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Exec Meeting @ 2023-08-29 14:00:00

WSC Exec Meeting, 29/08/23, 2pm, Teams

Present: Liv Lancastle (chair), Daniel Kallin (minutes), Dillan Patel, Tomas Caldon, Josh Heng, James Patt, Sophie Cooper, Eric Liu, Zain Mothupi

In attendance: Kieran Hall

Apologies: Jay Patel, Adam Skrzymowski

Welcome and Apologies
LL: hello all, hope you are all doing well, apologies from JPL, going to slightly/drastically revamp the agenda, ignore the current one

Exec Updates
LL: assuming EL and JPT have no chief-related updates
JPT: update, ordered more till roll for the tills, will have a very busy T1, already had interest from new uni students to join WSC, people even sent cv’s
LL: a lot of people think they are going to get paid
EL: been busy recently, but will start sorting trailers soon once schedule is more-confirmed, aware that last proj meeting’s meeting minutes are still not published, will do soon
JPL: [from Exec channel] I think I’ve mostly finished the WW trailer, will send the final version to the WW channel to check and the email it the big screen people
I said I would get the tracker out mid-august but I’ll do it in the next few days probs- I just wanted to wait for more schedule confirmations

Pitch pot funding
LL: first part of funding came through, will be some reports to write which I can handle at some point
LL: small amount being used for 70mm and maybe one print, rest saved for t2 all-nighter

Term passes
LL: on sale from the 1st, all set up

SC: thanks to everyone who has helped with Pub, going to be two days until I go away, move house and stuff so can’t do anything from the 1st, got to hand this monitor back on Thurs evening, any schedule changes between now and then should be dealt with, new drafts going out tomorrow, mostly catching last-minute bits, please proof some pub, Print Deadline, can’t really be helped with strikes, but will be away during deadline, backup plan LL and KH have offered to do everything in my absence, they do Pub a lot, and KH knows a lot about Indesign and printing, thanks to those two, everyone else keep helping them out, hopefully everything will be sent off by then
LL: aiming to get it here by the 18th, Mon week before WW, gives us wiggle room when pub inevitable takes longer or gets delivered to wrong place, needed by Thurs to start Pub running - once here, we can start getting prepared for Pub runs

ICO Screening Days
LL: interested are LL, EL, DK - and DP for the Friday, anyone else interested speak soon, DP can get a ticket for just the Friday

Westwood Charity Screening
LL: L3 will be accessible from 15th, just light edges and fixing-up seats, nothing too major
Screening probs on W1

JH: updated all users on the system, been meaning to redo email for a while, will do once AS gets back, had a question: do people want mailboxes? We have mail.warwick.film, instead of through gmail you could send messages there
LL: no need/should this be a thing i would choose not to use it and stick w gmail instead
JH: ok gmail still works
JH: New website in progress, will try and get it done before start of term, team pages out of date, marketing one still says Photography Coordinator for instance, proj more focused on 35mm than digital - we have Exec page, could add letterboxd profiles to it
JH: updated pricing on website to £4 membership

Welcome Week
LL: rapidly approaching, it is lots of fun, pub runs will be Thu-Sun before WW (21st-24th), particularly on the weekend, don’t underestimate the Thu and Fri, please be around and willing to help, will be different jobs and different styles of pub running for different people, don’t need to run around and talk to people, volume of people most important
Just had a reply back from WW team, offered Tue or Wed to do popcorn outside library, asking if we can do both, would be great as we can point up the stairs and show where we are, can do from 11am-3pm before screenings start, will get emails to confirm that
SocsFair on Thu: signups on website, couple of slots left, also need people to run the shows that day as Fair runs until 6pm
Week before WW will be hectic as we will have just had access back to L3, won’t know until the 15th how much work will need to be done there
When are people here?
From Thurs 21st: 5 people (LL, DK, EL SC, JPT) (TC on 22nd, JH on 23rd, ZM from 23rd definitely maybe before), will send message to Exec to work out everyone else, should use filmsoc budget to by some snacks for pub runners
KH: once we have worked out what we are doing popcorn-wise, are people good with us buying popcorn, need bags, sugar and salt, oil
LL: bear in mind we will probably need to order popcorn stuff, will send pricing to Exec
LL: will give you all a pep talk nearing the time, very fun and exciting and will be the moment where all your work/stress pays off, really fun and you will have a great time
ZM: Somebody should probably double-check all the info on ww timetable tomorrow when they've approved the final edits i made
LL: will have a look tomorrow, everything looked correct, goes out next Monday

Finalise reunion plans + budget
LL: hoping to use reunion weekend as time to film footage for documentary, sent emails out to scout out interviewees, had a few slow replies, dealing with old people who rarely use their computers, there ARE responses!, have equipment loan sorted out for that weekend but even if doc falls through we can still have fun video memory of reunion

LL: would be nice in-person, sounds like people are coming back 21st-23rd, will want to focus on pub-running, could do meeting on the Friday, with Teams set-up as well, Friday afternoon to hype us up for busy week ahead - when pub runned planned, will send out time for meeting, won’t do a Lettucemeet but if around you can come, will do meeting in term for actual planning

LL: polo order is happening, you all confirmed sizes, ED putting in order today or tomorrow, will need to do spending vote, hopefully will arrive for WW but out-of-our-hands

JH: regarding 9th Sep filming day, worth me and EL coming down?
LL: since access to L3 is up in the air then probably not

SC: is the pub quiz happening on the dates/ times in the pub
TC: it is booked, Oct 22nd, specified we want the main bit, and at 8pm
LL: it is the day we have it scheduled!
EL: do we have to pay to do it?
ZM: if you win the pub quiz does your team get a prize?
LL: we just give out film posters, have we ever done anything else?
KH: back in t’day and used to be DVDs, terrible prize

Meeting ended at 15.12.

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