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Publicity Meeting @ 2007-02-22 19:00:00

1. Welcome

2. New structure for publicity
The Publicity Officer explained his new structure for publicity.
Publicity will now be divided into 4 sections: Reviews, Graphics, Editors and Distribution. Reviews will, as before, require writing reviews for next term’s films. Graphics will involve finding images online for films that we are showing. Editing will involve designing publicity for WSC (weekly posters, fliers and booklets). Editors will require at least one training session and probably a second more advanced one so that they can learn how to use quark and photoshop. These will run in weeks 8 and 9. Distribution will involve taking publicity around campus before major events and at the start of term.
Free films for doing publicity are as follows:
2 free films per review
1 free film per hour of distribution
2 free films per week of images/titles
If someone earns 8 free films through publicity then they gain crew status for a term. Editors will be awarded crew status provided they continue to help (this is at the discretion of the Publicity Officer).
In the future roles similar to the Reviews Editor will be created for the other sections of publicity.

3. Forums
Everyone was encouraged to join the forums. A new editors forum has also been set up to discuss ideas for publicity design and any problems people might encounter.

4.Term 3 strategy
Sign up for next term’s reviews will start soon.
Michelle suggested that as the schedule is reduced fortnightly rather than weekly publicity might be best.
The Publicity Officer suggested that films that we hoped for some success in could receive extra publicity.

5. Getting involved
The publicity drive for publicity has been fairly successful, particularly for reviewers and editors. People at the meeting who wished to get more involved were asked to speak to the Publicity Officer for more details.

6. AOB
-Michelle suggested, for the Autumn term, a two section rotating film reel made out of card to advertise ways to get involved. A hole in one of the pieces of card would reveal a different way to get involved depending on how it was rotated.

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