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Exec Meeting @ 2019-02-16 14:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Mega Executive Committee meeting held on 16th February 2019


H0.03 (Humanities)

Present: Antoinette Clare (President-Elect - Chair), Jamie Rolinski (Vice-President-Elect - Minutes), Nazish Malik (Films Officer-Elect) Divyah Suresh (Treasurer-Elect), Callum O’Sullivan (Chief Projectionist-Elect), Matt Potter (Chief Duty Manager-Elect), Irene Mercader (President), Casper Davidson (Vice-President), Nicky Leathard (Publicity Officer), Anna Solecki (Publicity Officer), Josh Bullin (Films Officer), Alice Glasgow (Films Officer), Taylor Wilkes (Treasurer), Iain Walker (Chief Duty Manager), Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Benji Levine (IT Officer), Matt Davies (Marketing Officer, Points 4 onwards),

Also present: Tom Freeman, Reece Goodall

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies received from Todd Olive, Harry Talbot, Hilla Hamidi, Alex Pointon and Toby Bailey

2. Exec Procedure
A brief explanation for new exec members. The process of voting and contributing to the agenda was described. Two thirds of the exec members have to vote to reach quorum. For the new exec, this will be 6 exec members as of writing. Of those present, as long as quorum is reached, a simple majority is required to pass a vote.

3. Handover Progress
No one to handover to yet for publicity, marketing and socials. Films officer’s handover taking place after the exec meeting. IT handover in progress but will take a long time due to the nature of the role. All other handovers pretty much complete.

4. Updates from Different Teams
Front of House – 5 TDMs currently, a shadow show next weekend to potentially take us to 6.

Projection – Currently two Q-shows scheduled. Planning to add some more trainees soon, with lots of interest being received. Multiple updates to the wiki recently. Kieran has sourced a pair of new 35mm lenses for a decent price

Films – As of 30 mins ago a discourse thread about the summer term schedule has been put online. Programming meeting is Wednesday next week in R1.04.

Publicity – BTTF Marathon flyers have been taken to the SU for them to distribute.

IT – While the new IT officers gain more experience in the role, Benji is planning on managing the trainee scheme. There have been many new IT related posts to the wiki. Plan is for the new IT officers to have an overall knowledge base with respect to everything IT, but potentially to split their time more so that one does hardware and the other software in the long run.

Marketing- MD has spoken to some people about the vacant Marketing officer position.

Baked good distributed at the end of point 4, brought from Tesco (unsure which branch)

5. By-Election

Plan to open elections Monday week 7 with them closing on Monday week 8. The election is then to take place Wednesday week 8. All remaining positions will be opened for nominations. Suggested that we could have a non-35mm trained proj as technical officer, but this isn’t seen as the ideal scenario

6. BTTF Marathon

Ticket prices already sorted. Wilkie from Improv society has reached out for a collaboration, with the idea to give them members priced tickets. In exchange they will promote our Facebook event and promote within Improv society too. All staffing for the show has been sorted. Unfortunately, too late for a BTTF trailer to be made. Not planning to stay out at the tills during the first film as customary. The Handover to the new exec will be at 8:20pm roughly.

7. Welfare Considerations

All the new exec is encouraged to do welfare training when it comes around. Casper reads the amendment to the executive roles and responsibilities (Supporting document to constitution) at the request of Iain. Wording is non-specific so we don’t have to go through the SU/university etc. Voted on the motion (15 For 0 Against 0 Abstain) – will be updated online by the IT team.

8. Sponsorship Committee and External Relations Responsibilities

Open to everyone, not just the exec with the vice president to chair it. AC/IM – All exec in it + anyone else who wants to be involved in. All exec should be involved no matter to what extent, everyone required to do a little. BL - Doesn’t think everyone should be obliged to do it. Maybe have it as an agenda point at every exec meeting. Might be some merit to having a separate session for the sponsorship committee.

9. Term 3 Publicity

AS + NL - Happy to continue till the end of the term. Some interest in the role which is nice.

10.Programming and Schedule Meeting

Only half a schedule so not much of a burden as another terms.

11.Upcoming Events and Socials

Screen Unseen Monday next week, Bohemian Rhapsody crew screening next Wednesday (No idea who’s going to project this though)
Start the socials page up on the website again as not everyone has FB etc – i.e. COS – didn’t know about the event
Someone considering running for the socials and events coordinator


After the by-election so the new members can be here, and we don’t have to have two before the end of term.

