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Exec Meeting @ 2019-06-14 13:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on 14th June 2019


S0.09 (Social Sciences)

Present: Jamie Rolinski (Vice-President), Antoinette Clare (President), Divyah Suresh (Treasurer), Harry Talbot (IT Officer), Callum O’Sullivan (Chief Proj), Matt Potter (Chief DM), Nazish Malik (Films Officer), Chris Greenland (Publicity Officer), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer – Point 5 and from Point 7 onwards)

Also present: Iain Walker, Kieran Hall, Caleb Gilliam-Scott (Up to Point 7 and Returns for Point 10), Taylor Wilkes, Josh Bullin

Present via Slack: Jamie Lok (Marketing Officer)

1. Welcome & Apologies
No apologies received. Alex Pointon has a hair appointment from 1-2 so he’s busy

2. Updates from Different Teams
Front of House – Wilkie Qualified – needs ratifying along with Patrycja, 9 yes, 0 against, 0 abstain. Everything is fine otherwise

Projection – Films have been shown; the sound of music is now in the country. Can’t train anyone which is sad. Proj meeting next week to discuss getting the projector sorted and to restart up the trainee scheme for digital projs

Films – Scheduling meeting next week. Will have a 35mm and digital schedule for next term, will create and release these schedules on Facebook later today.

Publicity – Making some Mamma Mia flyers, will be a pub run the week before to promote this. They’ll be super cheap, won’t need to vote on.

IT – Everything is fine, horrid email from the mail server so if anyone has issues with email inform the IT officers. Toby will expand the Wiki over the coming weeks.

Marketing- Made a Mamma Mia slide, will remove WTF slide.

3. Posters
We could try and get rid of them to some societies, try a few more times to try and get rid of them before binning them. Leave a tub of them outside L3 maybe? Can’t sell posters because that’s bad

4. Lifetime Crew Membership
Voting for Lifetime Crew Membership took place for Benji, Caleb, Alice, Josh, Taylor, Iain, Casper, Irene, Chris, Matt, Adam Bedford and Justin. All passed unanimously with all given lifetime crew

5. Fundraising Progress
SU asked for us to add additional rewards at the £100, £250 and £1000 levels on the Warwick spark fundraising page. She thinks higher level of rewards will encourage more people to donate higher amounts especially given that we are looking to raise so much money. £1000 reward could potentially be sponsorship or personal thanks on our publicity and shown on slides before our screening, doesn’t cost up much, could have your name engraved on the projector. £250 lifetime free films (filmsoc unlimited), £150 maybe an exclusive filmsoc hoodie. Only really going with Warwick Spark now as they pay all credit card fees. Need social media to get to all our ex exec members etc, that’s how we are going to be able to get the money we need best. Warm applause for AP’s work on fundraising, he thanked everyone for there comments on the webpage etc

6. Welcome Week
SU told us to show Blu-rays, but we have now explained to them why this isn’t an option for us as a society. Have a couple of getting involved meetings to keep people in the loop. Might be lots of work a couple of weeks before term 1 starts because the digital projector will likely be installed right at the end of the summer if it happens before term starts. SU would be willing to bring in deckchairs etc if we do something more sing-along themed like mamma mia in welcome week for next year.

7. The Big Screening
Its all sorted so far, piazza and big screen people are happy. Anything we could do costume wise etc? What’s the plan if it rains? In the past we would show it inside, but can we now in our current predicament? CG to investigate buying T-shirts. Meal beforehand, ES to sort this?
JL should make a rain slide, to advertise we are showing it indoors. Buy Meryl Streep mask off amazon maybe?

8. Upcoming Events and Socials
Pop Week 9 – Ran by Josh and Taylor
Bus social coming up
Dr Strangelove showing on Sunday in 4K at the Showcase in Coventry, post on Facebook/slack

Next term most likely

10. AOB’s
i) COS – Is there an Open Day fair coming up? JR – Yes there is, just need staffing.
ii) AP- We need to sort out the Freshers Fair JR/AC – We need to do some stuff for this, but the deadline is August 2nd
iii) KH – Chemistry in the basement complained about noise from the cinema and said that we might be messing up their measurements. Having spoken to them now, we’ve come to a compromise that works for both parties
iv) COS - Plant Room should be sorted out over summer
v) AC – Beeping underneath L3, can’t be sorted because estates said there is asbestos in there, ask them to programme the fire exit lights more sensibly
iv) NM – Dr Sleep trailer is now out, looks cool. Please all come to the Scheduling meeting next week on Wednesday on Science concourse
vii) JB – What is happening with Publicity Officer? Reece Goodall said previously that he would be interested in running for it, but as an exec we should check this.
viii) JR – Please all help at the stall next week. KH – Will help put up the list on the website so that people can sign up
ix) KH – Perhaps now is the time to leave the Troy’s given that we are in desperate need money.
Exeter Student Cinema were very helpful in giving us advice as they no longer use a booking agent.
This should be further discussed at the Programming meeting
x) AC – JL said that he thinks he has taken off the WTF slide, maybe something the IT Officers can investigate?

Meeting ended at: 14:42

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