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Exec Meeting @ 2022-09-20 18:00:00

Exec Meeting, online, 6pm 20/09/22.

Present: Max King (chair), Liv Lancastle (minutes), Sam Chee (hereafter SpC), Sophie Cooper, Ethan Dougall, Sophie Emeny, Ethan Graham, Sueda Oktay, Adam Skrzymowski.
In Attendance: Kieran Hall, Anna Taylor, Skiros Habib
Apologies: Zain Mothupi, Alex Pointon

Team Updates

Proj: EG: One of the subs is out of phase with the other so we need someone to come and fix it. KH: Partially explains why things are sounding muddy. Will get sorted but expect an invoice.
EG: People are signing up to shows, 2 people have emailed about projing but no further progress yet, will chase up. Nothing from last term’s trainees.

DM: SO: Had meeting one (1) hour ago so all ready! Updated training procedure. Had about 7 people reach out to steward and 3 have signed up already so looking good!

Marketing: ED: Made all meet the exec posts except Adam and Alex’s. 35mm post ready to go up after meet the exec (so it doesn’t get drowned by them). Discussed making a timelapse walking to L3, or Max doing a tour of L3. [much consternation at this suggestion]. Will make getting involved post ASAP.
SE: Done tiktoks, the one with my face complaining about WSC did the best! Informal+unplanned do well so will keep posting when ideas dawn but please send any ideas over. Done slides for WW, thank you to those who have helped. Got a job offer from internship over summer so may not be as available as I said last term to do extra stuff but will keep doing slides etc.

Socials: SC: Still working on calendar. Please come to pub quiz, rang duck about booking so should get a response soon. Posters as pub quiz prizes again? We have 1 shipment and some left from last term so SC will sort. Will cross the getting-involved-meeting-pizzas bridge next week.

IT: AS: Someone emailed saying they want to do IT, so they can help with the new website.

Publicity: SO: pubdate! Gone well, a bit last minute- [KH interrupts with an impassioned speech] KH: We ordered some things on saver printing prices which is a vast achievement!
SO: We have loyalty cards, a4s, a2s, a0s, booklets, WW publicity and a roller banner. Killed many trees! A4s, loyalty cards, WW pub and one a0 have arrived and the rest is on its way. Thank you everyone who helped with proofing!
KH: A2s should come tomorrow and going tomorrow to collect booklets (which weigh 44 stone [279.413kg, you’re welcome]).
SO: Should have weekly publicity during term! Won’t be as pretty as the WW stuff but still pog.

Films officers: SpC: Booked all but 2 films!

Pub Runs
LL: Please come to pub runs! Thursday-Sunday, 9am-5.30pm, we should have a very good weekend turn-out. Making checklists so we can keep track of accoms and hopefully do a clear-up at the end, aiming to get into every kitchen!
Please bring bags!
KH: Should have access to every hall, there are welcome helpers on duty and if we say we’re WSC they can let us in.

Socs/Freshers fair:
Socs fair on Thursday of WW, LL will sort rota on website (need AS to change times). Please don’t sign up to more than a couple of slots at once – have rests! Will put out an interest check for fresher’s fair on slack to check we have plenty of people.
We have 1 roller banner for fairs.
KH: AP has ordered a new fresh vinyl banner for the bridge!

Double Bills:
SpC suggested a smaller gap between films (of 15-20 mins). ZM wants a bit more time, can do refreshments etc.
MK: Disagree with too small a gap, unfair for people who are watching to have to leave to set up the second film.
SO: Could run some stuff in the middle to make it worthwhile hanging around – chat to crew, quiz or event, sell refreshments.
KH: Starting them early this time will mean we have to turn people away since it’s not on pub and people might not check website.
General agreement to keep doubles at 6.30 and 9.30.
LL: Could shorten ads+trailers before the second one to close gap a bit?
SC happy to organise something in the middle, please suggest ideas. AT: Played a themed short in breaks during LotR all-nighter, stuff like that is fun.
Ticketing? SO: Could print double tickets in yellow and tell people to keep tickets in the screen. AT: Could give out paper wristbands for people with double tickets?
Will charge £5 members, £7 non-members for doubles. AS will add to epos.

LL: - Please cc exec into relevant emails! (collabs etc).
Second getting involved meeting? Around week 2 - need to organise.
Contemplate marketing the mystery film – could do really well if we get it right!
Everyone’s done a very pog job over Summer, publicity all looks great, marketing spectacular, schedule is ready! Please remember to be nice to people, we’re going into a stressful time of the year so if it’s all getting a bit much then step back and if you’ve been hurt by something then talk to someone about it so nothing builds under the surface. <3

KH: - agree with liv, i am an old man but this is the most put-together we’ve been for ages so looking really pog for this year!
filmsoc has access to a second popcorn machine (owned by AP), her name is cornelia, and we also have a standalone card machine for taking popcorn money (which is nothing to do with filmsoc, AP is a sole trader etc).

ED: Send big screen trailer to big screen people, haven’t said anything which hopefully means no complications.
KH: Big screen is still mourning the queen so they haven’t been very on-it with content. Also we can politely ask to submit content for other signage (they are more picky but could try an A2 or weekly slides).

MK: Adam and skiros both talked about wanting some english language showings to be subtitled on a regular basis. Thoughts?
MK is against, no clear consensus.
KH: Want to put a bid into SU funds for proper captioning and hearing loop equipment.
Clear consensus of Pog.

MK: Currently putting in application for cinema for all awards - will send to exec channel.
KH: Have a look at old applications and also current winners’ applications, they are looking for specific things which we probably have but need to present right.

SO: By-election? LL: Previously we said week 4, no point planning earlier since we need interest so can discuss at next meeting.

Meeting ended at 19:10.

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