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Exec Meeting @ 2024-04-24 16:00:00

Exec Meeting - 26/04/24 - 4pm

Present: Daniel Kallin, Muhammed Hashir, James Patt, Marnie McCrudden, Siddharth Nair, Dallon Costello, Freya Clinton, Tomas Caldon, Martha Gibbs, Eleanor Armstrong, Siddharth Nair, Eric Liu

In attendance: Kieran Hall, Sophie Cooper, Emrys Machnicki


1. Welcome and Apologies
DK: first exec meeting of term 3, thing to discuss.

2. Exec Updates
DK: Start with Hashir.
H: Good, stuff we need to talk about, procedures to go in channel, spare change which involves treasurer, solution monthly roundup of spare change, after shoe add spare change into comments, lots more people getting involved, JAMES PATT DONE 100 SHOWS!!!
JP: Proj meeting good, nothing major, trying to get T proj to do shows, we lost the lift so that is gone, little notice if you are doing speakers be careful, nothing important.
DC: Marketing all good, Sid made great trailers, slides are going, there is a couple of gaps in the term tracker.
SN: Everything is perfect.
EA: Everything has arrived and good, from Martha pub runs went well, well done with the pub runs and thank you.
MM: Films are arriving, apart from a few, confused with delivery with NFT because of asbestos, trying to get Uniquex to send Perfect Days over and Dune 1984 is in the depot. Everything will get here otherwise all the DCPS are arriving on time. Starting to form some term 1 ideas, will arrange programming meeting.
DK: We will look at deadlines next meeting.
TC: Socials all good, all well, will offload onto ZOB.
DK: Treasurer is not here yet, Sophie any updates?
SC: No, oh right. Yeah we got nominated, it was cool, we didn't get for marketing or pub, I will send a message about going to it later, I am not free right now or until next wednesday so don't ask anything of me please, it is nice we got shortlisted, that is cool.
DK: We sent of to Max Pike, but we will get a story.
KH: I did see the uni on instagram, they did the boar at the spa award, we could fund someone or see if Max Pike knows someone.
DK: Good idea, any updates? Okay.
KH: We made the speakers, Pointon made them work again, he doesn’t have to drive and fix things. There is at least part of him that is worried about how he didnt have an exec vote, but if people show him a bit of love that would be nice.
DK: Cool, quick recap.
EL: Um, things are being paid. The red card thing because the BOR was sent late, in theory there shouldn't be a hold, we can assume that is sorted. There is a new situation, we are being charged a 1 hour waiting time for Driver.
KH: Imagining a drive waiting for the dump to open.
EL: They don’t give the credit notes so I just refuse to pay, they might stop offering to deliver
DK: I will keep an eye on that.
KH: Might be a case of going back and matching up what we have paid, I think we are paying current invoices, we were not sending remittance advice.
EL: Sending advice and they are confused.

Action Points
Starting to form ideas for term 1 schedule.
Keeping an eye on charges for driver waiting times.

3. T3 Pub/Schedule Recap/Takeaways
DK: We shouldn't order from this company again, we got A2’s in the end but not really ideal, this is a reminder to tell people if you are busy, trying to contact someone and they are not replying, so yeah, remember to signpost where you are with stuff, we got there in the end and we should be proud.
KH: Good news is pub came in under the cheapest estimate so we were under budget, mostly aimed at people who were exec last year, can filmsoc make an effort to normalise asking for help, I think that one of things from last year into this year it is not necessarily that it is okay that you can't do something and asking someone to help pick up. Because of the way vibes have been it's not immediately obvious
DK: It is okay to ask someone else to help out, because things do need to happen and it's fine if you're busy, and term 3 is always the hardest term to adjust to, especially over summer when we are not in person. Another take away to pub, please proof stuff because the pub team gets stressed, exec should just please proof, because the pub looks great but requires work to look great.
SC: So like, do ask if you need help, but also be receptive to helping other people, it is fine if you are busy, if you just say that slay so I can mentally tick you off, that goes off with exec if you help me I will help you. Done by hard work. Just keep that in mind, when you are not in the same space like in term time, you can feel lonely, just have some connection so the cogs keep turning.
DK: Me and Freya, picking up things when people are busy we can pick things up for you, we will make sure you are on top of things.
KH: Can everyone make an effort to be really proud of themselves, there are some things where it gets done and people do a good job, this is one of them. Never see a term 3 pub run that well attended and organised, should be really proud. Outstanding.
DK: the other takes, thanks to sophie, the booklet was a massive success, and saying we could do it next year. Seeing the term 3 booklet was exciting, term 1 pub is looking good.

