.

Details on travel to follow, but we can tell you now that we will be taking the 801 bus from campus where necessary.

Christmas time]

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Mon, 29 Nov 2010 00:22:31 +0000

Did YOU go AllNight? (old)

WSC's flagship event, the AllNighter, took place tonight - with a completely full house, sold out before 7pm!

A great time was had by all, watching Toy Story 3, Kick Ass, The Other Guys, The Mystery Film, South Park & The Truman Show. Interval entertainment included a raffle (top prize a Nintendo DSi, second prize a digital camera), Warwick TV Short film, Quiz, and even more amazing shorts!

Teasing continued over the identity of the Mystery Film right up until it started. We are constantly asked who knows what the mystery is - only the Films Officer who chose it and the Treasurer who paid for it!

Mystery Film

The Quiz's 'What is the Mystery Film?' question generated laughs, particularly when a fake IT blunder suggested it was 'The Sound of Music'! A varied and interesting Pre-Mystery reel, and our usual film-esque sound trailer built up the suspense until... The Breakfast Club came on screen!

Our thanks for coming, we hope you enjoyed it, and see you at the Spring Term AllNighter!

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Mon, 29 Nov 2010 00:22:10 +0000

New Tech Officer (old)

Congratulations to Alex Ware on being successfully elected as WSC's Technical Officer for the remainder of the 2010-11 Exec term!

Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Fri, 26 Nov 2010 16:29:04 +0000

Tech officer nominations in! (old)

Hello All,

The deadline for applications for tech officer has passed and here are the candidates for the role:

  • Alex Ware

The election will take part this coming Wednesday at 5.30pm in L3. The candidate will have the opportunity to make a short speech and take questions from the audience. Voting will be by single transferable vote.

All members of the society are welcome to attend the meeting and have the right to vote.

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Wed, 17 Nov 2010 20:07:43 +0000

ALLNIGHTER - Friday! (old)


Yes, it's that time of the term again! WSC is busy preparing for the Autumn AllNighter: 6 films, raffle, quiz, shorts and more! Doors open at 7:30pm on Friday - however, tickets are available at shows all week and from our stall in the SU on Thursday and Friday. Some tickets have therefore been sold already!


Top Prize in the Raffle is a Nintendo DSi, Accessory Pack and Toy Story 3 Game, with second prize a Fujifilm Digital Camera!

Find out more...

Can you go AllNight?

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Fri, 19 Nov 2010 20:58:41 +0000

Extra INCEPTION Screenings! (old)


We are pleased to announce that, due to popular demand (both our scheduled screenings sold out!), INCEPTION will return to WSC's big screen TONIGHT at both 7:30 and 10:30pm!

“Christopher Nolan takes his time over his projects, though when he delivers, he delivers big. Memento, The Prestige and the Batman reboot: not a bad career, let alone the beginnings of one. Inception continues his series of successes, realising a project he'd pondered for over a decade. In DiCaprio he has another top lead actor, ably backed by a stellar cast and a mind-bending plot that will drive you to reconsider the fabric of the world we live in.”
from WSC's Inception Review by Robert Gardner

Tickets will be available from our tills on the concourse roughly 15 minutes before each showing. Please remember to arrive in good time if you want better seats.

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Tue, 16 Nov 2010 01:46:08 +0000

Technical Officer Applications Open (old)

Have your say

The executive position of Technical Officer has become vacant, so nominations are now open for this post.

You must be a full member of the society and a qualified projectionist to run.

Nominations will close at 21:00 on Monday 15th November 2010, with an election following on Wednesday 17th November 2010 at 17:30 in L3 (if available). Voting will be by single transferable vote.

All nominations must be sent to the returning officer (Sophie Carroll) at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk. Your email must contain:

  • Your name
  • University number
  • Name and university number of a nominator

The nominator must be a full member of Warwick Student Cinema and may only nominate one candidate. Current Exec members may NOT nominate a candidate. Nominators will be contacted to confirm nominations.

All standard members of Warwick Student Cinema are welcome to vote at the election.

Fergus Cooper - President

Last updated Wed, 17 Nov 2010 13:10:25 +0000

Exec Meeting - Confirmation!!! (old)

The next exec meeting will take place on Monday 8th November 2010 at 7:00pm in L3!!!

All are welcome to attend, and if you have a point you would like the exec to discuss, please email it to president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.


Fergus Cooper

Last updated Mon, 08 Nov 2010 22:44:38 +0000

Spring 2011 schedule (old)

Spring 2011

Yo cineminos,

Following the Programming Meeting last week, we now have our Spring Schedule for your viewing and anticipatory pleasure! We've got some more Foreign Thursdays and Midnight Frights coming your way, and a new theme for Tuesdays taking you through a Century in Cinema, with a different decade each week.

Bear in mind that the schedule is still subject to booking availability, but it should mostly hold.


Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Fri, 07 Jan 2011 01:30:16 +0000

Nandos and RED social! (old)

Nandos and RED

Howdi all!

For those of you in your first year, I welcome you to what will be your first Front of House social! If you're not a first year filmsoccer, then you're still welcome - we're nice like that :-)

Once a term, the Front of House Team lets the WSC Secretary take a break on the socials front, and this coming Monday the time draws nigh. On the menu this term - Nandos from about 7.30pm - don't worry about how to get there - we'll be catching the bus as a group from the Arts Centre at 7pm!

Our food will be followed by a trip just down the road to the Odeon, to see the 9.15pm screening of the Retried and Extremely Dangerous troop that are Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman and John Malkovich, in RED.

For more information on the film itself, check out its website, or the IMDb page.

Whether you're a steward or reviewer, a projectionist in the making, or simply a film enthusiast, you're more than welcome to attend. We'll also ensure to get everyone back to campus safe and sound, catching the last bus back, with several of the exec on board to lead the way.

Simply sign-up on the socials page by midday on Monday and look forward to getting to know peeps in the society that little bit better!

Robert Gardner - Chief Duty Manager

Last updated Tue, 02 Nov 2010 00:07:52 +0000

FREE Sponsored Event: Amelie TONIGHT! (old)


Tonight WSC, in association with KPMG, bring you a FREE SCREENING of Amélie! The event starts at 7:30pm, with the film screening, a short talk from KPMG, film QUIZ with PRIZES and then FREE FOOD AND DRINK. We've got baguettes, cheese, pate, wine, croissants, jam, juice and more ready for this evening!

“Amélie is one of those films that simply flies by and leaves you wondering whether it was really two hours that you’ve just spent enjoying watching it. The storyline is filled with nice little details, handfuls of tiny side stories and a bag of clever ideas. You even get a very graceful and satisfying mystery!”
from WSC's Amélie Review

We look forward to seeing you there!

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Thu, 28 Oct 2010 20:56:41 +0100

Programming Meeting this Wednesday! (old)

Spring 2011 The votes are in for the Spring 2011 schedule. To check out the Films Officer's proposed schedule and voice your opinion on it, come along to the Programming Meeting this Wednesday 27th October at 4pm in L3.

Despite popular demand, unfortunately we will be unable to bring you Back to the Future, the original Tron or the original Wall Street as there are no 35mm prints available - sorry, folks.

See you on Wednesday!

Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Wed, 27 Oct 2010 22:00:18 +0100

Exec Meeting (old)

The next exec meeting will take place on Thursday 21st October 2010 at 7:00pm in H4.22/4.

All are welcome to attend, and if you have a point you would like the exec to discuss, please email it to president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.


Fergus Cooper

Last updated Thu, 21 Oct 2010 19:36:27 +0100

Marketing Coordinator Post - Applications Open! (old)

Marketing Post

We are pleased to announce a new position has been formed to look after the LCD Screen content, Advertising, WSC's Social Networking presence and more!

The post of Marketing Coordinator is now open for applications with a deadline of 25th October.

A full Person Specification is available for download.

We look forward to reading your application!

WSC Exec

Last updated Tue, 26 Oct 2010 01:04:56 +0100

Choose your Spring schedule! (old)

Spring 2011

Hey there film fans!

At Warwick Student Cinema, we invite YOU to pick what you would like to see on the big screen! Whether it's an old favourite, a recent blockbuster, or a niche arthouse flick, we try our best to bring you a diversity of the very best in feature film.

Although the 2010/11 year has only just started, we already need to program the spring term 2011 schedule. So please, head on over to our Films Suggestions page and place your votes! And if you have any further input, please say your piece on our Forums. Happy voting!

Owen Rye - WSC Films Officer

Last updated Sun, 24 Oct 2010 23:01:12 +0100

Welcome to WSC: Autumn 2010 (old)

WSC 2010

We've got an exciting season ahead, with 71 screenings due to be projected in Autumn 2010 onto the largest screen on campus in a freshly refurbished L3! As always we'll be projecting real 35mm or 70mm film, hired for the evening from the official film distributors.

We hope you enjoy one of our screenings soon - don't forget to bring your University card with you when you come!

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Wed, 10 Nov 2010 12:02:09 +0000

Exec meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will take place on Wednesday, 6th October. We are meeting in H3.22 at 7pm. All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail it to secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Wed, 10 Nov 2010 12:03:23 +0000

Autumn's Screenings (old)

This term's screenings begin on Sunday with free showings of Green Zone at 6:30 & 9:30pm! We will also be showing I Love You Philip Morris free on Tuesday, before normal ticket prices resume. We are also proud to bring you a quick promo video for some of this term's schedule:

See you at Freshers' Fair, Societies Fair or at a screening soon!

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Wed, 10 Nov 2010 12:02:47 +0000

WSC Scoops Prizes at British Film Society Awards (old)


Your Student Cinema was once again successful at the British Federation of Film Societies (BFFS) Film Society of the Year Awards! We picked up the prizes for;

  • Best Website 2010
  • Distinction: Best Student Society
  • Commendation: Best Programme Notes
  • Commendation: Best Marketing & Publicity

We wouldn't have done so well without the support of our fantastic crew and our audience, so our thanks and congratulations!

The WSC Exec

Last updated Tue, 05 Oct 2010 22:40:32 +0100

Your new-look Student Cinema! (old)

If you're a returning student, then this'll be exciting stuff... and if you're a fresher, it will still be of interest: WSC's theatre has been completely re-furbished over the summer so we have a brand spanking new and more comfortable viewing experience headed your way!

The new-look L3

Gone are the old broken seats and the weary old decor - L3 now features a funky red stripey look and seats that feel comfy for hours on end. What's more, WSC will soon be bringing you entertainment whilst you wait for lectures, with our new LCD screens giving you loads of upcoming film info on the concourse!

We hope to see you at a screening soon - check out our schedule for more information about what's on!

Robert Gardner - Chief Duty Manager

Last updated Tue, 12 Oct 2010 12:35:22 +0100

Welcome to WSC: Autumn 2010! (old)

WSC 2010

We've got an exciting season ahead, with 71 screenings due to be projected in Autumn 2010 onto the largest screen on campus in a freshly refurbished L3! As always we'll be projecting real 35mm or 70mm film, hired for the evening from the official film distributors.

Once again our first two films, Green Zone and I Love You Philip Morris, are absolutely free! All other screenings are subject to our usual ticket prices, and memberships come with a free screening thrown in.

Free Screenings Autumn 2010

If you fancy Getting Involved in running the largest screen on campus, we'll be holding a meeting on Monday of Week 2 for everyone interested and to give you free pizza! Our crew members can see all standard screenings free, and bring a guest free with them. Whether you'd like to help with Front of House (our Stewards and Duty Managers), Projection, making Publicity or helping with the IT, we'd love to meet you. You can also catch up with us at the Societies Fair in Week 1.

We hope you enjoy one of our screenings soon - don't forget to bring your University card with you when you come!

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Tue, 05 Oct 2010 22:39:00 +0100

Autumn 2010 at Warwick Student Cinema (old)

Autumn 2010

Warwick Student Cinema will be back in October in L3, fresh out of a University refurbishment. There'll be a new colour scheme and seats, among loads of other changes, and we'll be working hard over the summer to outfit more equipment so that you can have an even better cinematic experience!

In the meantime, why not peruse our Autumn Term Schedule (Sunday and Tuesday's screenings in Week 1 will be free) or see how you can Get Involved next academic year and make every regular screening free for you and a guest?

Have a fantastic Summer Break!

Edward McCutcheon - IT Officer

Last updated Tue, 24 Aug 2010 21:23:45 +0100

Outdoor Screening of WALL-E! (old)

Outdoor screening Twilight

Hello all!

WSC are proud to present to you our largest event of the year, the Outdoor Screening! This year we will be bringing you the much-loved Pixar flick
Yes, you'll be able to watch the adorable automaton's adventures on the big screen on a lovely summer evening.
What a fantastic way to end the year with WSC.

The Outdoor Screening of WALL-E is on Wednesday 30th June at 10:00pm on Tocil Field. And, best of all, it's completely free thanks to the support of our sponsors KPMG. So just stroll up with a rug and some munchies, and bask in the splendors of outdoor cinema...

Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Thu, 01 Jul 2010 16:18:06 +0100

Exec meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will take place on Thursday, 27th May. We'll be in H0.56 at 7pm. All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail it to secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Fergus Cooper

Last updated Wed, 02 Jun 2010 00:54:44 +0100

Autumn term schedule (old)

Autumn 2010

Hi again all,

Following the Programming Meeting last week, we now have our Autumn Schedule for your viewing and anticipatory pleasure!

It's still subject to booking availability, but should mostly hold.


Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Wed, 02 Jun 2010 00:53:37 +0100

Tonight's screening of The Road CANCELLED (old)


Hi all,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately we are unable to bring you The Road tonight as promised. There was a terrible mix up with the distributors and the delivery company that is completely out of our hands.

Sincere apologies to all those who were looking forward to this evening's film, but I'm afraid sometimes this is just the way it goes...

Hopefully you can find something else on this term's schedule to satisfy your cinema needs... Perhaps tomorrow's equally apocalyptic The Book of Eli will do the trick!

Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Thu, 13 May 2010 15:48:56 +0100

Autumn Term Programming Meeting (old)

Autumn 2010

Hey there, film fans!

A big thanks to all those who voted on our films suggestions page over the last couple of months! The latest provisional schedule is now available for y'all to pick over, so make sure to check that out and offer up any constructive thoughts you have (compliments welcome).

The final schedule for Autumn Term 2010 will be determined at the Programming Meeting this Wednesday 12th May (week 3) at 5pm in B201 (first room on the left in the Science Concourse). All are welcome and encouraged to attend! See you there...

Owen Rye - Films Officer

Last updated Thu, 13 May 2010 15:49:05 +0100

Exec meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will take place on Wednesday, 5th May. We'll be in B2.03 at 6pm. All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail it to secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Wed, 05 May 2010 22:47:51 +0100

Provisional autumn schedule (old)

Autumn 2010

Here we go, gang: the provisional schedule for the autumn term 2010 that I've been putting together based on upcoming releases and your votes on the films suggestions webpage!

Please offer up any constructive comments you have on that page as part of the suggestions thread. If you haven't heard of a film, please don't just slate it, but follow it up on IMDb to give it a fair chance!

And don't miss out on the Programming Meeting, which will take place on Wednesday week 3 (12th May) at 5pm in B.201 (on the Science Concourse)! This will be your final opportunity to express opinions on the proposed autumn schedule.

Owen Rye - Films Officer 2010-11

Last updated Thu, 13 May 2010 15:48:44 +0100

Autumn term suggestions (old)

Autumn 2010

Hello all!

Although we've only just rounded off the end of the spring term, it's already time to start looking towards the future. Quite far in the future in this case! Yes, we're already taking suggestions for what films you'd like to see on the schedule for the autumn term 2010.

Many of you may remark on how you wish WSC would show your favourite film, or that you'd like us to show more foreign films. Well, now this is your chance to vote for what you'd like to see at WSC at the start of the next academic year. With the whole summer ahead of us, there's likely to be a wealth of great new films for us to show - for some ideas of what's coming soon, check out IMDb.

Vote for films at our suggestions page which will be open until the 11th May, offer up your thoughts and ideas at our Film Suggestions Forums and watch this space for details of the Programming Meeting early next term to determine the final schedule!

Owen Rye - WSC Films Officer

Last updated Sat, 24 Apr 2010 19:47:37 +0100

New Chief Proj (old)

Congratulations to Matthew Breeze on being successfully elected as WSC's Chief Projectionist for 2010-11!

Owen Rye

Last updated Tue, 16 Mar 2010 17:03:41 +0000

Chief projectionist candidates (old)


Hello All,

The deadline for applications for the exec position of Chief Projectionist has passed and here are the candidates for the 2010/11 exec term (listed in alphabetical order):

  • Matt Breeze
  • Matt Brennan
  • Sam Brown
  • Alex Ware

The elections will take part this Wednesday at 5.30pm in L3. The candidates will have the opportunity to make a short speech and take questions from the audience.

All members of the society are welcome to attend the meeting and have the right to vote.

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 18:41:46 +0000

Exec meeting (old)

The next Exec meeting will take place on Monday, 8th March. We'll be in S1.14 at 7pm. All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail it to secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:51:32 +0000

New Tech Officer (old)

Congratulations to Timothy Bradley on being successfully elected as WSC's Technical Officer for 2010-11!

Owen Rye

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:51:49 +0000

Chief Projectionist Applications Open! (old)

Unfortunately, an irregularity has been found in the election process of our new Chief Projectionist. At this stage, we believe the fairest course of action, as also advised by the Students Union, is to re-open nominations and run a re-election. Therefore, applications for the position of Chief Projectionist are now open.

All nominations must be sent to the returning officer (Sophie Carroll) at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk by 6pm Monday 8th March (Week 9). Your email must contain:

  • your name,
  • university number,
  • name and university number of a nominator.

Nominations are now open. You MUST be a qualified projectionist to apply. Anyone wishing to run must be a full member of the society. The nominator must also be a full member of Warwick Student Cinema and may only nominate one candidate. Current Exec members may NOT nominate a candidate. Nominators will be contacted to confirm nominations.

Edward McCutcheon

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:52:01 +0000

Blade bites the dust... Twilight rises again (old)

Blade Twilight

Hi film fangs!
Bad news for some, good news for others:

Due to a distribution mix-up, we are no longer able to bring you Blade this Thursday evening. Instead, we will be screening the first entry in The Twilight Saga, Twilight, in preparation for our screening of its sequel New Moon on Friday.

Apologies to those who were looking forward to the ass-kicking Blade; perhaps you can find solace in seeing a different side to vampires in Twilight..! And for all you Twi-Hards out there, what better way is there to set yourself up for New Moon than sinking your teeth into the original one more time?!

Owen Rye

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:52:10 +0000

Tech officer election! (old)

Just a reminder that the elections for the vacant exec position of Tech Officer will take place this Wednesday at 17:30 in L3. Afterwards we will be heading over to the Real Ale festival and you are welcome to join us!

Any member of the society is welcome to attend and vote.

Fergus Cooper

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:52:31 +0000

Did you go AllNight? (old)


With an absolute corker of a line-up, featuring Up and Anchorman among other cinematic greats, it's no surprise that the show sold out to a very satisfied audience - making for a very .. 'cosy' night in L3!

The event also featured a rather dramatic WSC Exec handover, involving the assassination of our former President, Mat Gardner; may he rest in peace. And let us welcome in the unforgiving regime of Fergus Cooper and his minions! As if that weren't enough, I was glad to stump many of you with my fiendish film quiz, and I hope everyone enjoyed the film shorts from Warwick Shootout and TEDx Warwick.

Of course, it wouldn't be a WSC AllNighter without the anticipation and revelation of the Mystery Film! This time a real crowd-pleaser: sci-fi/western Serenity (pictured).

Well done if you lasted to hear Rage Against the Machine ask you to 'Wake Up' as The Matrix drew to a close around 9:15am. Congrats again to all our prize-winners!

Owen Rye

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:54:47 +0000


Spring Term AllNighter 2010

FRIDAY WEEK 7 (26th Feb) - doors open 7.30pm

The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7 and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


Up titleUp pic

Carl and Ellie form an adventure club in an abandoned house, and Ellie tells Carl about her ambition to move their clubhouse to the top of Paradise Falls in South America. Now in his old age, Carl fends off the rise of skyscrapers on his doorstep and, to the amazement of all, unleashes thousands of balloons attached to his and Ellie’s house, which drifts away into the sky, ready for adventure. The first section of Up is more moving than a lot of films ever achieve. If you liked WALL-E then you can expect even more from Up.

The Big Lebowski titleThe Big Lebowski pic Our hero is Jeffrey Lebowski, otherwise known as The Dude. He’s a lazy guy who enjoys bowling, drinking White Russians and the occasional acid flashback until a gang mistake him for a different Jeffrey Lebowski (small world indeed), demand money from him and ruin his rug. All he wants is compensation for this rug, but instead he is plunged into a world of deceit, intrigue, blackmail and violence, providing the basis for some of the finest comedy moments in cinematic history. This is probably the Coen brother’s funniest film, containing countless lines that you’ll be quoting for hours on end.

Zombieland titleZombieland pic Most of mankind has succumbed to a virus that turns people into zombies. We follow the life of one of the survivors, Columbus, a student trying to get back home. On his hilarious journey he encounters Tallahassee, a man out to kill as many zombies as he can and find the world’s last Twinkie, and the cunning sisters Wichita and Little Rock. Together they must face this apocalyptic world and find a place that they can live without fear of being eaten. Zombieland goes highly recommended for anyone looking for a fresh and comical look at the zombie genre.

The Mystery Film picThe Mystery title

Shrouded in the clouds of a smoke machine and locked deep in the WSC vaults, not to be unveiled until the time is just right (halfway through the night, naturally!), The Mystery Film is the biggest secret on campus.

Will it be action? Comedy? Erotic thriller?! There’s only one way to find out!

Anchorman titleAnchorman pic News anchorman Ron Burgundy’s homely reporting, bushy moustache, and eponymous blazer have won the hearts of San Diego. But all is thrown into disarray when his station adds a lady to the line-up. Unsure whether to romance the new recruit or sully her efforts with chauvinistic chides, only one thing is for sure: she has compromised the integrity of Ron’s reporting, which is bad news indeed. Broadcasting a wealth of quotable dialogue and witty slapstick, Anchorman is considered a cult classic of contemporary comedy. Tune in, and stay classy!

Matrix titleMatrix pic By day Thomas Anderson works for a large software firm, but by night he hacks into computers under the alias ‘Neo’. Cryptic messages appear on his computer screen that lead him to a meeting with a group of people led by Morpheus (Fishburne) who awaken Neo into the ‘real’ world, a dystopian nightmare where people are used as energy sources for a race of intelligent machines. It’s hard now to remember what things were like before the Matrix hit our screens. It needs to be appreciated on the big screen, and if you missed it the first time around now is your chance!

Ticket Price   Running Order Length
WSC Member £7 1. Up 102 min
2. The Big Lebowski 117 min
Uni. Member £10 3. Zombieland 88 min
4. Mystery Film ??? min
External Guest £12 5. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy 94 min
6. The Matrix 136 min

Can you go AllNight?

Robert Gardner - Chief Duty Manager

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:54:58 +0000

City of God PLUS City of Men (old)

City of God City of Men

Howdey film fans,

Due to a distribution error in our favour, we are pleased to present you not only with the superb City of God but also with its 2008 sequel City of Men.

The original will still play in its scheduled timeslot at 7:30pm this Tuesday (23rd Feb; week 7), and then followed by its sequel at no extra cost. Bargain!

If you would like to watch City of Men only, then please come along at 10pm. Normal ticket prices apply.

Owen Rye

Last updated Tue, 23 Feb 2010 22:25:26 +0000

Tech officer elections! (old)

Applications for the position of tech officer are now open!

All nominations must be sent to the returning officer (Sophie Carroll) at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk by 6pm Monday 1st March (Week 8). Your email must contain:

  • your name,
  • university number,
  • name and university number of a nominator.

Nominations are now open. You MUST be a qualified projectionist to apply. Anyone wishing to run must be a full member of the society. The nominator must also be a full member of Warwick Student Cinema and may only nominate one candidate. Current Exec members may nominate a candidate, providing they are not running for any position themselves. Nominators will be contacted to confirm nominations.

Also, congratulations to Rob Gardner on the position of Chief DM!

Sophie Carroll

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:55:10 +0000

Exec meeting - 18.02.10 (old)

The next Exec meeting will take place on Thursday, 18th February at 6.20pm in B2.01. All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail it to secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

Gyonyul Aptula

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:54:36 +0000

Clothing - Old and New! (old)

Finally, after much anticipation (and apologies for the delay, turns out there was a problem with one of the items, but it's all good) the clothing has arrived :D.

So, from Monday onwards, you are welcome to pick up the clothing at any of our screenings, just ask a steward or a DM. For payment, you can either pay by cash, or by cheque. All cheques must be made payable to the Student Union, not WSC.

AND, as soon as this one arrives, I'm going to chuck out there another clothing order woop woop! This time though, it is going to be restricted to regular items (polos, hoodies, zip hoodies, etc.) and no special requests. Stuff like names/quotes on the clothing is still cool though. This time, courtesy of some awesome work from IT, there is an online form you can fill in. If that's too far ahead for you, regular emails to me with your orders are still welcome. Just email the treasurer address. Here's the link for the online form -


In the meantime, stay awesome.

Nikita Shah

Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:55:19 +0000

Election results (old)

The elections for the 2011-12 Exec took place at tonight's Warwick Student Cinema AGM and here are the results:


  • Edward McCutcheon


  • Fergus Cooper


  • Liam McNamara

Films Officer

  • Oliver Bell

Chief Projectionist

  • Timothy Green

Chief DM

  • No one was elected to the position.

Publicity Officer

  • Joseph Morgan

IT Officer

  • Matthew Wilkinson

Tech officer

  • Alex Ware
  • Marketing Officer

      • The position remained free due to both candidates being elected to their preferred positions.

    Congratulations to the new Exec and a big 'Thank You!' to everyone who ran for the positions!

    Sophie Carroll

    Last updated Tue, 08 Feb 2011 16:41:30 +0000

    Elections and AGM - this Monday! (old)

    Hello All,

    The deadline for applications for Exec positions has passed and here are the candidates for the 2010/11 Exec (listed in alphabetical order in each role):


    • Fergus Cooper


    • Sophie Carroll
    • Alex Ware


    • Robert Chesworth
    • Radoslav Dragov
    • Nikita Shah

    Films Officer

    • Owen Rye
    • Alex Ware

    Chief Projectionist

    • Matt Brennan
    • Sam Brown

    Chief DM

    • Fergus Cooper
    • Edward McCutcheon

    Publicity Officer

    • Edward Moseley
    • Linas Trumpickas

    Tech Officer

    No applications were received

    IT Officer

    • Edward McCutcheon
    • Matthew Wilkinson

    The elections will take part during the Warwick Student Cinema AGM which will be held this coming Monday at 7.30pm in L3. The candidates will have the opportunity to make a short speech and take questions from the audience.

    All members of the society are welcome to attend the meeting and have the right to vote. However, if you do wish to vote, please arrive no later than 7.45pm!

    All the candidates will get an e-mail from me soon with all the details of the election.

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Tue, 09 Feb 2010 00:04:16 +0000

    Exec meeting - 01.02.10 (old)

    The next Exec meeting will take place on Monday, 1st February at 7.15pm, in S1.69 (Social Studies). All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail me at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    Gaby Aptula

    Last updated Wed, 03 Feb 2010 22:15:58 +0000

    AGM & Elections (old)


    Hello all!

    It's election time at WSC! So if you feel like meeting lots of wonderful people, influencing how the biggest society on campus is run and gaining valuable experience that will look amazing on your CV, then read on.

    The Exec consists of nine roles - you can read a bit more about them here. If you are considering running, it's also worth chatting to the current officeholder to get some more information about the day-to-day tasks.

    For most of the roles there is no experience necessary, except for Chief Duty Manager, Chief Projectionist and Tech Officer, for which you need to be a qualified Duty Manager or projectionist respectively. It is possible to run for more than one position, but you will need to state a preference as to which one you'd be your first choice.

    The election will take place in the Annual General Meeting on Monday 8th February (Week 5), which starts at 7.30pm in L3.

    I (Gaby Aptula) will be the returning officer for the election, so all nominations must be sent to me at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk by 6pm Wednesday 3rd February (Week 4). Your email must contain:

    • your name,
    • the position you want to run for,
    • university number,
    • name and university number of a nominator.

    Nominations are now open. Anyone wishing to run must be a full member of the society. The nominator must also be a full member of Warwick Student Cinema and may only nominate one candidate. Current Exec members may nominate a candidate, providing they are not running for any position themselves. Nominators will be contacted to confirm nominations.

