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Exec Meeting @ 2008-02-28 19:05:00

Warwick Student Cinema Exec Meeting 28/02/08 B2.13/4 7.05pm

1. Welcome and Apologies

Present: Tim Davidson, George Marshall, Ed Harry, Seb Averill, Eleanor Hutchinson, Martin Mee, Matt Pusey, Aiden Peakman, Robert Gardner, Kathryn Chase.

[Aiden's PA entered and retreated backwards]

2. Around the Exec

Rob and Kathryn – met Rhys from WSAF and John Burrows (University House) regarding Outdoor Screening.

Seb – Handover completed by Claire complete with nifty information pack; Vantage Point in the Term 3 Schedule; has started Term 1 schedule; will phone Troys with Claire; will make new phone number available.

Ed – organised Training Sessions; considering Qualifications; bought First Aid kits.

George – 2 meetings with Tim regards organising publicity and working on planning Term 3 publicity; did lots of AllNighter publicity runs; doing publicity for rest of term.

Aiden – got quotes for lamps; EQs installed; Tech Sessions Saturday.

Matt – was refused First Aid kits by Students' Union; broke forums.

Martin – paid invoices/sent things to Troys; organising current/new clothing orders.

Tim – caused mass shock; removed old exec off website but not off forums; needs exec photos for site – may facebook stalk to fulfil this requirement; broke/fixed website.

3. AllNighter round-up

Winner of top prize has been contacted and is well chuffed, promises feedback/photos we can use as publicity.

Juno leftovers to be used for next term's showing – will contact suppliers again next time.

Stall - successful; short shifts = useful; continue with the Wednesday stall to promote awareness of event; won't extend lateness of stall – interference with weeknight showings.

Problem with inebriated student – we need to be aware of image this gives to Security.

Films – went well; small blips.

Publicity runs – Jeffrey and George nearly incurred a sexual harassment suite.

4. Outdoor Screening

Matt Knight, Tom Hunns, Kathryn, Tim, Rob met with Rhys from WSAF on Monday – Tocil Field unavailable – Rootes a viable option?

WSC to be officially part of WSAF, included on their schedule and publicity; sound provided by them so long as they get it to us by 8pm; generator – we must purchase; possibility of acquiring inflatable screen and person through their connections with Kave.

Rootes: publicity may suffer as not obvious to passers-by; slope – need to project up/down slope.

WSAF form to fill in.

John Burrows: WSC has form to complete; event may clash with Big Easy (probably on Wed/Thurs)

Need see Rootes wardens and serenade them.

Possible necessity of van to drive on field?

WSAF Meeting: Cancelled due to electricity cut. They have undecided sponsorship

Eleanor raises issue of potential issue of Coventry City Council as with last year: need to check permission.

WSC will be in WSAF publicity if they're in WSC's – possibility of double page spread for Outdoor Screening? - May be costly

[George exits to seek booklet; re-enters wrong meeting]

Replace website page in booklet with Outdoor Screening page – put website in header/footer of pages instead/on General Information page.

Choice of film: Needs be: Universal rating; X-Wide.

Aiden to email Dave from Kave about possibility of Inflatable Screen

Will not open a Suggestions Page but use a Comments Box and email crew in Crew Newsletter to get suggestions of films to show.

Publicity needs know ASAP about choice of film to start cogs turning.

Wallace and Gromit/ Shrek as possible contenders?

5. Societies' Awards Update

Submission entered; waiting in hope. Organise social to ceremony – double email to crew regards Ceremony and Outdoor Screenings suggestions. Invite old exec too.

6. Societies' Screenings Update

Eleanor has spoken to Umbrella; university has PBS; need to speak to FilmBank – we don't need an extension to the university's license, but to talk to AV to see if the terms of their license state that it is for educational use only.

Film Bank – 02079845958

[20:33 - George has finished 3 packs of pork scratchings]

Ellie to email Anime and Manga to tell them they can continue what they are currently doing; societies can continue if they don't publicly advertise.

[Tim and Eleanor leave.]

7. Summer Term Publicity

Aim is to complete reviews by Monday Week 9, but not all are currently assigned; Week 10 to be spent by George and Aiden considering layout and making final adjustments.

Booklets – to be done by end of term, proofed then go to printers by March. Printers have not given information about numbers as yet, around 1500 sounds ok. Numbers of A2 and A4 undecided.

George to give Robert deadlines for publicity to be included in next edition of newsletter; inclusion of Oscars in booklets.

8. Purchases Updates

2 x First Aid kits@ £40 each using Tech account

1 x Data Projector Lamp – will be ordered soon

1 x Wood Router

2 x Making-Up Books @ £33 using Admin account

Cleaning apparatus – gloves, window cleaner.

Noticeboards – George received an auto-reply on emailing them

Guillotines – buy off own back; George and Martin to ask Resources Room for their supplier

*If buying things, it needs be done through Treasurer/SU*

9. Lifetime Crew Status

Eleanor Hutchinson: UNANIMOUS

Helen Coe [2 weeks short of full term]: UNANIMOUS

Claire Justin: UNANIMOUS


[Ed leaves room]

Edward Harry: UNANIMOUS

Laura Sparshot (Reviews Editor): UNANIMOUS

10. Time and Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 11th March (Week 10), 7.15pm

11. AOB

(i) 70mm on Next Term's Schedule – audiences for 70mm thus far been poor; 70mm needs be organised further in advance; choose NOW; track dwindling figures to estimate how much longer it is viable to show 70mm;Seb to find list for next Exec Meeting, Rachel to use contacts at Bradford to assist Seb.

(ii) Bat-man event next year? Showing 70mm and Dark Knight/ Batman Begins and Dark Knight.

(iii) Films Officer's Phone – Seb nobly says no; end of story for another year.

(iv) New Clothing Order - Martin to email crew and organise before end of term; 'Grizzly' fleeces preferred.

Finish at 10.00pm

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