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DM Meeting @ 2019-02-26 18:10:00

Tuesday 26th February 2019
A0.05 (Social Sciences)
Meeting commenced - 18:10

1. Welcome and apologies

DMs present: Matt, Taylor, Wilkie, Iain, Antoinette, Patrycja, Ali (point 3 onwards)
Apologies: Alex, Anjana, Caleb, Justin, Mike, Jamie, Casper, Richard, Chris
Also present: Jamie Lok

The CDM welcomed everyone. 20 Cookies and approx. 22 Chocolate Bourbons were distributed.

2. Rotas

Week 8

• All filled!

• All filled!

Week 9

• Tuesday 5th March 7:30pm – Colette – Iain?
• Thursday 7th March 7:30pm – Welcome to Marwen – Taylor
• Saturday 9th March 9:30pm – Vice – Antoinette
• Sunday 10th March 6:30pm – Holmes & Watson –

• Tuesday 5th March 7:30pm – Colette – Wilkie
• Thursday 7th March 7:30pm – Welcome to Marwen –
• Friday 8th March 7:30pm – Lawrence of Arabia –
• Sunday 10th March 3:30pm – Holmes & Watson –

3. Notices

• The bottom shelf of the DM cupboard has been tidied, so please keep this tidy.
• If you need paper for a note, there is some old publicity in the purple envelope on the inside of the DM cupboard door.
• FILMSOC Wi-Fi may be down, so if this is the case just connect the tills to Hotspot Secure and ticket sales should be fine.

4. BTTF Marathon Reflections

The CDM asked for any feedback or suggested improvements on the running of the event.
• The decision to open the tills between sales could’ve been made earlier.
• Flashing lights during time travel were a little off putting.
• Generally went well.

5. Shutdown Procedure

Proj believe that the current policy is that the DM asks to prepare a shutdown, and then the DM comes back later to confirm. The risk with this is that the DM may have too much to do and therefore be unable to go back and confirm with proj.

Matt proposed that the policy should be that when the DM asks for a shutdown initially, the proj will execute it unless the DM comes back to cancel it. This way, if it is busy, we don’t need to go back to confirm, and if it isn’t busy enough then we are guaranteed the time to go cancel.

The DMs were asked for any thoughts on this.
• Iain said we could just ask ‘assume we need one unless we cancel’
• Jamie Lok said that a shutdown playlist takes up to 15 mins to create. Proj will discuss the shutdown procedure more at proj meeting.
• Matt agreed we should clarify what asking for when requesting a shutdown.
• Iain agreed that 1 step may be simpler for the same reasons as above of a DM being busy and unable to go back to confirm.
• Jamie explained that a shutdown is actually executed in 2 second gap after trailers. Hence a DM could come and cancel it within the last seconds of trailers.
• Matt said we definitely need more clarity on shutdowns.

The general consensus was that a change would probably be good. Matt will take these points to the proj meeting on Friday. Until a decision is reached by both teams, DMs should be clearer on what they are asking for from the proj when they ask for a shutdown.

6. AOBs

i. Guess the attendance closes at 7:15pm. Get those guesses in!
ii. There is a By-Election tomorrow at 5pm in S0.20. Good luck to all those running.
iii. A Supercalifragilisticexpiali-social – Crew screening of Mary Poppins at 7pm tomorrow. Takeaway order before the film begins. A general feeling of not wanting pizza was expressed.
iv. Matt has now sent out Slack invitations to all TDMs. Accept the invite and get involved in the Slack fun! Iain and Antoinette expressed joy regarding #dogfacts.
v. Jamie Lok requested Matt Potter’s crew guest ticket.
vi. Ali interjected to tell people to vote for him for marketing officer. Matt asked him to wait his turn.
vii. Matt explained the origin of the crew guest ticket joke to the DMs. Matt declined to give Jamie his ticket.
viii. Ali told people to vote for him for marketing officer.
ix. Wilkie feels like he should have an AOB but never does.
x. Wilkie asked people to roll A2s.
xi. Wilkie congratulated Matt on becoming CDM.
xii. Antoinette requested that people please come to the elections.
xiii. Antoinette requested that people look at the front page of the website to see her welcome message.
xiv. Iain said we should remind stewards to check people’s ID card to see if they are staff numbers. DMs should remind stewards of this for the next week.
xv. Matt will get more blutack for the EAW sign. Everyone needs to put this up.
xvi. Iain raised a problem about refunding raffle tickets as we don’t write on the one we give the customer. Patrycja realised that we can just match them up to the ticket (with the ticket type) in the book anyway.
xvii. Matt said ‘Well done’ to Patrycja for this point.

Meeting concluded – 18:59

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