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Exec Meeting @ 2023-10-08 14:00:00

WSC Exec Meeting, FAB5.01, 08/10/23, 2pm

Present: Liv Lancastle (chair), Daniel Kallin (minutes), Eric Liu, Adam Skrzymowski, Jay Patel, Josh Heng, Tomas Caldon, Zain Mothupi, Dillan Patel, Sophie Cooper, James Patt, Alex Pointon (late, on Teams)

In attendance: Marnie McCrudden

Apologies: Ethan Dougall

Welcome and Apologies
LL: thanks for coming, long meeting ahead, try and rattle through open agenda points as fast as possible

Exec updates
FOH: JP: going really well, Hashir qualified as DM yesterday (wooh!), Eleanor (new fresh) doing shadow show tonight with Liv, lots of freshers getting involved, also third years and postgrads, sent obscene amount of emails
Proj: EL: ticking along, 32 people interested on sheet and about 10 more through emails, no replies yet as busy and only just had proj meeting, plan for interviews between 1 and 6 on Wed, 4 new Tprojs hopefully soon, JPT doing lots of shows but quite a few Tprojs aren’t
Pub: SC: thanks to all who came on pub runs, shoutout to LL, KH, DK, AP who helped move pub to L3, people who came on pubruns (JPT, MM, EL, JPL, ZM, DP) and Erin, Jacob and Darcie who didn’t even need to be there!, all WW pub already gone, lots going, emailed everyone from GI meeting but nothing happened yet, hopefully going to be Pub workshop in a couple of weeks, if anyone wants to come that’s fine, Blog pitch list went out a couple of days ago, busy weekend and not that urgent but pitches will be sorted this week
Mark: JPL: marketing good, forgot to take picture of sheet from GI, will send out an email and get a workshop booked in once gone through sheet (LL: list in marketing tray in office if you want to pop in or we can send a pic)
IT: JH: 12 interested people, organising meeting next week, fixing broken stuff during WW, emails falling apart and every person trying to make a new account not got their login, added message on the website to say “check spam”, not sure what we can do, Uni mail servers are very outdated and WSC is not whitelisted
Soc: TC: no updates, keeping on (LL: calendar has gone out)
FO: DP: lots of keys not arriving, films not arriving, being sent to Arts Centre, generally alright

EL: how is pub quiz going?
TC: will do next week
DP: are you going to wrap up and label all the posters?
TC: sure
SC: if you need help, message me, will take longer than you think
TC: Watkiss going to help out

WW round up
LL: hopefully people have had some amount of recovery this week and didn’t immediately get ill
LL: Some notes: We did really well, much better than last WW, first year post-covid bounced back, can claim a lot of credit for getting people into L3, three sold-out shows! Plenty more over a 100, all films in W1 have had people coming to them, “filmsoc isn’t just for WW”, just hit 500 members this morning! (last year only at 450 at end of T1), testament to how good pub, marketing, schedule was, thanks to everyone running all the shows - WW tricky as most shows but fewest crew, everyone in L3 from 2pm to 2am: we see you, proud we got through it- stalls went well even if were denied popcorn at fresh fair, we chaotically did some outside library - still popular, good location as we could direct people up the stairs to L3, better for future years
LL: To be improved - ran out of WW A5s quite quickly, 2000 instead of 1000 (SC: will add that to handover), much more successful pub running this year (1300 booklets vs. 1900 booklets), if this rate continues next year then more A5s needed but other pub numbers good - worth having Proj and DM meetings before term starts in order to regroup, set expectations in terms of training (EL: planned to do it before, didn’t have time, JPT: same, me neither) suggest to successors, JPT did do list of reminders, could be quick slack discussion, worth getting equipment out day before to make sure it is all working, Spiderverse 3pm saw all tills trying to update at once, avoid that in future
LL: sent a cease and desist to Other Filmsoc, caused confusion at SocsFair, they have responded to it fairly well, worth having discussion how we can work with them to differentiate ourselves
SC: can only hand out as much Pub as we have people, some days we only had 4 of us at the busiest times, might apply to some of you next year: make sure people are there! Extra Mario showing helped, but small amount of people did a lot of work, this week was successful because of pub, barely done accoms and not even as much piazza as we wanted, could have been even more successful if more people turned up
LL: positively encourage people to come
SC: pub runs are fun!
LL: stuff like pizza on the last day, Exec duty alone not making people turn up so more we can do to make it fun so people turn up
SC: ask for next year what we could have done to make it more fun

