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Exec Meeting @ 2023-04-05 11:00:00

WSC Exec Meeting, 05/04/23, 11am, Microsoft Teams
Present: Liv Lancastle (chair), Daniel Kallin (minutes), Sophie Cooper, Zain Mothupi, James Patt, Josh Heng, Eric Liu, Dillan Patel, Ethan Dougall, Adam Skrzymowski
In attendance: Kieran Hall
Apologies: Jay Patel

Welcome and Apologies

Exec updates
LL: notice change of wording from Team updates in order to focus on last meeting’s major action points
LL: check-up on handover, any issues?
JPT: only half-cdm as still not q-dm, but some elements of training have to wait until qualification
ED: work-in-progress, AP busy so going quite slowly, lots of wisdom to convey, aim to be done by end of holiday, ED doing invoices and remittances currently (KH: take a trip to the finance office at start of T3) – take AP off website as Treasurer once ready
AS: Exec stuff moved to new Exec, let IT know if you are struggling with emails

LL: new banner not put up on Library Bridge
KH: do we have any large cable ties? (LL: not checked, we can get a hold of some) - we want chunky-UV-resistant ones
LL: Return of 70mm spring, email drafted, will confer with Exec before sending
LL: exec/polo slash jumpers progress?
ED: no. will look into next week → list of colours + vote in Exec channel

Term 3 prep
LL: Term 3, on exams, work out which weeks are “no-go weeks” to avoid for meetings
LL: how are film bookings going?
DP: everything good but Sony stuff, they said they would have answer by yesterday but not back to us yet, no reason why this shouldn’t go through - possible hold-up due to Park Circus
LL: print deadline tomorrow, chase ‘em up, if Sony not back by tomorrow then print deadline will need to be pushed
SC: communicate asap once Sony responds, coming in to office tomorrow to finalise everything – thanks to everyone who did Pub Proofing, good to do a lot of drafts, if you didn’t please do so next time! → “all eyes on publicity”

SC: when will the schedule be added to the website? Let me know
DP: once all confirmed
KH: putting films on website a hefty job, get started now, should be Films Officers

SC: update on SO’s blog… sent out email, decent response to blog, if blog takes off we will need to organise how it works and who is responsible, Sebastian making website and SO editing it, soft-launch in T3, more pitches over summer if goes well
KH: who is hosting the blog - us or blogspot or something?
SC: unknown. SO should come to the meeting to discuss the blog herself.

LL: everything ready for printing once the last three films are confirmed?
SC: yes. Also, Eurovision move to an hour earlier for both slots needs adding to pub, picture to be sent to Exec of changes

SC: it is your duty as an Exec member to go on Pub runs, weekend before term starts, please come! Schedule sign-up to be sorted out, recruitment drive for the freshers to get into accoms, get your friends to come and help

LL: who is putting ticketing on SU website?
ZM: thought when constitution changed that it is FOs jobs
ZM and DP happy to do it for both warwick.film and SU website
LL: ticketing up by a week before first film of term (Apr 17th), let Exec know if workload too large and you need assistance
AS: automation exists (KH: interface redesigned so doesn’t really work anymore)
Conclusion: no automation but IT can make new automation

EL: can FOs say when the schedule is confirmed to send to P&D. EL needs to make trailers once they have arrived
DP: more trailers dropped this morning, contacted for more yesterday

DP: two long films require shifted times (Beau is Afraid, John Wick 4), decide between 1830/2200 or alternative
SC: 2200 worked last fine last term, need to decide if want it on Pub
ED: don’t want to cram the Pub (SC agrees)
SC: not an issue if people come 30mins early and we can just tell them its 30mins later
LL: make sure Lates are on for 10pm on SU website for tickers

DP: two Jonathan Majors films back-to-back (Ant-Man 3, Creed 3) but there’s a court case about him around same time
KH: had sent this news to LL, LL has no recollection
LL: is it worth mitigating with charity collection?
DP: might imply stance being taken as all is alleged so far
KH: weary of cynicism implied by charity bucket, optics not great
LL: we don’t know how controversy will play out, mostly just good to have option available
ED: there is no movement to not watch his movies, he is just an actor
JPT: agrees, Jonathan Majors has denied everything, too early to take stance

Potential external collabs
LL: thoughts on approaching society’s to collab, broadly unsuccessful last year
DK: don’t think we need to reach out necessarily but happy to do so
KH: even one collab could mean big attendance for T3 standards, might be worth doing, no harm in doing so
AS: 50 film collabs for 50 years??
LL: send DK to organise some collabs, work with JPL to communicate through Facebook where necessary

LL: two emails from bigger collabs;

