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Exec Meeting @ 2024-03-13 16:00:00

Exec Handover Meeting - 12.03.24 - 4pm

Present: Daniel Kallin, Muhammed Hashir, James Patt, Marnie McCrudden, Siddharth Nair, Dallon Costello, Freya Clinton, Tomas Caldon, Eric Liu

In attendance: Kieran Hall, Ethan Dougall, Liv Lancastle, Sophie Cooper, Eleanor Armstrong, Martha Gibbs

Apologies: Zain Mothupi, Dillan Patal, Josh Heng, Jay Patel

Exec Updates/Handover Progress
MH: The handover is done. I am chief duty manager, people contacting the front of the house for next term which is good.
JP: I have handed over, I am in between.
DK; EL is not yet here to talk about proj.
JP: Should be done by Friday.
MM: I have been handed over to.
DC: We have had our handover.
SN: Yeah.
DC: Contacted some people getting involved.
DK: Good, publicity, I mean we will get back to that
TC: Yeah, the handover to me, from me is going very well.
DK: Updates.
TC: End of term meal, they changed the time, I withdrew £110 from a cashpoint, and gave it to some undisclosed location in Leam.
DK: Treasurer progress.
ED: Yeah I gave the handover to EL and we still have the money.
DK: I’ve been handed over, and I have handed over to FC. Me, TC, EL, LL and KH were in London. We networked with some people and a couple of people came up with things we could get involved with, someone from hyde park picture house, 35mm, lots of things like that and more people know who we are and take us seriously.
EL: Things have been projected
DK: Anyone to convert the projector for Oppenhiermer.
EL: Shrug.

Unfilled Roles: Co-opting and Byelections
DK: next bit is on unfilled roles, SC is not here next year with us. We need publicity here with us now and we need a solid handover.
SC: Eleanor is on her way
DK: The idea would co opt and then run another election next term, IT and Tech officers can wait for next term.
SC; When would be needed to co opt for them for term three.
DK: I reckon we could vote now.

DK: Anyone?
KH: I can fill you in on su. SU reg 9, 4-10 weeks the ambiguity of term time weeks of ten weeks which I don't know.
DC: If we co opt now and say ten weeks that will take us to next term, would the by elections fall within these next calendar weeks where we can re-elect
KH: I don’t think we could co opt, the best thing to do is contact the democracy in the SU, but this job needs to happen over the summer and is this okay?
DK: That sounds good
KH: They would be like do an election online which would be weird over summer
DC: Is it worth doing the opting thing now?
DK: The exec slack channel is not an official thing, you could just be there for publicity
DC: Make an exec 2?
DK: and exec specifically for pub
SC: Should I leave?
DK: Are you still technically elected until someone takes your role?
SC: I don't mind, it's not like I am here next term. Baso after this I wont be doing anything else. I honestly don't mind what you do, just tell me what to do.
DK: First question if we co-opt EA and MG are you happy with that. Okay sure we go for that, all for? Okay cool, that is sorted, publicity welcome to the team. I guess Sophie you can officially hand over to that, I won't add you to the channel but you can start doing pub stuff. I should research stuff.