    Voting will be by the single transferable vote method. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which they can make a short speech and questions can be taken.

    Any queries, please contact me on secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    Hope to hear from you soon,

    Gaby Aptula - WSC Secretary

    Last updated Thu, 04 Feb 2010 00:09:48 +0000

    Summer Term Programming Meeting!!! (old)

    The Box, Up, Paranormal Activity, Shutter Island, It's Complicated, Hot Fuzz, Exam, An Education & Alice in Wonderland

    Hello to one and all! It's that time of year again - your chance to choose what we show on the big screen right here at Warwick Student Cinema!

    The images with this article give an idea of just some of the films that we're likely to be showing, but there will be many more than just those nine, so this is your chance to have a big say. Indeed, we've five whole weeks to fill (L3 is getting a major refurb in weeks 6-10 to make it a brand spanking new shiny happy place!), so we're looking for thirty or so titles.

    Check out the voting page which will be open until the 2nd February, offer up your thoughts and ideas at our Film Suggestions Forums .

    The programming meeting itself is planned for Wednesday 3rd February (Wed week 4) at 5pm in L3. For a look at what I'm currently leaning towards as a potential schedule, please look at the forum thread! This is far from a final thing though - more a starting point (using the votes thus far) to generate further conversation!

    Robert Gardner - WSC Films Officer

    Last updated Wed, 03 Feb 2010 16:51:00 +0000

    Exec meeting (old)

    The next Exec meeting will take place on Wednesday, 20th January at 2.30pm, in S2.84 (Social Studies). All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail me at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Fri, 22 Jan 2010 23:48:39 +0000

    Welcome Back! (old)

    Spring 2010

    Welcome to the Spring Season 2010!!!

    Here at Warwick Student Cinema, we hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year yet are happy to back for another term at Warwick. Why not let WSC help you enjoy this term? The spring term brings with it another line-up of quality films including the amazing District 9, the next instalment of The Twilight Saga, New Moon and the legendary classic, The Godfather. We'll also be presenting some great events for you, including the KPMG Sponsored Event and, of course, the AllNighter, headlined this time by the wonderful animated movie Up.

    So sit back, relax and enjoy the spring term with WSC. Just remember to do some work as well!

    Matthew Gardner

    Last updated Fri, 22 Jan 2010 23:47:58 +0000

    Summer Term Suggestions! (old)

    Spring 2010

    Howdi folks!

    It's that time of year again - your chance to choose what we show on the big screen right here at Warwick Student Cinema!

    Whilst you may only just be getting over Christmas and the New Year celebrations, we need to start planning what'll be on our schedule this coming summer term!

    The images with this article give an idea of just some of the films that we're likely to be showing, but there will be many more than just those five, so this is your chance to have a big say.

    Check out the voting page which will be open until the 2nd February, offer up your thoughts and ideas at our Film Suggestions Forums and listen out for more information on our programming meeting which will be held on Wednesday of Week 4 (3rd February), at 5pm in L3!

    Robert Gardner - WSC Films Officer

    Last updated Fri, 22 Jan 2010 22:57:59 +0000

    Merry Christmas!!! (old)


    Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas

    Well, the Autumn Term 2009 is over so there's really only one last thing to do and that is to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from Warwick Student Cinema!

    It's been a great term for WSC, starting with our success at the BFFS awards then a fantastic intake of people wanting to get involved (by the way, it's never too late of you're still interested!), a huge turnout to the AllNighter and finally a double sell-out at Inglourious Basterds.

    The spring term holds great promise, with another line-up of quality films including the amazing District 9, the next instalment of The Twilight Saga, New Moon and the legendary classic, The Godfather. We'll also be presenting some great events for you, including the KPMG Sponsored Event and, of course, the AllNighter, headlined this time by the wonderful animated movie Up.

    Happy holidays!

    Matthew Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Tue, 05 Jan 2010 08:18:52 +0000

    Extra Screening of Inglourious Basterds!! (old)

    Inglourious Basterds

    Following the overwhelming turnouts at Friday's showings of Inglourious Basterds, WSC will be putting on an extra screening on Saturday 5th December at 7:30pm.

    This is a bonus chance to watch this fantastic new Tarantino film, so do not miss out!!

    We would just like to take this opportunity to apologise to anyone who was unable to get in last night, though tonight's screening should be quieter!

    Where and when possible, if a screening sells-out, we shall endeavour to hold an additional screening for all those who have been unable to gain access.

    Matthew Gardner

    Last updated Sat, 05 Dec 2009 21:28:54 +0000

    Did you go AllNight? (old)

    This Is It

    Saturday morning saw the exit of some bleary-eyed dedicated film fans from L3 following the lengthy evening's entertainment.

    The night was brimming with great titles from Funny People to Leon. On top of these, we can't forget the brilliant interval entertainment including Rob's fiendish quiz and the Warwick Shootout shorts.

    But the AllNighter could never be complete without the infamous Mystery Film! And suffice to say that the whole theatre was surprised when Michael Jackson's This Is It played (to mixed reactions) before the end of its limited cinematic run

    Congrats to those who made it all the way until morning, and to all our prize winners.

    Owen Rye

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:22:06 +0000

    Clothing Order (old)

    Hi everyone,

    If you don't already know, I'm Nikita, the new Treasurer and along with that responsibility comes ordering some WSC clothing.

    If this has peaked your interest, there's a range of clothes on offer bearing the society logo on the left breast and if you want it, your name or something else embroidered the right, both in gold. Below are some of the usual items ordered, which you can see modelled by various crew members before films. If there's anything else you fancy or you're not sure what these items are like you can check out the website of the company we order things from at www.admdirect.co.uk

    Polo Shirt £9.95 (£11.71 with name)
    Ladies T-shirt £8.60 (10.36 with name)
    Zip Hoodie £16.55 (18.31 with name)
    Hoodie £15.85 (£17.61 with name)
    Fleece £17.95 (£19.71 with name)

    If you haven't already worked it out, having a name included is an extra £1.76 but is definitely worth it!

    I'm sure by this point you're wondering how you can get hold of this amazing merchandise. It's easy, just email me at treasurer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk with your requests including the size required and any extra embroidery you may want. Orders need to be in to me by Monday of Week 9.

    If you have any other questions about anything then don't hesitate to ask.


    Nikita Shah

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:23:02 +0000

    AllNighter Autumn 2009 (old)

    Spring Term AllNighter 2009

    FRIDAY WEEK 7 (20th Nov) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7 and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


    Transformers 2 titleTransformers 2 pic

    Following up 2007’s explosive debut cinematic outing of the Mattel toy franchise, it seemed unlikely that director Michael Bay could outdo himself the second time round. Doubts are put to rest in the form of a hulking explosion of action following Optimus Prime, Shia LeBouef and Megan Fox as they resist the evil Decepticon robots. It’s total Bay-hem!

    Funny People titleFunny People pic Adam Sandler plays a stand-up comedian diagnosed with a terminal blood disorder. He aims to spend his remaining year imparting his humourous wisdom to an up-and-coming young comic played by Seth Rogen. With a supporting cast inlcuding Jonah Hill (Superbad), the title speaks volumes.

    Coraline titleCoraline pic In this beautiful animation from the creator of The Nightmare Before Christmas, a little girl’s wish to escape her dull parents is granted when she discovers a secret portal to a fantasy world in her new house. But is this slightly sinister parallel world where people have buttons for eyes more than she bargained for? Find out in this vibrant and charming tale.

    The Mystery Film picThe Mystery title

    Shrouded in the clouds of a smoke machine and locked deep in the WSC vaults, not to be unveiled until the time is just right (halfway through the night, naturally!), The Mystery Film is the biggest secret on campus.

    Will it be action? Comedy? Erotic thriller?! There’s only one way to find out!
    Click here to find out what the Mystery was!

    Leon picLeon title At a mere twelve years old, Natalie Portman's debut cinema performance in Léon as the young Mathilda is remarkably mature. The rebellious prepubescent's world is blown wide open when her family are killed by her drug-dealing dad's corrupt cop client (acting legend Gary Oldman). Desperate, she turns to mysterious neighbour Léon (French star Jean Reno) for help. He takes her in, picking up the role of a foster father as he goes along, and teaching Mathilda his skills as an expert assassin, so that together they might avenge the girl's family. An indisputable modern great.

    Ticket Price   Running Order Length
    WSC Member £7 1. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 150 min
    2. Funny People 146 min
    Uni. Member £10 3. Coraline 100 min
    4. Mystery Film ??? min
    External Guest £12 5. Leon 110 min

    Can you go AllNight?

    Matthew Gardner

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:22:21 +0000

    Exec meeting - 17/11/09 (old)

    The next Exec meeting will take place on Tuesday, 17th November at 7.30pm. The location is still to be confirmed, but will be posted up as soon as I know (probably Monday). All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail me at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    ***We've been allocated S2.73 (Social studies) for the meeting.***

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:27:05 +0000

    Spring Term Schedule - Now Online (old)

    Spring 2010

    Howdi folks!

    Further to my recent post that had a link to an Excel file including next term's provisional schedule, I've now added a slightly updated version to the normal schedule page, so feel free to go and have a look :-)

    The more astute amongst you will note a few changes that have been enforced already. These include the loss of both Nine, which has had its release date pushed back to 2010, and Scarface, which was only re-released in digital format, rather than 35mm.

    As such, several other changes have been made, with Moulin Rouge! going to the Valentine's day double, Donnie Darko replacing Scarface and The Informant! filling the Friday double of week 9. We've also been able to incorporate both The Godfather and Citizen Kane in what promises to be a great term for lovers of classic screenings!

    There's also Vampire Week on offer during week 9 and the famous Warwick Student Cinema AllNighter, featuring Up, The Big Lebowski, Zombieland, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, The Matrix and, of course, the ever elusive Mystery Film.

    I'll keep everyone posted on any other changes, if and when they are enforced upon us, so keep an eye out here and on the film suggestion forums!

    Robert Gardner - Films Officer

    Last updated Thu, 19 Nov 2009 16:51:18 +0000

    Election Results (old)

    The votes from the recent WSC election have been counted and the results are in:

    Nikita Shah

    Congratulations to Nikita and welcome to the exec!

    Matthew Gardner

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:24:13 +0000

    Treasurer Election this Monday (old)

    Dear All,

    This Monday (2nd November), at 7.30pm, we'll be holding the election to fill the currently empty Exec position of Treasurer. It will take place in our usual location, i.e. in L3. Here is a list of the candidates (listed alphabetically by surname) that are running for this position:

    Ballot box

    - Jeffrey Choi
    - Fergus Cooper
    - Robert Jones
    - Nikita Shah
    - Alex Ware

    Anyone who is a member of Warwick Student Cinema can come and cast their vote (memberships will be checked on the night). Voting will be done via the Single Transferable Vote method (this will be explained in more detail at the event). All the candidates will have an opportunity to make a short speech and take any questions.

    Any questions - please direct them to me at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    See you there!

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:27:58 +0000

    KPMG Sponsored Event (old)


    On Tuesday 9th February, Warwick Student Cinema will be playing host to the KPMG Sponsored Event. We'll be starting the evening in L3 at 7:30pm with a FREE SCREENING of Ocean's Eleven. After the film, we'll be heading over to B2.02 and the Science Concourse for some FREE DRINKS and a CASINO NIGHT, where you could win yourself some DVD boxsets!

    Hope to see you there!

    Matthew Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:54:22 +0000

    Exec meeting - 27/10/09 (old)

    The next Exec meeting will take place on Tuesday, 27th October at 7pm in S1.66(Social studies). All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:30:22 +0000

    Treasurer elections and Publicity team positions (old)

    We will be holding an election to fill the currently empty Exec position of Treasurer. It will take place on Monday, 2nd November (Week 5) at 7.30pm in L3.

    I (Gaby Aptula) will be the returning officer, so all applications should be send to me at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk by 6pm on Monday, 26th October (Week 4). Your e-mail must contain:
    - your name;
    - your university number and;
    - the name and university number of the person who is nominating you (the nominator).

    Nominations are now open. Anyone wishing to apply for the position must be a full member of the society. The nominator should also be a member of Warwick Student Cinema and may only nominate one candidate. Current Exec members cannot nominate a candidate. Nominators will be contacted to confirm nominations.

    Voting will be via the 'Single Transferable Vote' method. All candidates will have five minutes to make a short speech and answer any questions from the audience.

    There are also two senior positions available on the Publicity team (Chief Editor and Titles Co-ordinator). If you'd like to know more about them or wish to apply (N.B. application is via e-mail only - there will be no election held.) please e-mail Owen, our Publicity officer, at publicityofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    If you have any questions, then please e-mail me (secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:31:03 +0000

    Exec meeting - 13/10/09 (old)

    The first Exec meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, 13th October at 7.15pm in S1.69(Social studies). All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:30:43 +0000

    Getting Involved Meeting (old)

    Projection Stewarding

    Want a chance to earn free films at Warwick Student Cinema?

    As a society run entirely by student and staff volunteers, we need you to get involved!

    There are plenty of opportunities to help out at WSC, it all depends on your interests. You can get involved in Front of House, Projection, Publicity or IT. At the meeting, our volunteers will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have about the various roles and where they fit into the society.

    Once you're involved, you'll meet loads of new people, get the chance to join us on socials, develop your skills and get free films. No experience is necessary, just enthusiasm! WSC is an award winning society and that's entirely down to the dedication of our volunteers. You could be one of them.

    Interested? Then come along to the meeting on Monday week 2 at 7pm in L3 (where we show films).

    Hope to see you there!

    Matthew Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Thu, 19 Nov 2009 16:51:50 +0000

    Vote for what we show this Spring! (old)

    Spring 2010

    Welcome one and all to Warwick, we hope that you're enjoying the films that we've been showing, as well as looking forward to those yet to come.

    Here at Warwick Student Cinema, we're entirely run by the students of the university. One aspect of this is that we want to hear what you want to see on the biggest screen on campus, and this is your chance!

    We're currently in the process of putting together our Spring 2010 schedule, and you can have your say by contributing at both our films suggestions voting page and by letting us know what you think on our suggestions forum.

    Have your say and see the films you want to see... go on, you know you want to!

    Robert Gardner - WSC Films Officer

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:30:01 +0000

    Welcome to Warwick Student Cinema 2009/10 (old)

    Autumn 2009

    Whether you're a fresher, returning student or member of staff, welcome to the campus cinema run by students at Warwick for students at Warwick.

    WSC is here to provide you with a genuine cinema experience for a fraction of the price you'd pay at a commercial cinema. We bring you the biggest blockbusters from around the world and throw in a few classics to make sure that there is something that you want to watch. Check out our schedule for the full list of upcoming films. Remember, if you're a member of the Societies Federation then you can join WSC and get your first film free!

    Once you're a member, you are warmly invited to get involved in the running of this award-winning cinema (see below!). To name but a few positions, we're always looking to recruit more Stewards, Projectionists and Reviewers. You can get involved in as much or as little as you like, depending on your interests and availability. You'll not only meet loads of new friends and develop your skills but you'll also get yourself free films for yourself and a guest! So, why not get involved?

    For more information, have a look through the rest of the website, send us an email or just say hi to a crew member before a show!

    I look forward to meeting you in L3 at your next WSC show!

    Matthew Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:29:39 +0000

    Warwick Student Cinema - Your Multi-Award Winning Film Society!! (old)


    Over Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th September 2009, representatives of Warwick Student Cinema attended the British Federation of Film Societies Annual Conference in Sheffield. We met with delegates from film societies from all over the country and attended a fascinating seminar for student cinemas. For WSC, the highlight was the awards ceremony on Saturday night. It was a very successful evening as we proudly collected awards for:

    Winners of Best Student Society (for the second year running!)

    Winners of Best Programme Notes

    Distinction for Best Marketing and Publicity

    Special Mention for The Engholm Prize for Film Society of the Year

    Congratulations are due to all of the WSC crew for this amazing accomplishment. All crew members are volunteers who give huge amounts of time and effort into making WSC such a success. Without them, none of this would be possible and this acknowledgement of their skill and dedication is well deserved.

    Many thanks to the BFFS for choosing to recognise the extraordinary efforts of the members, and especially the crew, of Warwick Student Cinema. May there be many more awards in the future!

    Matthew Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Fri, 22 Jan 2010 23:48:48 +0000

    Outdoor Screening Success!! (old)

    KPMG Monsters Inc.

    A very big Thank You to everyone who joined us on Rootes Field for the Outdoor Screening of Monsters, Inc. The Screening was an unprecedented success. Not only was it the first Outdoor Screening without a drop of rain, our estimates also put the attendance at well over 500. I hope everyone that was there enjoyed the film and the experience. I also hope that anyone who wasn't there is full of regret and plans to come next year!

    I hope you'll all join me in congratulating the WSC Tech Team, who worked tirelessly all day to make the screening happen. They really did perform a miracle, and are a credit to the society. I hope you'll also join me in thanking the WSC Front of House staff, who meticulously cleared the field, and supported the audience both before and after the event. Their contribution to the success of the event cannot be understated.

    Finally, I'd like to thank the WSC Exec, who dedicated so much time and effort to organising, publicising and finally presenting the Outdoor Screening.

    See you next year!!

    Matthew Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:24:33 +0000

    Exec meeting 24/06/09 (old)

    The next Exec meeting will be on Wednesday, 24th June at 6.30pm in R3.41(Ramphall building). All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:27:22 +0100

    Outdoor Screening: Monsters, Inc. (old)

    KPMG Monsters Inc.

    Finally, after months of planning, preparation and stress, the highlight of this year's Warwick Student Cinema schedule is upon us. On Tuesday week 10, Rootes field will play host to the WSC Outdoor Screening of Monsters, Inc. Sponsored by KPMG, and in association with SPLAT, this year's event will be a great way to spend the evening.

    Remember, the event is absolutely free of charge, just turn up on Rootes Field at 10:30pm, then sit back, relax and enjoy the film in the open air. Who knows, maybe we'll beat the rain this year!

    Matthew Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:29:22 +0100

    What's On This Week? (old)

    Watchmen Che

    This week, we've got a great line-up of films for your viewing pleasure. For full details, take a look at our schedule. We're starting off with Vicky Cristina Barcelona which is recommended by the WSC Chief Duty Manager. Then across Wednesday and Thursday we have the Che Double Bill, parts one and two across the two days. Then on Friday, as recommended by the WSC I.T. Officer, we are happy to bring you Watchmen. To end the week, Saturday will play host to a special midnight screening of Pathology.

    Matthew Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:28:48 +0100

    Exec meeting (old)

    The next Exec meeting will be on Wednesday, 27th May at 6pm in L3. All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail it to secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:28:37 +0100

    Fancy a Break from Revision? (old)

    The Class Gran Torino

    If exam stress is getting you down, then never fear, because Warwick Student Cinema is here and active throughout the exam period. We'll keep working hard to bring you a fantastic line up of quality films. Check out our schedule to see what's coming up, and read the reviews.

    So after a hard day's revision, why not come on down to L3 to relax and watch a great film for less than the price of a pint!

    Matthew Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:29:02 +0100

    Programming Meeting (old)

    35mm FilmThe Warwick Student Cinema provisional Autumn term schedule is now available to view here.

    The schedule will be presented at the Programming Meeting on Wednesday week 4 at 5pm in L3, and all are welcome to attend and offer their thoughts. In the meantime, feel free to discuss the schedule in the Film Suggestions section of the forums (You'll need a login to post but, if you haven't got one already, you can easily create one here).

    Matthew Gardner

    Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:28:25 +0100

    Exec Meeting (old)

    The next Exec meeting will be on Thursday, 14th May at 7.15pm in H3.58. All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you'd like the Exec to discuss, please e-mail secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:28:00 +0100

    Bolt replaces Timecrimes (old)



    I'm afraid that, due to distribution problems beyond our control, today's showing of Timecrimes has been cancelled, but the good news is that we are giving you an extra chance to see Disney's latest computer animated offering, Bolt.

    Hope to see many of you tomorrow and sorry for any inconvenience.

    Victoria Forman - WSC Chief Projectionist

    Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:28:10 +0100

    American Beauty replaces The Wrestler (old)

    American Beauty

    Hi all,

    My apologies for this, but we've had to reschedule a bit for this week, as the print of The Wrestler that we'd booked has now become unavailable to us. Thankfully, our suppliers have managed to ship us a copy of 1999's classic American Beauty. The winner of five Academy Awards in 2000 including Best Picture and Best Actor for Kevin Spacey's portrayal of Lester Burnham, is an all-time great - thoroughly deserving to be seen on the big screen.

    The Wrestler As with all occasions on which our schedule has to change, we are very sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.

    Tickets will be charged at the usual rates and we intend to re-schedule The Wrestler into next term's line-up, so it'll still be coming to the biggest and best screen near you in the not too distant future! Don't forget to have your say at our voting pages and on the Film Suggestions forum.

    I look forward to seeing you all soon.

    Robert Gardner - WSC Films Officer

    Last updated Wed, 29 Apr 2009 17:51:00 +0100

    Vote now for what you want to see this Autumn!!! (old)

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Terminator Salvation

    Howdi all!

    It may seem like a long time away, but we're currently gearing up in the process of selecting this Autumn's films (the Summer schedule can be found here) and want you to help pick what's on.

    We'll be showing the best of the summer's films, as well as the odd classic and top foreign language offerings, so whatever you want to see, make a suggestion and it could be coming to the biggest screen near you!

    Suggestions can made at our film suggestions pages, as well as at our forums, which provide more of an opportunity to put across an argument for why a film should be shown.

    Happy suggesting and keep an eye out for provisional schedule updates on these pages at the start of next term.

    Robert Gardner - WSC Films Officer

    Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:27:32 +0100

    Ringu showing this Wednesday at 7.30pm!!! (old)


    Hi everyone!

    If you were disappointed that we didn't show 'Ringu' this gone Saturday, then this will cheer you up!

    We've managed to get hold of a copy of the film, so will be putting on a screening this Wednesday (11th March) at 7.30pm in the usual place (L3). See you there!!

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sat, 25 Apr 2009 16:20:35 +0100

    The Mist in for Ringu (old)

    The Mist Ringu

    Hey there, all you midnight scare seekers!

    I'm again sorry to say that due to problems at the distributor's end, we are unable to screen the scheduled film, Ringu, tonight, though fear not!

    In its place will be the recent Frank Darabont chiller The Mist. We're also hopeful that we will have Ringu in time to do a screening on Wednesday, as you've the right to more frights!

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Tue, 10 Mar 2009 02:32:57 +0000

    The Wave replaces Aliens (old)

    The Wave Aliens

    Hi folks,

    I'm very sorry to say that due to distribution problems beyond our control, tomorrow's screening of James Cameron's classic, Aliens, has been cancelled. In its' place will be an additional screening of German hit The Wave, which will also be screened on Thursday as scheduled.

    We apologise for this and look forward to being able to screen Aliens at a later date.

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:44:23 +0000

    Election results (old)

    Following the elections on Monday Week 9, congratulations to Ben Lewis for becoming our new IT officer! Unfortunately we were not able to fill the Treasurer position.

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sat, 25 Apr 2009 16:20:53 +0100

    Exec meeting W9 (old)

    The next exec meeting will be Thursday 5th March at 7.15pm, location B2.12. All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you would like to be included for discussion please email secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:48:10 +0000

    Elections for Treaurer and IT Officer (old)

    Ballot box

    The following is the list of candidates for Monday's election in L3 at 7.30pm, given in alphabetical order by position. Each candidate will have the opportunity to make a short speech, followed by up to five minutes for questions.


    • Jeffrey Choi
    • Charles Douglas
    • Sobhan Vakilian

    IT officer:

    • Ben Lewis

    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:46:21 +0000

    Elections week 9 (old)

    Hello everyone,

    If you feel like having lots of fun, meeting lots of wonderful people and polishing up that CV, then why not join the Warwick Student Cinema exec! Here's the info:

    The two positions that are still available are:


    -IT officer

    The election will take place on Monday 2nd March(Week 9), at 7.30pm in L3.

    I (Gaby Aptula) will be the returning officer for the election, so all nominations must be sent to me at: secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk by 6pm Tuesday 24th February(Week 8). Your email must contain:

    -your name,

    -the position you want to run for,

    -university number,

    -name and university number of a nominator.

    If you are not sure what the role entails, you can always speak to the current/past position holder. If you want to do that, but don’t know who that is, just let me know and I’ll organise a meeting for you.

    Nominations are now open. Anyone wishing to run must be a full member of the society. The nominator must also be a full member of Warwick Student Cinema and may only nominate one candidate. Current exec members cannot nominate a candidate. Nominators will be contacted to confirm nominations.

    Voting will be by the single transferable vote method. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which they can make a short speech and questions can be taken.

    Any queries, please contact me on secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    There are also a couple of positions available on the Publicity team:

    -Chief editor,

    -Titles co-ordinator.

    There is no election for those - you just apply via an e-mail (please send to: publicityofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk).

    Any queries, please contact me on secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.


    Gyonyul Aptula

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:47:14 +0000

    Did you go AllNight? (old)

    Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

    Saturday morning saw the surviving few leave L3 to tell their tale of dedication and spirit to the world. Most particularly, to gloat at those who didn't make the cut!

    Friday night was brimming with great titles from Burn After Reading to The Incredibles. On top of these, we can't forget the brilliant interval entertainment including Rob's tricky quiz and the handover from old to new exec.

    But the AllNighter could never be complete without the infamous Mystery Film! After much teasing, many were pleasantly surprised when Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels graced our screen for the first time since 2005.

    Congrats to those who made it all the way 'til morning, and to all our prize winners.

    And don't forget, there's still plenty more to come from WSC this term. Highlights include acclaimed adult animation Waltz With Bashir (Wed wk 8), romance epic Australia (Sun wk 9), our vintage 70 mm screening of Aliens (Wed wk 9), the ever-classic Shawshank Redemption (Fri wk 9), and our midnight screening of cult Japanese horror Ringu (Sat wk 9) among many, many more.

    Owen Rye

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:47:26 +0000

    AllNighter Spring 2009 (old)

    Spring Term AllNighter 2009

    FRIDAY WEEK 7 (20th Feb) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes including a Nintendo Wii and the chance to go Aquasphering), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7 and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


    Burn After ReadingBurn After Reading pic

    At CIA headquarters, Osborne (Malkovich) arrives at a meeting to find that he is getting the sack. His wife is shocked but not especially disappointed as she is already having an affair with Harry (Clooney), a married federal marshal. Meanwhile, fitness centre employee Linda (McDormand) is obsessed with a plan for cosmetic surgery, which she confides to her can-do colleague Chad ( Pitt). When a disc containing material for the CIA analyst's memoirs accidentally falls into the hands of Linda and Chad, the duo are intent on exploiting their find. Events spiral out of everyone's control, in a cascading sequence of hilarious encounters.

    Eagle EyeEagle Eye pic Returning from the funeral of his over-achieving twin brother, slacker Jerry Shaw (LaBeouf) finds his bank account inflated and his apartment filled with explosives, forged documents and weapons. When a phone call warns him the FBI are seconds away from his apartment, Jerry panics and is apprehended by Agents Morgan (Thornton) and Perez (Dawson). However, the mysterious caller orchestrates his escape, placing him in the path of single mum Rachel Holloman (Monaghan). Together they become entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse…

    Tropic ThunderTropic Thunder pic In the pursuit of realism on a big budget war movie, a group of actors, including the action star desperate for an Oscar, Tugg Speedman (Stiller), the drugged-up comedian, Jeff Portnoy (Black), and the Australian method actor, Kirk Lazarus (Downey Jr), are left in the jungle to fend for themselves. Now facing death at the hands of a long drug gang they must use their very unique skills to survive and make it back home.

    The Mystery FilmMystery

    The most anticipated film in WSC's programme. A secret guarded so closely that only one person in the whole of Warwick University knows what it's going to be! It could be a recent blockbuster, or a preview of a film that hasn't been released in the cinemas! The only way to find out is to be there on the night!

    The IncrediblesThe Incredibles pic The Incredibles follows a family of former superheroes, now protected by the witness protection program after many lawsuits were filed against them forcing them into retirement. Bob Parr/Mr Incredible has never quite got over the good old days of being a superhero. While the rest of the family try to carry on as ‘normal’, Syndrome (a villain with a grudge) abducts Mr Incredible and it is up to the rest of the family to display their unique superpowers to save the day.

