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DM Meeting @ 2007-11-13 18:15:00

DM Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, 13 November 2007

6.15 pm, Rococo

1. Welcome and apologies
Present: James McLachlan, Rachel Crofts, Robert Gardner, George Marshall, Matt Pusey
Apologies: Helen Coe, Eleanor Hutchinson, Mike Joy, Pierre Schramm, Natalie Tyldesley

The DMs said "Hi" to Pierre.

2. Rotas
Filled up to and including the Sunday late show.

3. AllNighter
Money taken at this week's shows for The AllNighter is to be put in a separate night safe box with the most recent AllNighter show report.
The rota for the stall on Friday was passed round. More help is required in the morning.
The films rota for the event itself will be finalised on Friday.

4. EPOS system
Tim has added tabbed sales pages to the EPOS system so that tickets for different shows can be sold in the same window.
AllNighter staff tickets and AllNighter tickets for Exec members who are not Lifetime Crew will need to be sold by DM override.

5. Publicity
George reminds DMs to hand out the weekly publicity when it is available. It will now be stored in the DM cupboard.
George also reminds DMs to put the comments box out. He will design comment slips to supplement this.

6. AOB
(i) Rachel reminds DMs who are stewarding to inform the show's DM of incidents such as alcohol in the queue and refunds. The Chief DM was guilty of not doing this last week.
(ii) There was another camera incident at Sunday's late show. An audience member took a picture (without flash) of the FACT information in view of the projectionist. She was warned by the DM and was "mortified"; she looked as though "she was going to dematerialise".
(iii) James will make two 'no cameras' signs - one for regular shows and one for special events - with appropriate wording for each.
For regular shows: "You are not permitted to use any camera or recording device in this theatre."
For special events (such as AllNighters and sponsored events): "You are not permitted to use any camera or recording device during the adverts, trailers or feature(s)."

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