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Exec Meeting @ 2023-06-19 16:00:00

WSC Exec Meeting, 19/06/23, 4pm, FAB2.32

Present: Liv Lancastle (chair), Daniel Kallin (minutes), Sophie Cooper, Eric Liu, James Patt, Tomas Caldon, Zain Mothupi, Adam Skrzymowski, Dillan Patel, Josh Heng, Jay Patel, Alex Pointon (late)

In attendance: Joe Asaoka-Wright, Marnie McCrudden, Ethan Graham, Kieran Hall, Max King

Apologies: Ethan Dougall

Welcome and Apologies

Exec Updates
FOH: JP, surprisingly well, all shows filled, no major problems, few people missing shows, hallway doesn’t smell like vomit anymore
Proj: EL, digital, new qualification, well done to Marnie! (claps all round), “things have been projected”, nothing to report
Pub: SC, blog going well, articles up, Sueda working on a pitch list, if anyone wants to write about something let them know, need ideas – booklet in progress, doing as much as I can, workshop depends on if/when there is a programming meeting, probs W10, come and help SC out
Mark: JPL, all good, wrapping up for term, once schedule drops will start working on trailer, practising with reels like the Renfield one
IT: JH, thinks website is fixed, hopefully, added Exec calendar, organised IT meeting for this week at 9pm, AS doing backup stuff (LL: thanks to all, incl. KH, for fixing website), JH: respond to my Discourse thread!
Socials: TC, meal booked for this Wednesday, can’t complain, all good

WW Timetable: DP: done! EL: guy in charge very happy, DP: confirming first Sunday is not part of WW timetable

WW popcorn: LL: no progress on this after being kicked out by SU, worth considering if we can book a stall on the piazza, will ascertain process, weekend before pub runs

Programming meeting: DP, towards end of next week or start of following week, will be finalised shortly

IT/Pub/mark meeting: AS: still floating around, LL: would be good for it to actually happen, send details of it to everyone

ICO screening days: DK: will organise who’s going and get them to buy tickets by end of week, LL: look up SU reimbursement rules

Online SU training: LL, some for ED to do as treasurer, have a peek as some stuff is compulsory

LL: any thoughts on this? Did SU training on sponsorship, need to advertise what our society can offer before sending this to businesses, not confident on what it entails, if there is interest more research will be done
DP: want it because of money
LL: no treasurer present for money update, but last meeting we had a lot of money, around £14k, some invoices/loans to pay will take it down a bit, 5k of proj loan which we want to pay off before October, £1.5k of SU emergency fund to pay back - once paid off we are doing quite well, about £7k left, so potentially not a huge concern but would be nice
EL: what sort of companies would we want to sponsor us? Previous Exec meeting concerned that sponsorship ideas were too corporate
DP: list on Discourse with company suggestions, but from a long time ago, contact details might be unreliable
LL: Discussions a year ago was that Warwick campus as a whole is very corporate, lots of socs sponsored by finance companies, campus outlets very profit focused, selling point of WSC is that we are not corporate, we are independent and not selling-out
EL: point asked for just to discuss, not got strong opinions, good to not be sponsored for 50th anniversary
DP: might be nice to be sponsored by business in local area, won’t be selling out to big corporation, allows us to spread into those areas
SC: likes the vibe of our independence, don’t want to get MUBI’d again, fuck corps
MK: MUBi did give “us” a blanket
LL: we need to give them enough to make their value for money, previous sponsorships involved us paying more for the sponsorship than they got for us, pages in booklet might be an option, other socs have logos on their merch which is hideous, need to make sure we don’t spend a lot of money on the sponsorship
DP: appealing package more than just signs, not promoting them that much, make that a bigger deal
AS: good shout, nobody notices it exists but company will think this is a big deal
DP: we can say, there will be X amount of people potentially seeing these signs
KH: needs SU approval for every sponsorship we got, previous issue with a week sponsorship with theatre which was seen as competing with Arts Centre, be weary of Warwick Commerce and SU bylaws
LL: small business might contravene this
LL: weighing up, a bit of money being nice vs. having to find a non-corporate, non-contravening company, leaning towards this being a lot of work for a small amount of money
EL: don’t need to actively seek out sponsorships but make sponsorship page more visible
LL: we always have slides available to sell, could be a middle ground between full sponsorship and nothing – In conclusion, leaning towards not getting sponsorship but attempting to hype up and redo selling slides page on the website and make it more prevalent
AS: more opinions about this when we had no money and needed to do this
LL: lots of film network funds which we can look out for, as well as SU Innovation fund to look at, other places where we can get money which doesn’t involve being corporate sell-outs
KH: don’t forget how scary having no money was, got to make the “doing great” happen
LL: all of this money could potentially disappear in T1, so put money and effort in making T1 great
EL: could try sell slides to societies, rather than going out external
DP: drop the rates for them
JP: will be good during WW, when lots of freshers will see it
EL: justifiable to put page in booklet of societies rather than KPMG
LL: return to this next meeting in regards to promoting slides

