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Exec Meeting @ 2023-11-05 14:00:00

WSC Exec Meeting, 05/11/23, 2pm, FAB 5.01

Present: Liv Lancastle (chair, late), Daniel Kallin (minutes), James Patt, Sophie Cooper, Eric Liu, Dillan Patel, Adam Skrzymowski (late)

Half-present (on Teams): Ethan Dougall, Zain Mothupi

In attendance: Kieran Hall, Alex Rogerson

Apologies: Josh Heng, Jay Patel, Tomas Caldon

Welcome and Apologies

Exec updates
FOH: JP: actually going well, fresh TDMs, nice to see, lots of stewards signing on, only issues is that all the emails I send to people are going to spam on their Warwick accounts, people saying they didn’t get replies but indeed they had, just in spam
LL: (as AS walks in) anything IT can do?
AS: nothing we can do if replying through gmail
EL: might be that formatting of email was “really fucked”
JPT: don’t think so as sent out more normal ones too
KH: make sure you have warwick.film at end of email address
Proj: EL: took on 5 new trainees, all been inducted now, all but 1 have signed up to shows, not that many left until rest of term, waitlist emails also sent out
IT: AS: pisignage keeps dying, email keeps dying, the usual, put website thoughts on Discourse
Pub: SC: workshop went well, three people came and they are active in other teams, taught another yesterday - tracker is out, all can go on it but you will be yeeted off if you hog it, deadlines coming up, proofing will start happening eventually, planning an office pub session for new people in Sat before deadline, read the guidance, there is new stuff DO NOT IGNORE IT, blog chugging along, done a lot of work to get it going again, new stuff waiting in wings, JPL being really good at posting about it, planning pitches for booklet articles, if you want to write stuff hit me up
Mark: JPL: [on Slack:] Two mini-updates: have got about 7-ish new people signed up to stuff on the tracker and we are now less than 20 follows away from 2K on insta!

LL: any other updates
EL: at 687 members, nearly 700
KH: we have a rectifier that works now (LL: it worked last exec meeting too, should say: for a small time we had a rectifier which didn’t work) plan to spend a not-insignificant amount of money to make sure the rectifier doesn’t die again
Treas: ED: hoodies/polos → polo order 2.0 but still waiting on size from Pointon
SC: planning on booklet next term, not actually that common, big task and am doing it, won’t be as long as the other one, keep in mind if you don’t proof it won’t happen

Hidden Figures collab
Discussion about collaboration idea from MOSAIC, resolved to meet them in person to discuss further, beginning with a collaboration on Hidden Figures.

Schedule updates
DP: on track for voting next weekend, waiting for 35mm/70mm conclusions, can discuss the IWD evening and allnighter
SC: put loads on Discourse but might have been more productive to have it in person, idea was that we were struggling to pick vibe for IWD, as it’s double (bounced off discussion on doing Vengeance trilogy) can be made into more of an event, difficult because the schedule should have women all the time anyway, theme of IWD this year is inclusion, vibe is just variety which is what should be anyway, suggested Jennifer’s Body, (DP: should be a print), Shiva Baby (really short), also floating around were Bend it Like Beckham and Lady Bird
SC: thinking two 35mms in IWD night then ask 35mm people
KH: cool with two 35mms, do think Bend it Like Beckham important in terms of inclusion, wouldn’t replace it with Lady Bird

DP: top pick is Lawrence for 70mm, 3hr48min, should we just do a single? Agree on 6.30?
LL: worked well on Good/Bad/Ugly, makes more sense than second screening at midnight
DP: this Shrek allnighter… timewise adds up to 8.5hrs, starts at 9.30 will take it to 6am finishing, ZM had idea of playing Shrek the Halls but only on DVD
JPT: nobody would mind at 6am
AS: could do a Shrek-themed quiz?
DP: we can get TC to run something
LL: 7am finish is optimal for buses back, probably question for TC
LL: cute to do things but TC is first port of call, ask him first and see what ideas will be

