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Exec Meeting @ 2023-03-11 13:00:00

WSC Exec Meeting, 11/03/23, 1pm, A1.28
Present: Liv Lancastle (chair), Daniel Kallin (minutes), Max King, Sueda Oktay, Sophie Cooper, Zain Mothupi, Ethan Dougall, Adam Skrzymowski (on Teams), (Dillan Patel), (Eric Liu), (James Patt), (Tomas Caldon), (Josh Heng), (Jay Patel)
In attendance: Kieran Hall, Ethan Graham, Abigail
Apologies: Sophie Emeny, Alex Pointon

Welcome and Apologies
LL: hello sorry we’re in Milburn House, DK will book better rooms, welcome new exec, congrats! (everyone claps)

Exec Procedure
LL: Aim to continue regular meetings as of last term, new doodle polls soon, please use Exec slack channel for in-between meeting discussions and don’t forget to respond

LL: quorum for vote is 2/3rds rounded up for exec membership = quorum is 9 (so 50% needed for majority), votes in meeting or via email

Handover Progress
LL: did handover with DK, all good
EL: needs handover from MK probably.
Handover deadline is end of week 10, (Friday, let’s say). Maybe even Thursday as extra-prepared deadline.
Commence new roles on Fri.
SO: says first half of handover by that deadline, training after deadline, so split-handover.

ZM: done handover for DP.
AS: will sort out email stuff on Fri, Week 10.

No problems in regards to end of W10 handover. EL and DP can be set up ASAP.

Team Updates
LL: updates from old exec and new exec together

Proj: EL: has qualified DK (and failed him don’t forget), cool proj meeting, cabbage delivered. MK: will update on cabbage.

FOH: SO: says team in good place, 4 trainees, JP has great plans for retaining and recruiting, good for stewards but will lose a lot due to finalists, shows staffed, no problems foreseen

Publicity: SO: deadlines set, in pub channel, emailed and workshop set up on Thurs 6pm in L3 (come to learn some pub pls), provisional print deadline set to Apr 5th but could be changed a little

Marketing: ED: not much to report, consistent, forgot to market Mystery Film (tut tut.), all good besides, SE “afk for a few days”, slides wrong as Babylon still showing on screen (according to SO), The Whale is now showing up.
MK asks about handover, ED to take lead, SE will be in touch.

IT: JH, AS changed website to Summer theme. Still need to do handover.

Socials: SC: rang Wagamamas and they don’t do booking, so will wing it on the day, handover will be done next week

Term 3 Schedule & Publicity
FO: probs email vote on Term 3 schedule, DP: making decisions on few tweaks, updates on discourse, Ant-Man problem (whether to remove, move to single, and what to replace), tweaks are not essential, schedule generally fine, can more people have their say?
ZM: probably fine for end of W10, only four films to deal with, nobody complaining about anything else. Will update Discourse/Exec when all pog.
EL: has costs been considered?
ZM: will calculate total costs before schedule drops and send them out with it, not spoken to treasurer about costs yet but will
LL: vote by end of W10 so publicity can get started on
SO: has not weighed up pub cost but will do with SC as part of handover, will get loyalties, A4s, A2s, skinny booklet, as per, priced up once pages known, accurate number in coming weeks, SO agrees to Fri W10 deadline.
Cost for schedule and pub to be emailed round all at once
KH: reinforces how costs work as they are counter-intuitive, pricing very weird, “make informed decisions”– SO to do mega email with TL:DR on costs.
ED: wants prices included on films that might be cut too.
LL: recruiting for pub, go to SO training session! Will bring snacks! Thurs 6pm L3.

Elect Sub Officers
LL: welfare officer, environmental officer, health and safety, equal ops - no formal responsibilities as distributed between other exec members, nothing written up - not urgent
EL: will go for environment officer. 11 in favour. 1 against, EL for some reason. (12/13 of all new exec present).
JP v. LL for welfare officer. JP: will care well for everyone’s fairness, reason being he externally volunteers for Samaritans, actually has skills, LL backs it. JP new welfare as LL drops out. 12/12.
LL: goes for equal ops. 12/12.
AP: willing for h&s if nobody wants it. DP has no speech, presence is enough. 11/12 for, AS against. DP gets the job.
SO: welfare officer expected to do - only one required by SU (SU will get in touch with LL once on system as exec) - active bystander training (five 2 hour sessions).

Welfare: James Patt
Environment: Eric Liu
Equal Ops: Liv Lancastle
Health & Safety: Dillan Patel

Time and Date of Next Meeting
LL: too soon to plan, wants one over holidays via Teams, will be short, schedule things to discuss and early T3 type things, poll to be sent out, wants semi-regular meetings over T3 but respective of exams, message Exec to find out no-no weeks to fit around.

MK: weary of hoarding snacks

LL: account with Universal on hold, invoices to be paid, ED should get in touch with AP to get that figured out, fine for rest of T2 but needed quick for T3
(AP: later messages to say this is already sorted)
KH: stuff needs to be planned for, in advance, even during the holidays
LL: fine to not be on-call for Exec stuff constantly, you can be covered for if break needed

SO: send new Constitution to SU, by next Thur then can be ratified before next term
LL: will send today
SO: it was great being on Exec for outgoing, new exec going to do great

KH: Constitution and roles/responsibilities please be put on website
LL: doc fully updated but Committees doc needs to be discussed in next exec meeting (or one after but no later)

JP: welfare and chief dm so will be around a lot, qualified first aider, go to JP in emergency, sticker over qualified first aiders sheet in corridor to have JP on it
MK: no stocked first aid box, JP will make sure it’s stocked and will invoice that, collab with DP as new h&s officer
Also, mental health first aider, e.g. panic attacks, he can help. Army reservist too so can help in case of war, can get people to ambulance and hospital.
Not qualified to train first aid but can pass on basic skills to DM team
MK: normal stance to call Community Safety for liability
JP: “if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t do anything”.

TC: wants Exec title changed to Minister of Fun.
LL: no!

ED: library bridge banner should be moved to other side, only visible from on bridge, might want new one
KH: we have new one in office, reason it faces onwards so Uni don’t get angry
URGENT: put new banner up!
KH: needs industrial cable ties, clear SU campaign signs off bridge so Estates don’t take banner. Potentially buy third banner.
ED: can we discuss with Uni?
KH: would not recommend, but not his call.
Backed by LL.

AS: to TC, role already called Overlord of fun
MK: says no no no, only for Eleanor, so who knows?

EL: discussion about science concourse posters
LL: do so over summer for WW

JP: when will exec get jumpers?
ED: chase AP on them.
EG: wants last exec shirts.
ED: democratic decision on colour, send colour suggestions to ED.

Love and appreciation
LL: last time for last year’s Exec in exec meeting, thanks chaps
JP: thanks SO for convincing him to be CDM. (Everyone claps)
TC: and EL and JP say cheers Max, such a King.
SO: happy that people took on roles, leaving a full exec

SO opens floor for new exec questions to old exec. No questions. End at 14:39.

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