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DM Meeting @ 2020-01-21 18:10:00

Tuesday 21st January 2020
A0.05 (Social Sciences)
Meeting commenced - 18:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Matt, Antoinette, Jordan, James, Ali, Eliska
Apologies: Mike, Zuzanna

The CDM welcomed all DMs and distributed brownies. The New TDMs were welcomed and everyone introduced themselves.

2. Rotas

Matt explained to the new TDMs that this is a chance to put their names down for the available shows in this week and the next. If anyone puts their name down, Matt will always check with them a few of days later to confirm this. In some cases, one of these shows will go to another TDM if they aren’t doing another show that week.

Week 3

All filled!

• Saturday 25th Jan 9:30pm – Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker –

Week 4

• Tuesday 28th Jan 7:30pm – Motherless Brooklyn –

• Friday 31st Jan 9:30pm – Weathering With You – Eliska
• Saturday 1st Jan 9:30pm – Little Women – ?

3. Notices

• Found a WiFi button on laptops. This is the satellite button with the red light above the keyboard. When this is pushed, the laptops won’t connect to any WiFi networks. The CDM may add a sticker to the laptop.
• I’ll invite all new TDMs to Slack. If you’re planning to come through L3 during a lecture then please send a message to #General asking for someone to open the door before you come through. Also do this if you’d like to leave food in the office fridge for the evening.
• Please take care while DM overriding as this has led to till differences recently. Do the entire transaction yourself, not with a steward. It may be beneficial to use Percival Tucker, however Matt told the DMs that we shouldn’t be refunding tickets unless we are absolutely certain they are wrong i.e we have the tickets in front of us.
• The QDM’s were asked if they had taken a look at the DM guides shared via the mailing list. They all thought these were great. Antoinette said it’d be great to have a copy in the tills – Matt said he was planning this and to potentially print in A5/A6 for DMs to carry with them in the DM box if necessary.
• Matt clarified the situations in which one of the QDM or TDM doesn’t want to watch the film but the other does. If a TDM wants to watch, but the QDM doesn’t, then the QDM should let the TDM cash up at the end and wait around after the film for them to do this. When a QDM wants to watch a film but TDM doesn’t, and the TDM wants to leave soon after the film, the TDM can cash up during the film and can get the QDM if there is any till difference/confusion – the QDM would have to miss a few minutes of the film. The DMs in the room were happy with this.

4. Potential change to Double Procedure

Traditionally, early DMs have been unable to watch certain films because they need to reset the floats for the late DM. The CDM is proposing that the following procedure change should be made:
• The late DM will arrive at 20 to (5 mins earlier than normal) and reset the floats to £100 each leaving all takings and reports in a box in the safe for the early DM. Then the late DM can go about the show as normal and use the floats to sell tickets for the late.
• Once the early film is finished, the early DM can cash up and deactivate as normal using the takings from the box.
• In the unlikely situation that the early DM doesn’t want to watch the early, they can deactivate the early during the film. The late DM would still arrive at 20 to, and once discovering that the floats are already reset would just be able to relax for 5 minutes.
• This relies upon each late DM resetting the floats perfectly to £100 each. But note that a -£1 till difference on the early show would be balanced by a +£1 on the late. Small differences like this would be fine and there would be no problem. The late DM would need to pay extra attention to the notes in the floats as a larger till difference caused by miscounting of these will look worse.
• If an early DM is planning to steward after their show, then they can deactivate after they are done stewarding the late. Note that this relies on both the early QDM and TDM staying around until after late sales end, so you should discuss with your fellow DM for a given show if this is the case.

All DMs in the room agreed on this procedure change. This will begin from this Friday.

5. AOBs

i. Programming meeting tomorrow in A0.23 at 2-3pm.
ii. Meet the Exec tomorrow in L3 at 5pm. You can come learn more about each exec role and how you can run ahead of the elections in Week 5. CDM will be speaking first as he has to leave for a seminar.
iii. James commended Matt’s DM Snacks, Niall and Ali retroactively added their compliments.
iv. Matt ranted about how amazing his snacks have been and how he has treated the team to good snacks for nearly a year.
v. Antoinette said that we are going to POP tomorrow night, with a potential food at Duck before.
vi. Ali was retroactively congratulated on qualifying this Saturday on Knives Out. The CDM apologised for forgetting this until the start of Trainee Discussion.

6. Trainee Discussion

The Trainee Discussion has been shared via the QDM mailing lists.

Meeting concluded – 18:54

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