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Projectionists Meeting @ 2008-05-12 18:00:00

Full Projectionists' Meeting Minutes
18:00, Monday 12th May 2008, SSL

Present: Rob, Martin, Rachel, Matt K, Amanda, Andrew, Vicky, Nikita, Matt
B, Kathryn, George, Sarah, Will, Charlotte, Tim.
Apologies: Tom H, Tom H, Aiden.

1. Rotas:

Rotas were filled by qualified projectionists for weeks four and five
other than the Thursday showing in week 5 of My Blueberry Nights,
which clashes with an Exec Meeting. Matt K may take this slot.

2. Weekly Reports:

Tuesday: Juno
Qproj: Amanda;
When lacing the ads, Amanda noticed that the soundtrack was on the
wrong side in the projector. Further inspection showed this to be due
to a soundtrack reversal on one of the splices. Due to correcting and
re-lacing from this, the show started a couple of minutes late.
Amanda noticed after an advert or two that the auto digital had been
disabled and this was corrected. The DTS rollers also needed
tightening. Other than some of the (unfortunately) standard stability
issues that were currently experiencing, the film went fine.

Wednesday: 10 Things I Hate About You
Qproj: Tom Hill, Tproj: Matt B;
There was a small piece of film missing at the end of R1, resulting in
a jump in dialogue over the C/O. Otherwise went fine.

Thursday: I'm Not There
Qproj: Charlotte;
Noticed during the UBS video that the cursor was on the screen. This
was removed. Both the ads and R1 started OOR. R1 was also OOF (out
of focus) initially. R2 was a little OOR.

Friday Early: Sweeney Todd
Tproj: Nikita;
Shadow in bottom right hand corner of the ads due to foam cleaner can
on the inside of the window. The fourth trailer (Lust, Caution) came
on screen upside down. Wasn't noticed that it was upside down, so
tried to correct lacing with a shutdown. When came back on screen
foot out, cut to the film. Due to dealing with the tail out trailer,
the spots were left on low at the start of the film (corrected after
sound and vision check). The cue dots at end of R2 were on wrong side
of film. This resulted in the C/O being missed and both a footer and
header (from 5) being seen on screen. Reels projected on P1 were
significantly OOR, with some scenes having significant hard masking at
the top of the screen.

Friday Late: Sweeney Todd
Qproj: Amanda;
Noticed at the early show that the coming soon logo was missing from
the ads reel. This must have been removed on Tuesday, meaning that it
was not present at Wed or Thurs showings either. This was corrected,
as was the orientation of the Lust, Caution trailer. However, in the
attempt to get this done, the platter crunched some of the film,
resulting in a slightly late start-up. Dowser was left closed at
start of Pearl & Dean - corrected immediately. Cue dots were all hand
made, with several being quite high on screen. This resulted in some
black on screen at the end of reel 4 and a missed C/O R6 to 7 due to
both sets being off the top of the screen. Shutters were downed and
sound muted. Upon restart, there was a flash of white (just a smidge
too early to be back on screen) and was also a couple of seconds
before sound was un-muted. The whole film was played at 5.8 due to
the generally loud volume observed (heard?!) at the early showing at

Sunday: There Will Be Blood
Qproj: Rob, Tproj: Sarah;
Missed C/O from R1 to R2 by a little on second cue dot. Around a
second of black on screen. Had to adjust the tilt on both of the
projectors due to film being in scope and previous showings being in
Xwide. R8 came on screen one sprocket OOR (too low) - this was
corrected immediately.

3. Weekly Focus Points

i) Take care when maintaining the ads and trailers reel to ensure
everything yo do is in rack, consistent on sound-track, and all head
out when played.
ii) Cue dot making caused issues across the Friday double screening.
It was proposed that this is incorporated into one of the additional
training sessions as many trainees may not encounter this during their
training on shows.
iii) If cue dots have been noted to be incorrectly placed during the
first screening of a double, then it is better to correct this on the
film than to try and account for it whilst projecting.

4. Qualification

Nikita's PDFQ will be at the early showing of No Country for Old Men
on Friday this week (16th). Charlotte, Vicky, Martin, Rachel and Rob
can attend. Others are encouraged to where possible.

5. Chief Proj Role

Several options were discussed regarding the role, including:
i) Someone takes up the role almost immediately.
ii) The role is covered for the majority of term by the committee,
before a possible post exams election (eg: week 9)
iii) It is important to have a Chief Proj in place for the start of
term - to manage the new trainees.
iv) Chairing of meetings shall be split between Rachel and Rob until
such a time as a Chief Proj is elected.
v) Administrative roles such as the ordering of trailers for next
term's schedule can be covered by the committee, with Rachel, Amanda,
Matt K and Andrew all being experienced at this.
vi) The role itself of Chief Projectionist was discussed, with Matt K
stating that he felt the position has become one that means people
rely on a person, rather than the group coming together. Matt stated
that the rotas should be filled by the end of each proj meeting for
the week ahead, rather than the Chief Proj being left to cover the
gaps. This is one of the main reasons for having projectionists'

vii) If anyone is interested in the possibility of running for Chief
Projectionist, please email Kathryn (secretary@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk)
who will be returning officer for any such election, with any queries
and (if possible) state when you'd like to do the role from (there's
no point in holding an election soon if the possible candidates can't
do the next 4 weeks due to exams!).

6. Snaps Tests

Sarah, Matt and Kathryn are all at the snaps test level. Rob will
email/speak to them regarding their availability. There should
hopefully be sufficient qualified projectionists present to cover any
day over the next 3 weekends. Ordering of these snaps tests is
trainee availability dependent. Trainees would not be expected to do
a show withing 2 days of their snaps test, but within a week is

7. AOB
i) Rachel will chair the next meeting on Monday 19th May.
ii) Now that Matt is free, he has no freedom!
iii) Qualified projectionists should encourage trainees about their
snaps test. It is to be stressed to all trainees that it is
erroneously called a 'test' and is instead a training session where we
address things going wrong plus the methods/thought processes used to
fix them.
iv) The Shrek clothing has now been ordered.
v) Social to Cov followed, with half a dozen people going to each of
ice-skating and Iron Man.

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