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Exec Meeting @ 2019-02-06 14:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on 6th February 2019


MB0.08 (Mathematical Sciences)

Present: Irene Mercader (President - Chair), Casper Davidson (Vice-President - minutes), Hilla Hamidi (Events and Socials Coordinator), Matt Davies (Marketing Officer), Nicky Leathard (Publicity Officer), Anna Solecki (Publicity Officer), Josh Bullin (Films Officer), Alice Glasgow (Films Officer), Taylor Wilkes (Treasurer), Iain Walker (Chief Duty Manager), Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Benji Levine (IT Officer – point 4 onwards)

Also present: Chris Greenland, Callum O’Sullivan, Caleb Gilliam-Scott, Antoinette Clare, Reece Goodall

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Todd Olive (External Relations Officer)

2. Updates from Different Teams
Front of House – One new TDM and one shadow show on Saturday, taking us up to 6 TDMs.

Projection – Exec voted to ratify Callum O’Sullivan as a digital projectionist (12 for, 0 against, 0 abstain) and we have one new T-Proj.

Films – Unfortunately we won’t be able to show The Sound of Music (70mm) since the European run is being extended, but it’ll be replaced by Lawrence of Arabia.

3. AGM and Elections
The AGM is at 4pm in L3 today.

4. Reflections on the AllNighter
Unfortunately attendance was low at the recent AllNighter. Theories for why this was the case include that it was on a Saturday instead of a Friday and that putting it in Week 3 didn’t help, but we’ve had Week 3 AllNighters in the past that have been successful. It was discussed that the issue may have been with not having a theme. However, we’ve found themed AllNighters don’t always work and can be too restrictive (e.g. DiCaprio or Nolan AllNighter) and it was difficult to agree to an AllNighter theme beforehand. It was also difficult to get the event planning pack approved as the SU was closed over Christmas, so we had very little lead time to promote ticket sales.

5. BTTF Marathon
IM is very hyped. It’s not an AllNighter but it is an event so we should prepare for it. Try to get slides on campus and SU screens. We could make a trailer that we might be able to get on the Big Screen. It was discussed whether it was worth getting SU tickets for the event. As MSL POS isn’t working at the moment, it’s unlikely we’d be able to check these tickets at the tills. We can just put up a normal event on the SU website instead of a ticketed event, which would be simple to do as it wouldn’t require the usual approval. It would be worth creating a webpage at warwick.film/bttf to encourage people to come. A Facebook event should be created as soon as possible. £5 is a round number, so it would make a good ticket price. The marathon could be marketed as 3 films for the price of 2, which would make it: £6 for members, £8 for non-members and £9 for externals. However, £5 ‘feels’ significantly cheaper than £6, so it would be worth doing £5 for members, £7 for non-members and £8 for externals, with crew having free tickets. The exec voted to approve these latter prices (13 for, 0 against, 0 abstain). The handover will officially take place after the first film. Publicity will be created and given to the SU beforehand.

6. Welfare and External Relations Changes
CD emailed round a document containing the changes agreed in the previous exec meeting. There were some reservations regarding if it was worth changing the Constitution itself as the changes can be covered by the supporting documents. This might be an issue as we do want to make sure all exec members are required to attend welfare training, but this can be solved by putting it in the Exec Roles and Responsibilities document so we don’t have to go through the rigmarole of changing the Constitution. The exec voted (13 for, 0 against, 0 abstain) through the changes to the Committees document and the Exec Roles and Responsibilities document to formally remove the role of External Relations Officer, but not the changes to the Constitution. CD will email further changes to the supporting documents to be voted on.

7. Upcoming Events and Socials
Upcoming events include the BTTF Marathon, a Screen Unseen on Monday 18th February, a Xananas Meal after the AGM and the Real Ale Festival next week.

It will be a mega exec meeting and TADONM shall be emailed around.

9. AOB’s
i) IW: The society should have a consistent response to customers, so it might be worth having Facebook messages responded to by the Vice-President instead of Marketing Officer. CD said Facebook is a different medium to email so suggested it doesn’t require the same response. The Marketing Officer and Vice-President do also have a lot of workload already. KH added that often enquiries require other members of the exec to respond, so the Marketing Officer can get them to respond. MD: If you want to take it further, email info@warwick.film.
ii) IW: Read the proposed amended FAQs.
iii) RG: If people are running for your role at the AGM, please have a question for them.
iv) KH: The proj team have a new making up book and it’s colourful and lovely. Thanks to AP for ‘acquiring’ it.
v) CGS: Congratulated the outgoing exec on keeping the society afloat.
vi) KH: The rectifier in the projector is nearly dead. The new exec will need to get plans to find a spare projector from somewhere or buy a new projector.
vii) CO: Created some 35mm and 70mm proj icons for the website.
viii) JB: Come see Moonstruck!
ix) JB: Please could the wiki entry describing the recent AllNighter as the worst attended AllNighter be deleted. BL actioned this.
x) AG: Planning on having another Twilight screening. Look out for details soon.
xi) IM: Thanks everyone for being a great exec team!
xii) CD: Thanks everyone for our shortest exec meeting!

Meeting ended at: 14:53

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