Action Points
Please proof publicity if you have free time/encourage more people to do so.

4. IT Discussion
DK: Last year, there was a threat to our IT, we need to revisit
KH: Network replacement and security project, deadlines move, redesigning network, briefly filmsoc did lose ability to go on website, when this comes to filmsoc, filmsocs IT will break, so just by the nature of the changes everything we have will go offline including Lansat and UniqueX.
DK: What are the recommended action points?
KH: Sent exec a list, getting on top of all of that is good.
DK: Currently you and Pointon would be the ones to fix that.
KH: The most sensible, is to reproduce what we currently have with a newer version of the operating system, you can't upgrade it. It has reached a dead end, so you will need to set up a new server set up, there are some nice new things in the newer mail servers, we need a SRS, the emails you get forwarded wont go to spam all the time. Gmail anti spam picks up that.
DC: So is it to start a new system or leave it as it is?
KH: The alternative is a prepackaged things, you could make a limited subset of that work, theoretically you could implement something
H: Pretty useless, what's the point of making a mail server when we can just upgrade.
DC: Take a while
DK: I think the simplest and most secure is the best option, any objections or alternatives speak now.
KH: I am trying to be fair.
DK: You are the only bloke that can implement it.
DC: Do we have a time frame for when and how long it will take place, costs?
KH: The good thing is that it is provided for free, it is just time.
DK: A summer project, or a week
KH: I don't know, depends on what work is like, but at the very least I would like it to be done, it needs to be done before the start of next term.
DK: What's the deadline?
KH: No idea, the last official end date was about a month ago.
DK: could be long term but could be tomorrow, recommendation is sooner rather than later, the list was in good order, worth talking about any more specific things
KH: We replace SSL certificates, we did security updates to our firewalls, we fixed security updates to our file servers which had bugs.
DK: Is that a case of contacting the website owners.
DK: web development is not something we need to be doing now since it is paused
KH: The wiki, that version is coming to an end of security support, that needs to happen before July.
DK: Is that something you can do?
KH: Possibly. Things that aren't urgent now, but are for term 1. The way the systems are set up, all the different things we host, it is designed so it can spread those jobs out, it can cope if some servers are offline.
DK: IT titanic.
KH: There was a project, but I think it only half happened, servers that are not doing anything, no concerns with the traffic with term one, but it would be bad if it went in the middle of welcome week.
DK: Is there anything we need to buy for that?
DK: Can we get IT people?
KH: I don’t think we can without direction. Could get people interested in IT, but we do need it done.
DK: Moves us onto IT team, no IT leader and people wanting to join the team, and there are things that need to be done. I think the best idea is me and Freya, Hashir and Eric working with Kieran and basically coming up with tasks we can designate to a team. But something could happen, I don’t think a lot could happen until we have an officer.
KH: Yeah, I will try and help when I can. I want to make it fair to hand over somebody, I don't want to be in the situation where I unofficially become an IT officer.
EL: Not going to lie I won't be very useful, did they hand over anything at all?
KH: I don't think they got so far to understand, we do also need to do something about the EPS.
DK: Can we see what you’re happy to do, and what we can leave to the new IT officer.
KH: We are okay if we are looking after it temporarily. I am more than happy to do the weekly updates, it feels like it is one of those things to not fill the role of IT officer and will become a thing where I end up doing it.
DK: Yeah, we will aim to have an IT officer by week 3 and term 1, there might be people who want to run, we will have to see what happens and work with that.

Action Points
The mail servers, Lansat and UniqueX could potentially go down at any point, so it is a case of taking all the precautions possible.
Update our mail servers to a newer version.
Make our open source development private.
Aim to have an IT officer by week 3, term 1.

