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DM Meeting @ 2018-09-25 17:10:10

Tuesday 25th September 2018

Meeting commenced: 1710

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Iain, Justin, Wilkie, Antoinette, Casper, Caleb, Matt, Chris, Alex, Mike Joy
Apologies: Anjana, Richard, Jamie

2. Rotas

Welcome Week


• Friday 28 September, 9.30pm — Pulp Fiction
• Saturday 29 September, 9.30pm — Deadpool 2


• Thursday 27 September, 7.30pm — Get Out
• Friday 28 September, 6.30pm — Pulp Fiction
• Friday 28 September, 9.30pm — Pulp Fiction
• Saturday 29 September, 6.30pm — Deadpool 2
• Saturday 29 September, 9.30pm — Deadpool 2

More stewards for both Pulp Fiction screenings and the late Deadpool 2 would be desirable, as they are expected to be very popular.

Week 1


• Thursday 4 October, 7.30pm — 120 BPM — Casper
• Friday 5 October, 6.30pm — Solo
• Sunday 7 October, 3.30pm — Mary and the Witch’s Flower
• Sunday 7 October, 6.30pm — Mary and the Witch’s Flower


• Tuesday 2 October, 7.30pm — Thoroughbreds
• Thursday 4 October, 7.30pm — 120 BPM
• Friday 5 October, 6.30pm — Solo
• Friday 5 October, 9.30pm — Solo
• Saturday 6 October, 9.30pm — Ant-Man and the Wasp
• Sunday 7 October, 3.30pm — Mary and the Witch’s Flower
• Sunday 7 October, 6.30pm — Mary and the Witch’s Flower

3. Notices

• At present, POS can’t sell societies federation but it can sell memberships, so please push! Societies federation can still be bought online. Going to warwick.film/membership will redirect you to the page to buy membership on the SU.
• Even once POS is working properly, we can’t sell Societies Federation to Erasmus students, so please direct anyone hoping to buy one to SUHQ or the SU website.
• Make sure you renew your membership soon! Membership for 17/18 is valid until 30 September, so you will need to renew yours before you work a show in October.
• Minor changes to EPOS:
- No more film-specific ‘Free for Members’ or ‘Free for Everyone’ tickets. Instead, there will be ‘Free for Member’ and ‘Free for Everyone’ boxes in show set-up that should be ticked if a film is FFM or FFE respectively.
- Tickets that don’t ever get selected no longer appear in show set-up, but can still be accessed through DM override — e.g. children, latecomer.
- ‘Non Member’s External Guest’ is no more — non-members now get ‘External 1’ and ‘External 2’.
• Member’s free ticket issue — anyone who was a member last year who comes to a film this week will be given a new MFT even if they haven’t renewed their membership. This is due to term starting before memberships for last year expire. There isn’t much that can be done about this. At present, this means that anyone who renews their membership but has already been sold their MFT this week won’t get another one. The exec will discuss whether or not to give people who got an MFT before buying their membership for 2018/19 another one.
• This year, we are bringing back ‘First Film Free’ for staff. This ticket should be ticked for all standard films in show set-up. EPOS can’t tell whether a person is staff or not, meaning this ticket will come up for everyone, but they should only be sold to staff. Once someone has been sold their ‘Staff — First Film Free’ ticket it will disappear. Please make stewards aware of this new ticket: if they see a red stripe on a university card, this means they’re staff, so see if the staff ticket comes up — if it does, they should sell that.
• Tickets for the Harry Potter Marathon are on sale now. Ticket prices are as the same as Allnighters in previous years: free for staff working the show; £5 for crew and crew guest; £9 members; £13 non members; £15 externals. As is sometimes the case, people might buy a ticket as a non-member then subsequently become a member; likewise member to crew. If anyone asks at the tills about refunding the difference, please direct them to SUHQ where they can get their ticket refunded before they buy a new one. Note — as always, staff and crew/crew guest tickets can’t be sold through the SU website, only EPOS. There should be a post soon about crew tickets, so if any stewards ask, direct them to Irene or the CDM.
• £50 notes are common at the start of the year. Please tell stewards to wait for a DM before processing transactions involving £50 notes, and DMs should give change as it is believe this has caused large till differences in the past.
• With lots of trainee stewards incoming, please remember to comment on their profiles — e.g. “first show doors, second show tills, crew and steward status granted”.
• Loyalty card T&Cs are in the process of being changed, so that they don’t expire at the end of the academic year — as such, we might soon accept ones from previous years, pending a vote by the exec. If the vote passes, remember to transfer the stamps onto a new loyalty card with this term’s schedule.
• There was a bit of confusion with Film Studies Society at the societies fair. As such, some people might have bought Film Studies membership thinking they were buying WSC membership. If someone comes to the tills expecting to have membership when they have actually bought Film Studies membership, try to sell them our membership and tell them that they can get the wrong membership refunded at SUHQ.
• Lost property policy — for now, if there’s lost property please put it on the lost property log and leave it in the office overnight. Someone will then take it to Senate House at the earliest opportunity. This might change once the status of the gatehouse is confirmed. A link to the lost property log has been stuck to the inside of the door of the DM cupboard.
• We have new stamps which don’t need to have solvent added each show. Instead they will require solvent roughly every week or two. To solvent, push the stamp down slightly so the stamp pad can slot out. Then, put solvent on the stamp pad itself before re-inserting.

4. Toy Story

• Big Screening this Sunday at 8.30pm in the Piazza. The CDM will send out more information soon.
• Antoinette, Casper and Matt P are up for helping. Alex, Chris and Caleb might be able to help.
• Polos should be worn so DMs and stewards can be identified.


• A Doodle poll will be sent out later in the week once more people have their timetable confirmed.

6. AOBs

i. There will be an Exec Meeting on Sunday 30 September at 2pm in H0.43.
ii. The possibility of having lanyards or some other form of identification for stewards was raised. This could be useful as people won’t necessarily know that stewards at the doors or during the film are part of WSC.
iii. It was suggested that hand-held hoovering devices could be useful to clear up mess.
iv. Banners are back. There are currently two, but two more about getting involved should arrive at some point. Please be careful when using them.
v. A version of Filmsoc: The Musical has been completed.
vi. The safe code was distributed to those requiring it.
vii. Disappointment was expressed at the lack of singing along at The Greatest Showman on Monday. Several people at the societies fair indicated that they might have been more willing to sing had others done so too. Unfamiliarity with the songs might have been a factor. At future programming meetings, ways to incentivise singing should be discussed if there is a possibility of scheduling more singalong films.
viii. On the Welcome Week hub, once an event is fully booked it no longer shows up as an option. It is believed that this might have been the case for the early Pulp Fiction.

Meeting concluded: 1745

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