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DM Meeting @ 2018-10-23 18:10:00

Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Meeting commenced: 1810

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Iain, Antoinette, Casper, Matt, Mike Joy, Anjana, Alex, Jamie
Apologies: Taylor, Richard, Caleb, Chris, Todd

2. Rotas

Week 4

• All filled

• Friday 26 October 6.30pm + 9.30pm, Ocean’s 8 —

Week 5

• Saturday 3 November, 9.30pm — M:I - Fallout — maybe Casper

• All shows

3. Notices

• Eating at Warwick:
- If ever an amount needs to be refunded on EAW, take their details and let the CDM know so that the money can be refunded to their account by contacting the EAW people.
- The EAW website might display the incorrect amount on someone’s card, either due to it taking a while to load or due to the website malfunctioning (as happened on a show recently). In that case, to reassure the customer that the correct amount has been charged, the balance can be checked on the EAW till.
- Remember that the process is ‘Enter - Card - Card’, and that pressing ‘Enter’ twice will charge the same amount twice. This can of course be checked before pressing ‘Card’ for the final time, but good to do the correct procedure in the first place.
• The exec is considering changing refund policy to allow refunds on the night again, rather than directing customers to email the exec to complain. Nothing finalised, but a decision to be made soon.
- Cases in which refunds or complimentary tickets should be offered on the night: if something goes wrong with the film that ruins the experience (e.g. the sound cutting out); if someone decides to stay for no part of the film (e.g. mistakenly going to the wrong film).
- If a customer is unhappy and the case is not mentioned above, the DM would use their best judgement, perhaps offering a complimentary ticket. The exec believe that we should err on the too generous side rather than being too strict as this is more likely to make customers want to come back.
- Consistency between DMs good. In a case not mentioned, whatever the action of the DM, the FoH committee/exec could be notified so that the case can be discussed and policy decided for future reference.
- If unable to show the film at all after ticket sales, both a refund and a complimentary ticket could be offered?
- Can’t refund EAW with cash on the night, so if a customer wants a refund and they’ve paid EAW they can either be offered a complimentary ticket or their details can be taken so that the process outlined above can be undertaken.
- It was suggested that refunds should not be explicitly advertised, but that if asked tickets should be refunded.
- It was asked whether the log of all refunds processed could be reviewed if this policy goes into effect.
• Reminder: we are very low on loyalty cards, more have been ordered and are due to arrive on Friday. If you do run out, stamp the back of ticket. Customer can then bring this ticket to next screening, and have it transferred onto a loyalty card, with us taking the ticket to avoid them having that stamp redeemed twice. Please let the CDM know if it comes to stamping the back of tickets.
• Please endeavour to have the audience into L3 as soon as possible, no later than 25 past. If explaining to trainee stewards on the tills, you can always start selling tickets using the other tills to avoid holding the process up.

4. Harry Potter Marathon

• Any crew guest, let CDM/President know.
• Feedback from last AN (DM Meeting 2018-02-27):
- Collection through POS didn’t work — CDM will go to the SU to get the box ticked
- List containing staffing information couldn’t be seen in the dark corridor — list will be left in the office.
- More blu tack for posters — no posters this time.
- Briefing took too long, better communication requested — noted.
- First ticket took a while to print, printing test ticket could be good — noted.
- All DMs should wear DM polo for their show.
• Slots have been allotted. An email will be sent out to stewards detailing what they’ll be expected to do throughout the night.
• Plan to be finalised in next few days. Pre and most marathon meal planned.
• Costumes were discussed, including having lightning bolts for crew members.

5. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

• It was agreed that we should not attempt to prevent people from, say, bringing water pistols or throwing toast, as is customary at RHPS screenings — we don’t want to come across as anti-fun. The DM can step in if necessary.

6. AOBs

i. Remember to guess the attendance!

Meeting concluded: 1833

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