    The Fifth ElementThe Fifth Element pic The Fifth Element is an oddball comedy thriller set in the 23rd century, where Korben Dallas (Willis) pilots a flying taxi cab amongst the soaring skyscrapers of a gloriously technicolour metropolis. With an un-named evil threatening the universe, the mysterious ‘fifth element’ – a genetically reconstructed alien woman called Leeloo (Jovovich) – literally falls into Korben’s lap, and he is embroiled in a fantastically convoluted plot that entails an intergalactic cruise, an archeological dig, a hyperreal DJ and a supremely sarcastic and evil villain (Oldman).

    Ticket Price   Running Order Length
    WSC Member £7 1. Burn After Reading 96 min
    2. Eagle Eye 117 min
    Uni. Member £10 3. Tropic Thunder 107 min
    4. Mystery Film ??? min
    External Guest £12 5. The Incredibles 120 min
    6. The Fifth Element 126 min

    Could you go AllNight?

    Owen Rye

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:48:21 +0000

    Exec Meeting (old)

    The next exec meeting will be Thurs W6 (12th February) at 7.15pm in B2.13/4 (science concourse).
    If you would like a point to be added to the agenda, please email it to: secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.
    All are welcome to attend.

    Kathryn Chase

    Last updated Sat, 25 Apr 2009 15:41:04 +0100

    Sponsored Event (old)


    Thanks to everyone who came to the sponsored event, it was a great success. Congratulations to everyone who won a prize in the quiz, and especially the winner who walked away with an iPod shuffle. For anyone who is interested, you can get the answers for the quiz by contacting the Films Officer at: filmsofficer@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

    Matthew Gardner

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:45:23 +0000

    2008/2009 Summer Term Scedule (old)

    35mm FilmThe Warwick Student Cinema provisional summer term schedule is now available to view here.

    The schedule will be presented at the Programming Meeting on Wednesday week 5 at 5:30pm in L3, and all are welcome to attend and offer their thoughts. In the meantime, feel free to discuss the schedule in the Film Suggestions section of the forums (You'll need a login to post but, if you haven't got one already, you can easily create one here).

    Matthew Gardner

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:44:39 +0000

    Exec Elections 2009-2010 (old)

    Ballot box

    Following the election on Monday night, congratulations to the following people, on becoming members of the 2009-2010 exec!

    Matthew Gardner

    Gyonyul (Gaby) Aptula

    Films Officer
    Robert Gardner

    Publicity Officer
    Owen Rye

    Chief Projectionist
    Victoria Forman

    Technical Officer
    Matthew Breeze

    Kathryn Chase

    Last updated Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:20:50 +0000


    Bond vs Bourne
    James Bond Jason Bourne

    This week at Warwick Student Cinema you can see a clash of super spys. Who is best Bond or Bourne? Vote here. (You'll need a login to vote but, if you haven't got one already, you can easily create one here).

    The week starts with The Bourne Identity on Tuesday (27th Jan). On Thursday (29th Jan) we'll be showing Daniel Craig's unforgettable first Bond film, Casino Royale. Following this, on both a double screening on Friday (30th Jan) at 6:30pm and 9:30pm and on a single screening on Saturday (31st Jan) at 7:30pm, Warwick Student Cinema is proud to present the latest instalment in the Bond franchise, Quantum of Solace.

    For those of you who think that this is all far too serious we'll be showing Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery on Wednesday (28th Jan).

    George Marshall

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:45:34 +0000

    WSC AGM and Elections (old)

    Hello lovely people,

    It hardly seems like it's 2009 and already it's election time at WSC! So if you feel like having lots of fun, meeting lots of wonderful people and polishing up that CV, here's the info:

    The election will take place in the AGM on Monday 2nd February (Week 5), which starts at 7.30pm in L3.

    I (Kathryn Chase) will be the returning officer for the election, so all nominations must be sent to me at: secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk by 6pm Wednesday 28th January (Week 4). Your email must contain:

    -your name,

    -the position you want to run for,

    -university number,

    -name and university number of a nominator.

    If you are considering running, it's always worth chatting to the current officeholder, just to get an idea of what is involved.

    Nominations are now open. Anyone wishing to run must be a full member of the society. The nominator must also be a full member of Warwick Student Cinema and may only nominate one candidate. Current exec members may nominate a candidate, providing they are not running for any position themselves. Nominators will be contacted to confirm nominations.

    Voting will be by the single transferable vote method. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which they can make a short speech and questions can be taken.

    Any queries, please contact me on secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.


    Kathryn Chase

    Last updated Mon, 16 Feb 2009 22:30:11 +0000

    Merry Christmas! (old)


    Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas

    The end of term has arrived, so Merry Christmas everyone! We hope to see you next term, when we will be in the esteemed company of Zohan, Wall-E, James Bond and a whole troupe of wonderful films!

    Kathryn Chase

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:45:58 +0000

    Did you go AllNight? (old)

    Life of Brian

    In the wee hours of Saturday morning, another AllNighter came to a close. Last Friday night was packed with great action films, like The Incredible Hulk, alongside classic comedies like Zoolander, and tons of interval entertainment!

    Friday night also saw the best-kept secret of campus unveiled: the Mystery Film was the all-time classic Monty Python's Life of Brian.

    Congratulations to all who made it until the end of Zoolander, and to our raffle and quiz competitors: someone left with a brand new iPod Nano!

    And yet, the term is far from being over, and many great films are still lined up for the end of term, including Wanted, with James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie, the second instalment in the Narnia series, Prince Caspian, and many, many more.

    Pierre Schramm

    Last updated Wed, 07 Jan 2009 13:08:13 +0000

    test allnighter article (old)

    Autumn Term AllNighter 2008

    FRIDAY WEEK 7 (14th Nov) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes including an iPod Nano), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7 and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!



    Set in the future, WALL-E is a garbage disposal robot, designed to clear up the giant mess left by humans and the global consumer corporation. The situation is so dire that humans have deserted the planet in favour of a space cruise ship. Despite being the last robot left, WALL-E spends his days happily compacting rubbish and collecting nick-nacks he finds interesting. One day, a sleek-looking lady robot called Eve arrives. WALL-E immediately falls for her, but his newfound love leads to a much bigger adventure...

    Incredible HulkIncredible Hulk pic This action packed adventure is much more interesting than the somber take on the beloved Marvel Comics hero in 2003. The saga unfolds with a cure in reach for the world’s most primal fury with scientist Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) searching for an antidote. He is pursued by the Abomination (Tim Roth) who is a ruthless aggressive beast whose powers match those of the Hulk himself. This version is indeed bigger, stronger and faster and the effects look more “realistic” to say the least.

    Forbidden KingdomForbidden Kingdom pic A Kung Fu obsessed, American teenager, Jason is sent to ancient China to return a magical staff to the Monkey King soon after its discovery in China Town. The problem is, he is not trained in Kung Fu and begins his martial arts instruction with two masters, the Drunken Begger and the Silent Monk Jason also faces the various challenges laid forth by Jade Warlord who is desperate to kill Jason in order to destroy the prophecy that predicts his end.

    The Mystery FilmMystery

    The most anticipated film in WSC's programme. A secret guarded so closely that only one person in the whole of Warwick University knows what it's going to be! It could be a recent blockbuster, or a preview of a film that hasn't been released in the cinemas! The only way to find out is to be there on the night!

    Sin CitySin City pic Sin City tells three interweaving stories of life in the underworld of Basin City, a corrupt, nightmarish amalgamation of everything that is wrong with the world. Mickey Rourke gives a powerhouse performance as drug-addled bruiser Marv, desperately trying to find the only woman who ever loved him. Bruce Willis’ grizzled cop fights to save skinny little Nancy Callahan (Jessica Alba) from the clutches of a predatory paedophile, and Clive Owen plays a gangster caught up in the war between two rival mafias.

    ZoolanderZoolander pic When Award Winning model Derek Zoolander is beaten by so-hot-right-now Hansel he thinks his career is over- Time magazine journalist Matilda Jefferies labels him an idiot and he is disowned by his family. Whilst he ponders if there’s more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good-looking, fashion mogul Mugatu hatches an elaborate plan to prevent the newly elected Prime Minister of Malaysia from eliminating child labour, and his first step is to hire Derek as the face of Derelicte…

    Ticket Price   Running Order Length
    WSC Member £7 1. WALL-E 103 min
    2. The Incredible Hulk 112 min
    Uni. Member £10 3. The Forbidden Kingdom 104 min
    4. Mystery Film ??? min
    External Guest £12 5. Sin City 124 min
    6. Zoolander 89 min

    Can you go AllNight?

    George Marshall

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:43:51 +0000


    KPMG proudly sponsor Warwick Student Cinema

    At KPMG, the people make the place. And what's that place like exactly? In short, it's one where everyone feels valued, and hard work is recognised and rewarded.

    What's more, our firm is growing. Since a number of European firms merged to form KPMG Europe LLP, we've become the largest fully-integrated accountancy firm in, offering Audit, Tax and Advisory services to everyone from oil companies to music gurus.

    But it's not just what KPMG does that's important. It's the way that we do it. The values don't just live on a wall. They're a way of life, underpinning the way we work with clients and with each other.

    So what can you look forward to at KPMG? Exposure to clients from day one. Working on challenging projects. And if you're studying for a professional qualification, there's a fantastic support network that includes a mentor and generous study leave.

    Despite the focus on qualifications, it's not all work and no play. Whether it's joining societies and sports teams or enjoying volunteering days, free lunches and secondment opportunities, KPMG is a fantastic place to start your career.

    To stand out from the crowd, graduates need to apply early. Head straight for www.kpmg.co.uk/careers

    Last updated Thu, 08 Oct 2015 23:16:18 +0100

    The AllNighter (old)

    Autumn Term AllNighter 2008

    FRIDAY WEEK 7 (14th Nov) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and raffle with the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes including an iPod Nano), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7 and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!



    Set in the future, WALL-E is a garbage disposal robot, designed to clear up the giant mess left by humans and the global consumer corporation. The situation is so dire that humans have deserted the planet in favour of a space cruise ship. Despite being the last robot left, WALL-E spends his days happily compacting rubbish and collecting nick-nacks he finds interesting. One day, a sleek-looking lady robot called Eve arrives. WALL-E immediately falls for her, but his newfound love leads to a much bigger adventure...

    Incredible HulkIncredible Hulk pic This action packed adventure is much more interesting than the somber take on the beloved Marvel Comics hero in 2003. The saga unfolds with a cure in reach for the world’s most primal fury with scientist Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) searching for an antidote. He is pursued by the Abomination (Tim Roth) who is a ruthless aggressive beast whose powers match those of the Hulk himself. This version is indeed bigger, stronger and faster and the effects look more “realistic” to say the least.

    Forbidden KingdomForbidden Kingdom pic A Kung Fu obsessed, American teenager, Jason is sent to ancient China to return a magical staff to the Monkey King soon after its discovery in China Town. The problem is, he is not trained in Kung Fu and begins his martial arts instruction with two masters, the Drunken Begger and the Silent Monk Jason also faces the various challenges laid forth by Jade Warlord who is desperate to kill Jason in order to destroy the prophecy that predicts his end.

    The Mystery FilmMystery

    The most anticipated film in WSC's programme. A secret guarded so closely that only one person in the whole of Warwick University knows what it's going to be! It could be a recent blockbuster, or a preview of a film that hasn't been released in the cinemas! The only way to find out is to be there on the night!

    Sin CitySin City pic Sin City tells three interweaving stories of life in the underworld of Basin City, a corrupt, nightmarish amalgamation of everything that is wrong with the world. Mickey Rourke gives a powerhouse performance as drug-addled bruiser Marv, desperately trying to find the only woman who ever loved him. Bruce Willis’ grizzled cop fights to save skinny little Nancy Callahan (Jessica Alba) from the clutches of a predatory paedophile, and Clive Owen plays a gangster caught up in the war between two rival mafias.

    ZoolanderZoolander pic When Award Winning model Derek Zoolander is beaten by so-hot-right-now Hansel he thinks his career is over- Time magazine journalist Matilda Jefferies labels him an idiot and he is disowned by his family. Whilst he ponders if there’s more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good-looking, fashion mogul Mugatu hatches an elaborate plan to prevent the newly elected Prime Minister of Malaysia from eliminating child labour, and his first step is to hire Derek as the face of Derelicte…

    Ticket Price   Running Order Length
    WSC Member £7 1. WALL-E 103 min
    2. The Incredible Hulk 112 min
    Uni. Member £10 3. The Forbidden Kingdom 104 min
    4. Mystery Film ??? min
    External Guest £12 5. Sin City 124 min
    6. Zoolander 89 min

    Can you go AllNight?

    George Marshall

    Last updated Wed, 07 Jan 2009 13:07:59 +0000

    This Halloween (old)

    The Orphanage

    This Halloween Warwick Student Cinema is proud to present The Orphanage. A terrifying ghost story from Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth, Cronos).

    The Orphanage tells the story of Laura (Belén Rueda) who buys the abandoned orphanage where she had lived when she was young. She moves in with her husband, Carlos (Fernando Cayo), and their adopted son Simón (Roger Príncep) who is HIV-positive. Laura plans to refurbish the orphanage and reopen it as a home for other ill or disabled children like Simón. However, Simón has trouble making friends, spending all his time instead with an imaginary friend, another child called Tomás. Laura's concern for her son grows as strange things start happening in the orphanage. Things start to go missing, Simón knows things that he shouldn’t have been able to find out and a sinister child wearing a sack as a mask is seen in the house. Gradually events spiral out of control and the full horror of the orphanage's history is revealed.

    What better way to spend Halloween than watching this wonderful and terrifying ghost story.

    George Marshall

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:46:35 +0000


    Extra Screening: Dark Knight

    Due to a high level of demand, there will be an extra showing of The Dark Knight at 10:30pm today (Saturday 25th October). This is in addition to today's scheduled showing at 7:30pm, so now it really is unmissable!

    We recommend arriving early to ensure you get a ticket and good seats with your mates.

    Matthew Pusey

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:46:51 +0000

    Exec meeting (old)

    The next exec meeting will be Wed 22nd October at 7.15pm, location R1.03. All are welcome to attend. If you have a point you would like to be included for discussion please email secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

    Kathryn Chase

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:46:09 +0000

    Election results (old)

    Ballot box

    The votes are counted and the results are in. The winners are:

    Pierre Schramm

    Films Officer:
    Matthew Gardner

    Congragulations to them and welcome to the exec.

    George Marshall

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:47:38 +0000

    Election for Treasurer and Films Officer (old)

    Ballot box

    The following is the list of candidates for Wednesday's election in L3 at 5.30pm, given in alphabetical order by position. Each candidate will have the opportunity to make a short speach, followed by up to five minutes for questions.

    Jeffrey Choi
    Pierre Schramm

    Films Officer:
    Matthew Gardner

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:47:48 +0000


    Extra Screening: Pulp Fiction

    There will be an extra showing of Pulp Fiction at 7:30 tonight (Saturday 11th October). Please come along if you didn't get in last night, couldn't make it, or loved it so much you want to watch it again!

    Matthew Pusey

    Last updated Sat, 11 Oct 2008 20:06:16 +0100

    Getting Involved Meeting - Earn Free Films! (old)

    Projecting Stewarding

    Hi everyone and welcome to Warwick Student Cinema!

    Now obviously, we are a most fantastic society, and are run by students for students. And that means we need YOU!

    If you are interested in getting involved in any aspect the Cinema, be it Publicity, I.T., Front of House or Projection then this is your chance to find out how we do what we do. Members of all four teams will be on hand to explain and discuss what goes on behind the scenes of the society.


    Being involved is super-fun, you make great friends and go on some rather lovely socials. So come and join us!

    Curious? Then come to the meeting, on Monday week 3 in L3 (on the science concourse, where we show films) at 7.30pm.

    Hope to see you there!

    Kathryn Chase

    Last updated Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:47:02 +0000

    Election for the positions of Treasurer and Films Officer (old)

    Hi all

    This is a notice to inform that following on from the resignations of Martin Mee and Seb Averill, there will be an election to appoint their successors on Wednesday 15th October (Week 3) at 5.30pm in L3.

    The departing officers will continue to cover the roles in the mean time, as well as train the newly appointed officers in the roles. I (Robert Gardner) will be the returning officer and all nominations must be sent to president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk by midday on Monday 13th October, containing your name, the position to be run for, university number, names and univeristy numbers of a nominator and seconder.

    Nominations are now open. Anyone wishing to run must be a full member of the society. Both the nominator and seconder must also be full members of Warwick Student Cinema and may only nominate or second one candidate. Current exec members may not nominate or second any elections.

    Voting will be by the single transferable vote method. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which they can make a short speech and questions can be taken.

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Wed, 15 Oct 2008 15:30:55 +0100

    Schedule Update (old)

    Hey all, here are a few updates, to keep you all in the mix for this term.

    Sin City

    One of the first things to update is a change for Tuesday of week 2, with Persepolis having been replaced by Keira Knightley in Edge of Love.

    There's also been a change to the AllNighter, with Sin City coming in to replace Seven, which has unfortunately been removed from circulation due to the poor condition of the print.

    Please have a look at our latest schedule for more information!

    That just about does it for now, email exec@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk if you've any questions or queries!

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Wed, 08 Oct 2008 20:19:09 +0100

    See Team America and Be Kind Rewind - for FREE!!! (old)

    Team America... for free? - F**k yeah!

    Welcoming all you freshers, as well as those returning students out there. To start the year off with a bang, we've got a completely free double-screening of the great Team America (f*** yeah!) for you all to come along and enjoy on the the first sunday of term!

    To make matters even better, we then follow it up with another free offering on Tuesday 30th, with Jack Black starring in Be Kind Rewind.

    Bring your corridor, have some fun and for one night only do it all for free courtesy of Warwick Student Cinema. Screenings at 6.30pm and 9.30pm on Sunday 28th and at 7.30pm on Tuesday 30th September 2008.

    If you're interested in getting involved then come along and have a free look at what Warwick Student Cinema is all about... it could be the most important thing you do this year!

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Fri, 03 Oct 2008 13:38:41 +0100

    Welcome to 2008/09 at Warwick Student Cinema! (old)

    Autumn 2008 at WSC Welcome one and all, new and old to Warwick Student Cinema, the cinema run for Warwick students by Warwick students.

    We're here to bring you the biggest and best films from around the globe, as well as classics from yesteryear, all with the genuine cinematic experience and at student prices. Not only are tickets a steal, but if you're in SocsFed then a WSC membership gets you your first film free! We've something for everyone, ranging from action and thrillers to rom-coms and period dramas - why not check out our Autumn Schedule.

    We don't just offer great films... there's also the chance to become involved in the biggest society on campus. With options ranging from stewarding to IT and publicity to projection, there's something for everyone, so why not check out our getting involved pages, or email us for more information. There's also our regular socials, ranging from Laser-quest to meals out, and from watching films at the multiplex to going to the zoo!

    What's more, if you help out as a crew member, you'll be entitled to free tickets for yourself and a guest, for pretty much every film we show! How's that for a deal? You can get involved with the biggest society at Warwick, learn new skills, be part of a team running a real cinema, get free tickets for yourself and a friend, go on all sorts of great socials and meet loads of like-minded people from all sorts of backgrounds.

    I'll leave you to ponder it over for now, but if you're interested then come to one of our screenings or email us and we'll happily tell you more!

    Robert Gardner - WSC President

    Last updated Mon, 03 Nov 2008 09:55:53 +0000

    Chief Projectionist Election (old)

    Ballot box

    Hello again!

    The ballots have been collected and counted, and we are pleased to announce that Vicky is the new Chief Projectionist! Congratulations!

    Kathryn Chase

    Last updated Sun, 13 Jul 2008 21:37:25 +0100

    Free screening of The Italian Job replaces L'Auberge Espagnole (old)

    We regret to announce that due to delivery problems outside our control, tonight's screening of L'Auberge Espagnole is cancelled. We are offering a free screening of the classic British film The Italian Job (1969) instead.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

    Matthew Pusey

    Last updated Tue, 06 May 2008 09:57:32 +0100

    Social Week 2 (old)

    Hello! Quick note to let you know that for our next social we are going Bowling in Leamington Spa, Monday Week 2, (28th April). Meet in L3 at 7pm so we have time to get food. To sign up, either go to the Socials page, or email secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk Hope to see you there!

    Kathryn Chase

    Last updated Tue, 29 Apr 2008 01:25:02 +0100

    Welcome back! (old)


    I'd just like to welcome you back, one and all for the summer term. Whether you're a fresher or a finalist we've got plenty of great films for you with our schedule for the next ten weeks being one of the most packed we've ever had in the summer.

    Highlights for the term include the ever popular outdoor screening, to be held in week 10. This year we've got the great treat that is Shrek, so don't miss out. Exams will be over (degrees in many cases!) and it'll be party season, so come and enjoy a free night under the stars with your favourite ogre and the biggest society on campus! Other top films on offer from just £2.00 each include the big Oscar winners Juno, There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men, all conveniently placed away from exams :-)

    It's not too late to get involved as a crew member, with opportunities ranging from reviewing and stewarding to I.T. and editing. There's something for everyone at Warwick Student Cinema

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Mon, 12 May 2008 09:14:51 +0100

    Shrek Outdoors! (old)

    Outdoor Screening

    Outdoor Screening On Tuesday 24th June an event arrives that is so mammoth that Warwick Student Cinema can only hold it once a year: the Outdoor Screening. Sponsored by UBS and in association with WSAF, this year’s film is... Shrek! Does it even need an introduction? Undoubtedly the strongest of its trilogy, the film that started it all. Come see all your favourite characters, and hear all the classic lines again.

    It's a free event so bring all your friends for a night to remember. It will take place on Rootes Field, and the film will start at 10pm, but make sure you arrive early to bag a prime spot on the grass!

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 18:36:46 +0100

    Outdoor Screening - What do you want to see? (old)

    Outdoor Screening

    For those of you in your first year at Warwick, it may be a surprise to hear that each year, Warwick Student Cinema teams up with Warwick Student Arts Festival to bring the outdoor cinema experience to campus.

    It may surprise you even further to hear that you can help decide what we show at this special event. There will be a suggestions box available at each of our films over the course of the next week, to choose which film we show at the Outdoor Screening in June. Please keep an eye out for this and choose the U-rated film you'd like to see in the big outdoors this summer!

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Wed, 12 Mar 2008 01:35:35 +0000

    Did you go AllNight? (old)

    Another term, another thrilling AllNighter done and dusted; and with one of the best line-ups in years, we hope you didn't miss out. Ghostbusters was our mystery film, a surprising (and popular) late entry to our stellar line-up. Congratulations to everyone who made it right through to Saturday morning, and better luck next time to those of you who didn't. If you missed out, there's always next year, with plenty of time to get into training.

    Well done to Matthew Broxham, Chris Fidge, Russell Bailey and all our other raffle and quiz competitors, and don't forget, we still have some amazing films coming up this term, including 30 Days of Night, the classic Gangster film Goodfellas, and much more

    Rachel Crofts

    Last updated Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:49:58 +0000


    Spring Term AllNighter 2008

    FRIDAY WEEK 7 (22nd Feb) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz and more, for the chance to win hundreds of pounds' worth of prizes), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7, at our stall in the Union from Wednesday to Friday and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


    I am LegendI am Legend pic

    The post-apocalyptic metropolis is introduced with a distinct lack of thriving city noises: no cars, no horns, no yelling - just birds. Times Square is a meadow; ivy twining its way up the walls of quarantined buildings. Most notably, bridges connecting Manhattan to the surrounding boroughs, are destroyed. A genetically engineered cure for cancer took a disastrous turn, accidentally creating the virus, ‘KV’. KV’s spread to humans and its progression into an airborne contagion led to the quarantine of Manhattan. Military Scientist Robert Neville (Will Smith) rushes to evacuate his wife (Salli Richardson) and daughter (Willow Smith) alongside other healthy fleeing New Yorkers, though heroically chooses to stay behind in order to work on a cure for ‘the infected’.

    Shoot 'em UpShoot 'em Up pic Get ready for the definitive action film. Shoot 'em Up kicks off with Smith (Clive Owen) delivering a baby in the middle of a shoot out. After the mother's death he must then find out who the baby is and why psychopathic assassin Hertz (Paul Giamatti) is trying to kill him. Shoot 'em Up never deviates from its action concept with breaks between action sequences few and far between. The action itself is both inventive and spectacular. Most importantly though is that it is a fun film that doesn't take itself too seriously. This sense of humour runs through its huge action set pieces making it one of the most enjoyable films of the year. You'll never see anything else quite like this.

    RatatouilleRatatouille pic Ratatouille is delicious! In this witty fairy-tale of a French rodent with a great passion for cooking, the chefs at Pixar have blended together the right mix of ingredients to deliver a warm and irresistible creation that will no doubt appeal to any audience. The movie revolves around Remy (Patton Oswalt), a rat living in the suburbs of Paris. This rat, however, is far from ordinary. He realises his special talent is for smelling ingredients in food, leading him to believe that his true calling is in cooking. Remy ends up at Gusteau’s restaurant where he befriends Linguini (Luo Romano) who cultivates aspirations of becoming a chef but actually works as the floor scrubber. Surprisingly the partnership between the two produces scrumptious treats!

    The Mystery FilmMystery

    The most anticipated film in WSC's programme. A secret guarded so closely that only one person in the whole of Warwick University knows what it's going to be! It could be a recent blockbuster, or a preview of a film that hasn't been released in the cinemas! The only way to find out is to be there on the night!

    SuperbadSuperbad pic In one of the funniest films of the year, the AllNighter this term sees Seth (Jonah Hill) and Evan (Michael Cera) battle with the insecurities of their life long friendship, and the inevitability of going their separate ways to university. Along with their mutual friend Fogell (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) they plan to leave High School with a bang after being invited to a graduation party, hosted by the girl of Seth’s dreams, Jules (Emma Stone). In an attempt to go down in history, lose their virginities and settle their differences, the geeky trio endeavour to buy alcohol using Fogell’s fake ID. But when cop cars, road accidents and fist fights land them into trouble, their hopes for romance and acclaim go shooting out the window.

    JawsJaws pic Dun-dun. Dun-dun. Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun. You know the drill. Heralded as the most frightening film to come out in the summer of 1975, Jaws recounts the tale of the residents of Amity Island as they are terrorised by a killer great white shark. Police Chief Brody (Scheider), is the new guy in town, charged with the protection of the inhabitants, and the reputation of the island as a tourist destination. When it appears that the murderous shark has set up shop on the coast, Brody, along with marine scientist Hooper (Dreyfuss) and grizzled fisherman Quint , set out on an obscenely tiny boat to destroy the beast at all costs.

    Ticket Price   Running Order Length
    WSC Member £7 1. I am Legend 100 min
    2. Shoot 'em Up 86 min
    Uni. Member £10 3. Ratatouille 111 min
    4. Mystery Film ??? min
    External Guest £12 5. Superbad 113 min
    6. Jaws 124 min

    Can you go AllNight?

    George Marshall

    Last updated Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:50:35 +0000

    Western Weekend (old)

    western weekend

    Assassination pic Yuma pic

    This weekend Warwick Student Cinema presents a weekend of modern westerns. This Friday sees Russell Crowe and Christian Bale starring in 3:10 to Yuma. A remake of the classic 50s western, Dan Evans (Bale) must help escort the notorious Ben Wade (Crowe) to Contention to face punishments for his crimes. However, Wade's gang will do anything to get the leader back and Wade, though captive, is still just as dangerous to his captors as the Indians and outlaws they encounter.

    On Sunday, WSC is showing The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. This oscar nominated film stars Brad Pitt as the outlaw Jesse James and Casey Affleck as Robert Ford. It tells the story of Jesse Jame's final days before his assassination by Ford. With one of Brad Pitt's best performances, this thought provoking films is rightly thought to be one of the best films of 2007.

    George Marshall

    Last updated Sun, 17 Feb 2008 22:04:34 +0000

    The New Exec (old)

    Ballot box

    Congratulations to all those voted into the WSC Executive 2008-09 last night and commiserations to those not lucky enough. It was good to see so many there last night. The voting numbers will be posted on the minutes forum.