DP: had 50th anniversary allnighter idea now, 5 films for each decade we have been around, second page on schedule draft with ideas for each decade, have a look and create a thread that works, overall what type of vibe do we want?
LL: good films people want to watch in middle of night
DP: going for bigger films and nothing too dark/serious
LL: should have Life of Brian
DP: on schedule elsewhere but could put it in allnighter - do we want to go in chronological order or mix and match?
KH: answer should be apparent once we know what films we are doings
SC: when will new draft be out?
DP: need to arrange 70mm with AP, wait for responses to fill in gaps, then mixing to balance out prints, not sure how long it will take
DP: going to ask how close 35mm can be to 70mm
KH: just don’t be accidentally dickish with it, if there is compelling reason to have them close then sure, just put something together and then check with us
LL: probs better to have 70mm on Saturdays as more time to set up
KH: conversely AP might be more free on Fridays so balances out

DP: how many 35mms can fit in a car at once?
EL: depends how many cases it comes in, put three in the other day, could go up to 12
AS: cars are quite big

(later on…)
DP: also considering Best Pictures allnighter
LL: Anniversary allnighter can be covered by funding, need to add up numbers of what we are claiming
SC: can budget for other A5, do 50th anni allnighter on one side, Evening of Women on the other

35mm/70mm continued
LL: do we want to programme them on the understanding that, as discussed at last meeting, this means KH and AP will be necessary to run it - 70mm needs to be organised on caveat that only two people can proj it
SC: as long as the people willing to do it are happy, I’m happy, shame to run it into the ground
LL: currently one 70mm slot pencilled in?
DP: dependent on this conversation, maybe we could fit in two if it works financially and with AP?
LL: presume none in T3, would be last ones in this year, question for AP and KH
KH: within reason, happy to do anything filmsoc wants from me as long filmsoc tells me what it wants from me
LL: back two 70mm prints?
(thumbs up)
LL: if we are making active decision to program this then that entails making a decision to not throw it back into the faces of the people doing it, anything to add?
KH: less so much throwing back in faces, also important to acknowledge that it’s true that some filmsoc members have felt hold to ransom, me and AP haven’t felt like we are ransom-taking, important for people not to feel that, agreement needs to be more than just shut up, not sure I’d got that across as clearly as could have - if people think filmsoc is being held hostage by us, valid to feel that, needs discussing before we move on
LL: for 35mm happy to do similar amount this term, about 2 a week
DP: 20 this term, probs will get to 17/18 for T2
KH: in terms of allnighters and Evenings Of, happy to do them, less stressful than doing five nights in a row, with enough warning can do projing into early hours
LL: anything to add?
AS: “if anyone’s interested come along” when rectifier died, very cool
KH: invite always there, me and AP love to evangelise, people coming and saying uhm akshully is different

LL: had a thought… as follows: weekend of W7 is allnighter which feels very not-Exec meeting coded
SC: exec meeting during the break
AS: on the stage
EL: In Attendance will be so long
LL: can’t do weekend of W8, so Sunday of W7
LL: will be Sunday W7, not much going on
SC: hounding you all about Pub
LL: just after we are hoping for schedule to be confirmed

AR: what is an AOB?
LL: any other business

EL: anyone with access to rotas, if you are crew on a show please speak to your Chief before changing the rotas, jarring to receive an email that someone has removed from a show and hasn’t informed me before/immediately after

AS: perceive and give thoughts on Discourse digisignage conversation, give opinions on what to put on the Big Screen - will have to change slides to make them Big Screenable

AR: did send an email, listening to 70mm discussion, sounds like a lot of trouble, do think it’s worth putting two, my suggestion was The Hateful Eight, know there are other good choices, fwiw would appreciate Hateful Eight, sounds like a big deal and do appreciate that, do think it will be popular
KH: does involve getting a pair of lenses that we don't have, might be shipped with print, one of the reasons it might not happen is that logistically won't work, might be worth the Exec coming back to to plan in future

Meeting ended at 15.20.

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