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Exec Meeting @ 2022-02-18 11:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Exec meeting held on 18th February 2022


FAB6.02 (Faculty of Arts Building)

Present: Callum O’Sullivan (Vice-President, Acting Chair), Barnaby Sproats (Chief Projectionist), Max King (Chief Projectionist, Minutes), Lachlan Jack (Treasurer), Anna Taylor (Social Secretary), Sueda Oktay (Chief DM, Social Secretary), Josh Howard (Films Officer),
Aryan Aneja (Films Officer)

Also present: Skiros, Ethan D

1. Welcome and Apologies
Adam Skrzymowski (IT Officer) apologises for arriving late
The quorum for an Exec meeting shall be two thirds (rounded up) of its membership.
= 7/10

2. Team Updates

MK: all going well. Qualified 3 projes and got 2 new trainees since last meeting.
Started training Liv, James and Ethan as 35mm projes - good number for the amount of 35mm shows we have.

Ratifications (For/Against/Abstain):
Ben: 7/0/0
Sueda: 7/0/0
Ethan: 6/0/1
James: 7/0/0

IT TEAM – AS: We have an IT team now! 2 new people, setting up branches of the website for them.

MARKETING TEAM – SO: “Actually going quite Pog”. Ethan D has been doing great, Anna has made the events, online and social media presence is better!

PUBLICITY TEAM – Some on the door publicity, got a good team

DM TEAM – SO: Going ok, potentially 2 new trainees, shadow shows for Skiros and Liv soon. FoH is ok, more people would always be better. Lots of people want to volunteer.

Ratifications (For/Against/Abstain):
Max: 7/0/0
Anna: 7/0/0

3. Meet the Exec Planning
Sunday next week, will publicise on crew email and news page

4. WSC Elections Planning
Nominations to returningofficer@warwick.film, they open today!

Elections will be Wednesday Week 8 at 4:00pm in L3

Handover will be Wednesday Week 10

Prepare new handovers / find old handover resources. Jamie Lok made a handover booklet for Hannah & Eliska etc. and SO says she has it
Everyone has a handover more or less prepared. SO is going to formalise a publicity handover. AS is going to work on making an IT officer handover.

5. Term 3 Publicity
There will be a WIP document for term 3 before handover. SO wants it out and ready before Week 1. Should be done over Easter easily, but depends on when films confirmed. JH says should be less of an issue this term.

6. Programming and Schedule Meeting
In an hour in B2.03, please come along and participate

7. Collaborations, Events and Socials
Boar stuff is going very well, they are including us in their reviews as promised.
Socials are going well, good attendance.
Pub quiz is “on the way”, Duck are good for it to go ahead.

It will be a mega exec meeting, Week 9, TADONM by email, will need a big room.

9. AOBs
i) JH says programming meeting in an hour
ii) LJ says polos ordered, might have gone through just this week. Max of 10-12 working days from today. Invoice for slides sent through to finance.
iii) SO: Thanks the exec for being great.
iv) COS: Please keep the office tidy; clear up after yourselves especially if you’ve brought in food
v) KH: Office was really quite messy, please take bins out and use the dishwasher
vi) KH: Please vote next week in SU elections!
vii) KH: Money for FilmGuard is £79.99 8 approve/0/0

Meeting ended at: 12:03

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