    This is the list of the new exec.
    President: Robert Gardner
    Secretary: Kathryn Chase
    Treasurer: Martin Mee
    Films Officer: Sebastian Averill
    Chief Projectionist: Edward Harry
    Chief Duty Manager: Matthew Pusey
    Technical Officer: Aiden Peakman
    Publicity Officer: George Marshall
    IT Officer: Tim Davidson

    Eleanor Hutchinson

    Last updated Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:33:47 +0000

    AGM and Elections (old)

    The AGM and Elections for the 2008-09 Exec are Tonight at 7.30pm in L3

    List of the nominations for Warwick Student Cinema Executive 2008-2009:

    Robert Gardner

    Kathryn Chase

    Martin Mee
    Stephen Harris

    Films Officer:
    Sebastian Averill

    Chief Projectionist:
    Edward Harry

    Chief Duty Manager:
    Matthew Pusey

    Technical Officer:
    Aiden Peakman

    Publicity Officer:
    Aditi Kini
    George Marshall

    IT Officer:
    Tim Davidson

    Eleanor Hutchinson

    Last updated Fri, 02 May 2008 14:51:35 +0100

    FREE screening of Shaun of the Dead (old)

    Shaun of the DeadShaun of the Dead picWe, at Warwick Student Cinema, are proud to present our termly UBS sponsored event. This Tuesday is a FREE showing of Shaun of the Dead followed by a film themed party in the Grad Club. Anyone dressed as a well known film character will get FREE DRINKS. Come to L3 this Tuesday at 7:30pm for the event of the term!

    George Marshall

    Last updated Fri, 02 May 2008 14:51:51 +0100

    Roles on the WSC Executive (old)


    Our elections are to be held after our AGM on Monday Week 5 at 7.30pm, these are the tasks carried out by the members of the exec.

    President: The position of President requires a candidate to be a diplomatic and dependable figurehead for the society, representing the membership in matters within the union and ensuring that pressing issues involving the society are addressed. Any contact external from the union is dealt with by the President. This involves communicating with promotional companies and film related businesses, as well as negotiating and organising the society’s sponsorship. Sponsored Events are also organised by the President, who works closely with the Secretary on many matters. The position entails reacting to the needs of the society as a whole and representing the opinions of a great number of people in a tactful and efficient fashion.

    Secretary: The position of Secretary is mainly an administrative one, no actual day to day running of the society is involved. Organising and taking minutes at all exec meetings, liaising with other societies for film screenings and assisting with anything that needs to be done! Working closely with the president supporting them in everything they do and backing up every decision they make! There is a high level of responsibility for this, though also being the life and soul of Filmsoc and organising the socials!!

    Treasurer: The treasurer of the cinema is the caretaker of all the money that the society takes. They are responsible for paying for all the films, publicity, technical equiptment and anything else that the cinema needs. They are also responsible for all the money coming in from ticket revenue, advertisers, societies and various other places. They work very closely with the secretary, publicity, films and tech officer as these are the key 'money' areas throughout the year. It is a demanding role which needs a lot of organisation and the ability to keep track of the budget and most importantly learning when to say no :-)

    Films Officer: The role of the films officer is to pick a preilminary schedule which is presented at the Extend Programming Meeting, which is the films officer's responsibility to organise and chair. They are also responsible for booking and chasing up any films which have not arrived. The films officer's role includes alot of communication between the soceity and a films agency, ensuring that the correct films arrive for the days they are scheduled and that any changes made to the schedule are relayed to the films agency. Communication with the film agency is a very important part of this job, so the ability to walk and use a phone at the same time is essential!

    Chief Projectionist: The chief projectionist is responsible for making sure there is a qualified projectionist for every show. Overseeing the training of new projectionists, including initial and additional training sessions, and organising snaps tests and qualification shows. Moderating the projection and film dump mailing lists. Chairing full projection and qualified projectionist committee meetings. Ensuring all films are taken back to the film dump after use. Ordering new trailers. Liaising with the technical officer in the upkeep of all projection equipment. Maintaining the ads and trailers reel.

    Chief Duty Manager: The Chief Duty Manager chairs the Front of House Committee meetings, oversees the training of DMs and stewards, and organises DM qualifications. Although not necessarily the first point of contact, the Chief DM is the main point of contact for those interested in becoming involved with FoH. The Chief DM ensures that FoH has enough of the following: spare change; till rolls; night safe boxes; security tags; coin bags; banking books; carbon paper. It is the Chief DM's responsibility to monitor stewards' crew status, moderate and maintain the DM mailing list, and ensure that trainee DMs sign up for an acceptable number of shows. The Chief DM ensures that every show is covered by a DM and has enough stewards. Annually, the Chief DM updates the FoH risk assessments. Other roles include taking lost property to the Porter's Lodge on the Science Concourse and asking Central Timetabling for permission to allow food into L3 for AllNighters and occasional special events. Finally, the Chief DM should deal with any general issues that arise in FoH and ensure that FoH standards are maintained.

    Publicity Officer: The Publicity Officer is responsible for organising (and helping to design) the various forms of publicity that WSC produces. This includes organising the gathering of graphics and titles and then designing of the termly booklets and posters. The reviews section of the website also needs to be updated with these graphics and titles. At the start of term the publicity officer then needs to organise the distribution of publicity around campus accommodation and the departments. Also during the term, weekly handouts are normally designed and distributed both around campus and too the audience before films. Publicity Officer is a role that is both organisational and hands on. Running the publicity team at WSC offers many varied challenges and, although sometimes intensive, can be very rewarding.

    Technical Officer: The technical officer is in charge of maintaining and upgrading the equipment that is necessary to run films at a cinema quality standard, and when things get broken, ensuring they are fixed quickly. They are also responsible for chairing the tech crew, who are qualified projectionists interested in the technical aspects of projection, who help the tech officer in the discussion, maintainance and upgrading of the equipment. Moderating the tech forum and mailing lists. Liasing constantly with the chief projectionist on the equipment status, and with the treasurer for purchase orders. There is a fairly large responsibility since if something doesn't get fixed it can impact on the running of WSC, however you do get a large chunk of the budget which is nice!

    IT Officer: The IT officer is responsible for our website - making sure it is in working order and looking good. It is their job to ensure that all relevant WSC information is available there, and to arrange the creation of new features as required. The IT officer is also responsible for any other IT provision that the Society may require. This includes facilities for ticket selling, publicity production, email and forums, all of which are an integral part of our day to day operation. They are also the first point of call to provide support when the mouse stops working!

    If you wish to run for one of these positions please email me at secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk with these details:

    • Name
    • University Number
    • Position or Positions standing for with a clear preference made.
    • Name of proposer and their University number
    • Name of seconder and their university number.

    Eleanor HUTCHINSON

    Last updated Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:20:26 +0000

    Kidulthood free screening with OWW! (old)

    KidulthoodKidulthood picThis Thursday (24th January), Warwick Student Cinema is teaming up with One World Week to bring you a FREE screening of Kidulthood. The event will mark the beginning of a series of British based events as part of One World Week that will continue on Friday around campus. The screening will also be attended by producer of both Kidulthood and The History Boys, Damian Jones. Damian will be staying for a Q&A session after the film, so if you have any questions regarding Kidulthood, The History Boys, or aspects of British cinema, come along to L3. The screening is scheduled for 7.30pm, arrive early to avoid disappointment.

    George Marshall

    Last updated Thu, 24 Jan 2008 20:26:45 +0000

    Vote for next term's schedule (old)

    The Spring Term may have just begun, but now is your chance to vote for the films you would like to see at WSC next term. Is there a classic film you really want to watch on the big screen? Or is there a recent film that you think should have been shown this term? Head to the Film Suggestions page to cast your vote and have your say.

    There's still time to suggest and vote for this term's AllNighter films as well. We're looking for one or two films to join Ratatouille, Superbad, Shoot 'Em Up and the Mystery Film in the lineup.

    James McLachlan

    Last updated Fri, 01 Feb 2008 15:10:45 +0000

    The sheep are coming! (old)

    welcome back

    Black Sheep pic Black Sheep pic

    There are 40 million sheep in New Zealand... and they're pissed off!

    This Friday the sheep turn baaad. Warwick Student Cinema presents Black Sheep, a tale of shear terror. The film spins the yarn of what happens when thousands of genetically modified sheep go on a ram-page. Full of close shaves and sheep thrills, ewe'd be a fool to miss it. It's flocking awesome!

    George Marshall

    Last updated Fri, 18 Jan 2008 21:40:21 +0000

    Welcome back (old)

    welcome back

    Stardust pic

    I hope you've all had a great holiday. WSC is back again with another schedule packed with every type of film from comedy to drama, from explosive action films to romantic comedies and from blockbusters to independent films. Highlights include The Bourne Ultimatum, Atonement, Black Sheep, Saw IV, Stardust, American Gangster, Beowulf and of course our highly anticipated AllNighter. With all these films this term promises to be better than ever!

    George Marshall

    Last updated Sun, 13 Jan 2008 16:05:50 +0000

    Merry Xmas (old)

    Hi everybody

    It's now the end of term 1 and we hope that everyone has enjoyed the films we put on for you this Autumn. Have a relaxing holiday after all of your hard work. We will be ready with Run Fat Boy Run when you come back to kick start the Spring Term.

    We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Helen Coe

    Last updated Mon, 07 Jan 2008 15:56:30 +0000


    Sympathy for Mr Vengeance is cancelled

    Unfortunately, tonight's screening of Sympathy for Mr Vengeance has had to be cancelled due to delivery problems.

    Watch this space though, as the film may well be shown next term.

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    James McLachlan

    Last updated Wed, 21 Nov 2007 19:53:58 +0000

    Did you go AllNight? (old)

    Another AllNighter over for another term ... and what an evening it was! From 8pm, when the audience crowded into L3, we embarked on an epic evening of film viewing. There really was something for everyone. The Bourne Ultimatum kicked off our evening, followed rapidly by Will Ferrell's lastest classic comedy, Blades of Glory. Trainspotting was next, and then it was time for the Mystery ....

    Each term, one film is secretly booked, made up and projected; the Mystery is the best kept secret in WSC, only two people ever know what it is. A big hand goes to our Films Officer, Claire, for delivering another stonking Mystery film this year, in that cinematic masterpiece, the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

    Following the high of Tim Curry in heels, we brought you the latest offering from the wonderful anime studio, Studio Ghibli; an adaptation of the well known Earthsea Quartet, Tales from Earthsea. Finally, we closed the evening (and indeed, brought you all into the next day) with the ultimate classic action movie - Die Hard.

    And let's not forget the interval entertainment - congratulations to all our quiz and raffle winners, and those of you who made it through the whole night intact! And of course, a big thank you to everyone who made it happen - the exec, the staff, and everyone else who helped in all those strange little ways!

    Don't forget that voting for next terms AllNighter is underway on the suggestions page, so hurry on over and drop us a suggestion. Give yourself a pat on the back if you made it, and if you didn't ... well, there's always next time!

    Rachel Crofts

    Last updated Mon, 07 Jan 2008 13:19:46 +0000


    Autumn Term AllNighter 2007

    FRIDAY WEEK 7 (16th November) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment (including a film quiz, raffle and more), creating an atmosphere second to none! Tickets will be on sale before films during Week 7, at our stall in the Union on Friday and at the event itself. Tickets sold on the door will be on a first come, first served basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


    Bourne UltimatumBourne Ultimatum pic

    The Bourne Ultimatum sees Matt Damon’s superspy still struggling to piece together gaps in his memory. Bourne finds some clues to his identity in an article written by a London journalist. The article suggests the existence of a top-secret CIA black-ops mission, Operation BlackBriar, that commissioned willing agents like Bourne into carrying out assassinations. Naturally, the CIA considers that information dangerous, and commits all its global resources to eradicating Bourne. Bourne must finally, ultimately, uncover his dark past, even if it means going straight into the lion’s den. Director Paul Greengrass, creates a realistic film with a political conscience that is easily the most exciting installment in the trilogy.

    Blades of GloryBlades of Glory pic Will Ferrell plays flamboyant and obnoxious figure skater Chazz Michael Michaels who wins a joint gold medal in the National Figure Skating Championships with his rival Jimmy MacElroy, played by Jon Heder. The two engage in a full on brawl on the podium and are both subsequently banned from the sport for life, or so they believe. Years later after a chance re-encounter the two men discover a loop hole and realise the only way to compete once more is to work together and become the first ever same sex doubles figure skating team. Will they manage to forget their differences to win the gold once again? Blades of Glory is absolutely hilarious, full of cheap and cheerful slapstick comedy that will certainly keep you awake through the AllNighter this term!

    TrainspottingTrainspotting pic The fierce originality and provocative plotline of Shallow Grave won't even begin to prepare you for the experience that is Trainspotting. The gorgeous, too-good-to-be-true team of director Boyle and producer MacDonald have conjured up another hit with this flashily told story of drug addiction in 80s Edinburgh. Adapted from the seemingly unfilmable Irvine Welsh novel, this bleak and unrelenting vision of Renton and his whole sick crew of druggies from hell (or Edinburgh - they're interchangeable) packs a visceral punch, and will leave a deep impression on your psyche. Add to that an exciting soundtrack from the likes of Leftfield and Iggy Pop, and you've got an unforgettable visual orgy.

    The Mystery FilmMystery

    The most anticipated film in WSC's programme. A secret guarded so closely that only one person in the whole of Warwick University knows what it's going to be! It could be a recent blockbuster, or a preview of a film that hasn't been released in the cinemas! The only way to find out is to be there on the night!

    Tales from EarthseaTales from Earthsea In the land of Earthsea the crops are dying, disease is rife and even the minds of the people seem to be withering away. As the wizards lose their powers they sense that something terrible is deliberately destroying the balance of the whole world. Meanwhile, two lonely figures meet in the desert: one Arren, a troubled boy with a mysterious sword; and the other a wizard named Sparrowhawk. Good and bad magic pitted against each other is the perfect scenario for the creativity behind all of Ghibli's artwork and the final fight is where the film really comes into its own. Tales from Earthsea is Studio Ghibli gone all serious - a clever and beautiful film.

    Die HardDie Hard pic New York cop John McClane (Bruce Willis) is visiting his estranged wife at Nakatomi Plaza skyscraper during their Christmas party. Events take a dramatic turn when terrorists, led by Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman), take over the building. Our hero manages to evade the intruders but receives little help from the powerless local police department and the inept FBI. This leaves him no option but attempt to single-handedly thwart the terrorists' plans and save the day. Die Hard was one of the most successful films of the 80s and defined a genre. The chance to see this on the big screen cannot be missed.

    Ticket Price   Running Order Length
    WSC Member £7 1. The Bourne Ultimatum 115 min
    2. Blades of Glory 93 min
    Uni. Member £10 3. Trainspotting 93 min
    4. Mystery Film ??? min
    External Guest £12 5. Tales from Earthsea (subtitled) 115 min
    6. Die Hard 128 min

    Can you go AllNight?

    George Marshall

    Last updated Mon, 04 Feb 2008 15:20:44 +0000

    FREE showing of Reservoir Dogs (old)

    Reservoir Dogs

    Five Total Strangers Team Up For The Perfect Crime. They Don't Know Each Other's Name. But They've Got Each Other's Number.

    This Tuesday (30th October) Warwick Student Cinema is showing the classic Quentin Tarantino film, Reservoir Dogs, for FREE! This will be followed by a film quiz in the Graduate Club with FREE drinks and pizza for all those who come to the film. All of this is courtesy of our sponsors, UBS.

    Reservoir Dogs is scheduled to start at 7:30pm but come early to avoid disappointment.

    George Marshall

    Last updated Wed, 31 Oct 2007 10:04:46 +0000

    Free Preview ! ! ! (old)

    Warwick Student Cinema is always looking to bring you newer, different, and exciting films, and this term is no exception. We at WSC are delighted to be bringing you a preview screening of Sean Penn's Into the Wild.

    Fresh from an impressive reception at the London Film Festival, Penn's tale of self exploration and discovery will be winging its way up to Coventry for a special FREE Preview Screening on Monday 5th November. Based on the novel by John Krakauer, the film tells the story of Cristopher McCandless, who, after graduating from University, donates his life savings to charity and abandons everything he owns and knows in order to hitchhike to Alaska, and live in the wilderness.

    The film charts his epic journey, and his encounters with a number of characters that will shape the rest of his life. Having received rave reviews, and already tipped for an Oscar or two, this is certainly not a film to be missed. So remember, 7.30pm, in L3 on the Science Concourse on Monday 5th November (that's Week 6), to enjoy the free preview screening of Into the Wild.

    Rachel Crofts

    Last updated Mon, 21 Jul 2008 06:40:53 +0100

    Casino Royale is announced as the British Film Week Winner (old)

    Casino Royale

    What is it about James Bond that makes him so quintessentially British? Is it the Martini? His way with women? Or the way he always remembers to say please and thank you? Whatever it is, you - the voting public of WSC - have voted the super-sleuth's latest incarnation, the rough-and-tumble Daniel Craig back onto the big screen for an astonishing fourth screening in under a year.

    Casino Royale has beaten off stiff competition to become Warwick's Favourite British Film, taking pride of place on Thursday Week Four, to celebrate the end of British Film Week; five days of British Films, kicking off with Shane Meadows' This is England; an award-winning exploration of Thatcherite England. Comedy duo Mitchell and Webb grace the big screens for the first time, in the hilarious comedy, Magicians, and Wednesday sees some classic bond hitting the screen, with Sean Connery as the leading man in Goldfinger.

    Rachel Crofts

    Last updated Thu, 25 Oct 2007 20:52:11 +0100

    British Film Week (old)

    Term one is well under way, and if you haven't been to see us yet, you've missed some cracking films so far. But never fear, WSC's goodie box is deep and full of surprises; we have much more coming up in the next few weeks for your viewing pleasure.

    Magicians This is England

    Week Four sees the arrival of British Film Week - a four-film extravaganza in celebration of all that is great about British Cinema. Coinciding with the British Film Festival, we'll be bringing you a range of British films; from the classic Bond film Goldfinger, with Sean Connery in the driving seat as Britain's favourite super-spy. Mitchell and Webb will be joining us, in their first full-length film, Magicians, a true British comedy. The week will be kicked off by Shane Meadows award winning examination of the British working class in the early 80s. This Is England has won multiple awards, as well as boasting a truly impressive soundtrack.

    However, the star of the show is yet to be chosen. On Thursday week 4, WSC will be playing Warwick's Favourite British film, as chosen by you. What makes a great British film? Should we celebrate the classic British comedy that is Monty Pythons The Life of Brian? Or what about the original action hero, in his redefining role in Casino Royale? What about exploring the darker side of society, in Trainspotting? Or perhaps we should celebrate our multiculturality, like in East is East?

    Shaun of the Dead Casino Royale Trainspotting

    Whatever it is that you think makes the best British film, make sure that you tell us. Come along to WSC before any screening, and fill in a voting slip. And be sure to watch out for the announcement of Warwicks Favourite British Film!!!!

    Rachel Crofts

    Last updated Sat, 27 Oct 2007 18:13:57 +0100

    Welcome (old)

    Hi everyone, and welcome to Warwick Student Cinema. Here at WSC, we project 35mm film and boast an impressive sound system. We also offer value for money, as a member of the society you can see a film for as little as £1.60. Therefore, we offer the true cinema experience for under a third of the price of a regular cinema ticket. We are located on the Science Concourse in L3, so come and check us out in the first few days of term!

    Jason Bourne runs to catch the FREE SHOWING of Half Nelson

    Jason Bourne runs to catch the FREE SHOWING of Half Nelson (The Bourne Ultimatum headlines The AllNighter- Friday Week 7).

    Warwick Student Cinema aims to offer new and exciting things to its membership throughout the term, not just the first week. We project 70mm film twice in the first and second terms of the year, have midnight showings and offer free special events to our members each term. This term, we have the UBS Sponsored Event, where there are many prizes to be won. We are also encouraging our members to vote for their favourite British Film, which ultimately will be screened in Week 4 to coincide with the celebration of British Film Week. On top of this, The AllNighter offers a night of cinematic entertainment as films are shown throughout the night, complete with the 'Mystery Film', intermissions for short films, the WSC quiz, raffle and give-aways. This year the event is headlined by The Bourne Ultimatum. Can you guess what else will be shown?

    Scream it like you mean it- WSC is awesome

    Scream it like you mean it- WSC is awesome (Hitchcock's Psycho hits the screen on Wednesday Week 5).

    Warwick Student Cinema is volunteer based, with students running the society FOR students. Therefore, YOU can get involved in either projection or front of house. Ask any WSC steward about how to get involved. YOU also have a say in how the society is run, with forums and polls open to all members.

    So... in conclusion... Warwick Student Cinema is here for you, whether you want to get involved or simply just want to come and enjoy the cinema experience and watch a whole host of diverse films.

    James Cotton

    Last updated Tue, 08 Jan 2008 13:33:38 +0000

    Election for the position of Chief Projectionist (old)

    There will be an election for the position of Chief Projectionist at 7pm on the Wednesday of week 10 (27th June) in L3. If you wish to stand please send your name and university number to secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk along with the names and university numbers of your two nominators by 3pm on Tuesday the 26th. Please note that the nominators must be full members of the society and cannot nominate more than one candidate.

    Voting will be by the single transferable vote method. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which they can make a short speech and questions can be taken.

    Any candidate standing for election for this position MUST be a WSC trained projectionist, a member of the Students' Union Societies Federation, and a full member of WSC.

    George Marshall

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:47:17 +0100

    The Fountain replaces Stranger than Fiction on Sunday 10th June (old)

    Due to film delivery problems, we are unable to show Stranger than Fiction this Sunday (10th June) at 7.30 pm.

    Instead, we offer you the opportunity to see the sci-fi/fantasy feature The Fountain from Requiem for a Dream director Darren Aronofsky.

    Both the Tuesday 7.30 pm showing of Stranger than Fiction and the Thursday 7.30 pm showing of The Fountain are planned to go ahead as scheduled.

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    Maria Shvedunova

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:48:57 +0100

    Schedule Clarification (old)

    The Illusionist and Ghost Rider

    Ghost Rider will be shown this Friday (15 June). The Illusionist was shown last Friday (8 June). We apologise to all those who wanted to see The Illusionist but missed it.

    James McLachlan

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:48:18 +0100

    Sell-out Shows (old)

    We've already had a sellout showing this term (Atonement), so we thought we'd let you know how you can get to see the film you want and not get turned away due to a sellout.

    Which shows are going to sell out?

    Unfortunately, we just don't know. We can tell from UK Box Office takings which films are likely to get the biggest audiences, and we generally schedule these for the double screenings, Friday nights and Sunday nights.

    How can you let me know a film will be busy or sell out?

    Again, we can't tell in advance what's going to be busy. We've had massive box office successes that have flopped at the Student Cinema and obscure movies that have nearly sold out. You can take a guess that a hugely popular film that you want to see might be busy, but your guess is as good as ours!

    How can I guarantee that I'll get a seat? Can I book?

    We don't offer a booking service, and we're unlikely to in the future due to the cost of operation of that sort of system. If you turn up early for a screening (6.10 for a 6.30 showing, 7.10 for a 7.30 showing, etc.) then as things stand you're going to get a seat. Also, early screenings tend to be less busy: while the 9.30 pm screening of Atonement sold out, the 6.30 pm screening still had 130 seats available.

    Can't you just put on an extra show?

    We try to do everything we can to make sure all those who want to see a film, can see a film. However the vast majority of the people who are WSC Crew (the projectionists, stewards, duty managers, etc.) are students. And no-one involved with WSC gets paid for their time; everyone volunteers themselves for the sheer enjoyment of running what is one of the best student cinemas in the country. This means that, while we can organise people to staff our regular screenings, we can't guarantee to be able to put on an extra screening of a popular movie at very short notice. We usually only know a film is going to sell out five minutes before it does, and trying to organise people for an extra screening is just one of the many things the duty manager present could be doing at that time. If we can't get enough people organised for an extra show before we start turning customers away, then we won't be able to publicise it sufficiently to get enough people to come to make it worthwhile.

    Having said all of this, when a film is massively popular it might get considered to come back the next term for an extra showing (breaking our usual 'rule' of not showing the same film twice within three years).

    Will I be able to sit with my friends?

    If you arrive early and there is plenty of space then, of course, you'll be able to sit together with your friends. However at a very busy showing, please be aware that you may have to sit in whatever spaces are available in L3; we simply don't have the time to try to move people about to make blocks of space so you can sit together. You'll still be able to talk about the movie once it's finished!

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Sun, 03 Feb 2008 16:46:28 +0000


    FREE* Film Preview on Monday

    Finding Nemo

    Be some of the first people in the UK to see a preview showing of Sleeping Dogs.

    Sleeping Dogs is a romantic comedy film about a girl whose relationships are destroyed when she reluctantly reveals a past indiscretion with a pet.

    Come see it on Monday 12th March at 7.30pm in L3.

    *This showing will be free for all WSC members and £1 for non-members.

    Maria Shvedunova

    Last updated Mon, 12 Mar 2007 19:52:15 +0000


    Bond, James Bond...

    Casino Royale: Extra Screening!

    Due to Casino Royale selling out for the 9.30pm showing tonight (Friday 9th March), Warwick Student Cinema will be having an extra screening at 7.30pm on Saturday 10th March for all those people who couldn't get in, or even for those (like many of us) who thought it was so brilliant it warrants a second or third viewing!

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Tue, 05 Feb 2008 21:05:17 +0000

    Click replaces The Good German (old)

    [ click ]

    Due to unforeseen distribution problems, we are unable to screen The Good German on Thursday March the 8th. Look out for it on next term's schedule. In replacement, we will be showing the hilarious comedy Click featuring Adam Sandler.

    Michael Newman (Adam Sandler) appears to have it all. However, long hours at the office run by his ungrateful boss (David Hasselfhoff) puts a strain on his family life. Then he stumbles upon Morty, an eccentric inventor, who offers him a universal remote control that allows him to fast-forward, rewind and pause any event in his life. Before long, he realises that he has neglected his family. Can he make things right? Click is a high-concept film exploring the problem of career-obsessed individuals, with some profoundly emotional moments amidst the immature humour and fantasy gags.

    Come join us this Thursday at 7:30pm for a fantastic evening!

    Maria Shvedunova

    Last updated Fri, 02 May 2008 14:52:33 +0100

    Societies Awards Dinner (old)

    Socs Fed

    Next Wednesday the Societies Awards are taking place in the Cooler. We are up for best non-social event for the outdoor screening. Free entry but you have the option of getting fed as well for just £3!

    This is the night where we celebrate all the achievements of the societies at Warwick. Highlights include performances from Big Band, Belly Dance, MTW and more, FREE sheesha, RAG quiz with awesome prizes, and of course the announcements of the Societies Awards 2007 winners. Also, fill yourself up with chicken or vegetable curry or beef or vegetable lasagne for just £3!!

    Please sign up on the socials page or just email secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk with your choice of food by midday THIS FRIDAY!

    Thanks a lot!

    Eleanor Hutchinson

    Last updated Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:52:11 +0000

    And the Mystery is..... (old)

    The Moguls The Moguls!

    A lesser known, but nonetheless entertaining comedy starring Jeff Bridges was the mystery film at WSC's AllNighter event on Friday night. The Moguls was received with anticipation and a great deal of interest as the audience didn't seem overly familiar with the brilliant yet subtle comedy from director Michael Traeger. A swarm of familiar faces including Joe Pantoliano (The Matrix) and William Fichtner (Prison Break) aided the film's reception, a film that contributed greatly to the night as a whole.

    Thanks to everyone who attended, and congratulations to those who fought tiredness to enjoy all 6 films (there were quite a few of you). The night was a great success, with smiles all round. Roll on the next AllNighter...

    James Cotton

    Last updated Mon, 05 Mar 2007 00:44:25 +0000

    And the winner is.... (old)

    Congratulations to Helen Coe, Maria Shvedunova and Tim Davidson, who have been elected to fill the vacant positions of Treasurer, Chief Projectionist and IT Officer on the exec. All exec positions have now been filled.

    Helen Coe

    Chief Projectionist
    Maria Shvedunova

    IT Officer
    Tim Davidson

    James Cotton

    Last updated Mon, 05 Mar 2007 00:45:01 +0000

    Nominations (old)

    Hi everyone.
    Sorry about these coming out so late but after the mess of the email system over the weekend it was important to make sure i had all nominations before announcing the rest!

    So here we go! Elections are TONIGHT! WED WEEK 7 6pm in L3! Look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible!

    Helen Coe

    Chief Projectionist
    Maria Shvedunova

    IT Officer
    Tim Davidson

    Thanks a lot! see you later!


    Eleanor HUTCHINSON

    Last updated Fri, 02 May 2008 14:52:19 +0100

    The AllNighter (old)

    Spring Term AllNighter 2007

    FRIDAY WEEK 7 (23rd February) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment, creating an atmosphere second to none! Exciting interval entertainment includes a film quiz, raffle (with, courtesy of Deloitte, the chance to win a £100 ticketmaster voucher!) and more!

