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Some of our publicty on display

Publicity Team

The publicity team are responsible for spreading the good word about WSC in attempt to make more people aware of our great service and programming and, ultimately, fill more seats at our screenings.

Our Spring 2015 A2 schedule

There are several ways to get involved with producing and distributing publicity:

  • Writing film reviews that will be printed in our termly programme booklet and posted on our website for all to read. This is an especially exciting opportunity for budding journalists to contribute their work to an award-winning publication, or indeed for the casual film lover who would like to offer their slant on Hollywood's latest.
  • Image and title acquisition is a fairly easy way to help out, simply involving finding quality graphics of each film's title and some images from the film itself for use in our booklets and posters. Aesthetics are a key feature in any form of successful marketing, and a decent variety of eye-catching graphics help set WSC apart from the rest.
  • Editing the booklet is a fun way to get a bit creative: designing page layouts using the review, title and image for each film to achieve a high quality level of presentation makes for rewarding work, especially when it is published on the printed page.
  • Designing weekly posters and fliers lets people know what's coming soon to WSC in order to keep the masses informed and interested.
  • Distributing publicity is essential to getting WSC noticed above all the other activity on campus. We need volunteers to take our publicity to residence kitchens around campus, as well as attacking departmental noticeboards with a staple gun!

You can do as much or as little as you like, and your efforts will be rewarded with free tickets to our screenings, the opportunity to make friends and have fun at socials, and of course the satisfaction of seeing your work in all its glossy glory!

Email the publicity officer (publicityofficer@adam.warwick.film) for more information.