Sub-officer Elections
DK: We still have some of these to do. Rule Pres and Vp cannot be welfare, JP said it could go for events and social events instead of president.
TC: I will be okay with that.
DK: It does need to default to someone.
TC: Yeah I would be happy.
DK: I think we need to vote, all for? That’s all, cool. Against and abstained? (9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain) Okay cool. Environment?
DC: Clarification of any role? Is it possible abroad?
DC: Maybe not then.
DK: Assessment the environmental impact of our activities, EL last year.
EL: We are one of the greenest societies on campus.
KH: Somewhere filmsoc does have an award for that.
EL: Make sure the projector continues to work.
DK: Anyone want to be an environmental officer, all for MH? (9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain) Cool welcome to the environment.
DK: Health and safety.
JP and EL raise hands
DK: There might be responsibility for this.
JP: I have actually done first aid qualification, I am going to be chief proj, but my job has to do with the proj box.
EL: I believe health and safety is very important for a society like this, done a lot of health and safety, rewiring tills, big achievement, first aid kit been a topic of conversation, I tried to poke DP, I can authorise a fully equipped first aid kit for the office, not that I would deny the funding.
DK: Anyone have any questions?
EL: I went out of my way to clear out the fire exit to the proj box, no trip hazards in the proj box, I will make a very good health and safety officer.
DK: Oh sure. Abstain? 4 each? Does one of you want health and one of you wants safety. (4 for JP, 4 for EL, 0 Against, 0 Abstain)
JP: Can you be joint?
DK: I mean yeah?
EL: We didn't run joint.
JP: Do you wanna? EL and I would like to run together because of the two precious arguments.
DK: All for EL and JP? (9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain) Alright cool. Equal opportunities?
Marnie raises hands
MM: I believe as a film officer equality is good and balance is good.
DK: All for Marnie raise your hands, cool? (9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain) Well done for TC, JP, EL, MM and MH.

Term 3 Schedule and Publicity Progress
SC: All the deadlines have been set including the internal ones, it will still get sent to me and I will tell relevant people what is going on, the tracker is out and keeps on getting updated as per the schedule, stuff isn't completely updated. If anyone wants to learn pub I am still here to teach and do a pub session on Sat in the office if you want to help out, in terms of reviews, if those who went to ICO could help me out with the reviews that would be really helpful. There is like a week or so left of some stuff, as soon as the schedule confirmation pub should be ready, depending on when we get tie titles in, a booklet is being planned, by me because I was bored. What is going to happen with the blog, I have been doing it so far with Sueda, I feel like it’s up to the next people if they want to do it or not, it’s sort of not had that much engagement recently, blog is technically not part of my role and i am running it by myself.
DK: Idk if the bog is like pub and marketing and we could combine them together, since there are more people.
SC: I kept it on, I am proud of the stuff
DC: I reckon when we have more people.
ED: posts
SC: The way I set it out I will post stuff regarding marketing, they will come up with pitch lists for me, that’s not sort of been happening so it has been hard to come up with ideas. Term 1 last year it was still in progress and hard to set up for me, now that is sort of less of a problem, if you do push it to freshers it might pick up again, so something to consider for next term, not many things been posted i
ED: expected for things to sort of drift down
SC: Yeah exactly
DK: Come back to that later

MM: Schedule is pretty much there, there has been a little bit of movement, Phantom Menace on the fence whether that should be in the schedule. Sent emails to the distributors, just need to contact Disney and Lionsgate had not got back to me yet, but other than that it seems good to go
MM: If we do get Black Cat, White Cat we can keep monster and perfect days, all i need is confirmation of Phantom Menace
DK: What would be in place?
MM: Not sure.
MH: I don’t think Phantom Menace would do badly, but it is Star Wars.
DK: Is it on May the 4th?
MM: the 5th
JP: I think May 5th will still have that effect on people, it won’t be too random.
MM: It’s being rereleased, two days after its re-release.
MH: I don’t think it would be a bad option.
JP: Two days after the re-release which I don’t think would be a bad option.
SC: Personally, tbh, if it's not on May 4th I don’t see the point. THe people who would be doing their own thing would go to the cinema. IDK what we would replace it with if we are going to do it on Star Wars day don’t choose a mid one.
DK: When we did one of the good ones it didn’t do that well.
TC: Can we show the last Jedi, it’s the best one.
KH: Could we not do Black Cat, White Cat on this slot.
MM: That could work?
KH: this is entirely driven, I cannot lie it is not objective, I just think it is cute.
MH: If we don’t show Phantom Menace.
DC: The society of Black Cat, White Cat? Is it the same one?
DK: No, different countries.
DC; No one came to one life, far enough.
SC: is that going to be okay to get it converted in a couple of days
KH: There is no sensible reason why not
MM: That’s kind of schedule is complete
DK: Are you happy with the Friday deadline and meeting it?
MM: yes.