13. AOB’s
i) AC - All the new exec needs to communicate but two members of the exec don’t have FB, so maybe use Slack? Need an instant messaging communication feed so either slack or Facebook. Slack good as has threads which Facebook doesn’t have. All new exec agrees to use slack as a means of communication amongst exec. Need to have notifications on for the Exec channel at a bare minimum
ii) IW – Good job exec, you’re going to be great, have good luck, grasp welcome week, it’s very important
iii) IW – Make sure we are paying for licenses
iv) IM – AC and JR can sort everyone out with keys
v) BL – Key agreement online says IT officer doesn’t give you a key for the technical cupboard which is needed to get to the storage behind L3. Trying to move IT stuff out of the storage behind L3, but its going back in there long term. Plan for IT officers to get a key to the storage behind L3. COS will be sorting out the proj box when the storage behind L3 is open again. A Qualified Projectionist (QP) could accompany IT officers to the storage behind L3 should it be required. Either never move IT stuff back to the storage behind L3, but if it is, have a QP accompany IT officer if required.
vi) MD – Who responds to the WSC Facebook messages online? Lots of Q’s the whole of the exec can easily answer, but for consistency maybe its good for one person to answer. Perhaps wait until new marketing officer is elected and see what they say.
vii) KH – With reference to changing the exec roles and responsibilities, wants to change sow playlist to show playlist. Vote - For 17 Against 0 Abstain 0
viii) KH – With reference to changing the exec roles and responsibilities, wants to change “Responsible for dealing with Pearl and Dean to ensure we have adverts at the appropriate time” to “Responsible for ensuring we have adverts at the appropriate time” Vote - For 17 Against 0 Abstain 0
ix) KH -Do pub runs, they’re very important, and good luck with exec.
x) COS – Good job with the wiki everyone and IW good job with the FAQs. Good job old exec you’ve been the best exec since I’ve been there.
xi) JB – Come to the programming meeting and post your suggestions in the discourse thread
xii) AG – The same as above, but also, we don’t usually show film prints term 3
xiii) KH – With respect to insurance for films the SU has not stopped us booking anything. So the ball is in their court really and it shouldn’t stop us programming anything. See previous meeting minutes for more details
xiv) AG – Twilight screening for crew coming up soon, it’s going to be great. Please everyone come
xv) TF – Last exec good job, next exec do a good job
xvi) IM – Pleases keep exec office clean as it is like it is now (ie empty bins and load/empty dishwasher)
xvii) IM – At Vue cinema, they have an advert with Simon Pegg promoting medicinema helping ill people see films and improve their situation. Could be a nice thought that we contribute to a charity focussed around cinema. CD – Can’t directly donate to them, but we would need to do a screening for them, maybe BTTF. Maybe 10% of every BTTF ticket sold, voted for (For 16 Against 0 Abstain 0). Talk to other children’s groups (Kenilworth phab etc) about a screening to help donate to them. Well done previous exec, followed by round of applause.
xviii) Jamie Lok (JL) conveyed by AC – Potentially 35mm could die out if more people aren’t trained, training COS could help this with AP leaving soonish. Two people are properly qualified now to show and run these. Aim to raise numbers now so that in the future we won’t have the issues like we do now. Protect the future of 35/70mm at WSC. Potentially learn in pairs as you can train faster which will be more enjoyable and allow us to train more people etc.
xix) JL conveyed by AC – Publicity and marketing should pull together more to share resources and increase efficiency. AS/NL/MD said this pretty much always happens
xx) JL conveyed by AC – IW to handover screen unseen to the new socials coordinator to carry these forwards for next year as these are a reliable social and JL loves these.
xxi) AC -Fix light in the office
xxii) IW – Please take a look at FAQ’s and give any comments to help improve them further
xxiii) IW - Have a picture taken of old/new exec at BTTF marathon
xxiv) IW- Mary Poppins Blu-ray to be shown post elections for exec. JB does have this and can get it posted
xxv) BL – Could have films shown on Friday in term 3 as well as Saturday (quadruple screenings). To discuss next week at programming meeting and on discourse between now and then.

14. Outgoing Exec Appreciation Time
Good job everyone for such a short meeting and good job old exec, then applause.

Meeting ended at: 15:30

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