    Tickets will be on sale before films from Wednesday throughout Week 7, and from 10am - 4pm in Cholo on the day (23rd February). Tickets sold at the door will be on a first come first serve basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


    1. American Beauty (122 min)

    2. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (108 min)

    3. Speed (116 min)

    4. Mystery Film (??? min)

    5. Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny (93 min)

    6. Team America (97 min)

    Ticket Price
    Member: £7.00
    Non-Member: £10.00
    External Guest: £12.00

    George Marshall

    Last updated Wed, 04 Jun 2008 16:08:07 +0100

    Extraordinary General Meeting (old)

    Hi Everyone,

    A nomination period is now open for a Warwick Student Cinema election to fill the vacant positions of Treasurer, Chief Projectionist and IT Officer.

    The election will take place in L3 on Wednesday, Week 7 (21st Feb.) at 6pm.

    Any member of Warwick Student Cinema is able to apply for Treasurer or IT Officer. However, only Warwick Student Cinema qualified projectionists for Chief Projectionist. In order to enter, you will have to provide the following information:

    1. Your Name and University Number.

    2. The position you wish to be elected for.

    3. The Name and University Number of a WSC member who wishes to nominate you.

    4. The Name and University Number of a WSC member who wishes to second the nomination.

    Entries are to be emailled to Eleanor .

    Entries will not be accepted after noon on Tuesday Week 7 (20th Feb.).

    It should also be noted that the new exec have confirmed the co-opting of Robert Gardner as Treasurer until the elction next Wednesday (21st Feb.)

    James Cotton

    Last updated Wed, 21 Feb 2007 22:08:32 +0000

    The Deloitte Event (old)

    Just to remind everyone, next week is a big one for the society with some special events! First up is the awesome Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind brought to you by Deloitte as part of the Deloitte film season. Come to L3 at 7.30pm on Tuesday (20th February) for free entry to the film (maximum of 250 tickets available, so be there early... first come, first served!)

    Then, after the film, we'll all be heading over to The Graduate Club (formerly known as Zippy's) for a fantabulous film quiz, with prizes including £100 of Fopp vouchers! And there's a bar there for all your drinking needs (but bring some money for that bit!)

    And keep a good eye peeled for the AllNighter, which will be coming to the biggest screen near you next friday!

    Robert Gardner

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:47:04 +0100

    And the winners are... (old)

    Ballot box

    Thanks to all those who turned up on Monday to vote at our Annual General Meeting for the next exec. The results are as follows:

    James Cotton

    Eleanor Hutchinson


    Claire Justin

    No Candidates

    James McLachlan

    George Marshall

    Tom Hunns

    No candidates

    Matthew Pusey

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:51:12 +0100

    Service as Normal!!! (old)


    As you may well have heard, the university wasn't built to withstand the weather we've been having today. Never fear, we at Warwick Student Cinema aren't afraid of a little wind and the show will be going on as usual tonight.

    Due to parts of Library Road and the library bridge being closed, access to L3 will be a little more tricky with people being asked to go through the engineering department (opposite humanities). Enter through the main doors and go up the stairs one level. Then go left and down the corridor left of the computer room, follow this down and you should eventually arrive at the entrance at the other side of the library bridge. Hopefully we should have signs directing people from the engineering entrance and maybe some friendly faces guiding the way.

    We have an excellent show for you tonight so don't be put off by the bad weather. Hope to see you there!

    Martin Mee

    Last updated Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:20:03 +0000


    Warwick Student Cinema Open Day, Saturday 13th January, 10.00am - 4.00pm, L3

    Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes at a real cinema?

    [ Tom Projecting ]

    Now you have a chance to find out. Warwick Student Cinema are holding an Open Day, so you can come along and see how the magic happens.

    Whether you're interested in getting involved, or just want to learn a bit more about what we do, then head down to L3 this weekend. [ 70mm film ]

    See Alice and Betsy, our two 35mm film projectors in action.

    Check out publicity team contributions being pulled together.

    Watch the stewards and DMs in action with our ticketing system, maintained by the IT team.

    Meet the Exec, ask them anything and everything about how the world of Warwick Student Cinema works.

    Amanda Window

    Last updated Sun, 28 Jan 2007 23:50:25 +0000

    AllNighter Suggestions Page now open (old)

    [ suggestions page preview ]

    Its almost time to start training for our Spring AllNighter, and time for us to decide exactly which fabulous films we'll be showing for your evening's (and night's, and morning's) enjoyment.

    To help us in this momentous task, we've opened the suggestions page so you get your chance to choose the films that you want to see, and get the most out of a wonderful evenings entertainment. To vote for a film, simply scan the list, and click 'vote' for your favourites. If the film you want isn't there, suggest another film for us. As for what films we finally pick, watch this space ....

    Rachel Crofts

    Last updated Thu, 08 Feb 2007 17:28:14 +0000

    What's Your Favourite ? (old)

    Everyone has an all-time favourite film – the one they can watch again and again, and where they know huge chunks of the script by heart. So what's yours?



    For our 30th birthday (yes, we're that old!) Warwick Student Cinema are on a quest to find Warwick's Favourite Film. It's as simple as it sounds – we want to find the all-time favourite of everyone on (and off) campus, and then we'll play the top three for you! You get three votes, and you'll be entered into a prize draw to win a pass to see the top 3 films when we show them. Not only do you get to see Warwick's Favourite Films, but you also get the chance to see them for free!

    Shawshank Redemption

    The Shawshank

    So what are you waiting for? Go to www.warwicksfavouritefilm.co.uk and vote now for your chance to see your all time favourite films on the biggest screen on campus.

    Warwick's Favourite Films ………. Muse upon it Further

    Rachel Crofts

    Last updated Sat, 06 Jan 2007 17:13:28 +0000

    Bowling Social Today! (old)

    Week 8 sees the return of WSC's much loved 10-Pin Bowling social - a once in a term-time opportunity, and an occasion not to be missed - from complete beginners to hardened professionals!

    We'll be going to Leamington's Megabowl; plenty of lanes, the Take 10 Diner Bar if you get hungry, and a great arcade section. Transport will be via the wonderfully pink Unibus, and we'll be meeting in L3 at 7.15pm beforehand to make sure no-one misses out!

    Sign up on the social's page, but hurry; there are only 18 places and they're going fast!

    Robert Gardner (Treasurer)

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:47:28 +0100

    Did you go AllNight? (old)

    Superman Returns picYou Me and Dupree picCongratulations to all you film-fans who made it through our Autumn AllNighter. True to Warwick Student Cinema form, it was a fabulous night of films, fun and …um, games. The evening started in style, with the rippling muscles and red pants of the original super-hero in Superman Returns. Some good old-fashioned world-rescuing ensues, as the older and wiser (yet still deliciously hunky) Superman once again defeats his arch-nemesis, and almost gets the girl. The air of victory in L3 is palpable. One down, four to go. After the quiz – set while everyone’s still awake - the evening marches on. This time it’s a bit of lighthearted fun as Owen Wilson, Matt Dillon and Kate Hudson learn that three’s a crowd in You, Me and Dupree. Wilson’s antics as the never-housebroken Dupree, and Dillon’s gradual descent into insanity send laughter ricocheting around the walls. After all, there’s nothing funnier than an extended toilet joke.

    g103Memento picInterval two sees the arrival of G103 – the cult Maths Department film that’s swept across campus. Starring several of WSC’s very own stars, we were with them body and soul as they leapt towards the emergency chalk. (And did anyone spot the covert advertising?). Moving on to the third film, we were taxing the mental powers of everyone in the room, with the bizarrely backwards Memento. With more twists than a curly fry, this film was two hours of tension that kept everyone on their toes. The third interval saw (as well as a well deserved loo-break)the prizes for the Quiz and the much awaited Raffle! Congratulations to all the winners!

    Big Lebowski Pic picFinally, the moment we’d all been waiting for – after an agonising wait through some student made shorts, and the teasing pre-mystery reel, the Mystery Film was revealed as none other than the Big Lebowski. Jeff Bridges “The Dude” is the ultimate LA slacker, drawn into a plot of faux kidnapping, murder, and messed-up rugs. Soon the Dude and his bowling buddies are being chased by everyone in town, from porn tycoons to the mysterious nihilists in leather trousers. One of the best Mysteries in years, the Big Lebowski was greeted with a cheer, and its slick style eased us into dawn.

    CarsFour films down and one to go, the chequered flag was in sight. Time for the final film – the most recent offering from Disney’s Pixar Studios picks up the pace as we follow the trials of Lightning MacQueen – the fastest young rookie on the circuit. Both high octane and touching (in that Disney way), Cars was the perfect end to a perfect night, easing us into a shiny new day in which yes, the hero does get the girl, and save the world, and they all live happily ever after (After breakfast and a few hours kip, anyway!)

    So that was that, another whirlwind tour of movie-land, brought to you by the awesome folks at WSC. And if you didn’t make it this time, there’s still time to get in training for Spring 07, when you get another chance. Yes, we do it all again! As for what and when …. Watch this space!

    Did you go AllNight?

    Rachel Crofts (Chief Projectionist)

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:49:20 +0100

    Election replaces Election (old)

    Due to supply problems, this evening's showing of Johnnie To's Election has been replaced by the 1999 film of the same name. Starring Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon, this is a classic high school comedy, but also a sharp satire on modern politics, irretrievably intertwined with sex and revenge. Read the full review here

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

    Rachel Crofts

    Last updated Sun, 28 Jan 2007 23:50:47 +0000


    The AllNighter

    FRIDAY WEEK 6 (10th November) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment, creating an atmosphere second to none! Exciting interval entertainment includes a film quiz, raffle (with, courtesy of Deloitte, the chance to win a gift experience worth £99!), short films (including the celebrated Maths "G103" film) and more!

    Tickets will be on sale before films from Wednesday throughout Week 6, and from 10am - 4pm in Cholo on the day (10th November). Tickets sold at the door will be on a first come first serve basis so buy early to avoid disappointment!


    Superman ReturnsSuperman Returns pic

    Starting five or so years after the events chronicled in Superman II, Lex Luthor is out of jail and eager to pickup on a real estate scheme similar to his plan in the original Superman. His plan, however, is of planetary proportions. As a result, director Singer wisely moves away from bringing in a comic book-inspired super-baddie to rough up our hero and instead focuses on Luthor's hatred of a "god in blue tights". If Brandon Routh in a tight blue outfit cannot tempt you to see this film then maybe something else can: Marlon Brando, risen from the dead in some archive footage as Superman’s father. This surely stretches the boundaries and possibilities of film. Not to be missed!

    You Me and DupreeYou Me and Dupree pic Dupree (Wilson) flies to Hawaii to watch his old buddy Carl (Matt Dillon) marry his lovely girlfriend Molly (Kate Hudson). As soon as he steps into the picture the honeymoon is over. But Carl, being the generous/foolishly naive guy that he is, invites his newly fired, homeless best man to crash at their house for a few days. Within one week he clogs every toilet, orders HBO without permission, and botches an interview by proudly admitting he is not much of a workhorse. It looks like the third wheel has no intention of rolling away anytime soon. For a good laugh this is definitely recommended. Come and find your “ness.” (There’s only one way you can find out what that means…) Owen Wilson die-hards will love it.

    MementoMemento pic Leonard has lost his short term memory and lives amidst total confusion. To keep track of what he gleams through the day he takes Polaroid snaps of anyone he comes into contact with and even uses himself as a human jotting pad, writing reminders all over his body. One of those messages is terrifying. Written backwards so he can read it only in the mirror, it details the rape and murder of his wife. Not knowing who he can trust or whether he has asked questions for the first or the millionth time, he desperately struggles to discover what happened, why it happened and who caused it. A film worth remembering again and again and again…

    The Mystery Film The most anticipated film in WSC's programme. A secret guarded so closely that only one person in the whole of Warwick University knows what it's going to be! It could be a recent blockbuster, or a preview of a film that hasn't been released in the cinemas! The only way to find out is to be there on the night!

    CarsCars Populated by adorable anthropomorphic automobiles alone, the world of Cars certainly makes for an idyllic setting: no drivers, no pollution, just cars. At the heart of this paradise we have Radiator Springs, the home of a wacky community of red-neck automobiles with madcap voices and cute small town values. This is where our hero Lightning McQueen, voiced by Owen Wilson, finds himself marooned whilst trying to get to race in the all-important Piston Cup. In true boy-racer style this arrogant yet super snazzy racing car thinks he knows it all, and it’s up to the residents of Radiator Springs to teach him some valuable lessons. Cars is such a luxurious and professionally engineered piece of entertainment, living up to Pixar’s immense reputation undoubtedly.


    Ticket Price
    Member: £7.00
    Non-Member: £10.00
    External Guest: £12.00

    A "Member" is someone who has paid to join the Society, a "Non-Member" is someone who is a member of the University of Warwick but not Warwick Student Cinema, and an "External Guest" is someone from outside the University. External Guests must be acompanied by a member of the University, and Members and Non-Members are allowed only 1 External Guest each.

    animated allnighter

    James Emmott - WSC President

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:49:31 +0100


    The Son's Room replaces Volver

    The Son's Room

    Unfortunately, this Thursday's screening of Volver has had to be cancelled due to supply problems. We shall instead be showing Nanni Moretti's The Son's Room for free.

    Watch this space though, as we aim to show Volver on next term's schedule!

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    Robert Gardner (Treasurer)

    Last updated Tue, 14 Nov 2006 20:37:24 +0000


    welcome back

    Greetings one and all:) Hello to all you Freshers out there, and to everyone welcome to the wonderful world of Warwick Student Cinema! We are a non-profit society based in L3 (the big lecture theatre on the science concourse - over the bridge from the library) and we show a variety of great films, from the arty to the blockbuster. We hope you enjoyed our free start of term films as much as we did!! To see what else we have to offer this term, click schedule

    To join the society (for only £2.50, giving you £2 shows thereafter (normal price for a non-WSC Warwick Uni member £3)) you can sign up at Union North, at any WSC show, or click here

    If you want to take that extra step and become involved in actually making Warwick Student Cinema happen, drop us a line, or click get involved

    James Emmott (WSC President)/Michelle Foy (WSC Secretary)

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:49:43 +0100


    Exams Are Over!!!

    Finding Nemo

    Hopefully you managed to take a break from all that hard work to check out some of our fabulous films on this term's schedule, but if not, never fear, because WSC has the perfect end of term celebration planned.

    As part of the Deloitte Film Season, we at WSC, with the help of those lovely people at WSAF, will be putting on an outdoor screening of that animation classic, Finding Nemo. Bring along rugs, housemates, picnics and anything else you feel like to Tocil Field (the one by Health Centre Road) on the 20th June (Tuesday, Week 10) at 9.30pm, for the ultimate summer experience.

    Rachel Crofts

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:51:24 +0100

    Autumn Term Schedule Meeting!! (old)

    Hi everyone,

    Sorry about the short notice, but tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4:30pm in L3 we will be having our Extended Programming Meeting where next term's schedule will be decided. Come along to have your say about what films you want to be shown!

    -- James Emmott WSC President

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:50:22 +0100


    The AllNighter


    Oh yes, it was the night all of us silver screen addicts were waiting for, the time to push our film fortitude to the limits. Armed with pillows and a good supply of snacks for a long camp out in L3, last Friday (Week 8) the WSC hosted the highly anticipated All Nighter, this term with an extra special nineties twist.

    There were five cinematic greats in store that evening, kicking off with the highly emotional Shawshank Redemption, which follows the poignant goings on of an unfortunate US prisoner who is wrongly convicted of his wife's murder. Also on the programme to lighten the mood was the popular comedy The Wedding Singer, as well as the sophisticated thriller The Usual Suspects. As if this wasn't enough, what followed was the firm sci-fi favourite, The Matrix.

    However, the All Nighter wouldn't be the All Nighter without its mystery film. After three movies of action and excitement the secret was finally let out - it was the teen comedy American Pie, the epitome of the nineties theme. This certainly sparked up the agenda after the thought provoking Usual Suspects.

    Friday was also a particularly momentous day, for the All-90s night marked the end of last year's Exec, who handed over the reigns at around midnight to the new team, which is now headed by president James Emmott.

    Also to break up the fantastic feast of film the evening's events, there was a brilliant raffle, as well as a challenging quiz to keep everyone on their toes. Big congratulations to the winners of those! And of course a huge well done to everyone who managed to last the whole night!

    Laura Sparshot

    Last updated Sun, 28 Jan 2007 23:49:35 +0000


    Wallace & Gromit

    Wallace & Gromit On both Friday and Saturday of week 9 we will be hosting our WALLACE & GROMIT NIGHT, a fabulous showcase of everyone's favourite Plasticine characters' adventures back to back: From the original A Grand Day Out to The Wrong Trousers and A Close Shave with sprinklings of Cracking Contraptions throughout, culminating in the dynamic duo's cheese-tastic feature film The Curse of the Wererabbit.

    We hope to see you there!

    On both nights proceedings commence at 19:30 and prices will be as follows:

    Ticket Price
    Member: £4.00
    Non-Member: £6.00
    External Guest: £7.00

    A "Member" is someone who has paid to join the Society, a "Non-Member" is someone who is a member of the University of Warwick but not Warwick Student Cinema, and an "External Guest" is someone from outside the University. External Guests must be acompanied by a member of the University, and Members and Non-Members are allowed only 1 External Guest each.

    James Emmott - President

    Last updated Sun, 28 Jan 2007 23:49:18 +0000


    The AllNighter

    American PieAnd the mystery was......American Pie, providing a worthy companion to the Wedding Singer helping even out the genres of our well-supported All-90s night. Thank you to everyone who attended and helped make the event such a success. To those who stayed awake - I salute you!

    Of course we couldn't have done it without the dedicated crew working both behind the scenes and at front of house. So a big thank you to all involved.

    Last but by no means least, thank you very much to the old exec, whose term officially came to conclusion between the Wedding Singer and the Usual Suspects. We wish them well in their next adventures.

    James Emmott - President

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:49:56 +0100


    The AllNighter

    FRIDAY WEEK 8 (24th February) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment, creating an atmosphere second to none!


    The Shawshank Redemption In 1947, Andy Dufresne is sent to Shawshank prison to serve out two life sentences for the murders of his wife and her lover. He strikes up a friendship with Red, a convicted murderer, and one of the few inmates to actually confess to his guilt. When Andy asks Red to get him a small rock hammer so he can carve a chess set out of rocks, no-one could possibly imagine the consequences.

    The Wedding Singer Robby is a wedding singer who prides himself on his romantic nature, Julia is a waitress engaged to Glenn who will not set a date. When they meet at a wedding they strike up a friendship. Everybody but themselves see the obvious: they are perfect for each other. What follows is a race for these two oblivious lovers to see the light before Julia ties the knot with Glenn.

    The Usual Suspects Five Criminals. One Line Up. No Coincidence. This is a crime thriller of epic proportions, truly one of the best films ever made. A tangled story unfolds from the mouth of Verbal Kint, beginning with five criminals being hauled into a line up together and culminating in a burning freighter with $91 million missing, 27 dead bodies on board and only two survivors. Throw in Keyser Soze, a terrifying figure of legend and you have the mother of all plots.

    The Mystery Film The most anticipated film in WSC's programme. A secret guarded so closely that only one person in the whole of Warwick University knows what it's going to be! It could be a recent blockbuster, or a preview of a film that hasn't been released in the cinemas! The only way to find out is to be there on the night!

    The Matrix Thomas Anderson leads a double life, computer programmer by day; Neo by night, providing programmes for mescaline-soaked hackers. After a disturbing message leads him to an encounter with Trinity in a nightclub, he finds out that what he thinks is reality is actually a computer-generated fantasy. And so begins his involvement with the few rebels struggling to free humanity from the Matrix. Absolute 90s classic.

    Plus exciting interval entertainment including quiz, raffle and much more 90s fun!


    Ticket Price
    Member: £6.00
    Non-Member: £9.00
    External Guest: £10.00

    A "Member" is someone who has paid to join the Society, a "Non-Member" is someone who is a member of the University of Warwick but not Warwick Student Cinema, and an "External Guest" is someone from outside the University. External Guests must be acompanied by a member of the University, and Members and Non-Members are allowed only 1 External Guest each.

    Tickets will be on sale before films throughout Week 8, and from 10am - 4pm in Cholo on the day (24th February). Tickets sold at the door will be on a first come first serve basis so buy early to avoid disapointment!

    Can you go All 90s AllNight?

    Matt Pusey - IT officer

    Last updated Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:21:23 +0000

    And the winner is... (old)

    The elections for the new WSC Exec were held last night, and the winners were:

    • President: James Emmott
    • Secretary: Michelle Foy
    • Treasurer: Robert Gardner
    • Films Officer: James Cotton
    • Chief Projectionist: Rachel Crofts
    • Chief Duty Manager: James McLachlan
    • Publicity Officer: Victoria Galloway
    • Technical Officer: Martin Mee
    • IT Officer: Matt Pusey

    The official handover from the Old Exec to the New Exec will be after the 2nd film in the upcoming AllNighter (Friday Week 8 - 24th Feb), which promises to be a fantastic night with great films; more details coming soon.

    Richard Winskill

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:51:53 +0100

    Trainspotting (old)

    Due to circumstances beyond our control, unfortunately we are unable to show Casablanca next week. Many apologies for the disappointment this may cause.

    However, in its place we have booked one of the greatest British films of all time - Trainspotting!

    Doors will open as usual at 7:30pm - hope to see you there!

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Tue, 06 May 2008 09:57:58 +0100

    AGM and Exec Elections (old)

    Ballot box

    Well a year has flown by and it's almost time to have this years AGM and to elect the new WSC Exec. This will all take place on Monday week 4 at 7.30pm in L3 and we would like to see as many of you as possible there to use your vote.

    Nominations have now closed and the verified candidate list is as follows:-

    James Cotton (Proposed James Emmott, Seconded Rose Crabtree)
    Rachel Crofts (Proposed Martin Mee, Seconded Jessi Booth)

    Eleanor Hutchinson (Proposed Elizabeth Underwood, Seconded Girai Davis)

    Jeffrey Choi (Proposed Peter Shrimpton, Seconded Richard Cook)

    Claire Justin (Proposed Sho Konno, Seconded Sarah Reader)

    No Candidates

    James McLachlan (Proposed Max Leung, Seconded Pierre Schramm)

    George Marshall (Proposed Victoria Galloway, Seconded Robert Gardner)
    Amanda Window (Proposed Matthew Knight, Seconded Ian Hughes)

    Tom Hunns (Proposed Liam Cantle, Seconded Andrew Goldsborough)

    No candidates

    Ballot box

    If you require any further information please contact the Secretary and returning officer Michelle Foy

    Michelle Foy (WSC Secretary)

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:50:34 +0100

    New Constitution (old)

    Howard Christy's Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States

    WSC has recently had a new consititution ratified by the Societies Federation. This is available on our website for anyone to read. If anyone has any questions then please get in touch.

    Michelle Foy

    Last updated Sun, 19 Feb 2006 16:47:19 +0000

    Extended Programming Meeting (old)

    This Monday (23rd Jan) we will be having a meeting to decide what films we want to show next term. Please remember that this is your opportunity to have your say and if you don't tell us the films that you want to see then we will never no.

    The evening will kick of with the meeting at 7pm and then we will move on to Xannanas for food and then to Top B! It should be a great night so I hope to see you all there.

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 18:36:20 +0100

    Deloitte Event - Breakfast at Tiffany's FOR FREE!!! (old)


    The fine people at our sponsors Deloitte are kindly putting on a free screening of Breakfast at Tiffany's, on Thursday 26th January (Week 4).

    Afterwards there will be a film quiz, with free entry for everyone who has a ticket for the film.


    Tickets will be available from outside L3 from around 7pm, with doors opening at 7:15. Final entry to the film is 7:30 so please turn up early to guarantee yourself a ticket.

    All are welcome - even non-members and external guests are eligible for free entry, and if last term's event is anything to go by, it should be a fantastic night - hope to see you there!

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Fri, 27 Jan 2006 12:01:19 +0000

    Special General Meeting (old)

    Signing the US Constitution

    There will be at Special General Meeting on Monday Week 3 in L3 at 7.15pm. This meeting will be an opportunity for members to vote on the new WSC constitution, which is available for viewing here.

    Please remember to bring your library card with you so that we can check your membership status. Any questions then please contact the exec.

    Hope to see you there.

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:20:36 +0000

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest removed from schedule (Wednesday Week 5) (old)

    Lawrence of Arabia Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

    Unfortunately we have been forced to remove One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest from this term's schedule (Wednesday Week 5).

    In its place will be Lawrence of Arabia (originally scheduled for Tuesday Week 4).

    On Tuesday Week 4 we will now be showing Terry Gilliam's masterful Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

    Apologies for any inconvience caused by this. The up-to-date schedule can be viewed on our website here

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Fri, 10 Feb 2006 08:28:44 +0000

    Sin City replaces The Sound of Music (Wednesday Week 2) (old)

    Sin City Sin City

    I am sorry to announce that due to techical difficulties we cannot show our scheduled 70mm print of The Sound of Music on Wednesday 11th January (Week 2). We apologise for any disapointment this has caused.

    We have however replaced it with the awesome Sin City, so if you'd like to see it again or missed it last term then here's a second chance to catch it on the big screen! Doors will open at 7:30pm as usual, hope to see you all there!

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:52:38 +0100

    Term 2 (old)

    Happy New Year!!

    The start of term at WSC brings us many more exciting films and events. Everything starts with the FREE showing of Oliver Twist on Wednesday week 1 (6th Jan) at 7.30pm in L3.

    Don't forget to take a look at the rest of the Term 2 schedule.

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Fri, 06 Jan 2006 16:37:56 +0000

    End of Term (old)


    Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas

    Well the end of term is here, so I'd just like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS from me and the rest of the Exec. Don't forget we have a free showing on the first Wednesday back, before going full swing into the new schedule

    Thanks for all your support this term and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!


    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:50:50 +0100

    FREE Screening of Gremlins this Saturday!!! (old)

    TCM Logo

    On Saturday 26th November we will be hosting a free screening of the awesome Gremlins at 7:30pm in L3, courtesy of digital TV channel TCM.

    Not only is it free but you'll also have the chance to walk away with some fantastic prizes, including a Freeview box courtesy of the fine people at Top-Up TV, a selection of DVDs, Gremlins posters and an array of other quality film paraphernalia.

    All are welcome - see you there!!!

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Mon, 28 Nov 2005 11:00:23 +0000


    Cheese and Chocolate Society

    This Sunday at the 6.30pm showing of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, there will be a free chocolate bar for everyone that attends, thanks to our friends at the Cheese and Chocolate Society, so arrive early to avoid disappointment!

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Mon, 21 Nov 2005 14:40:04 +0000

    Another Awesome AllNighter!! (old)

    Autumn Term AllNighter 2005

    Well the AllNighter has turned out to be another success, and the Mystery Film has been revealed; this term we have gone for another classic choice - The Goonies

    The Goonies Every kid has imagined what it would be like to go on great and glorious adventures. Pirate ships, police chases, treasure chests full of gold, and surrounded by human skeletons with patches over the eyes; the inherent excitement in the possibility of a cavernous wonder world beneath the very streets where they live. The Goonies is about a group of kids who have grown up together and are about to be torn apart because their parents are being forced to sell their homes. In the attic of one of their houses (Mikey, played by Sean Astin), they find an endless supply of fascinating things - treasure maps, paintings, cryptic writings in strange languages. They find a map that sounds promising, and decide to see if it has any value, hoping to be able to find enough treasure to prevent their parents from losing their homes.

    The Bad Guys The sense of adventure and hope that are presented in The Goonies is very uplifting and inspiring. The lovable characters are perfectly developed and endlessly entertaining. Many of them, particularly Sean Astin and Corey Feldman, delivered the best performances of their future careers right here in this early adventure film. This movie can be enjoyed by virtually anyone, and was well recieved, unlike the rendition of The Teletubbies which preceded it at our AllNighter!

    Thanks to everyone who made the evening a success. The Front of House team, the Projectionists, and the rest of the Exec all put in a lot of work to make this event happen!

    We now all eagerly await next terms AllNighter, as well as all the other films in between of course!

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Mon, 05 Dec 2005 08:30:13 +0000


    Autumn Term AllNighter 2005

    FRIDAY WEEK 7 (11TH NOVEMBER) - doors open 7.30pm

    The AllNighter is WSC's flagship event, and one not to be missed. It's a night of great films and interval entertainment, creating an atmosphere second to none!