JH: Jay’s trailer was great, aimed to put it on ads/trailers, wasn’t made into DCP and not on startup playlist
EL: made into DCP late in the week, didn’t realise we were planning to do that, definitely one for handover next year, some of the aspect ratios were off when made into DCP, future marketing coordinate with proj
JH: could also put it on Pisignage for while people wait
LL: is that possible?
AS: yes, we already have Instagram videos on there
EL: providing the Pi works

JPT: thanks to everyone who helped steward, AS and ZM both did 9 steward shows as trainees, made the week much easier

LL: well done, great start to the year, people are always going on about how great 2019 was, 2023 can be the new 2019 and maybe this time the projector won’t break

Non-crew socials
LL: JPT messaged this in Slack the other day, debate about it, summary: would be cool to have socials which non-crew can come to but W1 pub trip wasn’t one to do it with
DP: crew socials weren’t mentioned enough in GI, people weren’t sure about it, we don’t use it to persuade crew to get involved
JPT: didn’t sell crew socials as a crew perk, wasn’t specifically defined what the socials calendar is and who can come
TC: will print it off at some point
LL: read it as put it on the Instagram to market to all new people
JPT: did suggest that, would work to have crew socials as well as General Members socials, even if we are a “working society” can seem intimidating to join, when we are seen doing shows we are busy and don’t have time to talk to people much, office intimidating atmosphere for new stewards if DM and Proj are busy, immediately chucked into work environment, can put some people off, can feel like they are intruding in a space they don’t feel welcome in, socials which can show us all to be human beings and not just workings can help stewards feel more comfortable
LL: two things then; promo existing socials better (TC: will print out in office after meeting), adding new stewards to Slack so we can remind people throughout the year to look at Socials
AS: can add Socials as default channel on Slack
LL: when general members come to our socials, crew end up still being on duty, running a show and looking after people more than socialising for crew, important to balance members and crew ones
AS: not to say we have members socials, but still put normal crew socials on Instagram and just say anyone wanting to get involved can join them, we do this with Tech Crew, people turn up and get to know us and get to ask how to get involved, don’t know who would go if they don’t want to get involved
LL: we have two quite different images to present, the professional cinema, and the crew social side
AS: could be seen as FilmSoc as society and Warwick Student Cinema as working
LL: weary of combining crew socials with outgoing Instagram posts, socials crew roundups already go out and are an intermediary between that, blurs the line between what we do as a cinema and what our crew get out of our society
TC: agrees, average person goes to Cinema as customer, would be confusing, like following Vue on twitter and them showing you what their crew are up to
JPT: get the vibe of towing the professional/social line, but no different to Sports clubs which present themselves as professional but still advertise their socials on the same pages - don’t have to advertise socials in an aggressive manner, could just post a story about it so it’s not in the feed, e.g. ClimbSoc has professional climbing sessions alongside just socials
LL: difficulty here is that it’s easy to understand what ClimbSoc do, we struggle to get people to understand that we are a cinema, especially when there is confusion with Film&TVSoc, don’t want to turn into them by accident
DP: also we are public facing which adds to that confusion more
LL: members of the public would see the socials post too
SC: this is a lot more work for TC, calendar already busy and there are shows to run, can switch some pub visits as a Meet the Exec kind thing, I like the roundups we do, like being able to just chill at the pub with people I already know, should be making office welcoming space as DM, should be telling new stewards about socials and encourage them to come along, like the separation and the after-works drinks vibes, might not come to all the socials this year but it is a reward for working the shows, join a Sports Club for the more intense and out-there socials, see the point but that’s what GI is for as well as Pub Quiz and All-nighter which promotes the crew-side of the society
JH: could have new page in website with crew socials on them as part of Getting Involved pages
TC: we are a business and crew is the society who have the uhh fraternity, join sports club to meet people as part of it, don’t go to the cinema to meet people
LL: reasonable compromise to plan one or two members-socials as a way to get people to see if crew is for them if they are intimidated by just signing up, maybe replace a just-crew pub trip with a publicly-announced pub trip and invite members to that, members social with intention of getting people into crew rather than just a members social
AS: termly roundups kind of contradict idea of not promoting socials on Instagram
LL: to be fair, lots of businesses do post pictures like that of ‘employee of the week’ and ‘company dinner’, does still stand as thank you to crew and expected of a business
DP: nice to show “These are the people who put on shows for you”
SC: as human beings
LL: don’t want to accidentally make people feel like they are crew just by joining the IG
JPT: good way to show that we actually have people here through the Eot roundups, GI only good for people who know they want to get involved at start of term, I didn’t get involved until T2, roundup at end of term might not help people get involved because then there’s a four week gap where they can’t get involved, didn’t feel comfortable joining until T2 GI meeting
LL: TC if you have a think about potential member’s socials and where to put them, let people know your thoughts
TC: if you have suggestions, send suggestions, don’t like independently thinking
LL: JPL maybe put on IG posts about how after the film you can come to the social, can add GI spiel to member’s emails and crew roundup posts
EL: only thing with going to the pub, only time we have time is after films, not many things to do apart from pubs, maybe a filmsoc picnic?
SC: difficult, can do Wednesdays
LL: also weekends
EL: pub bad introduction, often can’t hear people
SC: don’t want to deal with drunk people you don’t know
LL: TC please brainstorm some non-pub ideas