5. Hard-drives
KH: Recap: the accepted lifespan is 3-5 years, we have 3 that are over 9 years old, 7 over 3 years old, we are expecting to spend some money on hard drives. We could replace all of them with much larger ones, which will at least double the amount of storage. Properly archiving dcps we have been sent, we don’t have to pay as many times, in order to double the amount of storage space, and new hardfives, 5 16tb drives. They double our storage.The server won't be full anymore.
DK: Sounds almost too good to be true
KH: Does require buying these hard drives, when I ordered it it shipped from Singapore. The hard drive did turn up and I was surprised, they have 5 year warranties but I don’t trust that.
DK: That sounds pretty good, we might as well get a better deal if we are happy.
DK: vote for spending that?
KH: I want to talk to Alex, don't need to buy 6 drives, you can’t add more later, what we need to discuss is whether it is worth buying more than six. How many dcps are we expecting to store, If we buy the 5 hard drives we would make a set of now and revisit this in like a month or 2 and see if we want to buy a couple more.
DK: sounds good, vote on spending
DK: for 11, against 0, abstain 0, sounds good.

Action Points
Buy the hard drives (I believe this is already done).
Revisit the hard drives in a couple of months.

DK: Probably week 4 or 5 to discuss deadlines, send out a lettcuemeet

8. AOBs
DK: Me and Liv filled in the form for the final bit of funding, we can thank Liv for that
EL: There was an invoice for premises licence, pls make sure invoices sent to me, just double check, premises licence has been renewed.
JP: Bi-elections, is that confirmed?
DK: What we spoke about before?
JP: Have one in term 3? A lot of roles and some people potentially wanting to do them.
DK: We can do pub and IT together, see if anyone wants to fill the role.
JP: We have no tech officer, dissolve that role?
KH: The way 35mm is working at the moment, we want it to be student lead as much as it can be, there are some times where there is going to be gaps that I and other fill, might be sensible we can fill it when we can, but sometimes this role will be unfilled. Would be good for film soc to collectively, firmly establish the idea that it can be student run.
DK: I think we should leave it until next elections, I think Kieran made a good point, could be a future tech officer.
KH: Make peace with the fact to go to chief proj and It officer.
JP: I am a co-ordinating tech officer but there is no tech officer.
DK: Come to exec and see if it is something you can do.
KH: Final numbers from the film and tv dept, SU has had an email about the filmsoc storage in the plant room but basically we need to get stuff out.
JP: Asbestos room.
KH: The problem is some of the stuff is huge, like the old digital projector and server racks. Just a heads up.
MM: WE need someone from the popcorn machine.
KH: It’s just a warming cabinet.
MM: I am guessing we want to keep it for welcome week.
KH: We were using it a 4am to melt coconut oil, but it melted a hole in the back.
EL: Does it mean we have to pay someone to remove this stuff and the popcorn machine?
KH: I got sent the email.
EL: Will they charge us?
KH: I don't know.
EL: Should we not reply?
DC: They will check again in a week.
KH: Nicola, fairly senior in place management, feels like the sort of person we want to like us.
EL: What about the rest of the stuff?
KH: We can’t just carry, suppose it depends on how the conversation with them goes.
EL: Should we wait for an email?
KH: The SU appreciates it can’t be gone immediately.
EL: DO we need to start getting quotes to see the things we need to get removed.
DP: Is that anything useful?
KH: Ranges from things we want to a dishwasher.
EL: Do we need the 16 mils, why can't they put it in their modern record centre?
KH: They don’t have space.
EL: Do we want to keep it?
KH: It wou;d be cool to do 16 mm film.
EL: Is there space?
KH: I don’t know.
EL: Is there any way we can get back to them and say the uni gave them to us.
KH: We need to wait for the email.
DK: Wait till Monday.
KH: If you are kicking us out you can deal with the removal costs.
EL: No one will be here in five weeks.
SC: 15 people turned up to the talk.
FC: I think she will give the register to the duty manager.
H: We won't tell people you have been to the talk.
SC: GG, it has been slayed, it is cool.
FC: Today is the first collab I have done which is slay. Serbo croatian collab coming up for Black Cat, White Cat. We have been offered £50 funding for snacks and have been emailed on how that would work. Just waiting on society to get back to me about what snacks would be good.
TC: Everyone be considerate of each other .

Action Points
Start considering when to hold bi-elections for IT and Pub, also what to do with the tech officer role.
Potentially being kicked out the plant room and what to do with the stuff.

Ended 17:31

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