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Exec Meeting @ 2019-04-23 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on 23rd April 2019


S0.08 (Social Sciences)

Present: Jamie Rolinski (Vice-President), Antoinette Clare (President), Divyah Suresh (Treasurer), Toby Bailey (IT Officer), Harry Talbot (IT Officer), Callum O’Sullivan (Chief Proj), Matt Potter (Chief DM), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer)

Also present: Richard Kirk, Iain Walker, Kieran Hall, Tom Freeman

1. Welcome & Apologies
Apologies from Nazish Malik (Films Officer), Marta Meazza (Marketing Officer), Jamie Lok (Marketing Officer), Chris Greenland (Publicity Officer) and Elena Salmon (Events and Socials Coordinator)

2. Updates from Different Teams
Front of House – Everything fine, couple of Q-shows planned for this term. Patrycja qualified at the end of last term (Needs to be ratified)

Projection – All terrible as the digital projector broke and the projbox currently looks awful. All films will be made up etc in time for the show and there is potential for new 35mm trainees this term

Films – Schedule for next term has been drafted and shall be discussed at the Schedule meeting

Publicity – Pub run went well this morning, no A2’s to be rolled

IT – Nothing permanently broken yet. Need to talk to IT trainees in May as this hasn’t been done to date

Marketing- MM getting used to things well, Term 3 trailer is no more unfortunately

3. Welfare Training
JR can attend training on Saturday week 2. Maybe ask Elena if she’s interested in attending as no one else expressed interest

4. Lifetime Crew Membership
All non-exec leaves the room for this very brief discussion. KH – Should make sure that lifetime crew means something to the people who receive it, should be the highest honour someone in WSC can receive
AP – Delay till next time as makes the most sense

5. Society Awards
JR – Reece thinks that we should apply for Best event and outstanding contribution as we have the best chance of winning these. Doesn’t think it’s worthwhile applying for any others. KH – Disagrees with this, thinks we have a better chance at winning something else or getting shortlisted (i.e. Best Society). RK – If we are applying for cinema for all, not that much more effort to apply for loads of SU awards as well. Maybe apply for Wildcard for the Mystery Film?

6. Fundraising for New Projector
DS – Spoke to Alice (Socs Coord) at SU about Fundraiser. Needs to meet up with her to discuss further. AP – Making PowerPoint to discuss applying to some funding sources to help towards Projector Funding. KH – Need to arrange an external relations committee to discuss this and grind it out. AP – Waiting on NEC to get price and what funding we need to apply for to help buy projector. Will plan to have £5K left over to run with, can apply to SU for financial aid if absolutely need to. The money short we should be able to get through University crowd funding and help from the SU directly. AP – Need to safeguard the future of this society with this new projector as will have a 10-year warranty. KH – Contingency plan is that we could potentially rent a projector but would need to weigh up risk vs reward. AP – Absolute worst-case scenario is that we have a Term 1 like Term 3 this year but could be for the best in the long run. AP – Maybe get Reece to put a boar article out about fundraising etc, ask all previous filmsoc exec members to donate. Plan to future proof us by getting all Technical things we need at once (35/70mm stuff too).

7. The Projector Situation
As above

8. Term 3 Schedule
RK – Have films a week in advance to give time to make it up. IW – Can digital projectionist shadow 35mm shows? COS – Yes. Ads were also discussed.

9. The Big Screening
AC - CG can sort big screening polos after week 2. AP – Is it worth subsidising the polos? KH – Could put fundraising links on the back of them? RK – Worth someone on the exec asking around getting quote for these big screening polos, DS agrees to do this

10. Upcoming Events and Socials
Pop Week 9
Shadow Bus Social in the distant future
Avengers on Monday with AC if anyone wants to go and see it (Why would you?)

Week 5 maybe? (week commencing 20th May)

12. AOB’s
i) COS – Worth selling confectionary outside the screening? Maybe but need to make sure we undercut the vending machines. MP – Discuss at DM Meeting
ii) KH – Will Hay’s Where’s that fire, this Sunday. They’ve covered the costs of the film and licensing, but not covering our fee. Steve is selling some of his possessions in order to try and fund this event. Shall we waive their fee?
iii) TB – Offsite backup issue, Warwick data centre will help us with a trial until this offsite backup is fixed
iv) DS – Taylor says that the SU asks us what our budget is this year AP – We could request funding for the projector in the budget.
v) DS – Need to chase up two or three outstanding debts from other societies. AP – SU can take money from societies if they don’t pay up to help this
vi) DS – Should we pay for our own Polos or should we ask the SU to subsidise. AP – Can use the SU credit card to pay for these instead of straight out of the treasurers account. Alternatively ask Andy, as this is easier and probably the preferred route. Good to know that we can use the SU credit card in the future though if for whatever reason Andy isn’t available
vii) KH – BBC have been threatening to come visit us on Friday. Want to see the projector at work etc, this BBC visit will be free advertising. Steve upset that the local BBC news want to come and see us but don’t care too much about Will Hay, The Master of Comedy. They want to interview some people for this.
viii) RK – Roll A4’s
ix) IW – All meeting minutes to be sent to all non-exec as well
x) JR – Can IT set up some tickets on EPOS for Will Hay Event and Potential Advantage tickets
xi) AC – Alice from Warwick says that fire extinguisher will be charged from our account, AP agrees this is incorrect and will be chased up
xii) AC – Anyone want to go to Societies Forum with JR?
xiii) TF – Tell the wider crew about the BBC coming because people might want to be interviewed.
xiv) AC – We’ve lost a steward (Edgar)

Meeting ended at: 18:51

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