Committees doc ratification
LL: Has everyone read and understood this document, lots of people have, updated with all comments made, no more comments for a couple of days, happy to vote? Yes.
Vote: 12 For, 0 against/abstain
LL: I’ll edit it so it’s ready and send it over to It to put it on the website

The great sunday/monday debate
LL: on agenda for AS, wants to talk about changing start of week from Sunday to Monday
AS: we can all agree the week starts on Mon, people look on our schedules and turn up on the wrong day
DP: on GOTG3 last week, a group of people got confused what day it was, but they hadn’t come before
EL: you gave them confirmation bias by asking them if they were confused by this
AS: just the other day, some people turned up with Renfield tickets to The Mummy, they went home, it was very sad, pretty self explanatory, Monday is Monday, it is not Sunday
LL: couple of thoughts, people will be confused that we’ve changed the start of week, people should learn to read, SC made pub mock-ups and they were hideous, effect of first Sunday showing of term has been very noticeable, this year got nearly 700 people come to it, moving start of the week would get rid of that Sunday, effect of being able to publicise on that Sunday is really important, need a stronger reason to change something that’s been like this for 50 years
AS: began like this as it was a Uni calendar but that has since changed
LL: most calendars have both options
KH: context that 2018/19 Exec tried putting Monday at start of Pub and had to put it back because confusion got worse significantly, proved its point, after end of T2 they decided to never do it again
TC: with Renfield and The Mummy, that was Fri + Sat
DP: they thought it was Saturday because it was second last column
LL: could just make day more prominent on schedule
SC: can send pub which proves this right
LL: also confusion caused by there being no Wed, sounds like a them problem, making days more prominent solves issue without having to remove Sunday show
DP: block without films make last two days seem more like the weekend
JH: why can’t the Sunday just be a bonus?
LL: shows not on pub do very badly, such as ones on Wednesday
JH: WW already is weird, we could just add it to the weird WW week
EL: it just looks bad
SC: can prove how bad it looks
JH: just adjust the Pub to add another Sunday somehow
ZM: doesn’t have to look that bad right
EL: Sunday also has three screenings, would be a big blob at the top
LL: looked very impactful having EEAAO take up that big bit of space, set us up for a very good WW, do we want to potentially sabotage T1 with this change, attempted changes have always been reverted
JPT: a lot of changes, on other people’s shoulders, which is minor and might make things worse
EL: very small amount of people ever get confused
ZM: if they know how to look at the schedule, they can get used to a new schedule
KH: as someone who has done the A2, would be nice if the Wednesday films for WW were on there, not for lack of trying, cannot be made to fit
SC: direct attention to #Exec
LL: all the work for this would have to go to SC, easier to do on website than on physical pub, if SC can’t do it then that is the situation, nobody will step in and design it – more useful discussion would be for making days of the week more prominent on website and SU tickets
AS: agrees it would look hideous, interested to see how extra box would look, keep it this way but make the week numbers match, standardising Sunday Week 2 between Uni and WSC
LL: that’s weird, sorry
AS: this is weird, sorry
SC: all the information the customers need is on the pub
AS: same as saying that’s all on the website, hard to say it’s easy for them to find that out
JAW: hey guys it’s my first Exec meeting, there is a problem clearly with people turning up on the wrong dates, some people came on W5 for a W6 showing and got confused, this is same problem and moving the days around is not the only solution, is an accessibility issue, need to look at making text bigger, look at more possible solutions and make WSC more accessible, making dates more clear
