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Exec Meeting @ 2018-06-16 14:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Saturday 16th June 2018


OC1.02, Oculus

Present: Irene Mercader (President; Chair), Casper Davidson (Vice-President; minutes), Iain Walker (Chief Duty Manager), Matt Davies (Marketing Officer), Benji Levine (IT Officer) points 3 onwards, Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Josh Bullin (Films Officer), Alice Glasgow (Films Officer)

Also present: Reece Goodall, Tom Freeman, Chris Greenland, Caleb Gilliam-Scott

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Taylor Wilkes, Todd Olive, Hilla Hamidi, Nicky Leathard, Anna Solecki & Alex Pointon

2. Big Screening
Flyers advertising the Big Screening have been delivered. A pub run should take place to hand them out. Last year, they were handed out on the day of the screening so the same shall be done again. The trailer has been sent to the big screen and should start displaying shortly. It may be worth getting quotes for the SU street team to distribute flyers. IM shall speak to the Publicity Officers. The film has been paid for. Due to the football match before the screening, many stewards will be required to clean up litter. Amazon have given us goodie bags – these shall given out at the big screening. MD shall create a Facebook event.

3. Week 0
Our plan is to have a normal schedule beginning in Week 0. A programming meeting will follow this exec meeting. IM shall check we are showing a film on Saturday of Week 0 – there have been mixed messages about whether the Welcome Week team support it. There shall be a getting involved meeting on the Wednesday of Week 0 for freshers followed by another one at the beginning of term for returners. IM will find out whether the university is going to subsidise the films we show in Week 0 and whether the SU will help us with the big screening too. The exec were contacted by the Sherbourne Residential Life Team to show a film in L3. Communication has been slow, but they contacted the Films Officers saying that they want to show a screening for just Sherbourne residents and are willing to pay for the film. Wednesday is the day available for it in our schedule. The exec shall suggest to the RLT that we give them tickets for them to distribute in kitchens. Food and drink rules will remain the same as usual so as to set a precedent for future screenings.

4. Updates from Different Teams
DM – Rotas are pretty full. One trainee has left and two have qualified since the last meeting. IW may begin recruitment now so as to make training begin for new TDMs as soon as possible next year.

Projection – Films are being projected successfully. Two trainees have qualified since the last meeting but not many are signing up for screenings at the moment. Rotas are relatively full. Some films are being picked up by NFT and some films are sent to Arts Centre. There are concerns about term 1 as we’ll have a much higher film turnover – AG and KH shall contact them a few weeks before term begins.

Marketing – Everything is going well! Trailers and slides for the rest of the term have been sorted.

IT – Website is currently not accessible from campus wifi because one of the firewalls is broken. AP is rewriting the firewalls from scratch and this is nearly complete. Our network switches have fans that aren’t working very well, so these may need to be replaced in the near future. The servers are working well and the website has been performing relatively well. The website is being tidied up but a few bugs will occur and need to be ironed out. The trainee scheme hasn’t been as successful as hoped as the trainee projects were either too simple or too difficult for trainees. A new scheme shall be created for next year – any ideas to encourage more people to join and stay are very welcome. Dreamworks, the Windows 7 PC, shall soon be replaced by an upgraded Windows 10 PC. Windows 7 files shall be deleted in term 1.

Films Officers – come to the programming meeting!

5. Projector Situation
A red pixel appeared during a screening of Lady Bird and remained during Detective Chinatown 2. We contacted the SU asking for help for a replacement projector ahead of term 1. But then the broken pixel was fixed by KH! AP and AM will go to a projector exhibition soon for quotes and our projector is very old so it would be costly to repair. We need to take into account that we should get a projector that will be technically relevant for the next 10 years (the current projector has lasted us 10 years). Once we have quotes, we can put together a plan for when we replace the projector and what we replace it with. The current contingency plan is to show 35mm films once a week if the projector were to break suddenly.

6. Lifetime Crew
We did not reach quorum at this meeting, but names can be suggested here and then voted on via email. Nominations: Lakshmi Ajay (for work as chief projectionist and events and socials), Matt Williams (for work as CDM and Treasurer), Chloe Pugh (for being a long term steward – 98 shows in total – and being Chief Editor and publicity & marketing team) & Hamish Brown (for marketing). CD shall send out email.

7. Ratifications
See above regarding quorum. Need to ratify: Matt Potter as a DM, Antoinette Clare as a DM, Hazel Isler as a Digital Projectionist and Alex Hobbs as a Digital Projectionist.

8. Upcoming Events and Socials
The next event is the Big Screening. IW will have a bus social in week 9, LA shall do the Earlsdon heritage trail on Thursday of week 9 and there shall be an end of term meal in Wagamamas on Wednesday in week 10.

Term 1 – shall be decided via email. Expected in week 0.

13. AOB’s
i) IM: We have a stall on the 22nd and 23rd June for an open day. Contact CD if you’re willing to help out.
ii) IM: DMs and Projectionists (non-exec) should return keys to IM or CD by the end of term.
iii) IM: A hoodie order was discussed. It would be worth ordering them soon so we can wear them ahead of the freshers fair.
iv) KH: Warwick Filmmakers’ Showcase took place earlier in the week. The microphones we use are a little broken, so we may need to purchase radio microphones in future.
v) KH: Taking photos of documents and printing these requires a lot of toner. Instead, we should scan documents and print them in black and white.
vi) KH: We had a deal with the Amazon ambassadors and they’re paid to distribute publicity. We effectively sold them hundreds of pounds worth of Facebook publicity, so these deals should be put to the exec in future.
vii) CGS: LA is recording the FilmSoc song. If you want to be involved, contact LA. If you want to join CGS’ D&D that’s taking place on 19th June from 12pm in S0.08
viii) RG: We won no Socs Awards. Please send Cinema for All testimonials to RG before week 10.
ix) RG: Suggested getting rid of our Monday screening and moving to a Sunday matinee instead. They were scrapped a few years ago because a lot of crew couldn’t get onto campus to run shows on Sundays, so a matinee is good compromise. This was discussed – films officers expressed concern that some shows wouldn’t work well on doubles, but it would be good to have less ‘blockbustery’ films get a chance to be seen twice. This will be further discussed and voted on in an email thread. Publicity shall be informed of the possible change so they can edit term 1 publicity if necessary.
x) IW: We paid licenses late, so what provisions are being made to ensure it doesn’t happen again? KH suggested we should proactively contact the council so that we don’t send it late again.

Meeting ended at: 16:16

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