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DM Meeting @ 2019-03-05 18:10:00

Tuesday 5th March 2019
A0.05 (Social Sciences)
Meeting commenced - 18:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Matt, Taylor, Alex, Wilkie, Chris, Niall, Iain, Ali, Antoinette, Jamie (point 4 onwards)
Apologies: Anjana, Caleb, Justin, Richard, Casper, Mike, Patrycja

The CDM welcomed all DMs. Jaffa cakes and Flapjack bites were distributed.

2. Rotas

Week 9

• All filled!

• Friday 8th March 7:30pm – Lawrence of Arabia – Ali

Week 10

• All filled!

• Tuesday 12th March 7:30pm – The Mystery Film – Niall

3. Notices

• The mystery film has been deactivated and reset on EPOS. The rota has been cleared and it is now available for sign-ups.

4. Shutdown Procedure

Following the discussions at the last DM and Proj Meetings, the following has been decided regarding shutdowns:
• Ask for a shutdown at least 15 minutes before the end of ads & trailers.
• When you ask for a shutdown, from that point forward the projectionist will assume to execute the shutdown unless you cancel it before the end of ads & trailers.
• If you have requested a shutdown but realise you don’t need it before the end of sales, then cancel it at the earliest possible opportunity. Don’t keep the proj waiting until the last trailers as they will be creating a playlist that isn’t actually needed.
• Iain clarified the old policy. If it is less likely to be a shutdown the DM can tell the proj to assume not to execute until you confirm.
• Ask to execute unless you say otherwise until new policy becomes well known.
• Iain asked to make sure communication with proj is good.

5. AOBs

i. Guess the attendance closes at 7:15pm. There’s going to be a prize too, so get those guesses in!
ii. There’s an Exec Meeting tomorrow in R2.41 (Ramphal Building) from 12pm.
iii. Please vote in the end of term meal poll on the crew Facebook page. I hear there’s some great restaurants in Leamington.
iv. The CDM thanked everyone involved in the screenings of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
v. Taylor reiterated that there are great restaurants in Leamington and stated that even if Varsity wins the ‘Leamington sesh’ will go on with Spoons and Kelsey’s.
vi. Alex would like to reiterate what Taylor said, and Taylor asked for the CDM to minute that she thanked Alex for this.
vii. Niall reiterated Taylor’s points, and wished for people to attend his show ‘Sh!tf@ced Shakespeare’ in which he is performing from 8pm on Wednesday 13th March.
viii. Iain reminded people of POP! Week 9 – he isn’t attending but hopes everyone who goes has a wonderful time.
ix. Iain wished good luck to anyone who has exams in weeks 9 and 10.
x. Antoinette thanked everyone who helped with Spider-Man.
xi. Iain explained that you can now reactivate/deactivate a show for up to 12 hours after the show’s advertised time.
xii. Taylor and Iain may be able to steward Holmes & Watson.

Meeting concluded – 18:49

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