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Projectionists Meeting @ 2023-06-26 16:00:00

Projection Committee and Duty Managers Meeting and Party, 26/06/2023, 4pm, FAB1.11

1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Eric, James, Liv, Kieran, Max, Josh (Proj), Daniel (Proj), Marnie (Proj), Joe (DM), Sophie (DM)
In Attendance: None
Apologies: Zuzanna, Ethan

2. Rotas
- Duty Managers: Punch-Drunk Love and Everything Everywhere All at Once fully filled, thank you! :tada:
- Projectionists: Punch-Drunk Love already filled by Max King and Do Not Phil; Everything Everywhere All at Once already filled by Eric and Do Not Phil

3. Notices (DM)
- SC: "Middle printer is being a bitch". IT officers to replace cables on all printers.
- DMs *must* now always ask projectionists when they are ready to let people in on all shows. This is as on shows with trainee projectionists, minor things may be broken, or the Q-proj on show may want to break things temporarily to demonstrate things to the trainee.
- If nothing is broken, the Q-proj on show will tell the DM that they can let people in when slides are on and music is playing.

4. Show Reports (Proj)


Beau is Afraid (Early) – 23/06/2023
Q-Proj: Daniel; T-Proj: Tomas

DK: It was fine.
EL: Is that it?
DK: Yeah.



Beau is Afraid (Late) – 23/06/2023
Q-Proj: Max

It was fun. Had to get a steward to help with speakers (thank you Gracjan!). Nothing went wrong.

EL: Edited the show report to include brackets - OCD kicked in :P



Call Me by Your Name (Early) - 24/06/2023
Q-Proj: Liv; T-Proj: James

Lights were kept off into the credits as the credits started whilst the film was still happening, so were kept off whilst Timothée Chalamet was crying.

iLight is working, lift is broken - usual stuff!

JP: Learnt what a sound path is. Source, AP20, Amplifiers, Speakers!



Call Me by Your Name (Late) – 24/06/2023
Q-Proj: Sueda

No show report.
Only thing to note was that the speaker key was not in the usual location, so ramps were left out by the speakers. Key was left in the office.

KH: Where did the duck go? I am very sad about the duck disappearing.
LL: Can we get a bigger duck? And if it goes missing, can we get an even bigger duck?
EL: Have you seen the James Veitch video???

no show report :( no one is calling anyone by their names


Evil Dead Rise – 25/06/2023
Q-Proj: Liv; T-Proj: Tomas

LL: Yeah, it was pretty good. Tomas demanded we turn it up to 7.0 because the letter to the projectionist said to play it between 6.4 - 7.0, so let him play it at 7.0. It was too loud so turned it down to 6.5 after 5 mins.
LL: Eric and I were watching Love Island in the office and it was shaking the walls.
MK: Should have just played Love Island at 7.0!
LL: Very proud of the trailers, played two Barbie trailers, then Oppenheimer, then Barbie. The people enjoyed it! The ordering was even better -- the first two Barbie trailers were super pink, then Oppenheimer was very nuclear and dramatic, and the final trailer was the first Barbie trailer with the sun rising over the landscape, children playing with dolls since the dawn of time; couldn't tell whether it was part of the Oppenheimer trailer!
MK: Can you tell me which trailer it is? Want to replicate on Punch-Drunk Love.



5. Tech Officer's Report
- We bought test film from Italy!
- A lot of tech happening over summer.

6. Proj Procedure Changes
- Play more Barbie trailers.
- There is a spare speaker cupboard key in the tech box key for projectionists with tech box keys; not all projectionists have one as there are very few of them. DK: There are like 100 tiny keys that could do anything.

- JH: Can we change it to ATADONM?
- EL: Changed for one meeting, changed back.
- KH: Can we change it to VTADONM? _Vague_ Time and Date of Next Meeting?
- EL: Meeting in week -2?
- JP/SC: What's the point?
- EL: Would like to hype people up for start of term, and discuss existing trainees/new trainees - which trainees to bring on, and how to assess where existing trainees are on their first shows back.
- KH: Meeting before start of term is a good idea. Though week -2 is normally quite hectic because of publicity deadlines, so week -1 might be better.
- EL: Let's do week -1 then!
- JP: Ok, fair. Also week -1 for DM meeting.
- EL: Unsure of format of meeting yet - might be a Teams meeting, might be an in-person meeting, will decide closer to the time.

8. AOB
- MK: Has anyone got any playlist requests for tonight? I'll put MOM in, absolute beginners, Barbie, Oppenheimer. Shyamalan?
- MK: Come to the film tonight!
- SC: Publicity workshop at 2pm tomorrow, please come!
- LL: Competing AOB -- we are projecting a film tomorrow! Eric is projecting Big Lebowski at 3:30pm tomorrow.
- EL: York guy is coming today! If anyone is around that'd be great <3 He's coming at 6pm.
- JP: Thank you everyone for being so wonderful. ~~General thank you.~~ Heartfelt thank you.
* Thank you Daniel for being a great Vice-President, proj and TDM. Can't wait to work with you again next year, thank you for teaching me so many proj things!
* Thank you Josh for being a good IT Officer and proj, fixing and reviving the website two minutes after it goes down.
* Thank you Joe for being an active DM and having the best resting bitch face. I didn't know whether I was doing well or not with that face during my training and it made me try so much harder.
* Thank you Marnie for being a great ~~T-proj~~ and now Q-proj, remember that the best people qualify on the second show. Thanks as well for aggressively refilling the till roll when it ran out, the sheer aggression was very impressive.
* Thank you Kieran for being, I don't know, just being Kieran - I don't know how to describe you, you do absolutely everything, from IT through to 35mm projection and DMing. You do so many great things, especially with how hectic being an exec is, it always helps talking to you about all the problems I am dealing with. It always helps and makes things easier to manage.
* Thank you Liv for being such an amazing president and DM. I have worked so much with you due to dealing with society issues and setting up the new roles and responsibilities, it has been an absolute honour to work with you this year and I can't wait to keep working with you next year. Thanks for being such a good person.
* Thank you Sophie for doing about half my TDM shows with me, those Sunday night DM shows were a lovely routine for me. I really appreciate you doing so many DM shows as well, especially doing more lately, I really appreciate everything.
* Thank you Max for being the President when I joined and making me feel like I was actually welcome in the society. Along with being a great DM trainer and writing very long trainee trackers for me. I especially love when you show films with sound <3
* Thank you so much Eric for being an amazing Chief Projectionist. The current exec all got a slow transition into their roles where you got thrown right into yours yet still performed to an extremely high standard. Despite all the challenges you have not faltered and are still here, so happy to be on exec with you next year.

Meeting ended at 16:33 with snacks and refreshments available to all attendees.

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