LL: from a Pub perspective, would SC be able to brainstorm some ideas for making days of week and week numbers more visible, e.g. putting a gold border around them
SC: I guess, of the opinion that it’s fine as it is, understands it’s not the best for accessibility, suggestions welcome, but bear in mind that T1 schedule is already packed with stuff, T3 has lots of space and is very flexible but we want things to be standardised across terms
AS: the more I look at SC’s mock-up, the less hideous it is, thinks it fine
EL: it isn’t prominent enough
AS: you can add a box on the top row
LL: SC does need to prioritise making the actual Pub
TC: comes a point where you need to trust Uni students to read, nothing is idiot-proof
LL: a line to indicate that the last two columns are not the weekend, thicker bar between Sunday/Monday, could help with that
EL: friends more confused about the booklet than the A2, got confused by the pages by how the weeks start
LL: lots of films not in order in booklet as some wanted bigger spreads, make dates clearer, marketing guidance to put dates on slides, more prominent on Sundays when people get confused, Sunday W9 and the date
EL: should be more consistent in how we do weeks outside the A2, apparently we do weeks differently for marketing
JPL: posts on a Monday with list of films going down to a Sunday, but day of week is next to it
EL: apart from printed pub, it makes sense for everything else to be Mon->Sun
LL: thinks consistency between pub and everything else is important, printed calendars/diaries often start on a Sunday, no consensus here, not unusual, most important that we are consistent
DK: write something on the pub to say “The week starts on a Sunday”
LL: realistically if someone comes on the wrong day and were really upset we would offer them a free ticket, but is this worth sacrificing first big Sunday show of term, there are other considerations for making this more accessible
AS: context of when this was last tried and failed, how does this relate to other Uni calendars changing from Sun to Mon, not just a WSC thing
KH: I believe this was changed by Uni when WW happened just before 2018/19 academic year
AS: at that point, students had the week starting in their active memory on a Sunday
KH: likes to think FilmSoc is in people’s active memory
LL: not a good idea to go from 0 to 100 and try to overhaul all the pub and everything we have done for 50 years
AS: aren’t we doing this anyway?
LL: this would all fall on SC’s shoulders and we want a booklet more than we want Monday at the start of week, worth making Sunday being start of the week be more prominent and accessible
AS: SU website doesn’t give week numbers, just a date
LL: worth having marketing make posts consistent with email on Sunday
AS: if we have to do this then we are just admitting it’s confusing
EL: it’s only confusing when you point out to people that it’s confusing
DP: might be better to keep marketing post on Monday to give people two days to see that week’s schedule
KH: confused can mean perplexed or just mildly questioning, some people might never think about this again after noticing it
JPT: people will always get confused regardless, not enough people are being confused for this much effort to be put on here
LL: people turn up at the right time so are clearly perceiving the information and so know where to look, if only a couple of people are being confused then we should respond to this on that scale, just minor edits
AP: was there when the trauma happened last time and happened before, so would just leave it (written again in ALL CAPS)
JPT: vote on opinion to make it clear-cut
ZM: puts pressure on SC if vote does go way of switching to Monday, even though I back it
Vote whether Mon should be start of week (For) vs. just smaller measures (Against): 3 For, 9 Against, 0 Abstain, LL: Sunday is officially the start of the week! but small accessibility tweaks shall be made

