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Exec Meeting @ 2008-04-28 18:00:00

Exec Minutes
Friday Week 1

1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Tim, Matthew, Ed, Aiden, Rob, Seb, George, Martin, Kathryn

2. Outdoor Screening
Tech Meeting will take place to discuss specifics, what is needed when on the day so know how to co-ordinate with Sports people – Aiden to find out by Thurs/Fri, discussion on screen spec. to take place, problem with getting screen off Kave, Aiden resolving.

T-Shirts - £13/each; part subsidised by WSC so sell at around £5, text include person's name and advertising. Vote on part-subsidising: For: 8, Abstained: 1  subsidising approved.
Needs to be sorted soonish so can start wearing and advertising, making allowances for George's Week 3 jolly. Order T-Shirts by end of W3, advertise on website. Get ETA for delivery. Possiblity of doing one extra for BFFS? No – send pictures instead.

4. Area under L3 Update
SU has agreed to take the issue up for us.
Wed W1 Tom Hunns and SU sound tests, no feedback from SU thus far.
Summary of the meeting with Tom Lindsay:
Soundproofing the room was discussed, especially as the worst room for sound transferral is currently stripped bare. Ideas including the insertion of a suspended ceiling or other ceiling based insulation and the possibility of building a box (ie: a room within the room for sound insulation) were discussed. Since the rooms are torn up office space the University probably hasn't budgeted for it yet so will probably be
more willing to spend a little extra on sound proofing.

The Union will get in touch with sound insulation specialists and see if they can come and have a look at the room. This has since taken place and thanks for playing through film or whatever else they reasonably request.

Finally, we asked what would happen if the university is less willing than perhaps it could be on this matter. The Union's representatives informed that they would use our heritage and significance on campus as well as all other relevant factors, to form a case in our defence, were this to happen.

5. Summer Term Socials
Week 4 – ice skating, Cov.
Week 6 – meal, campus.
Week 9 – quasar – not Coventry; where suits actually work; w/in 45min radius.
Week 9 (Saturday) – Zoo, which one TBC.
Week 10 – possible BBQ on Wed/Thurs.

Go-karting/Paintball – at a weekend T1, 2008-9

6. EPM
Wed W2 5pm
Seb to email all members.
Societies invited to voice ideas/email Seb in advance.

7. BFFS (British Federation of Film Societies) Awards
Have joined BFFS.
Student BFFS organiser has emailed us.
Invite BFFS to outdoor screening
Include Shrek t-shirt as part of publicity application.
Deadline for application for awards: End August.
Will apply for:
Best Student Society
Best Publicity and Marketing
Best Website
Best Society
Not Best Programme.
Attempt to draft applications by end of term.

8. Website
Suggestion of a favourites page/ability to 'bookmark' future films the member wants to see, and then for the system to email reminders for them to attend these showings. – a consideration. We could then get estimate for audience figures, anonymously obviously.

Website rebuild – when Tim gets time : )

Possiblity of embedding video trailers for films – youtube/apple

Look at other film society sites for ideas on how to make us extra sparkly.

9. Qualification Ratification
Charlotte Moon, Projecting: For: 9 – unanimous.

10. Time and Date of next meeting

11. AOB
(i) Need to finalise outdoor screening details at start of May with Peter Hall, after meeting with Dan Persaud. Decide by end of W2 what can/cannot have.
(ii) 70mms- Seb in cintact with Troys; no list of available 70mm thus far; Seb to speak with Rachel re Bradford guy to help in quest.
(iii) Publicity run at the weekend
(iv) Grindhouse at Coventry Odeon – possibility of social? George to email details.
(v) Silent film and orchestra combo – lately done with London Phil. Orchestra – Rob to email details to Kathryn, if any, regards possible trip.
(vi) Refurbishing the garderobe – adding real plumbing, sink, fixing low water pressure, etc. Need to contact estates. Report low water pressure to Estates.

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