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DM Meeting @ 2019-10-15 17:10:00

Tuesday 15th October 2019
B2.02 (Science Concourse)
Meeting commenced – 17:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Matt, Antoinette, Mike, Zuzanna, Jamie
Apologies: James, Wilkie, Alex

The CDM welcomed all DMs. A box of Family Circle biscuits were distributed.

2. Rotas

All slots filled in coming weeks. Please sign up to shows in week 6 when you get the chance.

3. Notices

• Offer all stewards a reminder on tills and regardless of experience.
• If sales are slow, advise stewards on ways to pick up speed. Good way is to stop asking people if they want a loyalty card and to just give one and explain what it is at same time – i.e. ‘Here’s a loyalty card, bring it to every screening and get your fifth film free’. Please don’t stop giving out loyalty cards as these are important for us to gain returning customers.

4. Discussion Points

• Should we have films on Monday in term 2? – Antoinette thinks we have enough DMs. Jamie also supported this. Overall opinion was in favour of films 6 days a week.
• Is there a better way of making sure stewards don’t let anyone in? Antoinette and Matt suggested either a poster stand with don’t come in sign, or a barrier with red velvet rope. Jamie didn’t like these ideas, and felt they would be pointless. It was decided that for the next few weeks we should find an improved way of telling them. Make sure to stay polite with stewards. Could ask all crew to say ‘I’m crew’ to stewards. Mike advised asking door stewards why they’ve let people in, if it happens again.

5. Next Meeting

DM meeting same time every week.

6. AOBs

i. Congratulations to James who qualified on a great screening of Casablanca last Friday.
ii. There is an exec meeting on Thursday at 2pm in H4.02.
iii. There is the programming meeting at 5pm tomorrow in H5.45. Come give your thoughts on the schedule. You can see the current draft on discourse.
iv. There is a social ‘In Bruges and takeaway’ tomorrow evening.
v. We have an open day stall on Saturday and you can sign up to help out at https://warwick.film/stall. Any help is appreciated.
vi. We have replaced the original Bessie with Bessie 2.0, please take care of her.
vii. Thanks to everyone who has made the start of the term so successful. Let’s keep it going.
viii. With so many new stewards starting, please make sure to be friendly and welcoming. Introduce yourself and take a moment to welcome them to the society.
ix. Antoinette asked people to come to both meetings, and to look at discourse for the schedule.
x. Antoinette asked people to come to Apollo 13. If you’d like to donate as a crew member then you can buy a ticket as normal. We will hopefully be getting collection buckets.
xi. Mike asked about associate membership, as his hasn’t gone through. Antoinette said she would follow this up.

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