    The 40 year-Old Virgin

    The 40 Year-Old Virgin Andy Stitzer lives quite happily in the comfort zone of his regimented life, but when he confesses his sexual status at a poker game it becomes apparent that painful miscues have led to a prolonged virginity. Consequently, his new-found friends become obsessed with getting him laid. Following a sequence of disastrous attempts to find Andy a woman, possible redemption arrives in the shape of Trish. Hollywood has here created a warm, intelligent, hilarious comedy that has a thing or two to say about the human condition.

    Die Hard

    Die Hard New York cop John McClane (Bruce Willis) is visiting his estranged wife at Nakatomi Plaza skyscraper during their Christmas party. Events take a dramatic turn when terrorists, led by Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman), take over the building. Our hero manages to evade the intruders but receives little help from the powerless local police department and the inept FBI. This leaves him no option but attempt to singlehandedly thwart the terrorists' plans and save the day. Die Hard was one of the most successful films of the 80s and defined a genre. The chance to see this on the big screen cannot be missed.

    Kung Fu Hustle

    Kung Fu Hustle Welcome to a kitchen sink gangster film set in 1940s Shanghai; a Scary Movie style homage to its genre, jam-packed with gags and violence. All-singing and all-dancing, Kung Fu Hustle is a thoroughly silly CGI-laden affair that follows Sing, a waster who desperately wants to join the notorious top hat-wearing Axe Gang as they subdue the final unconquered area of the city: Pig Sty Alley. A great nod to action and slapstick comedy, with some inventive use of special effects, its surreal but good fun.

    The Mystery Film The most anticipated film in WSC's programme. A secret guarded so closely that only one person in the whole of Warwick University knows what it's going to be! It could be a recent blockbuster, or a preview of a film that hasn't been released in the cinemas! The only way to find out is to be there on the night!

    Spirited Away

    Spirited Away Like Alice in Wonderland if written by Salvador Dali, this animation tells the story of a young girl, Chihiro, who accidentally enters into a world that is both fantastic and terrifying, where the Queen of Hearts is the ruthless witch Yubaba and her empire is a huge bathhouse which services the Gods of Japan. With her parents turned into pigs and fattened up for a feast, Chihiro attempts to find her place in this harsh new world, guided by the mysterious Haku. An incredibly magical story created by beautiful visuals and unsurpassed imagination.

    Monty Python's Life of Brian

    Monty Python's Life of Brian In this classic Monty Python film, it's Christmas Day in Judea about 2000 years ago and two miracles have occurred. Jesus has been born. So has Brian Cohen. Hailed by three not-sowise men, Brian's life starts in the way it shall go on: he is mistaken as the Messiah. Life of Brian has stood the test of time, both as a cinematic masterpiece and ground-breaking satirical comedy. Still hilarious and provocative, it remains one the few comedies that went where no one else dared to tread.

    Plus exciting interval entertainment including:

    QUIZ RAFFLE Award winning short film
    by Dave Duggan


    Ticket Price
    Member: £6.00
    Non-Member: £9.00
    External Guest: £10.00

    A "Member" is someone who has paid to join the Society, a "Non-Member" is someone who is a member of the University of Warwick but not Warwick Student Cinema, and an "External Guest" is someone from outside the University. External Guests must be acompanied by a member of the University, and Members and Non-Members are allowed only 1 External Guest each.

    Tickets will be on sale before films from Tuesday of Week 7, and from 10am - 4pm in Cholo in Union South on Thursday and Friday of Week 7. Buy early to avoid disapointment!

    Can you go AllNight?

    Richard Winskill - IT Officer

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:52:48 +0100

    New Chief Projectionist (old)

    Well done to Rachel Crofts who was elected on Thursday as the new Chief Projectionist. I hope you will all help her in her new role and if you have any projection related questions or comments, I'm sure she'll be more than happy for you to contact her using ChiefProj@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

    Michelle Foy

    Last updated Tue, 01 Nov 2005 09:19:05 +0000

    Strings Rescheduled (old)

    Sorry for the late notice, but we've not been sent our copy of Strings for tonight's screening. The distributors, Swipe, send their sincerest apologies.

    Instead we will be showing the Hitchcock classic Rear Window for FREE.

    Many apologies for the incovenience, but we have rescheduled Strings for Monday Week 7.

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:51:43 +0100


    To raise money for the Earthquake Appeal, we will be hosting a free screening of the fantastic Hotel Rwanda, at 7:30pm tonight (Monday Week 5) in L3.

    This event is courtesy of the Pakistan Society, in association with WSC, BORDER, Baobab and UWC (United World Colleges). Seeing as it is free and for such a good cause, please bring along as much money as you can to donate.

    See you there!

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:51:34 +0100

    Chief Projectionist Election (old)

    As you may be aware we currently have no elected Chief Projectionist, and I am pleased to say we have had interest in this position.

    Nominations will be open until midday on Thursday week 5 for anyone who wishes to stand. Nomination forms will be available from any Duty Manager, and the returning officer will be George Marshall (Chief Duty Manager).

    Voting will take place at 6pm on Thursday of week 5 (27th Oct)and will be by the single transferable vote method. All candidates will have 5 minutes in which they can make a short speech and questions can be taken.

    Can I remind you that any candidate standing for election for this position MUST be a WSC trained projectionist, a member of the Students' Union Societies Federation, and a member of WSC.

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:51:40 +0000

    Event Success!! (old)

    I hope everyone that came to Friday's Deloitte Event enjoyed themselves, I know I certainly did!

    Well done to everyone that won prizes and thanks to all the teams who entered, especially those that went all out to bribe the judges! Also thank you to Deloitte for paying for the event and their continued support.

    The event showed what a great society WSC is, and if you have suggestions for any more events you'd like to see in the future or any general questions and comments, please e-mail the exec. Also if anyone has any pictures from the night please do send them to us and we'll get them added to the gallery.

    Thanks again for an awesome night!

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:24:02 +0000

    Get Involved - Earn Free Films (old)

    Why not get involved in helping us run Warwick Student Cinema. There's loads to do from Publicity to Stewarding, Projection to I.T. To find out more, ask at any show or mail the exec at info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

    Michelle Foy (Secretary)

    Last updated Sat, 06 Jan 2007 17:13:02 +0000

    Vote now for the Term 2 Schedule (old)

    Suggestions page thumbnailWell term may only have just started, but it will not be long before we are having to decide on next term's films. Warwick Student Cinema is run for all of you, so there is nobody better to help decide what we should show. Visit the voting pages now by clicking on the film suggestions tab on the menu bar. Here you can vote for the films other people have chosen or add one yourself! Happy voting!!

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Fri, 28 Oct 2005 18:00:42 +0100

    General Meeting and Free Film! (old)

    Monday Week 2 brings the first General Meeting of the year. This shall be at 7pm in L3 and gives you the chance to meet people from all areas of the society and find out how to get more involved in WSC. From publicity to projection, stewarding to I.T. - there really is something for everyone. After the meeting there will be a free showing of Czech Dream, starting at 8.30pm - a funny and provocative look at the world of contemporary media. Hope to see you all there. If you can't make it and still want to get involved, then mail the exec at info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk. Thanks,

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Tue, 04 Oct 2005 10:53:19 +0100


    TCM and Warwick Student Cinema are running a competition to win a fantastic Digital set-top box starter kit courtesy of Top-Up TV and a selection of classic Woody Allen DVDs. To be in with a chance of winning this great prize, come to the FREE screening of Woody Allen's seminal film, Manhattan, on Saturday 1st October at 7.30pm in L3 on the Science Concourse.

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Sun, 02 Oct 2005 00:05:27 +0100

    Free films! (old)

    Notting Hill Men In Black
    Manhattan Czech Dream

    Welcome back and I hope you are all looking forward to the new year and another great line-up at WSC. The beginning of term brings more free films than ever before, you'd be mad to miss out. Membership for the new year is now available via the Union Portal and will be available from us on the science concourse before any show.

    As always don't forget there are plenty of ways to become more involved in the running of WSC, from publicity to projection, front of house to IT, there really is something for everyone. For more info speak to the Front of House staff at a show, mail the exec or simply turn up to a General Meeting at 7pm on Mondays of even weeks.

    Hope to see you all there. If you have any questions, comments or ideas, please get in touch by e-mailing us.

    Michelle Foy

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:23:07 +0000

    New Website (old)

    Well as you will notice the website now looks a little different. The IT team have been working on it for some time and I'm sure you'll agree it's a vast improvement. Thanks for all your hard work guys!

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Sun, 02 Oct 2005 00:06:15 +0100

    New Reviews Editor (old)

    Before the new term starts Nick Grills has decided to step down as Reviews Editor. He has worked very hard for several terms and behalf of everyone, a big thank you to him!

    But never fear we have somene new lined up. Our new Reviews Editor will be Hannah Upton, who has already been involved in the reviews team. Thanks to Hannah for volunteering and I hope you'll all help her out by volunteering to write reviews and getting them in on time.

    Also please don't forget there are plenty of other things to do as well as writing reviews both as part of the publicity team and in other areas of the society. To find out more mail info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk or speak to an Exec Member or Duty Manager at any show or social event.


    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Sun, 02 Oct 2005 00:06:28 +0100

    Thanks!! (old)

    I'd just like to say a big thank you on behalf of the exec to all the associates for all their help and support over the last academic year.

    There are several key members who are leaving us for the scary 'real world' and they will all be missed. These people range form ex exec members including the former WSC President Phil Lurie to newer members who despite their short involvment have contributed greatly!

    I hope that everyone who is leaving Warwick will keep in touch and stay involved wherever possible.

    Thank you once again!!!    

    Michelle Foy (WSC President)

    Last updated Sun, 04 Sep 2005 14:07:37 +0100

    Elections (old)

    On Friday Michelle Foy was elected as President and Chun Leung (Max) was elected as Treasurer.

    George Marshall

    Last updated Sat, 13 Aug 2005 09:08:48 +0100

    The AllNighter success (old)

    Well another successful AllNighter is over. We hope everyone had a great time and especially enjoyed our much anticipated Mystery Film. This term we chose to show a well loved 'classic' movie - Back to the Future.

    [ Back To The Future ]

    Michael J. Fox stars as Marty McFly, a typical American teenager of the Eighties accidentally sent back to 1955 in a plutonium-powered DeLorean "time machine" invented by slightly mad scientist Christopher Lloyd. During his often hysterical, always amazing trip back in time, Marty must make certain his teenage parents-to-be, Crispin Glover and Lea Thompson, meet and fall in love -- so he can get back to the future.

    A big congratulations to all of our prize winners on the night who won a selection of prizes including an iPod, limited edition film cells, film passes and more.

    Finally a big thank you to everyone for coming. Also thank you to Deloitte for working with us to make this event possible and free to all! And last but not least a big thank you on behalf of the WSC Exec to all our Associate members who made tonight possible.

    We cannot operate without willing volunteers and it is all good fun. So if you want to be involved in the next AllNighter and lots more fun then please get in touch. Thank you again.

    Michelle Foy

    Last updated Sun, 04 Sep 2005 14:08:22 +0100

    Elections (old)

    Elections for the positions of President and Treasurer will be held on Friday the 17th of June at 6pm. If you wish to stand you must fill in a nomination form available from the exec office, or from the front of house staff. The forms must be handed in by midday on Friday.

    George Marshall

    Last updated Sat, 18 Jun 2005 05:06:07 +0100


    [ WSC logo ] Warwick Student Cinema [ WSC logo ]

    in partnership with

    [ Deloitte logo ]

    The Allnighter

    Warwick Student Cinema has recently agreed a partnership with Deloitte - one of the UK's largest Graduate Recruiters. To kick-start this, all of these films are brought to you courtesy of Deloitte, allowing Warwick Student Cinema to permit free entry.

    Come along to a great night of films and other entertainment (in L3 on the science concourse)

    • Friday 17th June
    • Doors open 7.30pm
    • Free Entry
    • Great films
    • Great prizes

    Please ensure you turn up early to avoid disappointment. Entry to this event is on a strictly first come first served basis and there will be no advance ticket sales. Re-entry cannot be guaranteed.

    Warwick Student Cinema reserve the right to refuse entry or to ask people to leave at any time.

    [ iPod ]

    As well as all the great films WSC and Deloitte have teamed up to give you the chance to win some fantastic prizes in our interval entertainment. Top prize is an Apple iPod - store thousands of songs on this fabulous media player for on-the-move listening whenever and wherever you like! We will also be giving away many other fantastic prizes.

    Please note: the illustration is an indication only and actual prize may vary from the description. Only one of each major prize is available - in the event of a tie a winner will be chosen at random. Warwick Student Cinema's decision is final. Entry in the giveaways implies acceptance of terms and conditions.

    [ Sahara ]

    We start the night off with Sahara. Searching for a treasure on the River Niger,  Dirk Pitt thwarts the attempted assassination of a beautiful U.N. scientist investigating a disease that is driving thousands of North Africans to death. The suspected cause of the raging epidemic is vast pollution that threatens to extinguish all life in the world's seas. Racing to save the world from environmental catastrophe, Pitt and his team run a gauntlet between a billionaire French industrialist and a bloodthirsty West African tyrant. Now amidst the blazing, shifting sands of the Sahara, Dirk Pitt will make a desperate stand - in a battle the world cannot afford to lose! (Running time 124 mins)

    [ Constantine ]

    Following this, the second film, Constantine. John Constantine (Reeves) a man cursed with various psychic gifts, who lives a life haunted by demons that he exorcises from the possessed, and sends back to Hell. HIs days are infinitely gloomy and he walks alone until he meets Angela (Weisz), a police officer investigating the death of Isabel, her twin sister. Allegedly, Isabel killed herself by jumping off the roof of the mental institution her family placed her in, but security footage shows her whispering the name Constantine before she falls... (Running time 120 mins)

    [ Melinda and Melinda ]

    The third film of the AllNighter will be Melinda and Melinda. Over dinner Sy (Wallace Shawn), a playwright proposes an intellectual exercise to fellow playwright Max (Larry Pine) and dinner guests. Is life typically tragic or comic? To illustrate his point he begins to tell a story which he invites the others to embellish. The story starts as follows: A young Manhattan couple, throw a dinner party when their long-lost friend Melinda appears at their door, bedraggled and woebegone. The story continues in two versions; firstly the tragic - where Melinda is a disturbed woman who leaves her husband, but then falls into suicidal depression when he takes the children away. Secondly, Melinda the comic - where she is the childless and carefree neighbour of the dinner hosts. Back and forth the stories go, contrasting the destinies of the two Melindas. (Running time 100 mins)

    [ Mystery Film ]

    The fourth film will be our anticipated Mystery Film. Over the years the WSC AllNighters have had a wide variety of different and exciting mystery films, including E.T. 20th Anniversary, Plunkett & Macleane, Kiss of the Dragon, Thirteen Days and not forgetting the remarkable House of Flying Daggers! Over the years the Films and Admin Officers have used every possible technique to secure a fantastic AllNighter film for you, and this time is no exception!

    [ Shrek ]

    For those who have made it this far, sit back and enjoy the penultimate film of the night: Dreamworks' animated treat, Shrek. Shrek is a big green ogre who lives alone in the woods, feared by all the people in the land of Duloc. When Lord Farquaad, the ruler of Duloc, exiles all the fairytale beings in the woods, Shrek looses his peaceful life and his home becomes a camp for the banished beings. So, he sets off to find Lord Farquaad and convince him to take the fairytale beings back. Lord Farquaad accepts, under one condition. Shrek must first go and find the beautiful young princess Fiona, who will become Farquaad's bride. So, the big Ogre begins his quest, along with his newfound and very adorable donkey friend... (Running time 90 mins)

    [ The Interpreter ]

    For the finale of the night we will show The Interpreter. Escalating events begin when U.N. translator Silvia Broome alleges that she has overheard a death threat against an African head of state, spoken in a rare dialect few people other than Silvia can understand. In an instant, Silvia's life is turned upside down as she becomes a hunted target of the killers. Placed under the protection of federal agent Tobin Keller, Silvia's world only grows more nightmarish. As Keller digs deeper into his eyewitness' past and her secretive world of global connections, the more suspicious he becomes that she herself might be involved in the conspiracy. With every step of the way, he finds more reasons to mistrust her. Is Sylvia a victim? A suspect? Or something else entirely? And can Tobin, coping with his own personal heartache, keep her safe? (Running time 128 mins)

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Thu, 06 Oct 2005 14:26:32 +0100

    The Deloitte AllNighter - FOR FREE!!! (old)

    On 17th June 2005 (Friday Week 9), thanks to our new sponsors Deloitte we have a great night of films and fantastic prizes for you to enjoy after the exams are all over - all completely free of charge - so make sure you don't have anything planned for that day (or the morning after!).

    The running order is as follows:

    1. Sahara
    2. Constantine
    3. Melinda and Melinda
    4. Mystery Preview
    5. Shrek
    6. The Interpreter

    It's set to be an amazing event, and we're expecting a full-house - ticketing details will be available nearer the time so keeping checking back for more updates.

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Fri, 03 Jun 2005 02:31:12 +0100

    Special General Meeting (old)

    On Monday 23rd of May (Week 6) at 7.30pm in L3, there will be a Special General Meeting.

    At this meeting there will be a discussion followed by a vote to decide whether or not the society should enter into a sponsorship agreement with the graduate recruiter Deloitte. All current members of the society are invited to join the discussion and to cast their vote.

    After the meeting there will be free pizza available courtesy of the society executive comittee.

    Nick March

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:53:00 +0100

    Next term's schedule (old)

    Autumn Term 2005 is already provisionally complete - you can check it out HERE. The first four showings will be free (Sunday to Wednesday of Week 1).

    If you have any comments or suggestions please email us at info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Sat, 18 Jun 2005 10:17:13 +0100

    Notice of Election (old)

    In order to fill the vacant post of IT Officer, an election is to be held on Monday 2nd May (Week 3) at 19.00 in L3. All associates and full members are invited to attend and cast their vote. Each candidate is invited to make a short speech of no more than three minutes duration, followed by two minutes of questioning from the floor. The results will be announced during the programming meeting which is due to take place after the election.

    Nomination forms will be made available to collect  before each show this week. Completed forms may be handed to the duty manager at each show. The deadline for nominations will be 18.30 on Sunday 1st May (ie before the early show). Nominations are welcome from anybody who is a current student member of the society.

    If you have any queries please email me at president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

    Nick March

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:53:22 +0100

    Have your say for next term! (old)

    Next week WSC will be holding the termly EPM (Extended Programming Meeting) during which we decide upon a schedule for the coming term. It is open to all members and is YOUR chance to have your say about what we show during the Autumn term. Simply turn up to L3 at 7.30pm on Monday of Week 3 (2nd May) and make yourself heard.

    Taking place before the EPM will be an election to fill the currently vacant post of IT officer. See the front page of the website www.filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk for details.

    I hope to see many of you on Monday.

    Nick March

    Last updated Tue, 03 May 2005 08:54:41 +0100

    Quadrophenia FREE SCREENING (old)

    We have secured a free showing of Quadrophenia thanks to TCM (Turner Classic Movies) & Sublime Movies, who will also provide goody bags to give away on the night in addition to info on a classic short films competition, with a £10,000 first prize. More information on this can be found at http://www.tcmonline.co.uk

    They would also like to show last year's winning short along with a TCM promo.

    The night will start at 19:30 on Monday 16th May 2005 (WEEK 5), all are welcome, hope you can make it :-) free sweets for all!!!!

    Mark Gibson

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:53:11 +0100

    Deloitte Film Night (old)

    The Results are in - the film you voted to see for free courtesy of Deloitte is Y Tu Mama Tambien, showing on Monday of Week 10 at 7.30pm in L3.

    Tickets will be available on the night, but arrive early to avoid disappointment.

    I look forward to seeing you all there!

    Nick March

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:53:33 +0100

    Deloitte Film Night (old)

    Deloitte have kindly offered to put on a FREE film night in our cinema on Monday 7th March 2005 (Monday Week 10) as part of the very first Deloitte Film Season.

    There is a choice of five all-time film greats for you to feast your eyes on:

    • Donnie Darko
    • Swingers
    • Apocalypse Now
    • Y Tu Mama Tambien
    • Raging Bull

    Right now, they need to know the one you'd die to see again.

    Vote for it by clicking here and it'll be shown for free.

    Further details of this exciting event will follow closer to the time.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Wed, 02 Mar 2005 14:16:54 +0000

    All Nighter (old)

    Friday 18th February, L3 staged our spring term All Nighter event, which was a great success. With six fantastic films, an Oscar-themed quiz, a raffle, the exec handover, a student film and much more besides, this made for a special evening. Congratulations to the many people who were lucky enough to win prizes in either the quiz or the raffle. For those of you not in attendance, they ranged from DVDs through movie posters to inflatable Shark Tale characters.

    For anyone wondering what the mystery film was, it was Bubba Ho-Tep, which can best be described as JFK and Elvis do battle with an Ancient Egyptian Mummy in order to save the souls of their fellow residents at the nursing home where they are currently seeing out their days. It came as a complete surprise to most and seemed to go down fairly well.

    Finally, I just wanted to thank everyone who attended and made this such a great night, whilst wishing all of the new Exec good luck over the coming year.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Tue, 22 Feb 2005 13:23:42 +0000


    The Allnighter

    It's that time of the term again - The All Nighter is upon us! Tonight, L3 will stage Warwick Student Cinema's most prestigious night, and with six fantastic films on show, there's absolutely no excuse not to be there.

    Tickets will be on sale from 18:30 (6:30 pm) onwards, so please arrive early to avoid disappointment. Pricing is £6 for members of the society, £9 for all other students at the University of Warwick and £10 for external guests. Doors open 19:30 (7:30 pm) with the first film starting around 20:00 (8pm).

    [ Blade Trinity ]

    We kick off the night with Blade Trinity - the third and final blockbuster in the Blade Trilogy. Wesley Snipes returns as the half-vampire Blade to face his most deadly enemy yet, whilst trying to avoid the unwanted attention of the FBI. Luckily for him, he gets some help this time around in the form of the Nightstalkers, a group of fellow vampire slayers, including the iPod-toting Jessica Biel. With a host of characters both new and returning, this big budget action extravaganza contains some incredible action, unexpected plot twists and more than its fair share of laughs.

    [ Almost Famous ]

    Following this, the second film is director Cameron Crowe's semi-autobiographical comedy, Almost Famous. William Miller is just a 15 year old boy but that doesn't stop him getting hired by Rolling Stone magazine to tour with and write about Stillwater, a rock band based loosely on the bands Crowe worked with himself. This humorous drama follows William as he is forced to confront rockers, groupies and everything else that it entails. It is quite simply the embodiment of everything rock and roll.

    [ Cube ]

    The third film, Cube, is a cult classic with one of the most imaginative concepts in movie history. When seven complete strangers awaken to find themselves trapped inside a giant cube, they must utilise all of their skills to in an effort to escape their prison and the many deadly traps that lurk inside. What follows is an intelligent tale of suspense, paranoia and suspicion, as they and you never know quite what to expect next. You will not be falling asleep during this one.

    [ Mystery Film ]

    The fourth film will be our anticipated Mystery Film. Over the years the WSC AllNighter has had a wide variety of different and exciting mystery films, including E.T. 20th Anniversary, Plunkett & Macleane, Kiss of the Dragon, Thirteen Days and not forgetting the remarkable House of Flying Daggers! Over the years the Films and Admin Officers have used every possible technique to secure a fantastic AllNighter film for you, and this time is no exception!

    [ A Bug's Life ]

    For those who have made it this far, sit back and enjoy the penultimate film of the night: Pixar's animated treat, A Bug's Life. Let misfit-ant Flik take you on a rollercoaster ride of a journey to recruit brave and noble warriors to save his colony from an invasion of deadly grasshoppers. However when those whom he recruits turn out to be something different altogether, the fate of the colony itself is left hanging in the balance. From the people who brought you The Incredibles, Monster's Inc and Toy Story, expect witty dialog, great characters and animation that will leave you breathless.

    For the final film of the night - and give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far - WSC present one of the greatest movies of all time, Quentin Tarantino's superb second picture, Pulp Fiction. The script is a work of art, intertwining multiple plotlines, punctured by some absolutely chilling twists, with a hefty dose of his trademark dialogue and black humour, which together with brilliant performances from an A-list cast (Travolta, Jackson, Thurman, Willis, etc) and truly innovative direction, make this a film that promises to keep you awake right until the morning.

    The atmosphere in L3 is something special - you have to be there to experience it! For the latest All Nighter news and detailed information visit the All Nighter page.

    Last updated Sat, 19 Feb 2005 14:21:21 +0000

    Schedule Alteration (old)

    Due to a rare problem with our distributors, A Tale of Two Sisters will be now be shown at midnight on Saturday 5th March 2005.

    Ju-On: The Grudge was shown at midnight on Saturday 12th February 2005

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Sun, 06 Mar 2005 18:43:41 +0000

    Summer Term Schedule (old)

    The preliminary Summer Term Schedule has now been decided upon by our new Films and Admin Officer, Mark Gibson, following many comments and suggestions from our members and associates.

    To take a sneak peak for yourself, click here.

    Be aware though that it is likely to change slightly as our distributor makes us aware of which films they are unable to obtain, so think of it as more of a statement of intent rather than an exact plan.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Tue, 05 Apr 2005 16:03:34 +0100


    The Allnighter

    The line-up for this term's All-Nighter to be held on Friday 18th February 2005 has finally been unveiled and is as follows:

    1. Blade Trinity
    2. Almost Famous
    3. Cube
    4. The Mystery Film
    5. A Bug's Life
    6. The Rock

    Tickets will be available at our stall in Cholo on Wednesday 16th February 2005 and Thursday 17th February 2005, as well as on the night itself. As always, get them early to avoid disappointment.

    Pricing details will be made available shortly, although it is not expect to be significantly different from last term's event.

    Reviews and publicity for the event should start appearing soon, although any effort you can make to persuade your friends to attend will be much appreciated.

    I look forward to seeing you there and I hope you have an enjoyable time.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Wed, 09 Feb 2005 16:09:00 +0000

    British Gangster Trilogy Special Offer (old)

    Layer Cake

    As part of an extra special promotion, Warwick Student Cinema is offering you the chance to see three films for the price of two on Friday 4th February.

    The films included in this offer are 'Layer Cake' 'Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels,' and 'Snatch,' which are generally regarded to be three of the finest British films of the last decade. Check out reviews of all three by clicking on the link for 'This Season' and then on the name of the film you are interested in.

    Pricing in this offer is as follows, although we will also be selling tickets for the individual films as usual for those who just want to see the one.

    Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels

    For members of the society, the discounted ticket comprising of entry to all three films will cost £3.60, whilst non-members (any student at Warwick University) will pay £5.60 and an external guest (someone who is not a student at Warwick University) will be charged £7.60.

    The programme begins with 'Layer Cake' at 6:30, so arrive early to avoid disappointment. The provisional times for 'Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels' and 'Snatch' are 8:30 and 10:30 respectively.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:48:05 +0100

    Extended Programming Meeting (old)

    Apologies for the late notice but I just wanted to let everyone know that we are having an Extended Programming Meeting at 7pm this evening (Monday 31st January 2005) in L3 (the same place that we show our films) to discuss next term's schedule.

    All members or any other interested parties are welcome to attend.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Mon, 31 Jan 2005 23:32:12 +0000

    Election Results (old)

    At the Annual General Meeting on Monday, the following were elected to the exec.

    Ballot box
    • President - Nick March
    • Films & Admin - Mark Gibson
    • Treasurer - Michelle Foy
    • Chief DM - George Marshall
    • Technical Officer - Martin Mee
    • Publicity Officer - Lucy Ayrton
    • Equal Ops & Socials - Peter Thomas

    The positions of IT officer and Chief Projectionist are still vacant

    The new exec officers will work with the old exec for the next 3 weeks. The Official handover will be at the Allnighter on Friday of Week 7

    Gerg Franklin

    Last updated Mon, 21 Feb 2005 13:33:04 +0000

    ELECTIONS! (old)

    No doubt many of you are looking for ways to gain valuable experience for your C.V. and to get more involved in societies. Well, here is your chance to do just that, and wouldn't it be brilliant to tell a prospective employer that you ran not only the largest society on campus but the largest student cinema in Europe!


