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Exec Meeting @ 2018-03-07 16:11:19

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Wednesday 7th March 2018


E0.23 (Social Sciences)

Present: Irene Mercader (President; chair), Casper Davidson (Vice-President; minutes), Taylor Wilkes (Treasurer), Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Iain Walker (Chief Duty Manager), Matt Davies (Marketing Officer), Alice Glasgow (Films Officer)
Also in attendance: Caleb Gilliam-Scott (Points 2-11), Ashley Davies (Points 6-11)

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Benji Levine (IT Officer), Josh Bullin (Films Officer), Anna Solecki (Publicity Officer), Nicky Leathard (Publicity Officer), Todd Olive (External Relations Officer), Richard Kirk

2. Big Screening
The original time we wanted was unavailable, but the piazza will be available for Monday 25th June. Unfortunately there are 2 world cup matches that day, so the Piazza may be too messy and the last football match may not end much before 10pm. It was suggested we do an indoor screening instead and plan it with photobooths, however it was also noted that the high turnout for previous indoor screenings was due to the big screenings being moved indoors. IM will email the Piazza booking staff to find out the full availability of the piazza and will act accordingly, depending on the clashes with world cup matches. A poll will be conducted to decide what the big screening film will be before Thursday week 10 so that it can go on the wall planner.

3. Publicity
The exec were made aware that paying for publicity requires a card transaction for several hundreds of pounds, which the publicity officers were unable to do themselves. KH noted that we can use the SU’s credit card or Andy’s credit card instead. TW will send an email asking the SU how their credit card can be used. IM will speak to Andy about using his card.

4. Events and Socials Election
CD announced the events and socials election would be taking place after the exec meeting at 5pm in L3. All were encouraged to come and vote.

5. Welfare Officer
IM asked if anyone wanted to undertake the role of welfare officer. No one put themselves forward, so IM will take up the role for the period of this exec.

6. Term 3 wallplanner & Week 0
IM asked what events should be put on the SU’s Term 3 wall planner. Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, The Shape of Water and A Fantastic Woman were all suggested. Collaborations with other societies could be placed on the planner with the respective societies once we know what collaborations will take place. In the meantime, CD shall put up the suggested films.

It was clarified that Week 0 shall be the 24th-30th September, with an arrivals weekend beforehand, so we shall effectively have 10 days to fill with activities for freshers. It was noted that many students from other years will also be around during this week. IM had been told by Niall Johnson, the Societies Officer, that we will be a great place to go for freshers to do when they don’t want to go clubbing. Free screenings could take place, although no one will have a membership at this point in the year. It was suggested that we programme Week 0 like we would any other week and show films every night apart form Wednesday and Sunday. We shall put on free films like previous arrivals weekends for the arrivals weekend before Week 0. IM shall book L3 for Friday 21st – Sunday 30th September apart from Wednesday 26th, but we won’t necessarily screen a film every day. It was noted that as we may move our Monday screenings to Sunday next year, it’s worth booking Sunday to keep our options open. There may be a getting involved meeting or a social on the Wednesday. We may do an open cinema too, although the last one was not well-attended. There shall be a more thorough Week 0 exec meeting in term 3 and an exec vote is desired if we were to move screenings to Sundays. There will be a survey of some form put up in term 3 asking our customers whether they would prefer Sundays and potentially what films they would like to see in Week 0.

7. External Relations
The External Relations Officer’s report was shared with the exec in his absence and shall be emailed to all exec alongside the minutes. It was well-received by the exec.

8. The Shining
Our planned screening of The Shining was cancelled last Friday due to severe weather, but has been rescheduled to this coming Sunday. It shall be free for everyone. IW is encouraging stewards and DMs to sign up to the show and KH will organise a projectionist to work the show. Marketing is going well, MD shall put up slides and has put up Facebook posts. We have a KDM and a film and IM shall email the members to let them know the date and time of the new screening. IM will ask the publicity officers about the photo frame. Some publicity for the screening has already been produced. MD will ask the SU to retweet and share our posts too and shall contact them regarding using their LCD screens.

9. Upcoming events and socials
The exec were reminded of the election taking place after the meeting, the Pop social in the evening, the rescheduled screening of The Shining, the special screening of Macbeth, the end of term meal on Friday Week 10 and a Scream Unseen on Monday 19th of March, which IW shall put on Slack.

The next exec meeting shall take place in Term 3, hopefully Week 1. A doodle poll shall be sent out in the Easter break and until then, emails shall be used to keep the exec updated.

11. AOB
i) AG: AG’s housemate would like to use our EPOS data in exchange for providing us with useful analysis for marketing purposes. Provided the data is anonymised, this should be fine as we share this information on Guess the Attendance anyway.
ii) IW: Please roll A2s
iii) KH: Richard and Andy did a mailshot for staff in term 1, which was successful. Staff will be teaching less in term 3, so perhaps we should send that out again.
iv) KH: There will be a Q-show for Hazel Isler on Monday
v) TW: When the new Events and Socials Coordinator is elected and Q-shows completed, TW shall do a polo shirt order. TW will do hoodie order next term upon investigating potential alternative suppliers.
vi) CD: For emails that go to info@warwick.film, CD or IM shall reply and BCC the exec in the reply if it is simple information. Otherwise, it shall be forwarded to the rest of the exec for someone else to reply.
vii) Following a request from IW, KH shall ask the IT Officer for a full list of all email addresses for the exec.
viii) IM will get in touch with the Technical Officer regarding an extension phone number
ix) IM requested an update on the website. KH told the exec that the IT team knows why it is not currently working with hotspot-secure and this should hopefully be fixed in the week after the end of term. The IT team do not know exactly why it is currently down. KH let the exec know that the Technical Officer has been incredibly helpful with trying to fix the website.
x) CGS: CGS expressed surprise at seeing so few exec attending the meeting. Exec members must be encouraged to attend if they are available. Otherwise, CGS noted the new exec certainly seem to have things in hand.
xi) TW: TW requested that there be two money request forms for anyone who fills out one. CGS noted that scanning one form is better than handwriting two copies.

Meeting ended at: 16:11

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