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Exec Meeting @ 2019-03-06 12:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on 6th March 2019


R2.41 (Ramphal)

Present: Antoinette Clare (President - Chair), Jamie Rolinski (Vice-President - Minutes), Divyah Suresh (Treasurer), Callum O’Sullivan (Chief Projectionist), Matt Potter (Chief Duty Manager), Jamie Lok (Marketing Officer), Elena Salmon (Events & Socials Coordinator), Harry Talbot (IT Officer - Point 12), Toby Bailey (IT Officer - Point 12)

Also present: Iain Walker, Ali Atia (Points 1-11), Reece Goodall (Points 1-11), Chris Greenland

1. Welcome & Apologies
Apologies from Nazish Malik (Films Officer), Marta Meazza (Marketing Officer)

2. Welcome to New Exec Members/Handover Progress
JL to have handover on Friday Week 10 when his exams are finished. Will speak to the IT officers so MM can have access while she’s abroad. ES hasn’t had handover yet, was supposed to be today but Hilla is ill.

3. Updates from Different Teams
Front of House – Niall new TDM, up to 6 TDMs now. Qualification show on Saturday, few more pencilled in for start of next term

Projection – Mystery sign up from Jonatan which is nice, hopefully he could help with 35mm training. Last proj meeting included much discussion on 35mm training, looks like its going to happen at some point. Need to ratify new proj at some point

Films – Not present but sent in finalised schedule for Summer Term. JR showed this to everyone with use of the projector. Consensus was that people liked it

Publicity – Going to send link round for sign up

IT – Nothing broken as far as they know

Marketing- No real updates except that JL and MM are now the Marketing Officers

4. Publicity Officer and Technical Officer
Alex Pointon (AP) and Chris Greenland (CG) are fine to be co opted into the positions of Technical Officer and Publicity Officer respectively. AP to be in position permanently for the year, CG leaving at the end of the year so hope to have someone to replace him by then.
Vote on AP for Technical Officer (For 9 Against 0 Abstain 0)
Vote on CG for Publicity Officer (For 9 Against 0 Abstain 0)
AP and CG now actively in their roles

5. Welfare Officer and Other Exec Sheet Roles
Safety – likely to be Technical Officer
Equal Opportunities and Welfare – likely to be AC

6. Exec Sheet
Please send AC your email address, student ID number and mobile number

7. Supporting Documents Edit
Vote on changing the supporting documents for the Events and Socials Coordinator to make sure that the External Relations Officer isn’t referenced anymore as this position is obsolete. Vote on this (For 10 Against 0 Abstain 0)

8. The Big Screening
Aladdin chosen as the big screening film over Mulan and Mamma Mia!, Tuesday week 10.
IW – New polos for the big screening, most people agree on this.
RG – Trailer for the big screening or alternatively, IW – Term 3 trailer overall would be nice. JL - would be good to have no sound on the big screening trailer for the piazza as this can be annoying.
Piazza has been pencilled in, but the screening hasn’t been booked yet. AC booking piazza today.

9. Term 3 Publicity
CG – 1000 A2, 2500 A4, 3 A0, 5000 loyalty cards. Discussion about rolled vs folded A2. Get lots of A4s and distribute during pub run, roll lots of A2s. Total cost £384 without cash back, up to £400
Vote on spending up to £400 on publicity for Term 3 (For 10 Against 0 Abstain 0)

10. Upcoming Events and Socials
ES - Next Wednesday Wagamama’s end of term meal, pleases click if you are going
ES - Exec members meal next Friday at 7pm ish
Pronunciation of Elena’s name discussed
MP – POP! this evening, 6pm in terrace bar
AC – Saint Georges Plaice social during Easter if anyone is around

Sometime early term 3

12. AOB’s
i) ES- Needs some exec keys, JR will sort this after the meeting ends
ii) JL – Ask for final summer term schedule to be sent round
iii) ES – Lego society want to collaborate on Lego movie 2, send to JR he will sort it out
iv) AC – Reimbursing for DM meeting snacks, up to DS
v) AC – Guess the attendance prizes to be reimbursed
vi) AC – Futures festival went well, not many turned up, event cancelled overall. In future please respond saying if you can/cannot make it
vii) IW – Be careful if you are moderators or admin for Facebook page, because if you like anything including WSC posts, it will probably be liked as WSC, looks unprofessional
viii) MP – Office printer and proj box printer out of toner and ink
ix) TB – Everyone should be sorted with website permissions, MM needs to upload photo for website
x) TB – Wiki permissions need to be updated, need to be given directory permissions for new exec too
xi) TB – Put AP and CG back on the exec slack and on the exec list on the website
xii) COS – Add socials to the website maybe
xiii) TB – Sorted out film tracking for projs
xiv) IW – Can IT update exec roles and responsibilities, FAQ’s and can we add the BBFC certifications for stewards on EPOS, IT will look at this.
xv) ES – Varsity 7pm next Friday for the new exec social, specifically Iain uninvited
xvi) ES – Can everyone say select if you are going to the Wagamama’s social on Facebook please
xvii) DS – New polos for new TDMs to be order as well as polos for the big screening
xviii) COS/AC – Vote to ratify JL and Alice Glasgow (AG) as qualified digital projectionist (Vote for AG and JL) (For 9 Against 0 Abstain 0)
xix) COS – New Proj trainees are due to be taken on
xx) COS – Thanks for help from everyone to who helped on Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
xxi) JL – Returns JR’s DM polo to him
xxii) COS – Congrats to all new exec members
xxiii) TB – IT requests channel has been made on slack
xxiv) ES – Thanks for the biscuits AC

Meeting ended at: 13:33

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