Schedule/publicity deadlines for T2
LL: SC has list of dates
SC: Christmas horrible one because everything shuts before Christmas and I refuse to print after New Years
DP: is delivery before or after Xmas?
SC: not sure but not sending anything in Jan, last working day is Dec 22nd (need to check if that includes delivery), Dec 18th is final deadline (that’s W12), less to do than over summer, more to do because I have jobs and an MA to do, how soon can I have a draft schedule?
DP: difficult because films moving around with strikes a lot still, can get early semblance of stuff, especially first couple of weeks of term, film titles can be sent again as we go
LL: work backwards from Dec 18th, things don’t really reopen after Xmas, only five working days so is that enough time? Last year we sent stuff off at Dec 13th - add as much contingency as we can
SC: this year we had massive contingency which got pushed even then
LL: same problems likely to arise due to strikes, delays from distributors emails
DP: mostly just waiting for new slates in 4-6 weeks
LL: set Dec 11th as Ideal Printing Date, one week before that for Final Proofs
SC: yes, then I’ll have a week, less to do, got big deadline that week but that’s fine
LL: Dec 4th for Proofs, schedule by Nov 4th, possible to have mostly finalised schedule by then with same caveat as last time in terms of things being shuffled last minute
DP: earlier than had in mind, at least a few more weeks needed, can split schedule into parts, can be checked earlier than last time
LL: can we say three weeks before proofs then? That’s Nov 13th…
DP: can I say Nov 17th
SC: is this first draft or fully confirmed?
LL: fully confirmed apart from odd problems
LL: meet in middle with Nov 15th, outstanding major problems by then gives you two days to send panicked emails
ZM: pre or post vote?
LL: post-vote ideally
DP: thought vote would be around then
LL: realistically, last term saw things fully confirmed nearly a month after we wanted, strikes and booking problems, we need to build the same kind of contingencies in, even with a month’s leeway this time (SC: we were still working the night before deadline) - two full working weeks after Schedule Confirmation Deadline as absolute minimum before Proofs, can say 17th to have everything confirmed, but that would be a hard deadline, is that ok?
JH: that’s the date of Shrek all-nighter if that makes a difference?
LL: probably not; then, would you like two weeks for admin?
DP: one week is enough
LL: that means we need Final Draft Vote and Approval for Nov 11th, meeting should be then as its weekend - not a lot of leeway if vote doesn’t go through but if we are communicating then shouldn’t be a problem - first draft three weeks before that, Oct 28th (end of W4)
FOs: yes
LL: so Oct 28th is First Draft, Programming meeting in next two weeks, feasible?
DP: it’s tight, W3 is hard for me which would be when Prog Meeting should be
ZM: is that 21st/22nd?
LL: yes, also have Sun 15th, don’t need to give lots of notice
ZM: do need pre meeting draft out by then though
LL: ah yes forgot that
ZM: can do W3/W4
LL: will you be able to find some time for it?
DP: will put it in W4, either weekend or during the week
LL: good, First Full Draft can be out by 28th right after meeting
SC: will need EVERYBODY on Pub proofing due to such a tight turnaround, “balls deep in Masters shit quite frankly”, need people to help out so we don’t miss any obvious mistakes
LL: will send lots of messages to chase up things, not trying to be a bitch, my job to manage exec so apologies for amount of messages which will happen, my way to check everyone is on-track
DP: can everyone give suggestions asap so they are ready for meeting
LL: could put up Forums post pre-draft
DP: yes, also put them in Films Suggestions, also all-nighter?
LL: can I suggest it for next meeting?
DP: wants to separate it out from rest of schedule, potentially considering separate meeting for allnighter
LL: we do not have time today, you can make Slack thread for suggestions, next Exec meeting for W3 if you want to present ideas by then
DP: will put on Slack, can people engage with that please
LL: already running over for today, sorry, will have to be discussed another time

