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DM Meeting @ 2017-10-23 17:10:00

Monday 23rd October 2017

Meeting commenced 17:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Caleb, Iain, Richard, Anjana, Justin, Matt, Mike Joy, Alex
In attendance; Lakshmi, Kieran
Apologies: Casper, Chris

CDM welcomed those present and distributed Aldi chocolate chip cookies.

2. Rotas:

Week 4:
All Good
Week 5:
• Tuesday 31st 7:30pm - It Comes at Night- Matt
• Thursday 2nd 7:30pm – Interstellar- Justin
• Saturday 4th 9:30pm - Spider-Man: Homecoming - Alex maybe

3. Cashing Up:
Deactivation has returned.
Need to separately note the POS ID of the EaW till if it was used to sell memberships/socs fed. This will be evident on the POS report as ‘cheque’ payments, from which the ID can be obtained.
If it is a double, the early DM will have to make note of the early EaW total, which the late DM will then have to manually add to their deactivation of the late. This should be standard practice of leaving a written record of all figures for the late DM anyway.
The membership/socs fed boxes still get filled in manually, and won’t be affected by any EaW totals- so if a membership was sold on EaW it will go in both the MSL EaW section and the right hand membership section. It is designed not to double count.
Please don’t submit a half filled out banking form accidentally as things will break. ESPECIALLY on an early

4. AOBs:
i. Please tell stewards not to spam the buttons if it’s being slow, as this has led to the transaction going through multiple times and resulting in till differences.
ii. An update to the idiots guide was suggested, to look into multiple occurrences of transactions, but code is being written to prevent such events
iii. Ticket transaction IDs now have an E or a C. E means it was sold via eating at Warwick, and we can give NO cash refund. C means cash (or actual paper cheque) and we would be able to refund if necessary. If there is an eating at Warwick printing mishap, we can ‘refund’ the ticket so the database clears it, but there can be no exchange of money. The letter is not entered when refunding. Any customer seeking a refund for legitmate reasons having purchased an EaW ticket will have to send their ticket to SUHQ
iv. Separate boxes for 10p/5p and 2p/1p boxes were discussed as changes to the banking form
v. Please ensure that new stewards are sitting at the sides where we tell them too, and not in the audience
vi. There are treasurer’s tray returns waiting to be signed in the treasurer’s tray
vii. Lakshmi encouraged those present to come to socials, especially POP! this Wednesday with a meal in bar fusion at 7pm, and circling starting at 8pm
viii. There will be a social to see the Kenilworth fireworks on Saturday week 5
ix. If new stewards show up, Lakshmi asks that the DMs tell them to join the crew Facebook page
x. The printer on the master till failed. A spare is being used as a temporary replacement. The broken one is currently living in the DM cupboard
xi. Shorter USB cables have been ordered to prevent jamming in the flight cases
xii. The former publicity officer requested the rolling of A2s in their “war of attrition against un-rolled A2s”
xiii. A vote of the FoH committee was held to determine standard procedure for the placing of the restricted items/no photography posters. The vote went as follows; 5 for posters on one door, 2 for one on each door, 1 abstain. In the face of democracy, the CDM decided the matter should be subject to DM discretion
xiv. After 30th October we will no longer accept old £1 coins
xv. It was noted that the till labelled “Black” has a white background, not black. Alex wanted to be put on record as saying the system is “stupid and awful”
xvi. Please can till case lids be placed in the trolley during a show, and not left by the sofa. This will prevent an untidy appearance, as well as discourage people sitting on them and causing damage
xvii. A question of consistency was raised on giving out loyalty stamps. When the member’s free ticket is used, a stamp is issued (as this evidences the fact membership was purchased). The act of exchanging money constitutes a stamp in relation to ticket sales, but not membership sales. For example, on a Free For Members screening, if someone bought their membership at the tills (an exchange of money) some would give them a stamp. They would then get their screening specific free ticket, leaving the members free for another show where another steward may give them a stamp (as they have the member’s free ticket, indicating a purchase of membership) despite already having received a stamp for just such a thing. Thus the policy is to stamp when the person collects their member’s free ticket, or if a ticket was purchased, for matters of consistency deemed important to some

5*. Eating at Warwick demonstration:
*Following the meeting a demonstration of the new eating at Warwick machine was given. The process is outlined below;
a. Insert card
b. Press cancel (This prevents the last sale being stored and re-enacted on a new card)
c. Enter the amount in pence (e.g. for £3.50, enter 350, for £19, 19(00), for 10 pence, 10 etc.)
d. Press enter
e. Press Card to confirm the displayed amount
f. Press Card again

Please note that the eating at Warwick payment should be taken before selecting the eating at Warwick prompt after submitting the ticket. i.e amend the usual process as follows;
a. Ask for their card
b. Scan card
c. Select relevant tickets
d. Submit
e. Ask how they would like to pay
f. If cash, select cash and proceed as per usual
g. If EaW, BEFORE pressing ‘eating at Warwick’, follow the steps as outlined above
h. Select the ‘Eating at Warwick’ option from the cash/EaW prompt
i. Give them the printed ticket

Meeting concluded 17:45

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