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Exec Meeting @ 2023-02-10 15:00:00

Exec meeting, FAB3.30, 10/2/23, 3pm
Present: Max King (chair), Liv Lancastle (minutes), Sophie Cooper, Ethan Dougall, Zain Mothupi, Sueda Oktay, Alex Pointon
In Attendance: Kieran Hall, Jacob Watkiss, Darcie Hurley, Ethan Graham, Joe Asaoka-Wright, Eric Liu, Sebastian Smith, Anna Taylor
Apologies: Sophie Emeny

MK thanks ZM for programming meeting, and thanks LL for being a sublime Karen when phoning about the matrix.

Meet the Exec and Elections
3pm Sunday 19th, in L3. Need exec there to talk about your role. Nominations open afterwards.
SO will be returning officer – will get AS to sort out emails.
ED can advertise, and MK/LL can do members emails.
Need to announce start of voting period and proxy votes on Monday 9am. LL needs to announce the AGM two weeks before.

Ratification of LL’s 35mm qualification: for: 6, against: 0, abstain: 0.
SO: Got a suggestion from SS about ways to share articles – send out emails or have a space on the website/a separate website where we can post them? Digital only because of money. Would be a publicity duty but with help from marketing (could design stuff like Max’s 35mm article). SO will email SS to pick a time to discuss this and will let publicity team know.
LL: Poster frames? AP: Theoretically have permission to put them up still – could be a project over the summer for next year. Can get Andy to help since he’s legally allowed to drill the walls.

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