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Exec Meeting @ 2007-11-14 20:54:03

WSC Exec Meeting: 14/11/07
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: James Cotton, Eleanor Hutchinson, Claire Justin, Helen Coe, George Marshall, James McLachlan, Tom Hunns, Ed Harry, Tim Davidson, Rob Gardner, Martin Mee
GM brings to note SOAF film.

2. AllNighter
In the way of shirt films we have from Screen Test a DVD compilation and a short film from a Warwick student who has said he will encourage his friends to come.
For the quiz and prizes, boxsets/dvds, 5 film passes and posters will be given out

Breakdown: 3rd => 1 DVD, 2nd => 2 DVDs, 1st => 3 DVDs for quiz
3 Five Film Passes for raffle
Voted for by Exec => UNAN

Quiz and Die Hard Short
Answers and prizes and raffle
short film
short film
10 min break

Voted UNAN by exec.

Stall info set up needs as many as poss and JM sorting out rota.

3. Simpsons Movie
University staff and family to be asked to matinee?
Definitely worth it! Does not loose us any money.

Prices: Member £2
Adults £3
Children £1
Voted UNAN by exec

3pm start
Voted UNAN by exec

Relax Guest Rule for as many as bring.
Voted UNAN by exec

No ads or trailers to be shown
Voted UNAN by exec

4. Rag Week
Email was sent to exec asking if wanted to take part, said was spoken to at freshers fair
No one has any memory of being spoken to.
JC to email back asking.

5. Term 2
CJ to put something online for schedule tonight and will email GM for Laura Sparshot with lists of films for reviews.

Planet Terror decided too violent for AllNighter. Show on Valentines Day?

Publicity all going to pot

Week 5 -> Chinese new year week, Woc not wanting to pay so JC emailing again

Control (joy division film) going onto schedule

6. OWW
Kidulthood totally booked => director in to talk that night.

JC has been to talk to Tom Lindsay. SSDO has not been able to track down since the start of term.
Discuss making a formal request but run the risk of pissing off TL

8. Sponsorship
Been approached to sponsor sailing team and also English Lit Football Team.
Football idea liked.

Sailing wanted £1000 and not get much coverage…. Would be put on sails,
Football wanted £250ish play every week and shirts with logo on are passed down for years
JC to check with union what we can do. GM worried about how the coverage would have an effect. People pulled in from English department to do reviews? Spend £200 max?

Decided that will make form and find out exactly what is wanted => Formal request then meeting without JC in.

9. Ratification of recent qualifications
Will Puszyk Projection UNAN
Thomas Hill Projection UNAN
Matt Pusey DM 8 Yes 1 No

JC to contact Pam about keys for newly qualified
Noted: Its odd, the old chief DM would know what to do!

10. Prices and set-up for pre-film ads
£5 a week
Price voted UNAN by exec.
Needs to be sent in as a Powerpoint slide or image file.
16:10 resolution.
TD to update advertising page on website.

Address advertising@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk to go to andy, treasurer, sec so more efficient handling.

11. Planned Purchases
All TH’s planned purchases from before are hunkydorey.
TH has more planned but to be done when sends lamps off.

First Aid kit needed for Proj Box after Rachel cut finger. “Fountains of blood just like a Quentin Tarantino film”

IT to get laptops but woman is annoying HC.

Paper cutting device needed for publicity and also relatively fast computer.

TD questions if KFC wanting to be ordered at AllNighter will be at least partially subsidised. Will look bad if hot food bought by society is brought through L3.
Keep with normal Tescos?
After Votes looking pointless and much discussion as to what to do including doing a reduction for whatever people buy even though very very hard to sort out.

Decided just going to stay with Tescos

12. Use of cameras in L3
3 incidents in past 2 weeks.
1-Psyco pictured film during with a flash. Asked to leave and did so without any complaints
2-Oceans 13 picture taken during trailers. Was asked to leave and argued with DM. Friends eventually persuaded them to leave.
3-Sunday late picture of FACT info. Told off and accepted it. Told was going to be monitored.

Voted on at DM meeting: asked to leave if during film
At DM’s discretion: severely told off/asked to leave during ads and trailers.

Slides and posters to be made in 2 types:
No recording equipment/camera – normal shows
No Camera/recording equipment in ads/trailers/feature – special events

13. Questionnaire Results
GM done a very professional presentation and to put on website.

14. Clothing Order
To be done when Helen has a chance.

15. Reduced Prices for society socials
To be considered on a case by case basis. JM will always distract away from reducing prices to saving money by non-members.

16. AOB
Socials => Monday Week 9 => Quasar
Monday week 10 => Meal
To subsidise xmas meal? Will decide later.

No. of trailers => 5 mins too long at the moment. Discussed in proj and will monitor!

Rachel has offered to edit reviews as has found lots of grammatical errors. Only problem last time was lack of time.

Must follow up on randoms from Monday as get involved and join crew!!

Everyone talking about spending lots of money but RG brought up that not actually doing massively maybe breaking even.

EPM => RG brought up that post grads and others not there for EPM, to discuss original template for film schedule in few days after meeting?
Clerks moved off a double?

Bourne Trilogy Next Term? Idea!

Emails not having been received by all. Data not being updated completely therefore not sure about numbers getting.

Ask Exec page ready to go?
Own Tab? Easy to find and easy to use.
FAQ on own tab then Ask Exec underneath

Meeting ended 8.40

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