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Exec Meeting @ 2008-05-22 18:00:00

Exec Meeting Minutes, 22nd May 2008 6pm, SO.17
1. Welcome and apologies
Present: Tim, Seb, Rob, Martin, Geroge, Kathryn, Matt
Apologies: Aiden

2. Around the Exec
Kathryn: Organised Quasar; took call from ADM Clothing
George: 2 meetings; sorted all titles and tickets to near the end of term; publicity for
various weeks done.
Tim: looked into website redesign framework; restarted Sony; [I.T. rambling ensues]
Martin: paid invoices etc off, incl. DHL invoices
Seb: sent Term 1 schedule to Troys - in process of booking films; sorting unarrived films
Matt: scheduled a qualification
Rob: met Tom Lindsay; tried speak with KPMG Jessica and Peter Hall – couldn't; we have written approval for O.Screening ; Snaps tests etc.

3. Outdoor Screening Update
Quotes for screen and projectors, incl. tethering; WSAF speakers; Kave will inflate.
Clothing- will arrive by early June.
Contingency for wet weather: discuss Saturday – schedule around zoo trip!
George to design preliminary indoor tickets.
Green clothing to be worn at shows leading up to events: Yes – With regards to DMs, will be discussed at forthcoming DM meeting.

To do/unfinished business:

No progress on ordering generator; level estimate= 15-20 kVa; ask John Burrows viability of getting a generator.
[Matt mentions the generator requires 'the Yorkie of plug sockets']

Payment – by special delivery.

Need to check what Sports people are doing, activity-wise.

Inspect field after next big rainfall to check sponginess/drainage in preparation.

Posters – AO size – George will speak to Andy.

In future: Keep large bulky banners as waterproof seating for such events!

4. Ratifications
Nikita Shah, proj: For 7 – unanimous
Kathryn Chase, proj: For 5, against 1 [Matt is mean; Kathryn obv didn't vote]

5. Autumn Term Schedule
Adjustments will be available for all to view soon, as and when we know how they are with the Troys.

70mm list in order of preference: Edward Scissorhands, Vertigo, ET, Alien, My Fair Lady, Die Hard. Further options to be chosen when these all revealed as trashed prints

[Seb leaves at 8.45pm]

6. Area under L3 update
George and Martin today met with Tom Lindsay and Giovanni (chemistry).
Giovanni's main concern is not noise but sound, and its effect on his equipment. [Martin is to clarify the specifics of the equipment etc from a knowledgeable buddy]
Giovanni has 2 'STM's'; Chem. want less background noise for their electron microscope but not for the office.

To do:
- we need to sensibly and impartially consider the options of moving into Ramphal, and have evidence to support why we can/cannot do such a thing. Tom Lindsay to investigate further with Conferences. Costing and feasibility of move to be done.
- Objective hypothetical quotes for moving lecture theatre/what we have in there currently – email Andy asking for help; BFFS/cinema companies – Laurence.
- Tom L suggested possibility of soundproofing under L3 as part of the union's rebuild plans? We need to investigate soundproofing.
- Next meeting: preferably have university representatives with us.
- Time is of the essence: building work is starting soon.
- Find floor plan of the area.
- See Tom Lindsay again soon – Rob to email him anyway
- Look into archived agreements of us and university – ask TL to look into
- Contact uni for their point of view and poss of using other lecture theatres – via TL
- Ask TL if there's anything we can do to help process
- Estimate of cost of adjustments to Ramphal – Rob to email Tech.
- Plans of Ramphal lecture theatre
- Get an acoustic specialist in.
- Send Giovanni results of previous tests.
- Avoid any unnecessary purchases for the mo.

7. Autumn Term plans
Start of term:
Free Sunday double at start of term: Yes: 6 – unanim.
Tues film free: Yes: 5, No:1
Freshers packs – try and get booklet into them : Yes: 6 – unanim.
Rob to respond to DVD plans from SU, as emailed.
George to look into ads in booklets that are posted out.
We’ve agreed to have a stall in the Union on coming-up weekend, start of Term 1 c.£200

Generating interest:
Decorate desk with film/ interesting stuff: Yes: 6
To lure stewards: push this on stall.
To lure IT: contact Computer Science dept over the Summer, September to send info in Week 1.
Booklet: less formal approach; push free-ness of films; less information more short snappy keywords in big bold fonts, drop ads for DMs; short snappy keywords, stewarding = easiest way to become crew; ad snippets sporadically through book
Liaise with Andrew re slideshow in accordance with new footloose fancy-free approach, as detailed above.
Produce A6 flyers
Target Arts students: untapped potential Kathryn thinks.
Include in prices info: 'Crew…Free' to ram home point.
Advertise forums more for film buffs to use; make it easier to join them; inclusion of real names on forums so easier to know who is who?

8. Chief Proj Role
Take Ed off the exec pics!
Elections to be held Wed W9 (18th June) at 6pm. Send notification of this to all members, announce on website. Emphasise only QProj can apply

9. Sponsorship
We have signed an agreement which will commence on 1st September 2008 and shall continue until 31st August 2010 with KPMG.
After one academic year we shall provide a written report regarding the sponsorship and both parties will have the right to reconsider for the following year at this point.
KPMG shall be our main sponsors, though there remains the opportunity for small sponsors on specific events.
We will grant KPMG all the same rights as currently given to UBS, with the addition of a short paragraph on the website.
We shall continue to run a sponsored event per term, working together with KPMG.
Rob has replied to Tom Lindsay email re society sponsorship.
Rob to send George KPMG logo stuff
Andy and George to list what is needed for slideshow, guidelines etc.

10. Financial position
Future outgoings: DHL invoices, O. Screening.
Delay Tech stuff, incl. manual rewinding bench til more info about where we will be next year is available.
Keep PCs
Inform SU why we are holding a lot over til next year – Martin to do.

11. BFFS – awards and who is to write what.
Publicity – George and Rob and Rachael P-W.
Society/student Society – use the James Cotton template and adjust accordingly.
IT – Tim, Matt, Rob.
Deadline: Fri 1 Aug.

12. Time and Date of Next Meeting: Tues 3 June 6.10pm

i)Martin to ask about minibuses tomorrow – for Quasar and Zoo (more the Zoo)
ii) Reviewers' free films – Tim to sort this out- urgent!
iii) Is all ok for Autumn Schedule, keeping ticket price same?: Yes: 6
iv) Check appropriate people have access to appropriate forums on website
v) Correct moderators on forums (done by Tim during everyone else’s lengthy waffling)

Meeting ends at 10.38pm.

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