More clothing orders
LL: ED requested we talk about, broadly message was that not many people voted on hoodie colours, if you would like to vote on them please do that, can forward message back to Exec so all have it
LL: also suggestion of second polo order as AP was missed out of this one, old Exec never got polos either, could be discussed at some point but probs not worth discussing now, just vote on hoodies

SU grant
LL: discussion in Slack, ED sent grant guidelines at 2am, a lot of the stuff we initially suggested like new laptops for tills are specifically prohibited, same with speakers in terms of replacing surrounds
AS: did they not just mean buying them in general rather than something we need for the society?
LL: they rejected our speakers bid last year
AS: to be fair, they don’t know the difference
LL: best just considering things we already want to buy, no point thinking of new things, has Tech request from AP for a Dirac alignment kit, something we have wanted to buy for a couple of years, would save usa lot each year as would replace need for EQ specialist each year, pay back in 3.5 years, if we could get that with Socs grant would basically be free, do need someone to visit to fix issues with speech intelligibility, instead of paying for that visit which we can’t afford, the Grant could solve the problem for free
JH: so, could we still use the kit once AP is gone?
LL: currently have to pay specific sound specialist, with this just the proj specialist needed, not dependent on AP at all
DP: what are the timelines for when it comes through?
LL: application deadline closes at end of October, quite quick at it so hopefully before EoT
SC: on SU website, says it’s about expanding by doing new things, but not specifying that in Grant details ED said
AS: says online advertising, pay for website fees but not Adobe fees, makes no sense
SC: can rustle up Pub numbers before Grant to get funding for that, if we can get any money for Pub from it, would be very useful
LL: if we work off that, any ideas for things we would have wanted to buy already then send them over in next couple of days, can start writing application very soon with ED, AP looking into pricing for hearing-impairment systems, ones that connect to hearing aids, been trying to install something like that for number of years, been stopped by AV services, AP not had any responses yet, will let you know when it comes through
DP: can we look into audio description equipment too?
LL: also refers to that
JPT: what about subtitling devices?
LL: also refers to that
DP: could also get Shrek props/costumes for allnighter possibly
LL: would be fun, will message Slack with any updates

