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Exec Meeting @ 2008-05-08 18:00:00

Exec Meeting Thursday 8th May 2008 6.00pm B2.12

1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Rob, Martin, Tim, Matt, Seb, Aiden, Kathryn
Apologies: George

2. Around the Exec
Tim – inspected field
Martin- paid invoices, incl. Kidulthood- need to get money back from OWW; field; contacted ADM for printing T-shirts; Matt – got night-safe boxes; created DM checklist
Aiden – training session; tech session; made box; field inspection; quotes on O'door Screening equipment; Dave from Kave contacted; quotes obtained for manual winding bench, splicer, spooling plate and consumables.
Seb – met Arts Centre's Film Director John Gore – film suggestions, and schedule approved; Troys chasing up DHL re L'Auberge re cancellation; held EPM; no 70mm news.
Kathryn – field; met Dan Persaud, Uni House re Outdoor Screening with Rob.
Rob – and Martin - meeting with WSAF about Outdoor Screening; Contacted Sports Officer regretting unable to do screenings for their sports week.

3. Chief Proj Role
Replacement asap is desirable
Choices: Elections/Rota of temporary Chief Proj's on weekly basis/Multiple Chiefs to oversee various elements of job/if no-one before next term, Exec/Qproj to oversee Admin/newbies.
Take issue to Proj Meeting to discuss further, and then report back at next Exec Mtg.

4. Outdoor screening
T-shirts – [NB - we love George even if he has swanned off on a canal boat]
- Front – text; Back – Shrek image
- Vote on text: Can have name or nothing : For: 5, Against – 2.
Dan Persaud – approved idea on behalf of the Rootes Warden.
John Burrows, Univ. House – Rob emailed to ensure application all good – no response yet.
Lawrence Walters – Univ's Council Co-ordinator – notification to be emailed by Rob

Insurance with SU – need to ask what SocsFed covers; need someone trained to inflate – Peter Hall will train someone.

Tech – not much. Kave est for 8x4m screen like Peter Hall, but free inflation.
Must get projector from Hall.
Screen – if from Hall, need be trained/to get someone trained in to do it.
Use WSAF speakers.
If Hall, without mixer (have own) – contact tomorrow a.m.
Hall doesn't do generators – need HSS/SU.

WSAF meeting- mainly re Tech; Aiden to give them info re screen/its position on field.
WSAF to provide fencing? – investigate.
Rachel – has asked to borrow signs from Conferences to direct people.
UBS – contact again informing them
Food and drinks – subsidise for c.£60-70 for crew; incl. provision for those travelling to London – they need to keep receipts for reimbursement.
Involvement of stewards – approved.

Projector – in van
Look into poor weather option?
Need to get permission prior to day to lower bollard from car park to field
Add Outdoor Screening as a socials page just to can get idea of who’s helping.
5. Ratification: Victoria Forman as Projectionist: For: 7, unanimously passed.

6. Time and Date of Next Meeting
Thursday Week 5, 22nd May 6pm.

7. AOB
i) New exec PC for publicity as current one too slow. 1 PC on 2 monitors. Est £300-400. For: 7 – unanimous.
ii) Rescheduling L'Auberge Espagnole – Troys unaware it never arrived – Possible discount if rescheduled this term – Martin and Seb to contact Troys, poss Sat end W8.
iii) Refurbishment of office- Andrew speaking to Estates.
iv) Question of advancing schedule – on forums
v) Trainee DMs and DMs to have access to Contacts page online: For: 7.
vi) Need to remove Ed from Exec Forum, page, etc.
vii) Quest for 70mm continues…
viii) Congratulations to Matt Knight for getting his PhD.
ix) Add Grindhouse to socials article about skating.

End Meeting: 8.20pm

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