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DM Meeting @ 2017-12-04 17:10:00

Monday 4th December 2017

Meeting commenced 17:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Caleb, Alex, Matt, Anjana, Richard, Chris, Iain, Antoinette, Jamie
In attendance: Kieran Hall, Ashley Davey
Apologies: Mike Joy, Casper, Justin

CDM welcomed those present and distributed Christmas crackers, homemade sweets, mince pies, chocolate coins and pretzel snacks

Christmas hats from the crackers were worn by all

2. Rotas:

Week 10:
• Monday 4th 7:30pm - Rough Night- Caleb
• Tuesday 5th 7:30pm - The Nightmare Before Christmas- Richard
• All filled

3. Term Review
Moana was the most well attended show over its 3 screenings
The busiest single show was It with 202 people
The quietest single show was Battleship Potemkin with 10 people
3093 tickets were sold so far this year, 1103 of them non-members; push memberships next year!

4. CDM’s Thanks
The CDM would like to thank the ongoing efforts of the FoH team in delivering excellent customer satisfaction.
Personal thank yous and certificates were given to:
• Iain Walker for having DMd the most shows this term (16)
• Ashley Davey for stewarding the most films this term (23)
• Matt Williams for confiscating the most apple juice

5. AOBs:
i. The loyalty card stamp has been found!
ii. CDM presented a revised edition of the Idiots guide to Account for Eating at Warwick. Further changes were discussed such as moving spare change nearer bottom, “are your figures actually correct” nearer the top. The “If still till difference” needs mention of leaving a comment on the treasures return. Including DM override checks was discussed.
iii. The former publicity officer asked the DM team to pre-emptively prepare themselves for rolling A2s in the new year. Practice can be had in rolling current publicity, taking it to the nearest screening of Star Wars and using it for lightsabre duels.
iv. Richard, reading from his Christmas cracker, asked “Which 19th century prime minister gave his name to a type of tea?”- The answer, Earl Grey
v. Richard wished (as both a demand and a hope) a merry Christmas to everyone
vi. The Chief Projectionist thanked FoH (on behalf of the projectionists and themselves) for our “fastidious attention to detail and selfless service and self-sacrifice in the name of streamlining the experience at the tills. It is expected that a good Christmas will be had by all”
vii. All till printers have had their USB cables fixed. Please avoid crushing them in the flight cases

Meeting concluded 17:55

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