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Exec Meeting @ 2022-06-20 17:00:00

Exec Meeting, FAB1.13, 5pm 20/06/22.
Present: Max King (chair), Liv Lancastle (minutes), Sueda Oktay, Ethan Graham, Zain Mothupi, Sam Chee (hereafter SPC), Sophie Cooper, Ethan Dougall
Apologies: Sophie Emeny, Alex Pointon, Adam Skrzymowski
In Attendance: Kieran Hall, Callum O’Sullivan, Anna Taylor

Team Updates:
Proj, EG: Trainees haven’t really signed up but have emailed about next term and asked if they want any shows this week. Had a few issues but seem to have sorted.
DM, SO: Had 2 qualifications. Have Sophie’s q-show on the horizon. Term 1 plans good in terms of training, shows been filled, everyone seems happy.
IT: AS looking to do a new website/rebrand for anniversary, so should arrange some meetings between IT and marketing. Someone with graphic design experience has joined the IT team to help.
Socials, SC: Sorry there haven’t been any, been ill, but please vote for end of term meal location. Raised about £63 for Mermaids, will donate. Circle on Weds, theme Anna and Sueda.
Marketing, ED: Decent engagement but probably need to be more active on Facebook. Have link to get into fresher’s groups. Got 870 followers (more than everyone else).

Update from Meeting:
Minutes sent to exec.

Broken Things:
KH: Ethan almost died when someone plugged the fan in with contacts exposed. Couple of other things (punched in speaker centres + safe).
Use error reports to report broken things. Health and safety training maybe a good idea for the office like we do for proj box. Could be worth first aid training for DMs (but society only allowed to fund half the cost). Could get hazard stickers for dangerous things/sheets on office and proj box doors to write any broken things on.

Welcome Week:
SO: Big plans and small money for publicity! Need to order early so things are cheaper so important to stay in contact over summer. Ideally want loyalty cards, a4s, a2s and booklets. If anyone wants to learn photoshop please contact - would be great to assign pages of booklet to people.
KH: Alex considered asking SU for an overdraft - would usually expect to spend a few thousand pounds on term 1 publicity but don’t currently have that available. Publicity pointless if not given out so ideally exec around the week before welcome week for pub runs. Everyone in film industry goes on holiday during August so may be difficult to get films confirmed.
ED: Will work on marketing over summer. SE may be able to do a trailer/video of some kind?
Films officers will start work on a draft schedule asap. Can do unlimited 35mm in welcome week. No 3:30 Sunday showing because literally nobody wants to go. Free film on the Sunday at the start of welcome week is a good idea (play same film 3 times). Big screening on Sunday at the end of WW a good idea because everyone is tired.
Will commit to a 6 day week for term 1, KH believes crew and attendance drop if we go below. Can reconsider at the end of term if we need to but need to go hard to make money!

Exec polos
Should be a thing :)

Lifetime Crew
Voted 7-0 in favour of lifetime crew for Amira Jamal, Callum O’Sullivan, Josh Howard, Aryan Aneja, Barnaby Sproats, Harry Talbot, Toby Bailey and Anna Taylor. Voted 6-1 in favour of lifetime crew for Lachlan Jack (SO would like him to know that she voted against).

MK: Will want exec meeting over summer, can plan one in about 6 week’s time.

SPC: Please can films officers have access to finance emails?
MK: Adam dealt with emails so old people have been removed.
KHG: Please can marketing be on social media all of A-Level results day because you have to tweet congratulations at people and demand they join cinema.
ED: Can marketing have access to attendance numbers? AS has been working on it but paused so ask him to carry on.
MK: Adding people to SU website as exec members so should get more access to data and stuff.
EG: Can we discuss ideas for making 70mm shows special? Probably a marketing and publicity discussion.
KH: Need approval to spend £82.99 on new filmbank hard drive. Approved :)
KH: Also could consider selling film passes around results day, did it previously to accidental success and lots of other societies do it.
Suggestion for 35mm week/a 35mm day every week to try and make it sound cool.
AT: Consider asking for film suggestions on social media as harder to attend programming meetings online?
Anniversary is 2023! Can start celebrating next year :)
SO: Make sure to do a pub quiz in term 1 (free money, duck don’t charge us). Sunday is a good day since sunday shows usually dead.
SO: Please be mindful of sexism, have been instances where men have made some of the women feel uncomfortable. Remind teams etc to be mindful. Male dominated society and famously hard to retain women so important to deal with before freshers turn up. Be careful of patronising/interrupting/backseat projing and dming/commenting on clothes etc. AT: Also in general if you see someone be made uncomfortable then check on them!
MK: there are people who’ve done active bystander training so ask if you need any help.
COS: Going to be pog, will get full l3 :)

Meeting ended at 18:47.

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