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DM Meeting @ 2019-09-24 18:10:00

Tuesday 24th September 2019
A0.05 (Social Sciences)
Meeting commenced – 18:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Matt, Jamie, Ali, Zuzanna, Alex, Antoinette, Jamie Lok (Point 7 onwards)
Apologies: Wilkie, Patrycja, James

The CDM welcomed all DMs. Cookies were distributed. Our new TDM Zuzanna was introduced.

2. Rotas

Week 0

• Saturday 28th September 6:30pm – Mean Girls –
• Saturday 28th September 9:30pm – Mean Girls – Antoinette

• Wednesday 25th September 7:30pm – Hot Fuzz –
• Friday 27th September 10:00pm – Once Upon a Time in Hollywood –
• Saturday 28th September 6:30pm – Mean Girls – Zuzanna

Week 1

• Monday 30th September 7:30pm – Once Upon a Time in Hollywood – Antoinette/Jamie

• Monday 30th September 7:30pm – Once Upon a Time in Hollywood –

Stewards needed on Hot Fuzz, Juno (Antoinette), OUaTiH (late & Monday), Mean Girls (both)

3. Notices

• We are now deactivating each show of a double screening individually. So if you are on an early, you should deactivate and print a banking slip as you would a normal show. If you are on a late, you don’t need to worry about the early totals. Also, if you are on a double, please put the time of the showing on the banking bag with the initials of the film.
• We can sell both Memberships and Socs Fed on POS, please push memberships unless the queue is too large. If someone hasn’t bought Socs Fed yet then stewards can tell them that we’ll be at Socs fair so they can buy our membership there, or they can buy it at any screening.
• Anyone who hasn’t been to a screening before won’t know to have their university ID and payment ready, so please announce this periodically to a large queue to help speed up transactions.
• Make sure you renew your membership soon if you haven’t already.
• Make sure that you remind stewards to check £20 notes with the UV light. Make sure they don’t accept any old £10 notes as these may not be banked by the SU. Please keep the UV lights in the till cases (usually a space in front of the printer). Let the CDM know if the batteries run out. There is a backup mains powered UV light on the 2nd shelf of the DM cupboard.
• Tell stewards to let the DM know if there is a £50 note and check this yourself. The DM should also give the change to avoid any issues with till differences.
• We are still doing Staff first film free. So tell stewards to look out for a red stripe on the ID card, and sell this option to staff.
• Please remember to comment on the profiles of new trainee stewards stating whether they were on doors or tills.
• The CDM has changed the safe code and will distribute it to any QDM before their first show.
• Please remind stewards that while they are watching the film they should look out for any photography, alcohol consumption and latecomers. Also ask them to keep an eye out for any phone screens and to go ask these people to switch off their phones as this is incredibly distracting for the rest of the audience. If the issue persists, or if the steward isn’t comfortable telling people this then they should grab the DM to tell them off.

4. Moana Big Screening

Big screening will begin at 8:30pm.
Set up will begin around 7:45.
There’s likely to be rain, we will move inside L3 if rain is bad.
Antoinette has done risk assessment – this will be discussed before the show.
There may be a big screening meal – Duck, Canopy, Varsity?
Any not signed up want to help? Jamie, Maybe Zuzanna and Ali

5. Next Meeting

There will likely be DM meetings in Weeks 2 and 5. More info and a potential vote will be sent closer to the time.

6. AOBs

i. We have a Socs fair stall tomorrow and you can sign up to help out at https://warwick.film/stall. Any help is appreciated.
ii. There is the WSC getting involved meeting at 2pm on Thursday. You can come along and talk to people about the joys of being in the WSC FoH team. Plus free pizza.
iii. There will also be a trip to the Dirty Duck after the getting involved meeting.
iv. Bessie the sweeper has been having a few issues, and we are looking to replace it. If it can’t be used then please use Henry Hoover in the meantime.
v. If you have any social ideas then please get in touch with our social coordinator Elena.
vi. If you have the chance, make sure you invite new stewards to come along to our socials. They’re a great way of getting to know people and this will help increase turnout.
vii. Antoinette said if you like coffee and pens come along to the office.
viii. Antoinette said that welcome week is the most important week. Thanks for helping out.
ix. Jamie Lok added that Matt Potter is a good CDM.

Meeting concluded – 18:43

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