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Exec Meeting @ 2019-01-11 16:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on 11th January 2019


MB0.08 (Mathematical Sciences)

Present: Irene Mercader (President - Chair), Casper Davidson (Vice-President), Benji Levine (IT Officer), Hilla Hamidi (Events and Socials Coordinator), Nicky Leathard (Publicity Officer), Anna Solecki (Publicity Officer), Josh Bullin (Films Officer), Taylor Wilkes (Treasurer), Iain Walker (Chief Duty Manager), Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer)

Also present: Chris Greenland, Jamie Lok, Tom Freeman, Antoinette Clare, Richard Kirk, Reece Goodall

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Todd Olive (External Relations Officer), Matthew Davies (Marketing Officer) and Alice Glasgow (Films Officer).

2. Updates from Different Teams
Front of House – Rotas are less busy compared to last term so now stewards will be able to sign up more regularly. There are currently three TDMs on the scheme and there will be a shadow show on Sunday for a new recruit. IW aims to recruit more TDMs shortly.

Projection – Films are here and being projected. We lost a trainee projectionist because they left the university but there is a replacement in mind. We can’t access the storage behind L3 due to asbestos removal which could be problem if the power breakers there break or if the lighting stops working. Projectionists will be told how to deal with this do at their meeting next week.

Publicity – The A2s were put together over Christmas. Photo frames are being done but a few more sign-ups are required. At the publicity run, 7 people came and they did all accommodations apart from one Arthur Vick, Jack Martin, Westwood and Lakeside. Kitchens covering approximately 40% of students on campus were given A2s. We could get the SU Street Team to distribute the remaining folded A2s or we can do another publicity run at the end of week 2 ahead of the AllNighter.

IT – We lost a few trainees over the term and Christmas break. There are plans for an IT group session at the end of week 2. BL expects around 5 trainees to come to that.

3. Societies Council
IM attended Societies Council on Thursday and passed on notices from it to the exec. The Something For You fair is on Tuesday 15th January – CD has organised a stall for that. The Warwick SU website will be updated in the next fortnight and our admin tools will change so membership information will be accessed differently, but it’s unclear exactly how this will change. The Societies Officer is going to meet a few members of the exec of each society over the coming months to ask if there’s something we want to change. The SU has also launched Society Showcase, which is a promotion of different societies on campus – there will be a society of the term and they’ll get extra promotion for it. If we want a tour, this should happen before 29th March since the UK is due to leave the EU on this date and this could cause travel disruption.

4. Futures Festival
The Postgraduate Officer got in touch with us to invite us to have a stall on the Creative Industries day of the SU’s new Futures Festival. CD will organise this but also enquired if there was an opportunity to do more as our society is more than just a creative society. The PG Officer has offered us a slot for a workshop which CD will organise with members of the upcoming exec (as the festival will be after our handover) and there was some interest in members of our exec getting involved with this.

5. Welfare Constitution Amendment
IM will write it over the weekend and it can be ratified via email. The amendment will aim to implement changes about welfare that were discussed at the last exec meeting. To avoid everyone doing the job meaning that no one does it, IM will create a responsibility for a particular exec role to be the overseer making sure welfare training and support continues to happen in the society.

6. Pub Quiz
The Dirty Duck is booked for Saturday of week 2. RG and HH are writing the quiz. Prizes will be purchased in the coming week.

7. AllNighter
This term’s AllNighter will take place on Saturday of week 3. The Devil Wears Prada and Jurassic Park will be shown in 35mm. KH has sorted getting Jurassic Park in 35mm and hired a BFI national archive print. The remaining films will be shown digitally and hopefully will arrive on time. The Publicity Officers may create flyers to promote the AllNighter. MD will be asked if he wants to produce a trailer for the event. On the SU website, the event is online and the planning pack has been approved. The tickets are not available to buy yet but will be soon. IW has booked L3 and L4 overnight. HH will do a quiz and if anyone has any suggestions for specific rounds, send them to her. A meal beforehand and afterwards for crew will be organised. The running order for the films is provisionally: Jurassic Park, Ralph Breaks the Internet, The Devil Wears Prada, Bad Times at the El Royale, The Mystery Film and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Jurassic Park is on 2000s so could maybe be shown at midnight, so Jurassic Park could be swapped with The Devil Wears Prada. AG and JB will discuss this shortly.

8. Meet the Exec and Elections
We can have our Meet the Exec meeting on Wednesday of week 3 – CD shall book a room. The exec should be prepared for #FilmsocElects2019 and come up with things to say at the meeting and produce a handover pack. For the role of Chief Projectionist, there may be issue with not being able to do a snaps test before the election since we don’t have access to the storage behind L3 so some projectionists who want to run may not be fully qualified in time for when they hold the role. This will be discussed with projectionists and the snaps test may be amended or projectionists may be provisionally qualified. CD will run the election, which will take place on Wednesday of week 5. The handover will take place at the Back To The Future marathon on Saturday of week 7. To incentivise people to come and vote, the exec voted to give a free film to anyone who turned up who is not a member of crew (11 for, 0 against, 0 abstain). Members can also vote on the changes to the constitution at this AGM.

9. External Relations
The screening of We Shall Not Grow Old will take place on Monday of week 3). For the screening of Pressure, we can show a DVD or a 16mm BFI reel (this could do be shown in Film & TV or we could borrow their 16mm projector). The exec will discuss reviewing the role of External Relations Officer but we will wait to hear TO’s thoughts first. This can be done before the Meet the Exec meeting. Future collaborations include one with RockSoc for Bohemian Rhapsoody and one with the Latin and Ballroom club for A Star Is Born.

10. Upcoming Events and Socials
Next week will be IW’s social of a take away and a film screening. In week 3, there will be a bowling social. In week 4, there will be an ice cream bar crawl. In week 5, we will have an election meal. In week 6, we may go to the Real Ale Festival. There will be a Pop! circle in week 9. The end of term meal will take place in week 10. There is also a Screen Unseen social on Monday.

This will take place before the Meet the Exec meeting on Wednesday of week 3.

12. AOB’s
i) KH: Very few people turned up to pub run on or to move things from L3 on Sunday. Please let the rest of the exec know if you can or can’t come as it’s difficult to plan these events otherwise.
ii) JL: The pub run should be called a pub crawl to encourage more people to come. There should also be a competition to come up with the best names for film playlists and a competition for the best fire mixtape (preferably not Now 53).
iii) RK: How long will asbestos work take? KH said it will either be finished in 3 weeks’ time or over Easter. Lots of things that are living in the proj box from the storage behind L3 will have to be moved somewhere for 35mm events (such as the AllNighter). They can be moved to the L4/5 booth and masking cupboard but this will require people to move it (perhaps this could be done after the publicity run).
iv) IW: How did the licence inspection go? IM said we got an email back saying we passed with flying colours and there were no issues with our licence.
v) KH: Money has arrived from Pearl and Dean, but it was only £1500, which is less than usual, so KH will enquire about this.
vi) KH: The SU has banned us from booking ‘celluloid film prints’ as we are not insured. KH has emailed Cinema for All about getting insurance sorted. We can show the current ones for this term but will need to get this sorted before booking term 3 films or not do film prints at all in term 3. We’ll need an insurance certificate ahead of The Sound of Music.
xvii) CD: We can enter the National Society Awards, which the Societies Officer brought to our attention.
viii) CD: Please can people sign up to help at the stall for the Something For You fair.

Meeting ended at: 17:16

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