LL: in less than a week! RSVPs have been coming through, about 70 people coming (incl. Plus 1s) been looking at catering, got most people’s dietary requirements, lots of veggie stuff needed, made a price list for food, been quite hard as Costco don’t put everything on their website, have estimated when needed - suggestion for approval, get Costco’s sandwich platters, Sainsbury’s for GF and Vegan platters, some sweet thing, cakes and cookies, bowls of crisps, some fruit, sausage rolls - alcohol cannot be invoiced through SU, since reunion in middle of day might not be worth having alcohol anyway - can get soft drinks, 50litre liquid dispensers for water with lemon, all disposable plates and cups
Vote on budget: 11 Approve 0 Against/Abstain
LL: EL are you alright to help organise platters and ordering, Sat morning ok for Costco trip?
EL: am working, but Friday evening?
LL: ok, will need to clear fridge space for drinks
EL: I have a spare fridge
LL: can order stuff for collection on Fri

LL: can also make slideshow of people’s memories to whack onto the screen, they were sent on RSVP form
SC: nobody sent anything in for the booklet!
AS: can we get people to write stuff in a book?
LL: yes! Also, little nametags which people can write their names and dates on - also can handout last box of booklets

DP: can we make sure we get a picture of everyone? (LL - yes)
SC: do I have to wear my polo?
LL: wear what you want

LL: next meeting W3, would like to choose regular time now we all have timetables, either biweekly or triweekly, will see how much we still need to discuss after next meeting, will send out Lettucemeet to find average

JPT: can we do another Oppenheimer screening please? KH says he is up for it and we have enough people for it
LL: when would that be?
JPT: Wed evening?
EL: room booked by Estates all evening until 7pm, also there are Proj interviews, there is Raac in the building and this might be their only chance to deal with that
JH: it is until 7pm
LL: could then do a normal 7.30pm
JPT: if we do it next week, we might get rewatchers from WW
LL: there is 35mm Blue Velvet that week so needs converting, 18th has 35mm before and after
EL: projectors not converted for Am. Psych. On Thurs, need to talk to Drew about this urgently
DP: can do Sunday afternoon?
LL: which one? Needs converting to 35mm
JPT: it’s free money!
LL: we did get 40 people at first impromptu screening, there just isn’t a day which doesn’t have 35mm around it, opportunity gone

EL: we got a parking permit!
Everyone: woooh!
SC: how does it work?
EL: they think I am president now
AS: person who submitted form only person who can deal with the permit

DP: looking into getting films on Wed, no luck with TSwift, can get The Killer from W6 Fri, proposing W7 Wed
ZM: room is free
DP: asking about pricing, should have enough buzz, at LFF now and coming to Netflix soon, wondering if Pub can be done for that
SC: when by?
DP: W4 Wed at earliest, film out W4 Fri
SC: that’s less than two weeks from now
LL: can be printed in office, sending to print unrealistic
DP: I have idea for design, can put Insta post out to promote it
LL: sounds good, L3 booked every Wed from 7pm, everyone happy?
DP: can get Beyonce tour film
ZM: we can’t.
DP: want it booked for two weeks straight, would have to lie-show it for seven days straight
JH: screen it with dowser shut?
DP: not really serious consideration, just hoping, could be W10 on day which isn’t EoT meal
LL: feels like quite a big loophole compared to How to Have Sex, does anyone want to show it?
SC: I do, but not that much
LL: yes to The Killer. No to Beyonce.

ZM: what is the stance on subs with Past Lives, no [s] showing up
LL: on website as some subtitled, some not, but the [s] won’t show up then, assume just play normal version where English not subbed but other languages here
JPT: can we do subbed version as some people want to come see films but can only see subbed screenings, should commit to having whole film subbed
LL: will have to see which versions arrive? If we get that, we can use that

JH: can we not lock the office door as corridor door is already locked?
LL: No, estates will just walk into corridor but not our office so want to discourage that

Meeting ended at 19:00.

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