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DM Meeting @ 2019-01-15 18:10:00

Tuesday 15 January 2019
A0.05 (Social Sciences)

Meeting commenced: 1810

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Iain, Antoinette, Casper, Matt, Taylor, Chris, Alex, Ali, Jamie, Wilkie
Apologies: Mike, Anjana, Richard, Caleb, Justin, Patrycja

Ali was welcomed to his first meeting, and everyone introduced themselves and described the colours of their coats.

2. Rotas

Week 2

• Saturday 19 January, 9.30pm — Movie Pub Quiz — Chris (thank you)
• Sunday 20 January, 3.30pm — The Hate U Give — lots of maybes

• Tuesday 15 January, 7.30pm — The Rider
• Friday 18 January, 6.30pm — Bohemian Rhapsody — Ali
• Sunday 20 January, 3.30pm — The Hate U Give

Week 3

• Tuesday 22 January, 7.30pm — The Guilty

• Monday 21 January, 7.30pm — They Shall Not Grow Old
• Tuesday 22 January, 7.30pm — The Guilty
• Thursday 24 January, 7.30pm — Mandy
• Friday 25 January, 6.30pm — Fantastic Beasts
• Friday 25 January, 9.30pm — Fantastic Beasts

3. Notices

• If selling memberships with EAW, make sure to put the transaction down as ‘cheque’ — please remind stewards of this too.
• Please train EAW stewards carefully.
• If doing an early show, remember to note down the EAW amount.
• Please remember to change the photo frame at the end of the show.

4. The AllNighter

• Who will be available? — Antoinette, Matt, Taylor (part of it), Casper (maybe, all or none), Chris (all of it), Jamie (maybe).
• (1) The Devil Wears Prada
• (2) Ralph Breaks the Internet
• (3) Jurassic Park
• (4) Mystery Film
• (5) Bad Times at the El Royal
• (6) Ferris Beuller’s Day Off
• Will arrange rotas later on.

5. AOBs

i. Guesses in Guess the Attendance close at 7.15pm.
ii. Crew screening of Inglourious Basterds on Wednesday from 7pm.
iii. There will be a ‘Meet the Exec’ meeting next week on Wednesday in L3 from 4pm. There will also be an Exec meeting beforehand. All details will be distributed by VP.
iv. Alex asked if there could be some other metric for Guess the Attendance as he felt “quite hard done by” in the last contest.
v. Everyone introduced themselves again, this time providing their degree course and year of study.
vi. The safe code was distributed to those members requiring it.
vii. The current lost property policy was reaffirmed.

Meeting concluded: 1837

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