Pub pricing vote
DK: We can vote on this now.
SC talks about the pricing for pub.
SC: Sure, that’s the slowest delivery time.
DC: Using the credit?
DK: Shall we vote on that? All for pub spending? (9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain) Okay well we are spending that now.
SC: I have the thing to submit.
SC: If you want pub you need to provide me with reviews.

DK: I think it would be good to do a teams one half way through the Holidays, mostly for pub, I can put out a lettucemeet the week half way through the holidays, and then look to do another one for week on of term three, but check slack.

DK: Film soc of the year application, due in two weeks, we haven't done it in two years. Most can be done by Liv and Sophie since it is most of the stuff you guys have done. There is a lot of writing.
SC: Not too much.
EL: Have we decided for which ones we have run for?
JP: What categories are there?
DK: Best pub and marketing
SC: it runs from Feb last year to Feb this year.
DK: Society of the year, best student cinema, best single event for shrek all nighter, one of them played up to its 50th anniversary which would be good.
KH: Best programming and community outreach.
DK: Green award.
SC: If you gon on the google form it asks which questions you need to answer
DK: Programming is something we could do. But best would be pub and student cinema which I think we could do. Add you to a chat to coordinate things.
DK: Cool any other questions?
LL: I haven't got a lot time to do writing of stuff, but I can send over the different incarnation of the things I wrote, obvs all the university stuff, and the inclusion stuff, so maybe there is useful stuff in there, maybe useful to send it over to someone with lots of time before it gets sent over to me.
DK: Yeah good.
SC: I would be happy to do it, because I like writing about random stuff.
DK: Kieran you have something also?
Kieran talks about plans for the future of what to do when the projector dies.
DK: Cool
MH: Both the portable hovers are broken which is bad for cleaning. I would like to ask the treasurer for a hoover.
EL: You need to produce quotes.
MH: Okay I will look into that.
DK: I feel bad for stewards.
ED; Getting involved forms, people are getting the forms and responding, maybe make sure that we are responding to them so just make sure you are checking them.
DK: Lets get people involved
SC: First, end of term so take some pub home, if you want to replace anything, otherwise they will get recycled over the course of Easter. Take some pub over the next week or so, wrap Christmas presents. I know this is early, pub runs will be happening the weekend before term starts, especially freshers and friends with freshers, we should not have spring situation again and it should all be here by then. If you are around by Wednesday, it should not be too bad moving stuff to L3, I will be around as I have essays to do. Slay. Are we doing term passes?
DK: Yes
SC: How much?
EL: I think we should do it proportional to films as we have less.
DK: Next meeting?
SC talks about a potential collab with Zone of Interest
EL: They work differently, they get people to do a talk.
EL: Could be accommodated depending if you had the room before the film.
DK: We could have vp freya to check if the room is booked.
KH: If we get our act together we could.
EL: Is it on a double?
DC: On a Friday.
SC: Yeah okay, we will come up with a plan before the meeting.
EL: We can always delay the start of the first film.
DK: Or in between.
DC: we wanna try and push advertising with other societies more, society collabs maybe we could be those on slides on the screen in the week, if anyone has ideas that would be nice.
DK: We can discuss that as an agenda point.
EL: Term 3 we don't really get people trying to join societies, term 1 is when people are looking for new societies which makes sense to contact them for that.
KH: So like, one of the hard drives in the filmsoc file server died.

Exec talk about plans with an emergency budget to allow freedom to immediately fix broken equipment, also talk about spending without exec approval initially in worst cases.