    The election for the Warwick Student Cinema Executive is on Monday Week 4 (24th Jan) at 7-15pm in L3. The positions available are:

    • President
    • Treasurer
    • Film and Admin Officer (scheduling the films)
    • Equal Ops and Socials Officer (can be split)
    • Publicity Officer
    • IT Officer

    (There is also Technical Officer, Chief Projectionist and Chief Duty Manager but these need experience beforehand)


    Alternatively, you can always get involve by working with the society (publicity, stewarding, projecting, IT etc) with a view to be on the exec at a later date. If you are interested but would like to find out more, please feel free to e-mail me - president@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk - including which position you are interested in, and I will reply with a list of roles and responsibilities.

    Phil Lurie - President

    Last updated Mon, 24 Jan 2005 21:45:52 +0000

    One World Week & The Student Cinema (old)

    Hello all members,

    For your information, One World Week are collaborating with the Student Cinema in promoting the following films:

    RUN LOLA RUN (this Thursday, 7.30 pm)

    HERO (this Friday, 6.30 pm & 9.30 pm)

    SUPER SIZE ME (this Sunday, 6.30 pm & 9.30 pm)

    15 (next Tuesday, 7.30 pm)

    THE CORPORATION (next Thursday, 7.30 pm)

    The films were selected because of their relevance to foreign cultures or because they are documentaries about current issues which OWW will be exploring in their many other events and programs, so do look out for these films. (Unlike the films OWW has in collaboration with the Arts Centre Cinema, however, the WSC screenings are not free of charge.) You can find out more about these films by reading the reviews on the website.

    Films And Admin - Sebastian Ng

    Last updated Mon, 24 Jan 2005 15:49:40 +0000

    WSC - Wk 12 (old)

    This week at Warwick Student Cinema we have some great films for you, as well as the chance to get involved: by helping out or standing for an exec position.

    THE BOURNE SUPREMACY: Sunday - 6-30 and 9-30

    SKY CAPTAIN: Tuesday - 7-30

    WICKER PARK: Wednesday - 7-30

    RUN LOLA RUN: Thursday - 7-30 (this film is subtitled)

    HERO: Friday - 6-30 and 9-30 (this film is subtitled)

    If you are interested in getting involved with filmsoc or standing for the exec, come along Monday (10th Jan) at 7pm in L3 for more information. The exec elections will be Monday Wk 4, so if you'd like to stand please come along on Monday, express your interest and find out what you have to do next.

    Have a good week.

    Phil Lurie

    Last updated Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:30:48 +0000

    Welcome Back! (old)

    Happy New Year everyone!

    I hope you've had a great break and looking forward to the new term. There are many filmsoc events coming up this term, including: fantastic screenings, the AllNighter, a British Gangster movie night, and plenty of socials.

    What's more, this term is hand-over, where a new exec is elected; this could be YOU! If you'd like to get involved and/or find out more, don't hesitate to e-mail us at info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk
    Have a great term!

    Philip Lurie

    Last updated Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:30:59 +0000

    External guests allowed with any Warwick student or member of staff (old)

    A ticket

    WSC has decided that from now on any member of the University will be allowed to bring one external guest into a screening for a rate of £3.80 for the external guest. Previously only WSC members were permitted to bring in external guests which we felt caused unecessary confusion and was not needed and so our ticketing policy is being updated to reflect this. A WSC member ticket with an external guest ticket will be £1.80+£3.80=£5.60 and a non-member ticket with an external guest ticket will be £2.80+£3.80=£6.60.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Wed, 09 Feb 2005 16:18:32 +0000

    Free Screening Tonight! (old)

    Yes, that's right! Tonight's screening of 'Wallace And Gromit: The Wrong Trousers' at 7:30pm in L3 is free for associates and members alike. Arrive early to avoid disappointment. For more details, click the link above.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Thu, 02 Dec 2004 20:27:02 +0000

    New Screening Times For Next Term (old)

    The Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday single screenings will continue to start at 7:30pm as they do now.

    However, the double screenings on Friday and Sunday will now start an hour earlier at 6:30pm and 9:30pm. We hope that you will all find this more convenient than the current structure.

    Please remember that these times are when the programme will begin and that tickets should be available around 20 minutes beforehand.

    Don't forget that you can already check out the full schedule for next term by clicking here.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:30:24 +0000

    Want Free Films For Yourself And A Guest? Get Involved! (old)

    Yes, that's right! Get involved with Warwick Student Cinema and you and a guest can come to as many of our standard screenings as you want for free, whilst you continue to be involved.

    'What's the catch then?' There is obviously a minimum commitment required but it isn't much: a review every term or stewarding twice in every three week period for example. Beyond that, there are plenty of additional opportunities available if you're interested but it is really up to you.

    'What can I do then?' Well, that's entirely up to you but we like to think there is something for everyone, be it stewarding films, training as a projectionist, helping to design our new website or writing a review of one of next term's films to be included in our programming booklet. Have a browse around the Get Involved section of our website, send us an email at info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk or just say hello to one of the front of house staff before or after a screening to find out more about the different roles.

    'Why should I do it? Persuade me!' The simple answer is that we need you. The society cannot function without the volunteers who help keep everything running smoothly, so the rest of our members can come and see the film in the knowledge that they will have a great time.

    'But, what's in it for me?' Aside from the free films, you will be part of a society that will help develop your transferable skills as well as increasing your attractiveness to employers. And that's not forgetting our regular socials.

    'So, what do I do next?' Your best bet is send an email to info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk or just say hello before a screening and we'll tell you how best to proceed from there.

    James Kopka

    Last updated Tue, 03 May 2005 08:55:05 +0100

    Spring Term Schedule (old)

    Hello everyone, the Spring Term schedule is finally confirmed. As you probably know, the schedule has been through various changes, so hopefully this is one that everyone is happy with. With blockbusters like The Bourne Supremacy and The Incredibles, documentaries like The Corporation and Super Size Me, older favourites like The Hunt For Red October and Pleasantville, arthouse films such as Garden State and Coffee And Cigarettes, foreign language films such as The Return and House Of Flying Daggers, there's bound to be a film that you'd like to watch next term.

    Other things to look out for: films in association with One World Week such as Run Lola Run and Hero; 15 (a semi-documentary about Singaporean gangster youths, in association with the Singaporean Soc); a Romantic Week of films in conjunction with Valentine's starting with Wimbledon and ending with Jeux D'Enfants; and A Beautiful Mind (in association with the Economics Summit, an event in which the great John Nash himself will come to Warwick to give a talk).

    In short, next term is going to be mighty exciting.

    Be sure to check out the full scedule in advance by clicking here.

    Sebastian Ng - Films & Admin

    Last updated Wed, 01 Dec 2004 09:35:32 +0000

    Fargo delayed (slightly) (old)

    Fargo arrived at 8.30pm, due to traffic on the M6.  We would like to apologise to those people who could not stay for the showing.  We will be emailing you on an individual basis with what we hope will be an acceptable compromise.


    Andrew Maddison - Publicity Officer

    Last updated Sat, 27 Nov 2004 13:57:28 +0000

    General Meeting and Bar Crawl (old)

    There will be a GM on Monday Wk 8 at 7-15pm in L3.

    Straight after this, there will be a fantastic Bar Crawl around campus ending up at Top B!

    Philip Lurie

    Last updated Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:48:57 +0000



    Full three course Christmas Dinner: 14.95

    Location: Beefeater: The Queen and Castle, Kenilworth.
    (MiniBus will be provided from campus;
    Email if required.

    Deposit £5 (To be paid by Wed 17th of Nov). Money will be collected at mondays social and tuesday and wednesdays' films (15,16,17 Nov). Cheques payable to UWSU.

    **Standard Menu also available, Prices range from £6.99 for a main course.**

    Menus available at www.beefeater.co.uk as .pdf.


    Jonathan Downing

    Jonathan Downing

    Last updated Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:24:57 +0000

    Halloween Cancelled (old)

    Due to problems getting a film print, and failure of DVD playing equipment, we are unable to screen Halloween.  We would like to apologise for the inconvenience that this causes, and for the extremely short notice.

    Andrew Maddison - Publicity Officer

    Last updated Sun, 31 Oct 2004 23:36:41 +0000

    Halloween For Free! (old)

    [ Halloween ]

    Due to a problem with our distributors, we have failed to receive 'Halloween' for Saturday night. Nevertheless, we have managed to get hold of a DVD copy of the film.

    Therefore, the screening, this Saturday at Midnight in L3, will be free. Anyone is welcome, regardless of being a member or not.

    I hope this is satisfactory, and I apologise for the short notice 

    Phil Lurie - President

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:38:11 +0000

    AllNighter Success (old)

    The AllNighter (Friday, Wk 6) was, and I'm sure everyone agrees, a complete success. It was a sell-out and the atmosphere was fantastic. A big THANK YOU to everyone who worked throughout the night, and of course, to all the people who attended. And well done to those who made it to the end.

    The mystery film was, in fact, a mystery preview - 'House of Flying Daggers', not released until the 24th of December. Follow this link to The Allnighter to see the rest of the films.

    One of the events during the intervals was a film quiz. Congratulations to Lauren Hassett, Jason Thomas, Laura Magee, Shong Way Vern and Gareth Temlett, who each win a DVD and poster. Come along before the start of any film this week to claim your prizes. The questions and answers will be in the weekly e-mail (note - the overall answer we were looking for was 2705).

    I hope everyone had as much fun as we did, and I hope to see you at the AllNighter next term. If you think of films that would work well at the next AllNighter, why not suggest them on the website.

    Phil Lurie - President

    Last updated Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:49:20 +0000

    Involvement with IT (old)

    [ IT system at filmsoc ]

    Do you want to gain valuable experience in running a cinema? Learn how a ticketing system works? Oversee the implementation of our forthcoming new and improved website?

    Well, now is your chance. If you are interested in the IT area of Warwick Student Cinema, however skilled you are, the IT team would love to hear from you. Not only will you be able to apply this knowledge towards your degree and future career, but you will become an Associate - meaning free films. For more information, email IT@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk and, who knows, you could be elected the IT Officer at the next exec elections!

    Additionally, see above for information on how to get involved with the society in other ways.

    Phil Lurie - President

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:38:47 +0000

    EPM & FILM QUIZ - Monday 18th October (old)

    Phil Lurie - President

    Last updated Tue, 19 Oct 2004 08:29:42 +0100

    Passion Of The Christ - Important Information (old)

    Dear Members,

    You may be aware that this Sunday Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) will be screening two showings of Mel Gibsons' 'Passion Of The Christ'. (19.30, 22.30) Since the release, much controversy has surrounded this film; being labelled as anti-semitic and inciting bad feelings between religious communities.

    We would like to clarify WSC's neutral position towards this and all films. WSC, along with the Union, believe strongly in non-censorship and allowing viewers to make their own minds up on the content of a film. WSC believes it an integral part of an independent cinema to show films for their cinematic value and allow the viewers to judge the content. We would hope all who view it to do so with a critical mind and not just be a passive viewer. Censorship would destroy the nature of our cinema; we would no more ban this film than we would ban 'American History X' or 'Schindler's List'.

    There will be discussion groups arranged later in the week by religious societies. Information will be available outside L3 before and after the screenings. There will also be a neutral speaker to introduce the film. If you would like more information about WSC's stance on non-censorship or would like to discuss anything else related to the cinema please feel free to contact me at:                                        

    Jonathan Downing - Equal Ops Officer

    Last updated Mon, 18 Oct 2004 10:50:19 +0100

    General Meeting and Bar Crawl (old)

    On Monday (Wk 3) at 7pm, in L3, will be another chance to get involved with filmsoc, if you couldn't make it to the Pizza Social. We will also be discussing which films we should show during the AllNighter - 6 of the best films shown throughout the night as voted by you.

    The meeting will be followed by a bar crawl around campus; eventually ending up in Top B! I hope to see you there.

    Phil Lurie - President

    Last updated Tue, 12 Oct 2004 15:07:54 +0100

    Win BIG with RaW (old)

    In association with Radio Warwick, WSC are giving one lucky film-lover the chance to win a free pass for EVERY film we show this year!

    All you have to do is tune in to Wednesday's 5-7 slot, 'Spotlight on Campus', and listen out for a question. For more information, head on down to http://www.radio.warwick.ac.uk/

    Good luck!

    Phil Lurie - President

    Last updated Mon, 18 Oct 2004 18:51:50 +0100

    Soc's Fayre & Free Pizza (old)

    WSC will have a stall on both Monday and Tuesday in Cholo throughout the whole of Soc's Fayre. Come along for posters, sweets and information on how to get involved (see below for details).

    Additionally, on Monday night there will be the first General Meeting of the Year. This will be in L3 (where we screen the films) at 7pm. This will be a further chance to meet the exec and for them to explain the different ways you can help run a cinema.

    Straight after, we're heading over to the Sutherland Staff Lounge (past Rootes Bar) for a pizza social.

    Hope to see you there!

    Phil Lurie - President

    Last updated Tue, 05 Oct 2004 09:57:33 +0100

    How To Get Involved (old)

    Watching the films is only part of the fun you can have with filmsoc. If you've ever wanted to see behind the scenes of how a cinema is run, then now is the chance. By stewarding, projecting, or helping with IT or publicity (writing reviews, putting together the poster/booklet etc) not only will you become part of Warwick's biggest society, there is also the added incentive of becoming an Associate - free films! To find out about the different roles you could have within the society, follow the link on the left entitled 'Get Involved'. Additionally, please feel free to talk to anyone before or after any screening outside L3 - we're more than happy to help.

    Phil Lurie - President

    Last updated Fri, 26 Nov 2004 01:36:50 +0000

    A 'Free Film' Welcome to Warwick Student Cinema (old)

    Welcome to Warwick University's Film Society (FilmSoc) Homepage. To all Warwick veterans, I hope you've had a great summer and are looking forward to another term, and to all freshers, I hope you're settled in and enjoying the start of your first term here.

    FilmSoc does not just show great films (just check our Schedule to see what's on), it's also a great place to make friends, socialise and help out. Come along to the General Meeting in L3 (where we show the films) on Monday Week 2 at 7pm to find out more. You could be stewarding, projecting or helping out with publicity. Not only is this fantastic experience, but you also get free films if you help out.

    Events to look out for this term include our Tarantino mini-season, the AllNighter (suggest a film by following the link on the left) as well as our fantastic socials, including a Christmas Meal.

    On Sunday night (Week 1) and Monday/Tuesday nights (Week 1) we are screening FREE FILMS - 'There's Something About Mary' and 'Starsky And Hutch' respectively. Come along and enjoy these comedy classics on the big screen!

    On behalf of the exec, we wish you a fun and successful Term 1.

    Philip Lurie - President

    Last updated Tue, 05 Oct 2004 09:54:35 +0100

    Improvements Over The Summer (old)

    [ screen installation ]

    WSC are currently replacing the screen and the masking (the black curtains which shape the picture) in L3. Once complete, this should provide our audience with an even better viewing experience than before, as well as relieving us from the frequent maintenance which was becoming necessary on the ageing equipment.

    Also underway - acoustic paneling being installed by the University in collaboration with Warwick Student Cinema will provide improved audio clarity as well as better positioning of speech and the special effects which immerse the audience in the film. Pictures of the installation work can be found in the gallery.

    Watch this space for further details, and don't forget to submit your suggestions for films you want to see at the Autumn AllNighter...

    Nick March

    Last updated Sun, 03 Oct 2004 22:21:21 +0100

    Graduation 2004 (old)

    graduation hat

    Warwick Student Cinema wishes to congratulate all members who have recently graduated, especially those who have given much of their time to help out the society: Stephen Williams, Andrew Maddison, Chris Munden, Amanda Window, Simon Johnstone, Jonathan Pallant, Nicholas Jackson, Nicola Page, Matthew Knight, Julie Ngo, Robbie Gates, Phil Stoneman, Kyra Obolensky and many others who have helped out at some point during their course at Warwick.

    WSC wishes all people who are leaving Warwick every success in the future.


    Last updated Mon, 13 Sep 2004 16:15:11 +0100

    Autumn AllNighter (old)

    It may be a few weeks off yet, but we are already thinking about our first AllNighter of the 2004/05 academic year.

    The best way to make the AllNighter as enjoyable as possible is to tell us what you want - so get voting on our Film Suggestions page now!

    Nick March

    Last updated Sun, 03 Oct 2004 22:21:06 +0100

    Proposed changes to ticketing policy for 2004/2005 academic year (old)

    A ticket

    Following an in-depth review of the WSC ticketing and membership policy, there are a number of proposed changes for the 2004-2005 academic year. These changes reflect the desire of the WSC exec to open up access to screenings and ensure a transparent and simple ticketing policy. Once the new policy is agreed by the Union then it shall come into effect for the new academic year.

    Until the exact details are confirmed WSC always appreciates feedback with your comments and suggestions.

    A summary of the proposed changes is:

    • In order to comply with our terms of license, the "standard" WSC membership base will consist of all members of the University of Warwick (students and staff).
    • The society will provide "society" membership at a rate of £2.50 for the year which will allow reduced entry price, greater promotion options and the ability to get involved with the society. Society membership of WSC will require membership of the Students' Union Societies Federation.
    • With the society being more easily accessible to all students on campus the ticket prices will be: £1.80 to WSC society members and £2.80 to standard university staff/student members.  Only WSC society members will be permitted to buy 5-film passes for £7.00, and they will be permitted one external guest per showing at £3.80.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Mon, 27 Sep 2004 11:15:23 +0100

    Quizzo Fantastico 2 : The beast returns (old)

    Howdee strangers!!,

    Sorry its been awhile. Hope all your exams have gone well.

    WSC is having another quiz in the Sutherland Staff Lounge in the Rootes Social building. Everyone is welcome whether you are an associate, normal member, or just looking for something different to do now that your exams are over.

    The quiz will be between 9 and 11 in the evening. Monday, Week 9. 14th of June.

    Hope to see lots of you there again. Should be fun!

    Jon and Rosito!

    Jon Downing & Rosy Wilson

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:39:24 +0000

    Reviews Editor Wanted (old)

    WSC requires a new reviews editor. The reviews editor is responsible for ensuring all the booklet and website reviews are received in good time, in the correct format and checked for spelling and grammar mistakes. This role is a very important aspect of ensuring that the publicity is produced in good time to a high standard. If you think you have what it takes or are interested in finding out more details about the role then please contact us. WSC is always on the look out for people who are interested in getting involved with the publicity team in roles such as marketing, graphics, newsletter editor, or just generally helping out with the publicity material we produce.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Tue, 06 Jul 2004 17:16:31 +0100

    Summer Term Booklet (old)

    The Summer term booklet is now available to download from here:

    [ PDF Document ]PDF Format [ Get Acrobat ]

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Sat, 17 Jul 2004 12:11:33 +0100

    Extended Programming Meeting (old)

    The next EPM (where we will be discussing the films to be scheduled for the next academic year's Autumn Term) will be held in L3 tonight (10 May) during the General Meeting which begins at 7 pm. All are welcome, associates and members alike. If there's a film that you think everybody will like and deserves to be on the schedule for next term, this is your chance to voice it.

    Sebastian Ng

    Last updated Sat, 17 Jul 2004 12:11:45 +0100

    Film Suggestions (old)

    Voting for our Autumn schedule is currently open. This is your chance to tell us what YOU want us to show next term.

    Click here for more details.

    Nick March

    Last updated Sat, 12 Jun 2004 00:36:18 +0100

    General Meeting Tonight (old)

    There will be a General Meeting tonight (Monday Wk2) at 7-15 in L3. This will be followed by a drink or two at The Bar.

    I hope to see as many of you as possible there.

    Philip Lurie

    Last updated Sat, 17 Jul 2004 12:11:54 +0100

    Summer 2004 Schedule (old)

    The schedule for the summer term is now available to view from the schedule page; found here.

    Happy Easter!

    Sebastian Ng

    Last updated Tue, 18 May 2004 05:44:18 +0100

    Constitution Committee (old)

    Warwick Student Cinema has decided that parts of our constitution are no longer appropriate to the needs of the society and the Students' Union. As such it is the intention of the WSC exec to form a temporary committee that will look specifically at the updating and amending our current constitution. A maximum of six members will be elected responsible for overseeing the changes needed more details and the rules of the elections procedure can be found on the Constitution Rewrite page.

    Jon Downing

    Last updated Thu, 04 Mar 2004 11:30:39 +0000


    [ The Matrix trilogy ]

    This Friday (5th March), we've got a treat for you - all three Matrix films, back-to-back! Tickets will be available on the door (£4 members, £7 non-members, £8 external guests) and the evening kicks off at 6.30pm - arrive early to avoid queues and to reserve a good seat...

    View a brief review & synopsis, visit the official website or download trailers for the original Matrix, Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions (you'll need the Quicktime player to view these - get it here).

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Tue, 05 Oct 2004 09:58:07 +0100

    Results of elections for "Equal Ops and Socials Officer" and Chief Projectionist (old)

    The general meeting on Tuesday 10th of February 2004 saw the election of Tim Davidson as "Chief Projectionist" and Rosy Wilson and Jon Downing will jointly share the role of "Equal Ops and Socials Officer". We wish them luck in their respective roles.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Tue, 24 Feb 2004 16:34:07 +0000

    The Girl Next Door free preview (old)

    The Girl Next Door
    Get it 1st

    Warwick Student Cinema will be showing a free preview of The Girl Next Door on Tuesday 9th March in association with 'Get it 1st'.

    Staring Emile Hirsch, Elisha Cuthbert, Timothy Olyphant and James Remar.

    Eighteen-year-old Matthew Kidman (Emile Hirsch) is a straight-arrow over-achiever who has never really lived life, until he falls for his new neighbour, the beautiful and seemingly innocent Danielle (Elisha Cuthbert).
    When Matthew discovers this perfect "girl next door" is a one-time porn star, his sheltered existence begins to spin out of control. Ultimately, Danielle helps Matthew emerge from his shell and discover that sometimes you have to risk everything for the person you love -- as he helps her rediscover her innocence.

    'Get it 1st', the promotion running on packs of Mars, Snickers, Maltesers, Twix, Bounty and Skittles, has teamed up with Twentieth Century Fox to give YOU the chance to see The Girl Next Door. Don't miss this free and exclusive screening of this hilarious new comedy BEFORE it goes on general release! And if this isn't incentive enough, there will be plenty of 'Get it 1st' chocolates for everyone on the night of the screening, and lots of prizes to win too! Look out for the 'Get it 1st' crews on campus from 23 February who will be handing out invitations...

    Gerg Franklin

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:40:22 +0000

    Elections for "Equal Ops and Socials Officer" and Chief Projectionist (old)

    I've been put in charge of the election for the vacant post. In the abscence of a valid constitution I have decided to post the following rules for the election. If anyone has anything they don't agree with then email me at c.j.munden@warwick.ac.uk. These rules will become final 24 hours before the election so complain before then. The election will be held at 7:15pm on Tuesday 9th February in L3.
    General Rules:
    1) To stand you must be a member of WSC (either standard or associate)
    2) You must be a valid Warwick NUS card holder to stand.
    3) Persons wishing to stand (or potentially wishing to stand) must email me before 7pm on Monday in order for me to put you on the ballot paper.
    4) Candidates may withdraw at any time before the election if they so wish up to the moment the vote starts.
    5) Voting will consist of secret non-transferable ballot and will be simply a case of ticking the box of the candidate you want to win.
    6) In the unlikely event of a tie the winner will be decided by co-option by the exec and that person will be presented for ratification at the following General Meeting.
    7) Only members and associates of WSC with a valid Warwick NUS card may vote.
    Specific Rules
    1) You must be a qualified WSC projectionist to stand for the post of Chief Projectionist.
    2) a) Candidates may stand jointly for the post of Equal Ops and Socials as long as they agree that for union purposes one must be registered for Equal Ops and the other Socials. In addition they will only have one vote jointly in Exec meetings and if there is disagreement then this will count as an abstention.
    2) b) The rule 2 a) shall only be valid if there is no upheld objection to it that is upheld by the current executive and/or Returning Officer (me).
    If any point above is unclear then please email me.
    Chris Munden (Returning Officer)

    Christopher Munden

    Last updated Fri, 13 Feb 2004 12:45:24 +0000


    The Allnighter

    Intolerable Cruelty
    Happy Gilmore

    The All Nighter is the highlight of the Spring term schedule and is an evening of fantastic entertainment with a tremendous atmosphere. This All Nighter sees a variety of new and classic films with a mixture of comedy, sci-fi, action and adventure genres to suit all. Tickets will be on sale on Wednesday and Thursday of week 5 between 10am and 4pm in Cholo. Any remaining tickets will be available on the night, but numbers available cannot be guaranteed.

    The Mystery Film

    The evening kicks off with the Coen brothers romantic comedy Intolerable Cruelty starring George Clooney and Catherine Zeta-Jones. The second film of the evening is Happy Gilmore starring Adam Sandler. The Third film will be our anticipated mystery film. Over the years the WSC All Nighter has had a wide variety of different and exciting mystery films.

    Hollywood Homicide

    The second half of the evening commences with the Steven Spielberg classic Jurassic Park based on the novel by Michael Crichton, followed by the action thriller Swordfish starring John Travolta, Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry. If you make it this far through the night then our final film is  Hollywood Homicide starring Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett.

    Jurassic Park

    Doors will be opened at 7pm and the evening will commence at 8pm so arrive early to ensure you get a good seat! Don't forget that this is one time of the year where cold food and soft drinks are allowed in L3, so don't forget to bring plenty to keep you awake through the night! The price of tickets has once again been held at £9 for non-members, £6 for members and £3 for associate members! For more information visit our All Nighter page.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Mon, 27 Sep 2004 11:15:50 +0100

    WSC Elections Results (old)

    On Tuesday 27th January elections were held for the WSC Exec of 2004/05. A turnout of 25 people saw the following people win the vote:

    President: Phil Lurie

    Treasurer: Jacob Wood

    Films and Administration: Sebastian Ng

    Chief DM: Richard Winskill

    Publicity Officer: Andrew Maddison

    Technical Officer: Nick March

    IT Officer: Kishan Popat

    Christopher Munden

    Last updated Mon, 09 Feb 2004 11:49:49 +0000


    [ Free Films ]

    You can still pick up your three free films passes for the rest of this week upto and including the 9:30pm showing of "Underworld". Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity. Passes will be valid upto and including the showing of "In the Cut".

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Sat, 24 Jan 2004 23:24:06 +0000

    WSC Elections (old)

    It's that time of year again when we elect a new executive into office.  This year the election will take place on Tuesday of Week 14 at 7.15pm in L3.

    If anyone wishes to stand for an exec postiion they can collect a nomination form and any additional info from the office at the back of L3.  Nominations must be returned to the returning officer, Chris Munden, by Monday of Week 14 before the start of the film.  Any questions, please e-mail us at exec@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

    The exec positions up for grabs are:

    • President
    • Treasurer
    • Films & Admin
    • Chief Projectionist
    • Chief DM
    • Publicity Officer
    • Technical Officer
    • Equal Ops & Socials
    • IT Officer

    Gerg Franklin

    Last updated Thu, 29 Jan 2004 16:10:49 +0000

    Film suggestions (old)

    Voting periods for the Spring term AllNighter and the Summer term schedule are currently in progress on the suggestions page. Please tell us what films you would like us to show.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Tue, 03 Feb 2004 17:52:35 +0000

    Slow ticket selling (old)

    WSC would like to apologise for the slowness of the ticket selling operation before shows which has become especially aggrevated during the free 3-hole promotion period.

    We would like to assure members that we are in the process of implementing a number of improvements that should improve the speed with which we can serve everyone. We will endeavour to not start the feature until everyone has been let in, however it is not in our interests to repeatedly delay the start and so ask people to make sure they turn up promptly.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Mon, 09 Feb 2004 11:50:42 +0000


    [ Free Films ]

    WSC has a fantastic offer open to everyone for the spring term 2004. For the first three weeks up to and including the last screening of "Underworld" all WSC members can obtain a free three film pass. The three film passes will entitle WSC members to attend any three screenings for free within the first five weeks of the spring term 2004 up to and including "In The Cut". The free film pass means WSC members will be able to see any three of the 25 films (34 screenings), see the schedule for our spring term lineup.

    If you are not currently a member of WSC, then here is your opportunity. To become a WSC member you need to be a member of the Societies Federation. To join will be £10.50 (£8 1 year Socs Fed + £2.50 WSC membership) and you will get to see three films for no additional cost. If you have so far not joined Socs Fed because of the cost then here is your opportunity to join WSC and other union societies for a great price!

    If you use all of your free tickets, or after the promotion ends admission to standard WSC screenings will be £1.80 for WSC members. Guest tickets will remain £2.80 as usual. To obtain your free passes simply turn up in good time before any WSC screening.

