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Exec Meeting @ 2023-01-14 14:00:00

Exec Meeting, 2pm 14/01/23, B2.03
Present: Max King (chair), Liv Lancastle (minutes), Sophie Cooper, Ethan Dougall, Zain Mothupi, Sueda Oktay, Alex Pointon, Adam Skrzymowski
In Attendance: Kieran Hall, Matteo Gravina
Apologies: Ethan Graham

Team Updates

FOH: SO: Q-show tonight and potential for another in the near future. Still need more crew :(

Publicity: SO: Publicity all printed and had a pub run today!
What do we want from publicity throughout term 2? ANS: Prioritise non-dated getting involved publicity, can get about 10,000 printed properly. All-nighter and evening of Anderson double sided – ED offered to design.
LL: About half the kitchens we’re getting into on pub runs have some sort of publicity there already or know who we are.
KH: Had a snotty exchange with DPD over the A0, AP chased up print company who’ve said it’s being returned to them and will post it out straight away once it arrives back.

Marketing: ED: Got 200 likes on our A0 post – this same post last year got 60 likes! People are engaging with the daily posts (insane numbers for the menu). Have posted about getting involved. Got a lot of the team contributing!

Treasurer: AP: Paid 2.5k off the loan so only have 5k left on that, hopefully could pay off this year. Need to keep about 2.5k in the account at the end of the year to buy publicity. Film and TV also owe us money from last term.
KH: Now that we’ve paid for last term’s films we have 2.7k in the account.

Films: ZM: All films booked except mystery film (but know what that’s going to be) and SHAGfest. Can’t get 35mm Glass Onion :( But could get 35mm Empire of Light :)

Socials: SC: Poker night on Wednesday (please dress up)! Pub quiz Sunday week 4, it’s being written and was all sorted with the Duck before Christmas.

Getting Involved
LL: 3pm on Saturday week 2, in L3. Not had confirmation from EG yet but everyone should be there.
Pizza: SC will do the same as last time, will ask for exec approval for money.

Long films
Avatar, Sound of Music and Babylon all >3 hours so will have to start at 10pm.
Thank u AP for putting everything on the website <3 ZM will edit long films to say 10pm starts.

Options are Fridays 3-5 or Saturdays 1-4.
Next meeting: Saturday week 3, 2-4pm.

ED: Butterfly app: Offering to feature us as a partner. They’d buy tickets to run giveaways with and in return we’d have to offer 10% discount, play their ads and play them £2 a month.
ED will reply and ask what being a ‘featured partner’ means. Can offer them a slide or free tickets for a giveaway. NO money for them.

KH: Would be pog to get more beer mats before the pub quiz since we have RUN OUT!
AP: Will modify the design: One side orange one side black? Cost is £714 for 15,000.
VOTE: 8 for, 0 against.
AP will edit this term, take about a week or 2 to arrive.

LL: MUBI collab: Will email on Monday to check they have everything they need and see if they can still send us giveaway merch. Will let everyone know for marketing as soon as I can.

MK: Afterlight: Will email the dude and cc in ZM to check he has everything he needs.
Could invite him to introduce the film? But what if nobody comes? KH: His nobody and our nobody are probably quite different, film has played in places with like 10 people.

Meeting ended at 17:10.

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