Membership pricing/benefits
DP: increase membership from £3.50 to £4, price of a ticket anyway, could have made £350 more, small increase so is negligible
JPT: worst case they don’t pay it but still pay for £4 tickets
LL: compelling to say it is cheaper as opposed to the same price, but this could also work, a lot of society memberships are £3.50, on par with that as it is recognised as a number
KH: worth remembering that we got money from Socs Fed grant, calculated by no. members society has, could harm socs fed grant which is way worse than anything gained from making £350
EL: customers aren’t that price inelastic to not pay for membership
DP: it’s still good value
JPT: you can now say you can pay £4 for one film, or would you like £4 for a free film and discounted films
KH: stewards struggle to explain the membership to customers as it’s literally cheaper to buy one
LL: you could explain more simply by asking if they want a membership for the same price as their ticket,
DP: more an issue with training stewards with how to sell memberships, also won’t need as many 50ps in floats
AP: that’s basically what we did when the ticket price was £3.50
JAW: if you are selling memberships on tills, less of an incentive to get a membership, if people paying the same price then they might not be bothered to spend the time getting the membership, price drop might convince people to buy it
LL: but now we can phrase this as people getting a free membership with this ticket
EL: just give stewards sales training
LL: people leaning towards it, is the process to change this easy?
KH: thinks we have to ask the SU
AP: it’s not easy
LL: can do it over summer and sort it out
JAW: if we do an increase, would be awkward to put back down, if it doesn’t work out then we are stuck, lots of socs have increased membership prices because of covid/inflation, we didn’t do that then, won’t be much of an issue as they are doing that too
DP: Could always change it again next year
LL: vote now?
AS: doesn’t think KH’s point is true that Socs grants are due to member numbers, Tech Crew shouldn’t be able to get 4k a year
KH: not consistent, but written guidance does base grants on members
Vote: 0 Against 12 For 0 Abstain

