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DM Meeting @ 2019-05-10 17:10:00

Friday 10th May 2019
A0.05 (Social Sciences)
Meeting commenced - 17:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Matt, Richard, Taylor, Iain, Alex, Wilkie
Apologies: Casper, Caleb, Antoinette, Chris, Anjana, Justin, Patrycja, Niall, Mike, Jamie

The CDM welcomed all DMs, baked goods were distributed.

2. Rotas

QDM slots left
• Week 4 – Friday 17th – Good Will Hunting
• Week 5 – Friday 24th – Blazing Saddles – Maybe Richard?
• Week 8 – Friday 14th – Borat

All TDM slots filled.

We also need stewards for Rush Hour (week 7) and Borat (week 8).

3. Notices

• We’re showing the Eurovision final next Saturday. It’s available on the rotas for sign ups if you’d like to help.


Next meeting will probably be in week 9.

5. AOBs

i. Good luck to everyone with exams.
ii. Guess the attendance closes at 6pm. Get those guesses in!
iii. The safe code has now been changed, the CDM will inform you before your next show.
iv. There is a fundraising meeting on Thursday 16th May at 5pm. Come along to share any ideas and have a say on how we’re going to raise the money for our new digital projector.
v. Our Social Coordinator Elena has asked for any suggestions on this term’s socials so you can share any ideas either on the slack #socials channel or with her directly.
vi. Iain shared that someone will be fundraising for Action Against Hunting before Good Will Hunting next week. They will be setting up under the LCD screen near the doors to L3, and they may be selling cakes too.
vii. Iain requested that everyone vote in the European elections on the 23rd of May.
viii. Richard reminded everyone that as we are showing trailers in 35mm, the projectionists don’t know the length of these. They’ll only be able to tell us what the last two trailers are, so keep an eye on the webcam. Also, it’s up to the projectionist on whether they show trailers so check with the projectionist what will be happening. And be nice to projectionists as these are stressful times for them.
ix. Richard asked everyone to roll A4s.
x. Alex asked everyone to remember to fold loyalty cards.
xi. Alex wished all mathematicians good luck in exams. He later clarified that he wanted his luck distributed as 2/3 to Taylor and 1/3 to Matt.
xii. Taylor thanked Alex for his great teaching of MA256 today. She also apologised for her class being quiet.
xiii. Taylor portrayed her disappointment in Alex and Wilkie and their flicking of cupcake wrappers across the table.
xiv. Taylor expressed her excitement about the Mamma Mia 35mm trailer being shown this term.
xv. Wilkie told everyone it is his birthday tomorrow. Everyone wished him a happy birthday.
xvi. Iain commended this meeting’s good snacks and the rest of the DM team agreed. It was expressed that the rest of the DM team missed out on a great meeting.

Meeting concluded – 17:48

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