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DM Meeting @ 2018-11-20 18:10:00

Tuesday 20 November 2018
A0.05 (Social Sciences)

Meeting commenced: 1810

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Iain, Antoinette, Chris, Taylor, Matt, James, Wilkie, Caleb, Justin, Jamie, Anjana
Apologies: Casper, Alex, Mike

James was welcomed to his first DM meeting, and those present all introduced themselves.

2. Rotas

Week 8

• All filled!

• Saturday 24 November, 9.30pm — The Spy Who Dumped Me —
• Sunday 25 November, 3.30pm — A Simple Favour — James
• Sunday 25 November, 6.30pm — A Simple Favour —

Week 9

• Saturday 1 December, 3.30pm — Rent —

3. Matters arising

• The Publicity Officers have said that no one has signed up to make photo frame images, but that these will likely make a return next term.
• The ‘new’ battery that was put in the safe was dead for some reason, hence the continued beep, but Alex Pointon put in a new battery and the long beep has stopped so all should be good for the next year or so.
• The CDM has still to look into our fire responsibilities.

4. Notices

• If steward has done three shows but, for whatever reason, they haven’t had two on tills, should still be given crew status but left as trainee for another show.
• The CDM asked those present to read the new ‘Granting Crew Status’ page on the wiki.

5. Latecomer policy

• The charging of £5 tickets to latecomers was discussed.
• Charging £4 to members of the university after tills have closed is reasonable as it is hard to check whether someone is a member or not. If someone is not a member of the university they can be charged £4.50.
• The higher price could be seen as a way to encourage people not to turn up late, but missing the start of the film might be deterrent enough. It might be unfair if someone is late due to reasons out of their control, such as their bus being late.
• It was suggested that having £5 as a round figure makes it easier for change, but bringing the floats out means this isn’t an issue. Additionally, the latecomer fee used to be £4.50 a few years ago, suggesting this wasn’t a historical justification for the higher priced ticket.
• The CDM will email the DMs not present for their thoughts, but the general feeling at the meeting was that ceasing to charge £5 for latecomer tickets was reasonable.

6. Sunday screenings

• Ahead of the Exec meeting, the CDM asked those present for their thoughts on how Sunday screenings had gone so far, and whether they had any other comments on the structure of the schedule.
• There was a general feeling that Monday screenings should be bought back, regardless of any change to Sundays. It was suggested that even though Mondays typically didn’t have very high attendances, this was largely due to the films that were put on them.
• It was noted that there had been no issues crewing Mondays or Sundays.
• It was suggested that shifting the current 3.30 — 6.30 schedule on a Sunday back an hour to 4.30 — 7.30 was not a particularly big change, and wouldn’t make a difference to the attendance.
• If Mondays were brought back, it was suggested that Sundays be moved to 7.30pm to make timings more consistent.
• The CDM called an indicative vote to gauge the preferences of DMs on Sundays and Mondays:
A. Sunday double, no Monday screening — 2
B. Sunday double, Monday single — 1
C. Sunday single, Monday single — 7
• It was also requested that there be more themed days.

7. Stewarding social

• The CDM is provisionally planning a social for stewards on Wednesday Week 2 of next term as a way for steward to get to know each other (and the DMs) better. One option would be showing a film and having a takeaway. It is hoped that this would get stewards more involved in the society, especially ahead of the Exec elections.
• The CDM noted that the ‘stewarding social’ name is lame.
• It was suggested that a film screening would not be particularly conducive to conversation. L3 also isn’t the best environment for mixing.
• A number of alternatives were suggested, including: screening a ‘controversial’ film that would get people talking after; having snacks in a room and getting people to mix and talk, ‘school disco’ style; a team building exercise.
• Following some constructive discussion, the committee settled on the following:
- Having the film and takeaway option to be decided on the night, as it was believed that this
would help get talking.
- If necessary, we could show a film from Netflix instead of a Bluray.
- The lights might not be dimmed at all.

8. AOBs

i. Jamie was congratulated on qualifying as a Duty Manager over the weekend.
ii. Guesses in Guess the Attendance close at 7.15pm.
iii. There will be an Exec Meeting on Wednesday at 2pm in MB0.08 — all members are welcome. The CDM asked whether there was anything that the committee wanted him to raise, and it was requested that the line about not being refundable should be removed from the tickets as this is no longer accurate, but that we didn’t necessary have to say that it was refundable.
iv. Hoodie order closes Sunday — warwick.film/newclothing.
v. Screen Unseen next Monday — we might be going to Nando’s, which Matt Potter is particularly excited about.

Meeting concluded: 1850 (approximately)

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