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Exec Meeting @ 2008-03-11 17:19:15

WSC Exec Meeting, 11/03/2008, 7.15pm R1.03

1. Welcome and Apologies

Present: Tim Davidson, Aiden Peakman, Ed Harry, Matt Pusey, Seb Averill, Robert Gardner, Martin Mee, George Marshall, Kathryn Chase.

2. Around the Exec and Impact Training Round-Ups

Robert: Equal Opp's training.
Kathryn: Equal Opp's and Event Planning training; seeking Rootes permission for Outdoor Screening, submitted WSAF form.
Martin: Paid invoices, etc.; Helen to chase Deloitte.
Ed: Snaps test; ordered trailers – most received; piloting the new sound trailer checking system.
Aiden: Tech session; keys cut.
Tim: Has a new IT person; conferred Power Path info to Aiden.
Matt: Rejigged proofing pages on website
Seb: Made first and subsequent contact with the Troyes; working on schedule
George: Publicity; Editors' Meeting; reviews nearly all in; he has aged.

[Aiden eats chocolate finger with coleslaw]

Impact Training: Martin needs to do Treasurer Training
Seb and Aiden to do First Aid
Rob needs to do Duty of Care
3. Summer Term Progress
Seb - Term 3 schedule all bookd and done; Autumn schedule 75% done, unconfirmed. EPM therefore needs be early – preliminary date WED 4pm W1 of T3.
George – online proofing of reviews has begun; soon to start laying out.
Aiden – reviews getting done.
Changes re WSAF ad to be sorted.
Deadline = end March.
Title images – all but 3 done; no real problems.

4. Summer Term Socials
More or less fortnightly; have a range of small, medium and large; odd weeks – w7 basically dead week; Week 9 the BIG social.

5. Outdoor Screening Update
Decide not to wait for Rootes response before submit form to University House
Alternative options: University House field, Maths unviable.
University House form: (NEEDED?) Decibels to be max 80 – ask Rhys; event to be finished by midnight; health and Safety – had in previous year – ask WSAF if they have any?; aim to start at 10pm; preferably project down slope; Aiden/Matt to measure field via GoogleEarth. Aim to send form by end of T2.

The film: Comments Box – Wallace and Gromit, The Incredibles and Shrek most suggested: vote:
W&G: 3
Shrek: 6
Incredibles: 0
 SHREK to be film of choice.

Need to contact Lawrence Walters in University House regards council permission
Awaiting Suzy Freeman's (Secretary of Rootes Warden) response re permission for Rootes.
Aiden to email Rhys to get quote.

6. BFFS – Membership and Awards
Agree to join BFFS via purchase order with SU.
Submit applications for awards, subject to agreeing with their conditions – Best Student Soc; Best Website; Marketing and Publicity (Tim and Matt to see to Website bit)
Martin to send info to all.
Aim: Join BFFS by next meeting.

7. Societies Screenings Update
Need to find out what university's license is/what it covers/implications for societies. Kathryn to talk to Andrew Maddison to ask who to talk to in A/V/ if they know who to talk to in university. Elsewise, contact FilmBank where we stand.
Problem of PVS license – quite prohibitive.

Kathryn will investigate further…

8. Time and Date of Next Meeting
Provisionally, Friday Week 1, 7.15pm.

9. AOB
(i) Creation of Outdoor Screening thread on Exec forum for updates on what has been done/ordered over Easter.
(ii) Thread on Tech forum about what to be done, etc. Rob to email a general 'to-do' list from last year to all
(iii) Aiden to look into Generator
(iv) Clothing – current order to go through by end of W10.
Vote: Black to be only coliour of FilmSoc clothing?: Yes: 7
No: 0
Abstain: 2
(v) Seb to find list of all 70mm available – ask Troyes and look through 70mm cinemas, BFF, etc. – then email spreadsheet of them over. Rasie possibility of keeping 70mms.
(vi) Christian Union private showing of Luther? Need an estimate of audience numbers first.
(vii) Amnesty T1 – Schindler's List – raise at EPM; previous screenings of SL went well so possibly.
(viii) It is expected that there will be publicity runs on both the Saturday
and Sunday of coming-up weekend for the distribution of posters and
booklets to residential areas on campus. All on exec and crew are
encouraged to help. Rob to include this in Crew Newsletter.

Meeting ends: 9.30pm

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