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Exec Meeting @ 2023-09-22 16:00:00

Liv Lancastle (chair), Sophie Cooper (minutes), Daniel Kallin, James Patt, Ethan Dougall, Zain Mothupi, Josh Heng, Adam Skrzymowski, Dillan Patel (late), Alex Pointon (late), Eric Liu (late), Jay Patel (late)

In attendance
Marnie McCrudden, Kieran Hall

Apologies: Tomas Caldon

Catchup /Welcome

LL - Welcome! Thanks for coming to L3

KH - Circle time energy
LL - It’s not really a circle though

Exec Updates
Publicity: LL - 2 days of pub runs so far - going pretty well so far, thanks to everybody who's come. People arriving tomorrow? More sociable and less sociable options, depending on what people are comfortable with. No point having a good schedule and publicity if nobody can see it!
SC - echo that - pub runs are crucial in getting attendance.
DM: JPT sent long dm message to qdms - key points - read and understand them pls. Confident rotas will be fine.
Proj : EL appears! P&D have given us ads yay! Mario show tonight! Emailed trainees asking for signups but doubtful many will - think only like 3 trainees are about?/ dont have membership yet. Also more qprojs need filling - need to organise filling in but he can do it bc hes pog.
PROJ AND DM: LL- if need people and you cant cover feel free to message if u need help with that
Socials: LL- On behalf of TC - socials cal is out! Lots of pub trips

Pause while noise is suppressed on teams

Jay patel appears.
Films: DP- oppy should be arriving on wednesday need to double check. Apparently strikes should be agreeing this week writer wise so then maybe actors will follow so hopefully it will all be fine for term 2! YAY!
EL - Is joy ride here. ZM - yes
Treasurer: ED - WE HAVE POLOS they're in the office, for the people who might not know. We still have money after that and pub but debt still exists!

Marketing: JPL - Marketing tracker is up! Thanks to SC for filling gaps left by some people for WW slides.
ED - post about location - when going up?
JPL - tomorrow midday!Will post and make a story highlight
SC - Can help if need
DP - is there a spiderverse post going up? JPL- can do tomorrow
IT: AS - online sales pass collection is made?
JH - email and website on hold minor tweaks on og website attempting to fix pi tomorrow night. Do receipt printer cables need changing?
KH - if they’re in office they need putting in.
EL- need changing bc it was said in last ‘party’ meeting
JH - add ww photos to google photos please.

ZM - projector in L3?
LL - idk its just there
Everybody perceives it

Tech?:EL - is step edge lighting fixed perm? LL - think so
KH - they use a dimmer switch, for the back? Accessible from proj box
EL - lift?
Kieran - still broken :(

LL - unitemps have sent over the slide, will forward to Jay to put up. Are expecting it to be on concourse screens too - that would be good to be fixed soon. Will get round to send an invoice to them and let them know that's what's happening incase they need something else on it etc.
ED: Going thru Su invoice form.
LL - FHM approved our publicity and will send details about anni specific events so they can promote our stuff!
SC - will we send plain text of FHM booklet pages to them

LL - 100 memberships! The people love us
DP - pushing membership at FFE?
LL- will be busy, leaving to QDM to sort
JPT - will message about it on QDm chat and briefing on membership. Pushing stewards to sell it and in a good way. Wording important - membership free with ticket?
LL - memberships - energy into selling them - good thing for dms to talk to stewards about pre shows and in pub runs - because then they get members emails!

Term Pass
JH - still need terms for film pass.
LL will put on the website - james do it?
JPT - can just copy paste membership ones and edit the words

ED - re spiderverse - anti pushing memberships there bc nobody has money if its free
Kieran - mindful that until socs fair most people won't have socs fed yet
LL- heavy push anyways? - flexes that she sold socs fed once

Stalls/WW stuff
LL - popcorns stall tuesday - signups on website are set up so sign up to give out popcorn and pub by the library. Socs fair thursday - signups full, but hands needed bc it goes on until 6pm!
EL - communicate bc wristbands
JPT - willing to help - SC - pub run pls!
LL - two shows covered by the slots so will need people around L3 and working on top.

LL - nice to have all exec there and have people interested so come chat about what you do and pizza.
EL - powerpoint?
LL - each team one slide but if remake for your team then feel free to do so and email it to me

ZM - have we fixed the speakers
LL - access to L3 only restored this morning. AP down in welcome week but depends what we can do while films going on - long list of tech stuff, priorities in place.
KH - have speaker drivers and two surround speakers in the office. To replace speakers we need a service visit EQ- beg and plead for a wednesday or an after term thing depending on when they come. Competent man has left. OmNex reg manager new.
LL- phoenix projector fix, title card mad delay - funky proj stuff happened -SOUND AND VISION CHECKS PLEASE -omnex did not slay

LL - another meeting soon - ideally before the reunion - lettucemeet for week 1

ED- Now we’re in person, it might help the convo get resolved
LL - happy with discussion in a meeting? - NODS FROM THE ROOM. Will try and get it into week 1 meeting but it might be a hefty conversation. Wil sort lettucemeet and agenda and work out if it fits into next meeting or needs its own.
EL - open or closed? LL - meeting open. Closed points were for privacy.
ED - play it by ear

ED- so respectful. Hoodies!!!! Biggest decision is colour - look at the spreadsheet. Will do a condensed vote between those two and black.Vote in meeting or slack?
LL- whenever
ED - emoji vote. Do we want logos, names what?
LL - will look at keirans office based hoodie.

SC - PUB DEADLINES BE READY. Pub spending was less this term- hurrah thank you KH!
KH - back in maaaah day it used to be [a lot more].
KH - pub wise gg everyone. It went wrong with strikes and stuff but everything is here towards the end of reasonable time and contingency plans. Also, can I spend money. Trolley died, we need a new one please - AP wants one from costco.
LL - will send a slack message about it. To vote
KH - was gonna take back off so it's fine for film moving.

EL - Tuckshop returning! Costco Trip is a-go!
KH- will prices reflect out of date-ness

AP - asks for trolley money then realises that's what KH did before he arrived.

ZM - how much are we spending on the reunion?
LL - WILL sort. Not yet finalised all the details yet. On about 50 attendees atm so will see when replies come true.

LL - thanks for coming! Pls come to pub runs and do WW shows - fruits of labour. Thanks for all the work everybody did over summer. Thanks to SC for the Pub, ZM & DP for doing schedule despite strikes.Cool. Hope ur all excited so see people back in L3!

Meeting ended at 17 05.

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