Proj box supervision
LL: as requested by EG last meeting,
EL: give context on why EG had his keys removed, removed a couple of times and had them returned, right now he has no keys and he cannot project alone without another q-proj present, reasons for removal include projecting 35mm alone without being qualified prior to WW last year when he still has keys, admitted to it, keys returned and then removed again, incidents since then have included EG trying to fix lift himself without being insured to and risked his life, after keys removed due to not being trusted in Proj box alone, after keys being removed, trust issues, on May 1st incident with EG outside with DTS reader and took allan keys proj box, LL confronted him to get keys returned, key not found until EG was confronted, knew he wasn’t allowed to be there but still entered
EG: didn’t know rules up until the point, last time specified that he wasn’t allowed keys until DM could supervise him on the show, told Q-proj was needed on Magic Mike’s Last Dance T2 but wasn’t aware before this show, thought it was fine as three Q-projs were present
EL: did ask you if you needed clarification
EG: thought supervision entailed just having a q-proj on site
LL: point of having vote today is to clarify these rules, previous Exec didn’t always do great job on this, EL has sent email which whole Exec saw about supervision rules which should have clarified that in writing, true there were grey areas but this vote should remove them
EG: keys have never been returned after September, did ask permission before lift thing, to MK and Andrew Maddison, understands that he shouldn’t have
EL: Andrew Maddison shouldn’t be doing it either, he’s audiovisual guy not a lift specialist
EG: was going to look at it with him, but did it earlier
LL: reason why we asked Andy and not you to look at it, we ask quite a lot of him, assumption is that he is present as he is insured and Uni is aware he can do this
EG: wanted to be helpful as ChiefProj
AP: AM is also employed by Uni
EL: wants to clarify more grey areas, relating to remote access and supervision of trainees – remote access should be blocked, can still keep IT account, incident on May 24th at 00:42, MI:7 trailer extracted from projector using information from Barco documentation, in same folder called Super Dangerous Documents, a folder which KH had not been allowed to look at, trust issues with remote access
DP: are we saying this has happened, or EG has done that?
EL: will say allegedly, in folder by Ethan, Barco documentation shouldn’t be publicly accessible
KH: distinction between being able to find documentation on pirate website, and using those credentials to do things unsupervised
EL: happened since rules qualified – in regard to trainees, would still need to be supervised by another q-proj, thinks we should stop doing that, not comfortable for trainee on show to be shadowed by other projs, for freshers and female projs this won’t be a very comfortable situation, LL and ZC wouldn’t be comfortable supervising EG – doing this with Chief Proj head on, not personal, but Proj Box rules should stand as they are
EG: wanted these rules voted on as Exec need to vote on these rules for them to be legitimate
LL: DM supervision thing has caused issues, agreed on this in Nov as interim measure, votes on keys and Proj Box access happened in Feb, EG interpreted vote results as interim measures continuing, worth clarifying this – vote on everything stated on email sent to EG (supervision by q-proj at all times accessing FilmSoc equipment (EG: “under direct supervisions”), only using digital projection equipment in proj box, continuing these measures) – addendums: remote desktop access, and whether EG should have trainees
ZM: confused about remote access, didn’t realise removing trailers was not a thing one wasn’t allowed to do, pretty sure I have the Barco document as I found it online, doesn’t harm Barco in any way
EL: doesn’t think he should do it, goes against his rules
ZM: films on UniQ, if you want to keep them you can just remove them
LL: which is what the ChiefProj should do, exclusively, storing things on dCinema
KH: what is clear is that it was in a folder called Super Dangerous Documents supports belief that EG shouldn’t be using it, especially given KH was disallowed access to it
EG: found these docs useful when training people, they used to be open to read, when they were removed people asked to look at them, rather KH didn’t go delete these documents again, my belief as it was a folder I created
DP: was that created when you were ChiefProj?
EL: folder modified in April
EG: doesn’t know when it was created
KH: can you clarify how Barco service manual and Barco installation manual could be used to train projs?
EL: they shouldn’t be used
KH: we are not allowed to have them, shouldn’t be used even if we can find them on a random Ukrainian language website
ZM: if you looked hard enough you can find them
MK: why would you need them?
AS: because it’s interesting
EG: not doing anything with them, just finds it interesting
LL: looking at something is fine, the line being crossed is that these manuals are being used to extract trailers, that’s where this becomes an issue, beyond just simple curiosity – clarifying these rules is useful so we know where the line is and EG knows where the line is, especially as we have already been acting under these rules, if anything happened from this point onwards the rules would be clearly laid out
ZM: thinks remote access a bit different
EG: did this because he liked the trailer
ZM: the reason we can play EEAAO is because of doing this, thought we all knew this
LL: remote access makes the line blurry between EG needing constant supervision and being able to access dCinema and all our local files – the folder name and KH being banned is a bad look and is concerning
JH: if I had been suspended due to 35mm/lift, would assume remote access would not be an issue as it is not physical equipment
LL: long list of occurrences which are much more than this, some are alleged or fall into a grey area of what is/isn’t allowed, unsupervised 35mm projing is enough to ask for no access to that physical equipment, but list extends beyond this
EL: other point on remote access, incident relating to DCP store backup we have, there is an email outlining what happened there
EG: I don’t have access to DCP store, that was removed, had discussion with AS and decided to move files across, I was CProj, AS was IT officer, so good case for it to be ok to do that – did somebody say that nobody should be putting stuff in dCinema other than CProj, is dCinema still a public place?
LL: believes so
EL: it can and should still be public
JH: are these restrictions indefinite or can they be recalled if nothing happens after a certain amount of time
LL: supervision means if anything happens it cannot be to do with EG, if nothing happens then it shows that the restrictions are working, not a reason to take them away – last time this was discussed and voted on, consensus was that this would be indefinite, this will be a secret ballot at EG’s request, not sure if people not on Exec but for avoidance of doubt, LL has requested it – three votes, continuation of existing rules (For = continuation), trainees (For = having trainees), remote access (for = keep remote access)
Vote 1:10 For 2 Against 0 Abstain – will continue supervision
Vote 2: 3 For 9 Against 0 Abstain - will not have trainees
Vote 3: 2 For 9 Against 1 Abstain - will not have remote access

LL: will send email with these new restrictions, with EL, to EG
ZM: will IT have to change rotas if someone signs up with EG?
EL: gets notifications when people sign up, will be quick on this