1. Warwick Film Festival, June 2023, looking for submissions, love to promote screenings and events, do we want to get involved?
LL: Email and ask how we can get involved, we have all the equipment to show their films
SC: when is this, end of term?
AS: hard to tell who actually started the festival, partly Warwick Presents, partly WAC, Wed 21st Jun, probs already got space to show films at WAC, should have a chat
KH: ran the last one of these, 2018 Warwick Filmmaker’s Showcase, good time, they might prefer to show their films at the WAC, only ever hosted when WAC said no, not necessarily organised by student groups
AS: page contact is Will Thomas for WFF
KH: he is in charge of Welcome Week so is supportive of WSC, trusted by KH
LL: email from student (Harry who previously DMd at WSC), worth emailing to ask what’s the venue for screenings and if we could help
(virtual thumbs up all round)
DK: will send them reply once email forwarded

2. Residential Community Team, they have access to 3 cinema rooms across premises, want to collab somehow, not sure why we would want to set up 3 rival cinemas, might be opportunity to increase publicity by liaising with RCT
LL: can help with film booking as we are listed as Uni contact for that
KH: they are keen enough that guy KH did undergrad with, colleague of emailer, Facebook DMd to ask us to help out, they should ask Warwick Conferences for film booking however
AS: offer to check out their cinema rooms and get them to pay us to book films for them
KH: get big bookings of L3 from them, their cinemas are just common rooms with a TV ostensibly
LL: Cryfield one really fancy
KH: residents can use it themselves without assistance
LL: ask them if they had anything in mind with their cinema rooms, but also we can put on films for them in L3
LL: will email them back

Public DM/Proj Slack channels
LL: KH brought up idea about public dm/proj Slack channels
EL: good to do, should have private for q-projs
LL: standardise, DMs only have q-dm channel and not dm as a whole channel
Private qDM and qProj channels + Public DM and Proj channels
EL: should help with trainee trackers
LL: making existing Proj public + new private one. New Dm one for public
LL: anything for 35mm?
KH: do we need a private one for 3 people?
LL: in view of having it set up for future then worth it
KH: worth having them separate so technical stuff doesn’t overwhelm new projs
LL: make existing 35mm channel public
JH: needs to be added to 35mm channel to make it public, will make new private channels, add Chief and then leave

50th anniversary
LL: reminder that this is a thing for 2023/24 academic year, post-exams we can have brainstorming meetings about it, delegate to Teams etc.
But start thinking about it.

LL: happy to do Exec meeting just before Pub runs on that weekend before term, leave it later and people will be busier, not confirmed but will work out which weeks to not use and then confirm this

JH: IT work-experience email, is that possible given they do not attend the Uni?
KH: SU thinking about safeguarding policy, no policy on under-18s collabing with Uni
LL: sad if reason is they are not a member, but safeguarding is strong reason
DP: concurs, so does EL: only there for a week, not much to do anyway

LL: can we use LettuceMeat over Doodle Poll
DK: prefers it too

LL: worth having email for the Blog?
SC: SO just put pubofficer email for ease, but if blog takes off then it will need one, instead of SC just forwarding everything to SO
LL: if there are more pitches after soft-launch then that would be good

LL: ask JP to organise Meet the Exec Instagram post

LL: make sure to spell people’s names correctly when sending emails

LL: BandSoc account codes, worth CCing in Treasurer
DK: will email to tell them I am doing this

EL: how to do committee meetings work in Term3
LL: Chief’s discretion, as often as normal during full-schedule weeks
EL: in previous years?
LL: last year we only did them in full-schedule weeks

DP: do Meet-the-exec post in style of Barbie movie posters! Send idea to JP

JP: steward shortage towards end-of-term, bear in mind
LL: but normally low amount of customers so not too big an issue

DK: what to say to mixed netball?
LL: offer standard collab

KH: AT received funding from Warwick Presents for W9 society showcase, staging as bands likely to perform, lots of spare 35mm projectors and equipment in storage, scope for proper outdoor screening for cheap as infrastructure already there, first time in 10 years, would need to negotiate heavily with SU and find a white surface, could do a Wednesday week 9
EL: ancient docs on outdoors screenings in proj handbook
KH: used to be done in field where Oculus is, could borrow Warwick Prints Luton van, almost doable
LL: BandSoc doc schedule for Wed W9, when dates for showcase confirmed we can contact them about date and time
KH: would require planning from now
KH: proj handbook on big screenings useless
LL: worth hitting up AP on what to do
KH: hit up Anna Taylor and Jack Denton in SU if possible in first place
LL: will hit them up and prospect feasibility, hopefully discuss before start of term if confirmed possible
DK: tie it in with 50th anniversary
KH: SU interested in doing this every year, this could become annual thing quite easily
KH: getting screen up is the hard part, very heavy, need to find a way to make that work

ZM: on outstanding BORs for Gargarine and 3000 years of longing, any reason?
LL: nothing wrong, just not received by them, just send them again
ZM: will send 3000YOL again
ZM: email had been sent to Exec about outstanding BOR
KH: remembers he had forwarded this BOR from 2021, just not sent it
LL: just send a new one

LL: keep eye on Slack channel. Do your agenda points.

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