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Exec Meeting @ 2018-02-21 17:43:40

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Wednesday

21 st February (Term 2 Week 7)


F.25A Milburn House

Present: Reece Goodall (President; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice President; minutes), Irene Mercader (External Relations Officer; President elect), Benji Levine (IT Officer), Caleb Gilliam-Scott (Chief Duty Manager), Chris Greenland (Publicity Officer), Lakshmi Ajay (Events and Socials Coordinator), Matt Williams (Treasurer), Hamish Brown (Marketing Officer), Iain Walker (Chief Duty Manager elect), Todd Olive (External Relations Officer elect), Taylor Wilkes (Treasurer elect), Anna Solecki (Co-Publicity Officer elect), Nicky Leathard (Co-Publicity Officer elect), Casper Davidson (Vice President elect), Josh Bullin (Co-Films Officer elect), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Matt Davies (Films Officer; Marketing Officer elect; points 1-11), Alice Glasgow (Co-Films Officer elect; points 1-11) and Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist; points 13). Also present: Tom Freeman and Richard Kirk (points 4-13).

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist).

2. Exec Procedure
A brief explanation for new exec members. The process of voting and contributing to the agenda was described. Two thirds of the exec members have to be vote to reach quorum. For the new exec, this will be 9 exec members. Of those present, as long as quorum is reached, a simple majority is required to pass a vote.

3. Handover Progress
President, vice president, treasurer, chief duty manager, publicity, marketing, films officer, external relations handovers are all done.

4. Technical Officer / Events and Socials Coordinator
Alex Pointon was unanimously co-opted as the new Technical Officer. It was decided that another election will take place to appoint a new Events and Socials Coordinator, this will be in week 10 of this term.

5. Welfare Officer
A welfare officer role will be incorporated into the exec, either as a separate role or an add-on to an existing role. If an exec member is particularly keen on taking this additional responsibility, please inform rest of the exec. For the time being, as president, Irene will be adopting the role under her responsibilities.

6. Allnighter
Most of the night has been organised by the outgoing exec. A quiz is being written which will take place between the first and second film. Results will be announced after the handover and prizes have been bought for winners. The handover will be between the second and third film. The running order for the night is School of Rock, Thor: Ragnarock, Mystery Film, Paddington 2, The Princess Bride and Ninjago. There will be a meal before and after the Allnighter at Xananas. There is a Facebook page advertising the event, and has further details. There will be a poll to inform Lakshmi on the numbers.

7. Term 3 Schedule and Publicity
A programming meeting took place earlier today (21 st February), where the schedule for next term was discussed. Anna and Nicky suggested that we order 1000 A2s, 2500 A4s, 2500 loyalty cards and 3 A0s for next term. This comes to approximately £490. These quantities were unanimously approved by the exec. These numbers are a decrease compared to what was ordered for term 3 last year. Reece suggested that the publicity and marketing team could try and advertise films that we will definitely be showing next term, ahead of time. We have to be careful about advertising films before they haven’t confirmed yet, in case we are no longer able to show certain films. We could add a disclaimer at the bottom of such adverts to state that this is subject to confirmation.

8. Summer Big Screening
The Big Screening will take place on Tuesday, week 10, providing it doesn’t clash with other events such as Sports Ball and Grad Ball. Casper will book the piazza for the event as soon as the date is confirmed. Mulan and the Lion King were suggested for the Big Screening. Iain suggested that we could allow our audience at the Allnighter to vote for which film they’d like to see. Having a poll on the Facebook page was also discussed and favoured by the exec. Once the votes have been cast, the film choice needs to be approved by the exec. Publicity for the Big Screening will be discussed in a later exec meeting by the new exec.

9. IT Update
VNC is not working. We’ve had a few IT problems recently, because there is not enough man power to keep everything running at all times. The IT team is doing the best they can. It is important to note that the IT team also functions to give crew members a chance to learn and develop skills. If we pay someone to build us a website, it would cost a lot of money - Benji’s estimate was £30,000. The IT team is growing, now with 10-15 trainees, in addition to Kieran and Benji.

10. Macbeth Special Screening
On the 14 th of March, we will be showing Macbeth at 7.30pm. There will be an introduction from a guest speaker, who is an academic at this university. This is a special screening, and will only be shown in cinemas for one night across the country. We have been informed to charge a flat rate of £4 for tickets for ALL customers, including crew not staffing the show, members, non-members and external customers. It will be a 50-50 split on takings between ourselves and the company. We will cash takings following the usual procedure, and the SU will facilitate the transfer of half the money to the external company. The BBFC have ranked this film as a 15. We’ll be given marketing and publicity material. We can still show our usual ads and trailer playlist ahead of the film. Todd will speak to the new Films Officers to add this to the schedule.

11. Upcoming Socials
There will be a meal before and after the Allnighter at Xananas. There is a social taking place in week 7, in L3, starting from 6.30pm – head over to find out more! On Wednesday week 8 Richard will be bringing in his Vive for a social. We will be going to Pop! on Wednesday week 9. The location of the end of term meal is to be decided.

The next exec meeting may be in week 9, to be confirmed via an email thread.

13. AOB
i) Richard reminded us to continue to roll up A2s
ii) Iain enquired about being moderator of the Facebook page. If messages are sent to this account, the marketing officer has priority to reply to these messages for the first 24 hours, unless it is a time sensitive query. When responding to these messages, please sign off with your name and exec role for clarity. If you do open a message that comes to this account, please note that the message appears as ‘Read’.
iii) There are a lot of obstacles in the path to reach the printer in the projection room. This needs to be cleared up. The position of the printer was discussed, as the projector closest to the printer is being disturbed when people attempt to access the printer. We may move the printer to a more accessible position that is out of the way of the projectors.
iv) The position of the hoover, Henry, was also discussed. It may be placed under a desk in the office, once that space has been cleared up.
v) Caleb suggested that there be a cap on how often exec members can make purchases of under £50 without exec approval.
vi) Caleb congratulated the new exec members on successfully being elected.
vii) We will be needing a new digital projector lamp soon – keep an eye out on an email.
viii) Benji suggested that we give the marketing team a budget of some sorts to help promote our screenings and events. This will be discussed with the new marketing officer
ix) Please publicise the Allnighter using social media.
x) We have almost run out of IPA. Andy has put together an order for this, and the total comes to £74.56. This should last us for years. This was unanimously approved by the exec.
xi) Todd suggested that the External Relations monthly report could be replaced with a verbal report of the work that has been done, this will be shared with rest of the exec during exec meetings. A written termly report will be provided. This does not require a constitutional change, as exec meetings are more frequent than monthly, and verbal reports will be recorded in meeting minutes.
xii) A few exec meetings ago it was suggested that we could get a FilmSoc phone, which we could have Snapchat, Instagram and other such social media. This could be useful for the external relations officer, as well as the marketing officer. Alex Pointon suggested that we could have a university number instead, calls to which can be forwarded to different devices. Different phone numbers will be allocated for different queries.
xiii) Iain suggested that we could give our audience a survey, in place of publicity that is handed on the door. This could be attempted as and when required. This could be useful for obtaining feedback from our audience.
xiv) Alex Pointon will be the safety officer.
xv) Our Instagram account hasn’t been active this calendar year, but Matt Davies, the new marketing officer will look into doing more with this account.
xvi) Reece nominated Ashley Davey for Lifetime crew, which was unanimously approved by the exec. This will take effect once he has graduated, he will be informed of this.

Meeting ended at: 17:43

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