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Exec Meeting @ 2020-01-15 17:02:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on 15th January 2020


H4.02 (Humanities)

Present: Jamie Rolinski (Vice-President, Minutes), Antoinette Clare (President, Chair), Harry Talbot (IT Officer), Callum O’Sullivan (Chief Proj), Matt Potter (Chief DM, until end of point 3), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer ), Jamie Lok (Marketing Officer), Kieran Hall (Publicity Officer), Toby Bailey (IT Officer)

1. Welcome & Apologies

Divyah Suresh (Treasurer), Elena Salmon (Events and Socials Coordinator) and Nazish Malik (Films Officer) turned up during the AOB’s

Apologies from Marta

2. Team Updates

Front of House – All the DM’s have been stewarding lots recently meaning that we have very full rotas which is great. Lots of interest in stewarding today at the getting involved meeting. We’ve had three shadow shows this weekend which has led to all of them being taken on as TDM’s, with two more shadow shows planned for the rest of the week. Q-show for Ali scheduled for Knives Out this weekend. Likely Q -shows for Jack and Zuzanna in Week 3 and 4. Overall the DM team is doing well.

Marketing – The new Pi Signage is fantastic and working well. Currently only one paid advert for this term which they’ve paid £25 for, no more videos to be accepted. New trainee has made a trailer advertising the foreign films on the schedule which is great. Lots of people interested today at the getting involved meeting

IT – Between 1 and 3 new trainees taken on recently, also been an upturn in people helping.

Projection – New projector is large and shiny meaning COS is very excited. New 35mm rectifiers currently being installed. New projector installation currently planned for Week 4 Saturday before Little Women, though this is subject to change. Two new projectionists taken on recently, potentially a second round of interviews coming soon. Couple of people are getting close to qualifying. Also need to do SNAPs test for provisionally qualified projectionists at some point soon.

Tech – AP says well done COS for telling everyone his news

Publicity – Met the deadline for publicity at the end of last term, but the printers being closed for extra days over Christmas meant that they didn’t arrive till T2 started. Print quality was terrific though and the pub run was super successful. Marketing kept us afloat before the publicity arrived, but the success of the films after this suggest investing heavily in publicity is still a wise idea.

Upcoming collaborations
• LitSoc – Little Women
• Chamber Choir – Evening of Ghibli
• Veg/Vegan Soc – Chicken Run

3. Ghibli and Bridget Jones

SU slow in getting back to us on out event planning packs, hopefully we will be able to get the tickets on the SU website for these soon, worst case scenario, we will be able to get Bridget only. AP conveyed that ES suggested sticking large pants up around campus to publicise Bridget Jones. Ideally, we would have a pub run the weekend of week 3, with the flyers to publicise both. Free crew tickets, but no crew guest tickets to be allowed was agreed upon. £6 – members, £8 – non-members and £9 externals. Usually handover of the exec occurs during all-nighter/trilogy, could have AC give a quick review of the year, followed by a thanks to the outgoing exec and a welcome to the incoming exec, to happen at Bridget Jones Trilogy. Social post mega-exec meeting to be planned.

4. Meet the Exec

Please make sure that at least one person from each position of the exec is there for this. All need to write a quick speech, even if you plan to rerun. Can make PowerPoint slides for this too if you want to, but this isn’t compulsory.

5. Elections and Handovers

Need to remember to check memberships of all the people who plan to vote. Nominations to open shortly after meet the exec and to close Monday Week 5 at 5pm. JR to be returning officer, all nominations to be emailed to him, all questions to be addressed to him. Voting by proxy also fine. All the start thinking about handover packs.

6. Events and Socials

Sprinkles later this evening, alternative, proj conversion to 70mm this evening if you care at all. Pop Week 3 social on the horizon too.


AGM to be held just before the elections. Next exec meeting this time in Week 4 seems to work the best as it is probably a good idea to have a meeting before the elections.

8. AOBs

i. TB – HT is a good IT officer

ii. COS – suggests that Proj’s stand next to DM and stewards at the end of shows to show that we exist. Also please try and wear your proj polos when you do this.

iii. COS – Hoodie order please, AP is a pro as he did the last order

iv. KH – Pi signage is good; can people chill when putting up signage on the concourse as other societies followed suit copying us

v. KH – Angry invoices coming to us from Simon, bad

vi. KH – Other Student Cinema’s seemed to have copied large parts of our schedule. They also seem to be having films earlier than they used to now, perhaps due to us.

vii. AC – You need to have a qualified proj to go into the proj box

viii. MP (Conveyed via AP) – lots of the previous exec meeting minutes are absent online, bad JR

ix. AP – New beermats are arriving on Friday; can these be left for AP to open when he gets back as he took a lot of times designing these

x. KH – Running order for Ghibli? – Howls, Kiki, Castle - confirmed

xi. AC – Niall and Rianna, Elena and Matt Randall all ratified as DM’s or Proj’s respectively. For – 10, Against – 0, Abstain – 0 for all.

xii. NM – Programming meeting next Wednesday in social sciences 2-3pm, email sent around about this

xiii. DS – Fox invoices missing, KH says don’t worry

xiv. ES – Social in less than an hour, decorate pants for publicity Bridget Jones All-nighter, could also do make your own Ghibli character at the Ghibli all-nighter

xv. ES – Pop Week 3 Wednesday

xvi. AC – Meet the exec next week, speak about your role to all and then address people who have questions on what you do

xvii. JL – AP looks very tired, AP/KH do great work

xviii. JR – can we add map showing where we are to the filmsoc homepage, also include info on our payments the other day as this was an issue the other day with some externals. Also include that we only sell tickets on the door and that we don’t sell tickets in advance.

Concluded: 18:34

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