    Membership prices:

    • 1 year Societies Federation + WSC membership = £8 + £2.50 = £10.50 (including a "three free films" pass).
    • WSC membership = £2.50 (including a "three free films" pass).
    • If you are already a WSC member then have three films free on us!

    Terms and Conditions:


    The "free three films" promotion is only available to members of Warwick Student Cinema.


    Membership of Societies Federation is a prerequisite for membership of Warwick Student Cinema.


    The "free three films" passes will only be available to WSC members before each and every show commencing 4th January 2004 6:30pm - "American Pie 3:The Wedding" and ending 23rd January 2004 after sale completion for 9:30pm screening of "Underworld" and will also be available at the WSC stall at the "Refreshers Fair".


    "free three films" passes will be valid from 4th January 2004 6:30pm - "American Pie 3:The Wedding" upto and including the 5th February 2004 7:30pm screening of "In The Cut" .


    A maximum of one "free three films" pass per WSC member is available entitling admission to no more than three WSC screenings within the time period of the promotion stated under condition 4.


    All WSC tickets are non-transferable.


    All tickets are served on a "first come, first served" basis, a "free three films" pass does not guarantee entry to WSC screenings.


    In the unlikely event of a ticket dispute the decision of the Duty Manager (DM) is final.


    Right of Admission Reserved (R.O.A.R).


    All queries and comments regarding this promotion should be directed to "Free Three Films Promotion", Warwick Student Cinema, Box 476, Warwick University Students Union, Coventry, CV4 7AL. Or email: info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk with subject "Free Three Films Promotion"

    James Wickens - President

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:47:51 +0000

    Dreamcatcher and Animatrix Special Thursday Week 10 (old)

    Dreamcatcher and Animatrix Logo

    Warwick Student Cinema is delighted to announce we have a special lineup for you on Thursday week 10. Not only do you get to see the fantastic Dreamcatcher as advertised, but we are also giving you The Animatrix: Flight of the Osiris too. At no extra cost.. now you can't say we never do anything for you! This may be your only chance to see part of the Animatrix on a cinema screen! Don't miss out!

    Stephen Williams

    Last updated Fri, 05 Dec 2003 01:41:36 +0000

    Die Hard replaces Alien (old)

    Die Hard

    Unfortunately due to distribution problems, WSC has been unable to obtain the 70mm print of Alien for Saturday 22nd November. This has been replaced by Die Hard, which is in 70mm for the ultimate in picture presentation! A review can be found here.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:49:15 +0000




    We are pleased to be showing a FREE preview of "Intermission" featuring Colin Farrell, on Tuesday week 8 (18th November) at 7.30pm.



    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:50:12 +0000


    Saturday Night Fever

    To kick off this year's RAG week we're showing Saturday Night Fever on Saturday week 7 (15th November) at 6.30pm! Tickets £1.80. Dress to impress; all profits go to charity. 

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Sat, 15 Nov 2003 19:43:19 +0000

    5 Hole Tickets (old)

    5 hole ticketWe are pleased to announce that the 5 hole tickets are now valid for use throughout the entire 2003-2004 academic year. If you have purchased a 5 hole ticket that says it is only valid for the Autumn term 2003, it will now be valid until the end of the academic year.


    Matt Knight

    Last updated Fri, 16 Jan 2004 16:28:55 +0000


    The Allnighter 

    Thank you to everybody that attended the Allnighter last Friday (7th November) - it was a resounding success with many of you staying right through to the end of The Fugitive! The Mystery Films were "The Fighting Temptations" (a very enjoyable gospel film released in the UK on 14th November) and "Gigli" with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez.

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Tue, 11 Nov 2003 09:54:31 +0000


    Top BananaThis Monday (3rd November) we'll be at Top Banana to promote the Allnighter and our coming attractions! From the Union website: "Whether you come as Superman or Supergran, make sure you're dolled up and ready!! Kudos galore for the best costumes!".

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Tue, 04 Nov 2003 18:56:37 +0000


    Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

    In association with Warwick Pride, Warwick Student Cinema presents a FREE showing of "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" on Tuesday, 28th October at 7.30pm in Lecture Theatre 3 (more...).

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Sun, 23 Nov 2003 15:23:13 +0000



    Allnighter filmsThe Allnighter in week 6 (Friday 7th November) is the highlight of our Autumn schedule! Already confirmed are:

    • The Fugitive
    • Pirates of the Caribbean
    • Equilibrium
    • Old School

    We are also lucky enough to have two mystery previews of forthcoming attractions.

    Tickets will be on sale from 7pm on the door, before the event.

    Schedule subject to change without notice.

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Sun, 09 Nov 2003 14:21:23 +0000

    Autumn term booklet (old)

    The Autumn term booklet is now available to download from here:

    [ PDF Document ]PDF Format [ Get Acrobat ]

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Fri, 05 Dec 2003 12:45:43 +0000

    Societies' Fair (old)

    In case you missed our stall in the Union last weekend, we'll be at the Societies' Fair on Monday and Tuesday this week (6-7th October). We'll have posters and booklets available, as well as details of joining and becoming more involved in running the cinema - if you fancy stewarding shows, learning to operate our projectors (no experience required!) or producing our publicity then please stop by! As an added bonus to reward you for your hard work, we'll let you into our screenings for free!

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Tue, 14 Oct 2003 15:30:44 +0100

    Free films! (old)

    To celebrate the start of term, we're showing Ocean's Eleven on Sunday and Coyote Ugly on Monday absolutely FREE of charge! Times are shown above - bring your friends and find out exactly what WSC is all about! We show films in Lecture Theatre 3 in the Science block, above building 19 (IT services) on the campus map. Access is via the bridge over Library Road. We'll also be selling memberships to Societies' Federation as well as for WSC on the door so you can save yourself time at the Societies' Fayre next week. Booklets and posters with details of this term's screenings will also be available FREE of charge!

    [ Ocean's Eleven/Coyote Ugly ]

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:51:12 +0000

    Tickets and term pass poll (old)

    WSC would like to express thanks to all who contributed to the online poll, the results should provide us with plenty of useful information for next year. We wish everyone a great summer and hope to see people again next year.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Sun, 12 Oct 2003 18:42:51 +0100

    Tickets and term pass poll (old)

    The ticket prices at Warwick Student Cinema have remained at £1.50 members price for over a decade now, while costs have continued to rise. The result of this is that we are taking a look at the ticket prices and how we can change them, but we would like to know what you consider to be the best ticket pricing option for you. Membership prices will remain at £2.50 for the 2003-2004 academic year.

    Many Thanks, WSC

    £1.80 members ticket price, £2.80 guest ticket price, £7 5-film pass, no term pass
    £2.00 members ticket price, £2.80 guest ticket price, no 5-film passes, term passes available at £10.00
    With the ticket options given, I would not come to see a film at WSC again.
    On average how many times do you visit WSC per term?
    I never see films at WSC 1-5 6-10 11-20 21+
    Optional comments:

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:26:14 +0000

    Website Redesign (old)

    [ New site graphic ]

    You may be aware that we are planning to redesign the entire WSC website over the summer. If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in the new site, fill out the suggestions form or click on the "Suggest a feature" link at the bottom of any of our pages. To view a selection of previous suggestions, visit this page.

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Mon, 09 Feb 2004 11:47:19 +0000

    Summer Term Booklets (old)

    Summer Term booklets have now arrived and will be available from the Cholo ramp, by the link from Union South to Union North and on the Science Concourse.

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Tue, 06 May 2003 00:47:19 +0100

    Final Destination 2 (old)

    We have now received the print of Final Destination 2 and will be showing it at 7.30pm tonight (Monday Week 2).

    We may try and organise an extra showing in the next few days - more news on the website as soon as it's available!

    Julie Ngo

    Last updated Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:26:48 +0000

    Final Destination 2 - Cancellation (old)

    Due to delivery problems, we will be unable to show Final Destination 2 on Sunday. We will do everything we can to get the film delivered in time for the Monday 7.30 screening. Confirmation of the Monday screening will not be possible until Monday afternoon.
    We apologise for any disappointment.

    Julie Ngo

    Last updated Tue, 29 Apr 2003 09:48:12 +0100

    Film Suggestions - Autumn Term Voting (old)

    Now that the Summer Term is in full swing we need to start considering our Autumn Term schedule. You now have the opportunity to suggest the films that you would like to see next year.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Thu, 19 Jun 2003 15:02:58 +0100

    Schedule Changes (old)

    Due to refurbishment works planned for LT3 this summer term, we regret that we are unlikely to have the use of the theatre for the full ten weeks of term. As a result the schedule has been reduced at present to the first five weeks. It has been revised to include the best selection of films possible. This schedule has now been confirmed and can be found here.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Wed, 30 Apr 2003 11:37:42 +0100

    New Amplifiers for WSC (old)

    med 456kb | high 766kb 
    med 501kb | high 779k

    The technical team is pleased to announce the arrival of a set of new amplifiers for WSC. The 7 new QSC ISA450 amplifiers will replace many of the old amplifiers that are ageing and beginning to fail on occasions. The 7 new amplifiers will drive the left, centre and right screen channels and the subwoofer speakers that are used, as well as providing a spare in case of failures. Our 8 surround speakers will continue to be driven by the (more powerful) QSC ISA750 which was installed during the Christmas vacation as part of the surround sound system upgrade. Click on the links below the images for medium and high resolution versions.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:55:01 +0100

    Asoka Screening with FREE Food (old)

    This Wednesday, we are showing the Bollywood biopic 'Asoka' which explores the younger days of the ancient Indian king, Asoka the Great. To make this evening even better we are providing, in conjunction with the Jain Society, FREE FOOD for everyone who comes to see the film. Just come to L3 after 7pm to enjoy the experience. Click here for Asoka review.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:05:48 +0000

    Summer Term Schedule (old)

    A provisional schedule for the Summer Term season is now available here. Reviews of all the films will be available soon.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Thu, 10 Apr 2003 23:45:14 +0100

    Presidential Report 2002-2003 (old)

    Following the election presentations Sky Weber gave his presidential report for the year 2002-2003. Here is the report to download.

    HTML Format PDF Format Postscript Format LaTeX Source DVI Format

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Mon, 31 Mar 2003 02:12:17 +0100

    Memento Screening (old)

    Hi there,

    Due to distribution issues we are unfortunately unable to obtain a copy of '2001 - A Space Odyssey', so instead we will be screening the modern classic 'Memento'. For more information on this film check out this page.

    James Wickens

    Last updated Sun, 02 Mar 2003 23:45:18 +0000



    Warwick Student Cinema can now confirm that we will be showing a preview of the latest George Clooney film: Solaris. The screening of this show will take place on Tuesday 18th of February at 7:30pm and entry will be *FREE* to all. Tickets will be on a first come first served basis, so please arrive early to ensure entry. Select the title for more information.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Sun, 23 Feb 2003 20:20:38 +0000

    The Allnighter (old)

    Friday 14th February (week 5) saw the return of the WSC Allnighter, consisting of six films shown back-to-back. The line-up was:

    More details are available here. The mystery film, Welcome to Collinwood, opens in UK cinemas on April 25th.

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Sun, 23 Feb 2003 12:54:00 +0000



    Friday 14th February (week 5) sees the return of the WSC Allnighter, consisting of six films shown back-to-back. The line-up is not yet confirmed but looks to be:

    More details are available here. Tickets will be on sale in Cholo from Wednesday.

    [ solaris ]

    Warwick Student Cinema can now confirm that we will be showing a preview of the latest George Clooney film: Solaris. The screening of this show will take place on Tuesday 18th of February at 7:30pm and entry will be *FREE* to all. Tickets will be on a first come first served basis, so please arrive early to ensure entry.

    Simon Johnstone/Matt Knight

    Last updated Mon, 09 Feb 2004 11:50:21 +0000

    Suggestions Page Update (old)

    The voting for the films you would like to see at the spring Allnighter has now come to an end. The results of the voting can be viewed from the Suggestions Archive page which is linked from the main Suggestions Page. The schedule for the Allnighter is to be announced in the next few days so please look out for more information.

    Film suggestions voting still continues for the films you would like to see in the Summer Term.

    Matt Knight

    Last updated Wed, 26 Feb 2003 14:13:27 +0000

    If... (old)

    Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to obtain the print of If... which was due to be shown tonight (Wednesday week 4, 29th January). We apologise for any disappointment and hope to be able to show the film at a later date.

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Thu, 30 Jan 2003 12:55:30 +0000

    Election Results (old)

    The election results are in! The new Exec-Elect are:

    • President - James Wickens
    • Films and Admin - Julie Ngo
    • Treasurer - Ste Willams
    • Chief Projectionist - Amanda Window
    • Technical Officer - Simon Johnstone
    • Publicity Officer - Andy Maddison
    • Equal Ops and Socials - Peter Kirwan
    • IT Officer - Matt Knight

    The Returning Officer was Ben Goddard. There were no candidates for Chief DM. Details for a special election for this post will be posted soon.

    Jonathan Pallant

    Last updated Wed, 05 Feb 2003 18:17:36 +0000

    Vote for your ideal AllNighter films! (old)

    Hi folks,

    You'll notice on the left, a menu option for 'Film Suggestions'. That's right, you can now place votes for the films you want to see! Right now, we're taking votes and suggestions for films for our Spring AllNighter.

    Don't forget, you don't even have to be a member to vote! Just insert your WSC Membership Number or your Warwick University Number.

    Jonathan Pallant

    Last updated Wed, 05 Feb 2003 16:22:27 +0000

    Elections and next week's meeting (old)

    Hi folks,

    Don't forget our first general meeting / socials evening of the term next week! It's on Tuesday, Week 2, at 7pm in L3.

    Also, don't forget that the Elections are coming up and it'll be a great opportunity to find out about the society and see if there are any posts you're interested in. The Elections are actually taking place at the meeting after (in Week 4) with the hand-over to the new Exec at the AllNighter in Week 6.

    If you love films (or even if you just like the odd film) please do come along to next week's meeting and find out all about us! Hopefully we'll be wandering over to The Graduate for a chinwag and some pub games (and possibly a Keg challenge) after the meeting.

    Jonathan Pallant - IT Officer

    Last updated Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:56:55 +0000

    Show times (old)

    Please note that as of January our shows will all start half an hour earlier - shows between Monday and Thursday will begin at 7.30, Friday and Sunday shows will begin at 6.30 and 9.30 and Saturday shows will begin at 6.30. For more information, take a look at the provisional schedule or collect one of our posters which will be available in January.

    Simon Johnstone

    Last updated Thu, 30 Jan 2003 10:58:47 +0000

    Next term (old)

    A provisional schedule for next term is now available here. Highlights include recent blockbusters Signs, Minority Report and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a strong selection of international films (brought to you in association with Accenture), and by popular demand the Back To The Future trilogy on Friday of week 4. In addition we are hoping to carry out some major upgrades to our sound system over the vacation and during next term; hopefully this will result in a clearer, sharper and most importantly louder experience when you come to see our films.

    Other events worth mentioning next term are the executive elections which take place in week 4 - if you are interested in standing, come along to the first GM of next term (Tuesday week 2) to collect a nomination form, or just to find out more. Alternatively you can email info@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk for more details. The new exec will take over during the Allnighter, which is (as always) in week 6.

    Jonathan Pallant

    Last updated Sat, 26 Apr 2003 00:43:16 +0100

    A slight change to the schedule... (old)

    The eagle eyed among you may have noticed that our Wednesday Week 9 film, Taxi Driver, has been replaced with Goodfellas. Unfortunately this was due to circumstances beyond our control. No really! It's not our fault!

    The Exec would like to extend their apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

    Jonathan Pallant (WSC IT Officer)

    Last updated Wed, 27 Nov 2002 22:23:51 +0000

    Socials! (old)

    Autumn term has been flying by, but I thought I would just take a couple of seconds to write something about what the society has been doing on its socials nights. We have already had a range of things going on including a pizza party in the union attended by more people then any other social I've been to. We've also been to the Coventry Megabowl for a great night out and with LaserQuest and our annual Christmas Dinner looming ahead, this term should hopefully finish with a bang. If you want any more details of any of our socials then please contact me on socials@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk

    James Wickens (WSC Equal Ops and Socials)

    Last updated Sat, 26 Apr 2003 00:43:44 +0100

    The Allnighter! (old)

    The Allnighter came and went! Those of you who came, I hope you had a good time. Those of you who didn't ... shame on you! You missed some interesting musical entertainment, lots of prize giveaways and the wonderful sense of acheivement that comes from watching six films back to back and still being awake at 9am. Roll on the Spring Allnighter!

    Jonathan Pallant (WSC IT Officer)

    Last updated Tue, 12 Nov 2002 00:35:00 +0000

    The Allnighter! (old)

    The Allnighter is coming! The films are booked and the "Mystery Film" is remaining shrouded in, well, mystery. Tickets go on sale on Wednesday of Week 6 (the 6th of November for all those of you who don't work in Weeks and Terms [ :-) ] ). Hurry, they won't last long....

    Take a peek at the line-up here.

    Jonathan Pallant (WSC IT Officer)

    Last updated Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:25:20 +0000

    Autumn term (old)

    Welcome back to all of our members from last year, and a big hello to all of our members who have joined for the first time. The schedule for the coming Autumn season is available here. If you would like any further information about our showings, or on how to get more involved with your cinema, take a look here.

    Special events this term include the Allnighter which takes place on the weekend at the end of week 6 (8th and 9th of November), and the long-awaited return of our Saturday midnight horror shows at the end of weeks 7, 8 and 9. Following the success of last year's event, we are also planning another Christmas meal and a themed Top Banana at some point in the coming months... enjoy!

    If you haven't yet joined up, you can do so before any of our showings, or at the Societies Fayre on Monday and Tuesday of week 2 - our stand will be in the raised area near Cholo, in the Students' Union.

    Simon Johnstone (WSC web developer)

    Last updated Fri, 04 Oct 2002 14:20:00 +0100

    Summer Term Timetable, and other updates... (old)

    Hi folks! I hope you've all had a good Easter holiday. Here at WSC we've been working hard to make sure you get a great line up for this coming term. If you look at the This Season page, you will now find the Summer Term schedule.

    As an additional note, we're looking for people to help out with the website, primarily with the new socials and gallery sections. If you want to help out with those, or any other section of the site, or with WSC's IT in general, please e-mail the IT team at it@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.


    Jonathan 'JP' Pallant, WSC Webmaster 2002-2003

    Last updated Sat, 26 Apr 2003 00:44:12 +0100

    Social and Website updates (old)

    The Week Eight social was held last night after the general meeting at Coventry Megabowl. A great night was had by all, even by those who were awful at bowling (like me) and those who had minor accidents on the slippery surface (I hope you're OK Fraser!). Hopefully we'lll have a new socials section up soon with the scores from the bowling, and details of upcoming socials.

    Jonathan 'JP' Pallant, WSC Webmaster 2002-2003

    Last updated Wed, 27 Feb 2002 19:31:00 +0000

    AGM & Elections (old)

    Warwick Student Cinema's Executive elections were held at the Society's AGM on Tuesday 29th January 2002 at 7.15pm in L3.

    The confirmed results of the election are available here.

    Our President for 2001-2002, Richard Bray gave his Presidential Report of the year and Jo Loon gave the Treasurer's report.

    The new exec will assume their posts at midnight during the AllNighter on Friday 15th February.

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Wed, 30 Jan 2002 22:53:00 +0000

    AGM & Elections (old)

    Warwick Student Cinema's Executive elections will be held at the Society's AGM tonight at 7.15pm in L3.

    Any member can come along and vote - this is one of the best ways to decide the Society's direction for the next year. If you would like to familiarise yourself with what each Executive post entails, please visit the Exec Page.

    Please bring a form of WSC membership as well as photo ID along with you as non-members cannot vote.

    Results will be announced on our Newsgroups and on this website as soon as we have them confirmed.

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Wed, 27 Nov 2002 14:18:08 +0000

    Executive Elections (old)

    Warwick Student Cinema's Executive elections will be held at the Society's AGM on Tuesday of Week 4 (29th January) at 7.15pm in L3.

    If you would like to get more involved in the running of the Society all Executive posts are up for election - for more information on the Exec roles, please see the Exec Page.

    Election packs, including nomination forms, are available at any Student Cinema showing - ask to see the Duty Manager or Matthew Knight before or after the show.

    Nomination forms must be handed in by 8pm on Monday of Week 4 (28th January) to Matthew Knight and a receipt must be obtained.

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Wed, 27 Nov 2002 14:19:40 +0000

    New Website! (old)

    Welcome to the new Warwick Student Cinema website. Over the next few weeks more content will be added and problems resolved so that it's 100% working for the beginning of the Spring Term 2002!

    Please note that an 'X' by a link means it probably won't work yet - in the meantime, the old website is still available for additional functionality until this new site works properly.

    If you have any comments, please email me, the Webmaster, and I'll try and sort it out!

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Sat, 26 Apr 2003 00:44:47 +0100

    25th Birthday Top Banana (old)

    WSC took over Top Banana on the 5th November with a fancy dress competition, themed giveaways and lots of balloons!

    The winner of our fancy dress competition won £99 of red letter day vounchers and he and the two runner-ups won a year's free pass to all WSC films!

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Fri, 09 Nov 2001 13:57:00 +0000

    BFFS SG Autumn Conference 2001 (old)

    WSC will be hosting the British Federation of Film Societies Student Group Autumn Conference this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

    This is a great opportunity to see many films weeks before they are released and to meet students involved in other University and College Film Societies We plan to showcase our 70mm capability with showings including Vertigo and Pink Floyd: The Wall and previews of Mark Wahlberg's new film Rock Star and another mystery film.

    The Conference starts at 6pm on Friday with a buffet provided by Accenture, sponsors of our first film Breakfast at Tiffany's. We also have a showing of Goodbye Charlie Bright on Saturday preceded by a talk from the Director, Nick Love.

    The whole weekend is completely free - every showing and event - so please turn up early as we expect the event to be popular!

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Sun, 28 Mar 2004 23:12:50 +0100

    25th Birthday Top Banana (old)

    WSC are taking over Top Banana on the 5th November with a fancy dress competition, themed giveaways and lots of balloons!

    Come in your fanciest film-themed costume and sample Strongbow Spice for free!

    See you all there!

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Thu, 01 Nov 2001 12:57:00 +0000

    Autumn Film Schedule (old)

    The schedule for the Autumn Term is now available here.

    Reviews from the booklet will be available ASAP.

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Tue, 28 Aug 2001 04:13:00 +0100

    BFFS SG Autumn Conference 2001 (old)

    We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting the British Federation of Film Societies Student Group Autumn Conference this year.

    This means that over the weekend at the end of week 6 we will be showing films all day Saturday and Sunday in addition to special showings on Friday night. This is a great opportunity to see many films weeks before they are released, and we plan to showcase our 70mm capability with a showing of Vertigo in DTS.

    Please see our Autumn Conference pages for more information and updates

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Tue, 28 Aug 2001 02:15:00 +0100

    Press Release re: Summer 2001 Schedule (old)

    Dear Members,

    As many of you are aware, our published schedule ends on the Friday of Week 5, with the critically acclaimed Wonder Boys. This is necessary as the University is shutting L3 for extensive building work. Since being informed that L3 was to close, WSC has worked hard to find an alternative venue for the last 5 weeks of term, deciding to host two films a week elsewhere on campus. Despite our best efforts our plans have had to change and we can no longer show any films after Week 5 due to unforeseen obstacles in obtaining an alternative venue. We are sorry for any disappointment that this may cause; we are certainly disappointed that we are unable to bring you a full term's program.

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our members, for your continued support and wish you all the best of luck in your exams.

    Richard Bray

    Last updated Sun, 13 May 2001 19:30:00 +0100

    Summer 2001 Schedule (old)

    This term's schedule is now available with Summer Term booklet reviews.

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Tue, 01 May 2001 02:42:00 +0100

    Spring 2001 Schedule (old)

    This term's schedule has been updated so each film links to its IMDb entry. Booklet reviews will be available online ASAP.

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Wed, 28 Feb 2001 20:37:00 +0000

    Accenture Present 'Some Like it Hot' (old)

    Accenture will be showing Some Like It Hot in association with Warwick Student Cinema this Saturday (24th February) in L3. Pre-film drinks and nibbles start at 5:30pm and the film commences at 6:30pm. FREE tickets are available from the Careers service in the library. Any remaining tickets will be available on the Concourse before Friday's showings of U-571. Some Like It Hot is being re-released this year. Dress code : Smart

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Fri, 23 Feb 2001 18:00:00 +0000

    Allnighter (old)

    This term's sell-out Allnighter was held on Friday Week 6 (16th Feb) continuing to the morning of Saturday 17th. For those who are interested (or were asleep....) the Mystery Film was a preview of Thirteen Days which is not released in the UK until 16th March - a whole month after the event! The next Allnighter will be in the Autumn 2001 season - watch this space!

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:00:00 +0000

    Allnighter (old)

    As this suggests this is an event that lasts all night from 8pm Friday Week 6 (16 Feb) until Saturday morning. For your pleasure we will be showing 6 films back to back including the Mystery Film - only 3 people know what it is, (with 20 minute gaps) including entertainment. Tickets will be on sale in Cholo Week 6 Wednesday & Thursday (Times to be confirmed). Details are available of prices and the films showing. Cold food and drink will be allowed but NO ALCOHOL or HOT FOOD - due to Senate House regulations. A night not to be missed, especially if you are a finalist as there won't be another until Week 6 of the Autumn Term 2001.

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Wed, 07 Feb 2001 15:32:00 +0000

    DM Meeting Minutes (old)

    For the FIRST time ever you can publicly read the DM Meeting Minutes from 6th February 2001.

    Spam Williams

    Last updated Wed, 07 Feb 2001 14:49:00 +0000

    New Exec Section (old)

    Filmed in glorious technicolor, we are proud to present the new Exec Section. See who is behind the cinema, and what duties they are supposed to be performing. Worth a look, if only for the picture, and to see what we were supposed to be doing!

    Chris Pendlebury

    Last updated Tue, 30 Jan 2001 23:50:00 +0000

    Annual General Meeting and New Exec (old)

    The Annual General Meeting of the film society was held on Tuesday 30 January 2001. President Dean Martin gave the Presidential review, along with Adrian Shemmell giving a financial report. Claire Milward was returning officer running the election. The results can be seen in the new Exec Section. The official hand over of positions will take place during the Allnighter on Friday Week 6. Thanks to all that turned up and voted and all those that stood and good luck to the new exec.

    Andrew Maddison

    Last updated Tue, 30 Jan 2001 23:47:00 +0000

    Summer Break (old)

    We hope that you are enjoying the summer vacation and you enjoyed the last year of films we showed. Next term's schedule is nearly ready, and the booklet and poster are in production. As from the Autumn term we are no longer showing at Monday 10pm. Instead we are having a Sunday Matinée at 3pm.Please join us for more films in L3 at the start of October.

    We would also like to thanks the outgoing Exec, Projectionists, DMs and Stewards for all their hard work over the last year.

    Chris Pendlebury

    Last updated Sun, 01 Oct 2000 15:53:00 +0100

    Rectifiers (old)

    Our nice new Grey and Blue Rectifiers arrived yesterday (5th April 2000) to replace our ageing and decrepit Yellow rectifiers, resulting in a brighter, clearer image on our screen. Photos of the installation are available.

    Chris Pendlebury

    Last updated Thu, 06 Apr 2000 14:57:00 +0100

    Meeting Minutes (old)

    The minutes to the meetings that the Exec and Publicity and DM's are now available in a new section. These are also available in the newsgroup.

    Chris Pendlebury

    Last updated Tue, 21 Mar 2000 13:35:00 +0000

    General Meetings (old)

    Please note that as of the Summer term 2000, all general meetings will start at 6:15pm, and not 6pm as before. As usual they will be in L3, on Tuesdays on even weeks.

    Chris Pendlebury

    Last updated Tue, 21 Mar 2000 12:16:00 +0000

    Listings Service (old)

    Following the demise of Newwords, we have set up our own listings service that operates in a similar way. To join it, simply type /home/suaag/join on any ITS Unix system, eg primrose. From then on you'll get a reminder of upcoming films each time you log in.

    Peter Oliver

    Last updated Thu, 09 Mar 2000 13:15:00 +0000

    Constitution (old)

    A draft version of the new constitution is available in a variety of formats.

    Chris Pendlebury

    Last updated Fri, 04 Feb 2000 14:51:00 +0000