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DM Meeting @ 2020-02-11 18:10:00

Tuesday 11th February 2020
A0.05 (Social Sciences)
Meeting commenced - 18:10

1. Welcome and apologies

DM’s Present: Jack, Matt, James, Antoinette, Ali, Zuzanna
Also present: Elena
Apologies: Mike, Niall

The CDM welcomed all DMs and distributed high quality snacks.

2. Rotas

Week 6

• Saturday 15th Feb 9:30pm – Jojo Rabbit – Ali
• Tuesday 11th Feb 7:30pm – Dolemite Is My Name –
• Friday 14th Feb 9:30pm – Bridesmaids –
• Saturday 15th Feb 9:30pm – Jojo Rabbit –

Week 7

No empty shows!
• Sunday 23rd 6:30pm – The Man Who Killed Don Quixote –

3. Notices

• Make sure you continue to tell all stewards before sales begin that if they press the wrong button on EPOS after ‘Confirm’ they should ask the customer to wait and get you to fix the issue. Remind them that if you’re inside they should still wait for you to return. (This is due to a number of EAW till differences recently).

• If you are on a late show and leaving the takings for the early DM then you should use one of the black boxes (like the DM box but with a lid) that can be found on the second shelf of the DM cupboard. The box of takings should then be left on the top shelf inside the safe.

• Similarly, if you have any large till differences that are probably due to EAW, you should not deactivate the show and leave the takings in a box in the safe and let the new CDM know of the issues.

• Please remember to make use of the Lost Property Log, this can be found at tinyurl.com/WSCLPL – this URL is also on a label on the inside of the DM cupboard door. Jack will take things to the gatehouse at some point after this so make sure you either put any lost property in the CDM tray or the safe (if it’s expensive).

4. Bridget Jones’s Trilogy

• Event takes place Friday W7. Will meet for briefing from 5:40pm.

• Matt has booked L3 in 5-6pm slot.

• Anyone who isn’t on the rotas interested in helping? - Antoinette, James

• Jack will assign roles and share more information next week.

• Currently thinking Zuzanna and Rianna on tills with maybe a TDM. If possible, could move some people to be listed as DM’s to open a couple of stewarding slots.

• Antoinette suggested not doing posters as they kept falling down throughout Evening of Ghibli.

• Breaks need tighter planning, and the plan needs to be stuck to. Bridget Jones should be around 10 minutes shorter than the Evening of Ghibli films so that time can give longer breaks.

5. AOBs

i. Congrats and thanks to everyone who helped with an Evening of Ghibli. Ended the night with no till difference and no major issues through the night so well done everyone.
ii. Event tickets for all those who helped should be in the CDM tray if you haven’t got yours already.
iii. This is Jack’s first DM meeting. He would like to thank everyone for the election result and remind everyone he’s open to any suggestions and ideas.
iv. There will be a meal and (hopefully) drinks social Wednesday 12th at Earlsdon Spoons. 7pm. Event on Facebook group.
v. Matt has finished guides for training stewards and shutdown procedure. The training new stewards guide will be in the DM cupboard, with guides for deactivation, till differences and shutdowns on the outside of the DM and President/Treasurer cupboard.
vi. The new projector is being installed tomorrow, so stay out of L3. Thursday will be the first film with the new projector.
vii. Matt wishes to shame Jamie for not recording an Apple pencil on the lost property log. Please log lost property.
viii. James wishes to congratulate the new CDM for his role.
ix. Jamie seconds James.
x. Antoinette also seconds James and Jamie
xi. Zuzanna also seconds James and Jamie and Antoinette
xii. Ali wishes a new congratulation to the new CDM, whoever they may be.
xiii. Elena wishes congratulations to the new CDM and thanks him for the inclusion of the social in the minutes.
xiv. Elena wishes to remind everyone of the next WSC socials, including the IKEA trip.
xv. Matt would like to add his congratulations in an original way.
xvi. Matt would like to remind everyone to look at his DMing handouts.
xvii. Jamie requests a new room for the meeting to accommodate Matt’s ego.
xviii. Matt would like to add that Jamie is utter trash, and an opposite of an asset to the team.
xix. Antoinette reminds everyone to tell their friends to buy Bridget Jones tickets online.
xx. Gold DM +’s on the rotas are currently in progress. Matt thinks maybe at Easter he’ll try again. He wants a badge to separate himself from the riff-raff DM’s.
xxi. Antoinette asked about gold stewarding +’s, Matt doesn’t have the time right now.
xxii. Ali wants a badge for more than 20 TDM shows.
xxiii. Matt says DM polos are coming in a weeks time, he will let everyone know when they’re here.

6. Trainee Discussion

The Trainee Discussion has been shared via the QDM mailing lists.

Meeting concluded – 18:48

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