50th Anniversary
LL: been pushed back about four meetings, next academic year is our 50th anniversary, would be cool to do some stuff, hopefully will get people more enthusiastic about WSC, and nice for people to realise how old and established we are
SC: in terms of pub booklet, wants to have some articles by passionate members, do a little history of it, getting in touch with alumni so they can contribute to the booklet
EL: there is an alumni mailing list, don’t know if anyone is on it
AS: has some email addresses, can get soc creator Clive to say something
DP: can have alumni through the past 50 years
DK: cool to have page in booklet in style of 70s programme
DP: Good Bad Ugly is first films shown, Metropolis is first 35mm/digital so those are good ideas, might spread these out over two terms
AS: could do best films from each decade
LL: Simon Mayo says One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest is his favourite cinema experience
KH: licensing issue!
DK: can email into Kermode + Mayo podcast
MK: also Ali Plumb
EG: FilmSoc musical again
LL: could get in touch with filmmakers with nice equipment, see if anyone wants to make a short documentary that we screen before screenings, knows some filmmakers in Leicester who could do this – going to hit up Keith
TC: preceding historical screenings, have some little talks about things, brief little monologues
LL: make screenings special by having people introduce the 35mm screenings, might be cool to bring back
TC: for landmark films would be good to do
LL: reunion event for alumni, would be fun to walk around and flex that we made it happen
EL: use stuff we have on film for transitions and convert it to digital
DK: try and get 16mm screenings and projector working
KH: cute to do a Westwood screening, but nobody would come
DP: get a special WSC 50 logo
AS: can be discussed
LL: assumed it would be for marketing
JPL: can come up with some ideas
DP: if website redesign doesn’t happen by end of summer, can we have a new look
EL: can go back to 2000s blue
SC: can we frame 50p membership price increase as for the 50th anniversary
LL: 50th person who comes to screenings gets a reward
EL: revert back to 1973 inflation levels
AS: attack 50 non-members with a season ticket
EG: tried to do a season ticket, will Exec try and do again?
LL: problem last year, kept letting non-members buy the members ticket, worth trying to solve?
AS: never got around to do it, should do
LL: will add to agenda for next Exec meeting
TC: Horrible Histories royalty song with all the Presidents of the last 50 years
SC: Marvel legacy style logo of old presidents
KH: put money aside for particularly chonky booklet
LL: not planned to be much longer than last year
SC: last year 56 pages, maximum 64, shouldn’t be doing more than 64 anyway, could put stuff on blog instead
LL: articles about WSC can be talked about after T1 once we know how much money we have, anniversary all year long
EL: cool to have an insert in middle of booklet for T2
SC: not possible the way it is, nice in theory
EL: make a FilmSoc newspaper, reach out to The Boar
LL: hit up The Boar/RAW people for some mutual engagement
DK: put new logo on a new banner if not too expensive
AS: isn’t there another 50th anniversary
KH: will be one in a few years for 35mm
LL: could we have a colour on A0 for T1 special events, like pride colours for Spring schedule
SC: will make sure it stands out
AS: cool for pub to point out cool stuff we are doing, like 70mm and so on
LL: add more on the booklet to show off how cool some of our screenings are
DP: could do an all-nighter based around on films that are important to WSC
LL: worth trying, might not be appealing
AS: cool to do all-nighter in all format, with mystery film and film of each genre
KH: can be both, important films are just films we like from the last 50 years
LL: A5 leaflets are quite cheap, could have something to promote an anniversary all-nighter and related special events, £40 for a 1000
SC: will look into it, depends if we want something that will last all year that we can reprint, just need enough time
AS: outdoor banners seem to be £60-80
EL: special beermats
TC: special FilmSoc branded beer
LL: provided we have the money, especially good to have polos, could have special 50th logo on polos for Exec this year
AS: special beer or cider at Real Ale Festival
EL: in return for a slide, you name a beer after us
LL: most of these ideas are centred around pub, lots for SC to do
SC: Exec on pub-making, pub runs, pub proofing
LL: help out on Pub as it’s a lot of work – lots of this can be fairly short term, star work over summer and towards Aug/Sep
Immediate action: potential reunion (is that TC’s jurisdiction? Yes, but with help from Exec), short film/doc, scheduling
In terms of reunion, when should we do it? Pre-academic year, is that reasonable? Or looking at later in the year?
SC: depends on what times work best for alumni, consider if they want to watch a film
LL: people have requested a hangout/reunion, people just want to have a chat, could get a nicer place to do it than L3, or maybe they want to come back to L3, just set a time in the evening and get some nibbles, drinks
EL: was thinking April, just a random month
AS: FilmSoc reunion ball?
LL: could get stuff from alumni which could be used for events throughout the year, e.g. quotes, items, any further ideas
DP: before term would be a push on organising it, limit on what we can do with it
LL: if we started now for September, we would have nearly 3 months, in summer when people don’t generally have a lot to do, Spring holidays would be run-up to exams so much harder to organise
EL: need to get enough people to make it worthwhile, start headhunting now, happy to help googling people
LL: could get mass email out by end of week
KH: Facebook crew group has a lot of people we can contact
SC: forgot to hand that over to TC
LL: would need to fix a date, know we can have L3 then, know there was enough people around
TC: important to note I am banned from Facebook
KH: old iteration of FB group which AM can access, L3 belongs to Conferences and they charge £600 a day
SC: could just have the reunion in a different room and pop into L3
AS: Conferences don’t use L3
LL: Christmas is a bad time, September or April best times, has to be a weekend, and at a reasonable time, and we need to make it, backs September, plan of action to find some way of collecting interest from people, fix a date, not making a Lettucemeet
KH: is there a reason it has to be not in term time, people would like to see films in L3, come back for Good-Bad-Ugly
LL: could be a daytime event on a Sat running into a film
AS: if they care enough to come back, they might contribute money for somewhere nice
JPT: might be cool in L3 because people want to return there
LL: we can book out a B room and decorate it, term time is a good shout, (to FOs) how is draft schedule going?
DP: exists as a draft, to be discussed with ZM tonight
LL: are there plans for GBU – worth rearranging for a Sat near start of time in early October, could work as a double with good publicity, firm plan to ask alumni about
DP: could always drop it down to a single if it it too much going on in one day
LL: make sure we can handle running everything – will start finding places to contact alumni
EL: can use names on Wiki and use Google/Linkedin to connect to people
LL: once we have a date we can start asking people to come, gives us four months
EL: hit up Louis Holder
LL: will contact the person I know has made short docs with student groups before, will send updates if he can