JP: What is broken, why it needs to be fixed.
DK: emergency contingency plan. A lot of the tech stuff would fall onto Kieran, if we are happy and you are willing to fix it we will just let you do that and not complain.
KH: Yeah I just wanted to check in.
DK: You have been great at communicating anyway.
EL: Concerns alivertaed?
KH: It just felt like something you could only do so many times before the vibes felt weird.

SC: Reminder, put something in general about crew testimonies I have had two replies so far which is not enough so if people could send why you like being on crew, promo it a bit, good for people to have in the back of their minds, send a pic of yourself for the exec in the front.
ED talks about proj needing service
KH: We wanted to do it over summer but obvs L3 was closed, we cannot do it over Easter, apparently L3 is getting refurbed over summer idk if that is true.
DK: we have got white tables now, if we can do it over summer that would be great.
KH: What we typically would do is pull a few strings, you pay for half a day or a day, they will just about do if they nag enough.
EL: Can we not do it during term time?
DC: Speaking of exec and marketing, we wanna have a theme, that could top Barbie
EL: Mr Men.
DC: depends if we wanna start of term 3, or term1.
DK: do the start of term 3 and then term 1.
DC: We can do that over easter, just a theme and pics.
FC: theme is like the favourite film of the exec.
DK: maybe like relate it to term three schedule
SC: Ask fave films.
DK: other films society letterboxd, send their letterboxd to put in bio which would be cool.
SC: I don't want to use the X logo.
DK: Do we have the right amount required by the survey?
LL: I think we sent the survey link around to the crew.
DK: Maybe put it on instagram.

Outgoing Exec Appreciation
DK: Appreciate our dearly departed exec members. It has been great being you exec LL, inspiration will all the things you have done, you will be remembered for years. Small shoes but big shoes to fill, also SC getting all the pub done, miracle stuff it has been amazing you around,. ED thank you for keeping us not broke and you are very cool. Soppy stuff?
KH: Tbf so far has 50th anniversary goes it could've been less successful so everyone did good
TC: You have been patient, better exec and people than I have ever hoped to be so congratulations I suppose and enjoy your freedom
DC: Um yeah, I only joined this year, you kept me sticking around, if you were awful people I would not have stayed. Pub looks gorgeous
JP: I first met LL on my first day of university. I was just wandering around and didn’t know that student cinema existed, I saw this woman jump in front of me asking abt it. I was one of those nice people who were interested and idk it has been dope, I think about a year ago how has it been a year, you have all been real so thank you so much.
KH: It doesn't change
MH: I just want to say this year has been amazing, I spent more time than my degree, testament for how amazing the exec was, we will miss everyone and I hope you guys will come with us to watch films.
SC: Yeah, it is so weird I have been exec for two years and been at the uni for 4, and I remember going for the show during covid, and i was on my own, it is weird now we are at this point where we a relieving, idk i am almost leaving and done my time, it is like the best thing i have done it has been both rewarding and stressful, i would not swap it, well i would change something, but i wouldn't change things for the world. Sueada convinced me to join. Meet people from all sorts of years and all sorts of degrees. I met people that I wouldn't have met otherwise, it is the only thing I talk about when I go home. It is so great, hopefully you will all have as good of a time as I have, I have learnt so much, I am proud of what I have done and who I have got to do it with. Weird to think that people won’t know who we are next year, so hyped for what you guys are going to do next year. It has been so amazing, unique and cool, so make use of it whilst you are heret. A big thank you to everybody who made my WSC time here so nice, lots of laughs and tears. Thank you!!!
ED: The first time I came was freshers week 3 years ago, seeing spirited away with friends, and we went to the arts centre, and we found our way in so late that no one charged us, and i was like wow i just went past the system. In term 2 i went to see one of my fave films there was like three other people and more people should be enjoying it, so reached out to help out with marketing it is crazy to compare now, in recent history, the fact now we are able to attract such a large audience is really impressive and it has been really great to be part of the ride. KEEP IT GOING!
DK: I think that is everything.

Ended: 17:38

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