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DM Meeting @ 2018-11-27 18:10:00

Tuesday 27 November 2018
A0.05 (Social Sciences)

Meeting commenced: 1810

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Iain, Caleb, Casper, Mike, Chris, Patrycja, Taylor, Matt, Jamie
Apologies: Richard, Antoinette, Anjana, Justin, James, Wilkie

2. Rotas

Week 9

• Saturday 1 December, 3.30pm — Rent —

• Thursday 29 November, 7.30pm — The Wife
• Friday 30 November, 6.30pm — The Predator
• Friday 30 November, 9.30pm — The Predator
• Saturday 1 December, 9.30pm — Crazy Rich Asians
• Sunday 2 December, 6.30pm — Love Actually

Week 10

• All filled

• Tuesday 4 December, 7.30pm — The Muppet Christmas Carol

3. Matters arising

• It was asked whether there would be any objections to crewing two AllNighters in the Spring Term if this ended up being the case. There were no objections raised, but it was suggested that for a LotR AllNighter there could be two DMs assigned to each film.
• Mondays won’t be returning in full next term, but several collaborations are planned for Mondays, including a few private screenings. If regular Monday screenings are desired by members of the committee, they should push for them ahead of next year’s schedule.
• The exec is broadly in favour of abolishing latecomer tickets, but have put off a vote until all DMs had been given the chance to share their thoughts.
• As a separate but related point, the idea was raised of lowering price of external tickets to the non-member price, as it seems unfair for students from other universities to have to pay more. This is being looked into, nothing definite yet. A discussion ensued about whether the tickets would still be called ‘External’ tickets, and it was agreed that they probably would be. It was noted that about 150 external tickets had been sold that year so far, and this would equate to a revenue loss of roughly £75.
• It is planned that ‘Not Refundable’ will be removed from the tickets, along with other similar text, and replaced with a link to the ticketing terms and conditions.

4. Notices

• On EPOS, there is now a ‘Cancel’ button at the stage where stewards are offered the choice between Cash and EAW, as otherwise unless they know the keyboard shortcut for going back they’re stuck. It was suggested that people keep an eye on this in case it has led to something else breaking.
• If a steward has forgotten their login, get them to email password@warwick.film with their university ID number and the IT Officer will reset it for them.
• The refund policy is now on Discourse and pinned for easy access and reference. Only DMs and Exec can see it, so if it’s not available you’re probably not logged in.
• DMs have been removed as stewards for The Muppet Christmas Carol — if you would actually like to steward it, feel free to sign up again now but the CDM will be expecting you to steward. If you need to test something, please sign up to DM it.

5. AOBs

i. Guesses in Guess the Attendance close at 7.15pm this evening.
ii. Extra screening of Rent at 3.30pm this Saturday.
iii. There will be a social to the Birmingham Christmas Market on Wednesday — meet at Coventry Rail Station at 3.30pm. There will be a shadow social to IKEA beforehand.
iv. It was suggested that there should be a way of ensuring that the same stewards don’t go on doors too often. Please try to ensure variety in our crew’s stewarding experience. It was suggested that doors be made more fun.

Meeting concluded: 1852

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