LL: towards end of July, when schedule vote should be and when pub starts – will send out Lettucemeet for last two weeks

LL: MK asked if we could give Jordan Ilan lifetime crew, has been overlooked as was two Execs ago as Pub officer but has made brief reappearance lately
Vote: 11 For

DP: if we want a Warwick presents: Big Screening for WW, prices have increased a lot, might be worth reaching out to them again, if we do want one
KH: to licence film for big screen, Warwick Conferences owns the space, Warwick Presents also does films, AP managed to wangle it that we could run them and claim them as our events, people in that role now are very keen but we might need to pay for licensing, but something could be arranged
LL: previous issues have been not having films/ideas for a Big Screening, but if we can’t think of anything then there is no point, just do some more Free for Everyones in L3
AS: would piazza big screening be good in welcome week, nice end to the week on the sunday
LL: last one was a little lacklustre, but if there is a good film then it is worth doing

DP: in past we did screenings in collaboration with SU, worth reaching out to them now or just stick them on a Wednesday
LL: might be worth asking what they have planned for T1, might be too early
DP: who contacts SU for collabs?
MK: I was doing them last year, can forward the addresses, will have a look
LL: can you forward that to Exec?
MK: yes
MK: it was Projects and Campaigns, most of the people I spoke to have left

ZM: can we change TADONM?
LL: no.
ZM: feels like we can be more precise with our language
EL: compromise by changing it on proj meeting
ZM: will bring this up again

EG: 70mm spring; spoken to one of his contacts, actually not hard to find, would be able to buy two new ones
LL: sure the Tech officer has it sorted

JH: can we rename Externals to Public
DP: Externals don’t refer to themselves as externals so get confused
SC: ideas about this at another time
LL: general public probably works

JH: please fill in my Discourse thread and use the Google calendar

AS: could put up T1 schedule in Tesco, market that kids go free

EL: went up to York Student Cinema and repped WSC, treasurer lives in Kenilworth and wants to visit next week on Monday to see 35mm and ask us questions

Meeting ended at 18:42.

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